The Shieldmaiden and the Monk

It is a story night at the monastery of St Patrick. Colm is up late working hard copying manuscripts. Cold wind comes in through the window. He shivers and rubs himself to keep warm. He looks outside and sees the river.

It was a scary night but he felt safe. Growing up in a coastal village teach Colm to fear the sea. Its storms sank boats and Colm witness many fishermen sent to watery graves. Storms from the sea also could destroy homes too close to the shore. And worst of all there were the Northmen. Terrible heathen raiders who took to the high sea to raid, pillage and enslave Christians across Europe.

St Patrick’s was miles inland and the Vikings would have to sail down the river.

Colm’s eyes were beginning to sag and his head felt heavy from all the writing. He was beginning to fall asleep. Before he fell asleep, he noticed something. It looked like a ship was sailing down the river.

“No, it can’t be?” Colm looks towards the shadowy figure outside the window. It couldn’t actually be a Viking raiding ship. Their ships couldn’t go this far inland.

The shadowy ship appears to stop.

“Please be nothing. Please be nothing” Colm prays.

The ship only becomes more visible. Large shadows descend from the ship. Colm runs to awaken the abbot.

He bashes the on the door of the abbot’s room.

“Abbott Patrick! Come quickly!” The door opens the abbot face is wrinkled and his eyes puff. His eyes are filled with fear.

“I believe I know what this is.”

Before Colm can even say it.

“The Northmen are coming.” The abbot finishes.

He goes into his room and scrambles around to find his keys.

SMASH! Colm can hear the sound of doors being tore in half by the monstrous Norse raiders. Their war cries fill the halls. Colm notices that some of the war cries are not men but women. Before Abbot Patrick finds the key large burly man shoves Colm to the floor and enters the room. Colm lands on his back knocking the wind out of him. He hears the sounds of Abbot Patrick screaming and then a loud thud and groan.

Colm struggles to catch his breath and get up. He staggers towards the office to see what happened to the abbot. The elder monk frail head has streams of blood running down his tonsure. The hulking Viking stars down Colm the young and unarmed monk. Colm gets down on his knees to pray. The brute laughs at him and Colm is struck from behind and knocked unconscious.

Colm is awakened by the loud squawking of seagulls. His eyes feel heavy and slowly open. He looks around and tries to move his body. His hands are bound and he is lying side by side other monks from his monastery. Colm is on a longship being taken away to some unknown location. He looks up and sees one of his captors.

It is a woman. A woman with blond and brained hair. A strong jawline that is sharp as an axe. She wears leather armor, furs and a cloak. She sharpens her sword while she guards the monks.

Colm tries to get up and look around. The shieldmaiden puts her foot down on Colm forcing him back down. The boat rocks on the waves making Colm feel very sick. Colm remains strong and keeps the puck in. However, the other monks weren’t as strong. Two monks’ vomit in the boat. This makes the captain furious. He grabs the two monks and throws them overboard. Colm shifts in terror. The Captain glares at him. His eyes red like blood and fire. He raises his ax as if to strike. Before he can swing the shieldmaiden stands in front of him with her sword drawn.

“Calm yourself Ragnar. Or your ugly head will roll on the deck. The captain’s rage turns to fear and stands down like a dog that had just been scolded.

A short while later they reach port. The longboat docks and Colm and the other monks are unloaded from the ship. The Vikings also take the monastery treasure with them. Crowds assemble by the docks and cheer the returning raiders.

Colm looks around. He has no idea whereThey are however, he is terrified to speak out of fear of suffering like the two monks.

The crowds part and allow the returning Norse raiders to make their way to the longhouse. The long house is a large wooden building. The doors open and Colm is hit by a wave of strong smells. The smell of smoked meat over roaring fires. Colm and the other captives are escorted into the dimly lit longhouse.

The Norse bring in the looped treasure. Colm sees the Jarl. A muscle and aged man. He has gray hair and is covered in furs. He takes his share of the loop which included a tenth of the treasure plus one of the monks as a slave. The raiders than take their shares. Colm is taken by the shieldmaiden. She loads him up with her share of the pillaged gold and he follows her. She leads him with a rope around his neck. He can’t run away without Rising strangulation. Colm stays close behind her. He follows her outside the settlement limits to a little hovel.

She points to it. “This isYour new home thrall.” Colm nods obediently.

The shieldmaiden opens the door to a cellar and lights a torch. She gives Colm his next order.

“Put the treasure in there then join me in the house.”

Colm obeys making sure the treasure is safety placed in one the chests downstairs.

He goes into the hovel to join his mistress. Colm enters the hovel. There he sees a bed which belongs to his mistress. A fireplace and chair beside it. In the chair sits his mistress and she is wearing a heavily woolen robe. Her armor and weapons are in the corner of the room by the fireplace.

Colm looks to his mistress. She is a tall woman who stands above the skinny, young and small monk. Colm smiles meekly and bows his head to his mistress. He gets out of the chair and slowly walks over to him.

Her hand grabs Colm by his throat forcing him to look up at her.

“On your knees Thrall.” She commands

Colm falls to his knees immediately. He looks up at his tall mistress. She still has his neck in the tight grip of her left hand. With her right hand she parts her robe. Revealing bare breasts.

Colm shuts his eyes and tries to look away.

No please. Do not tempt me into sinning. Colm’s mind goes on lock down.

SMACK! Colm’s face is struck by his mistress’s strong right hand. Knocking him right out of his mental lock down.

“Look at me boy.” Colm keeps his eyes shut in spite of his mistress’s command.


“Thrall boy you better abandon your old morality. Or you will be in for a world of pain.”

Colm’s eyes and face ache from the two slaps and his eyes struggling to stay shut.

SMACK! The third strike does the trick and Colm opens his eyes. His face burns hot from the slapping.

He looks at his mistress. She holds his head in place as he is forced to gaze at her exposed breasts. Her breasts are the only ones Colm has ever seen. They were round and a big yet no excessively large size.

Colm boils withexcitement and shame. His mind races with sinful thoughts. Thoughts he was taught to always express with prayer. Yet here he was helpless at the mercy of this strong Viking woman. There was no way the abbot or any of the saints could save his purity now.

“You like what you see boy?”

Colm nods sheepish and embarrassed.

“Good.” His mistress says without smiling. She lets go of Colm. He looks up at his mistress.

She raises her right leg up atop her bed and pulls apart more of her robe. The Shieldmaiden’s exposes her sex to Colm. Colm’s mouth hangs open. He had never seen such a thing before in his life. It looked like a pair of lips but was horizontal. Above her sex with as a massive bush of blonde hair. Colm sweats profusely and his eyes water.

His mistress grabs him by the back of his head and shoves his face into her crotch. Colm’s nose in between the lips between her legs. The shieldmaiden still holding on to Colm’s head rubs his face up and down. Her pubic hair gets in Colm’s eyes and mouth.

Colm holds his breathe. He can’t breathe. His face goes red and his chest strains from the lack of air. His mistress moans as Colm’s face is rubbed into her groin.

Catch your breathe boy and get up again.” She commands.

Colm gasps for air and gets back onto his knees.

“Now get back in there. This time use your tongue.”

Colm sticks out his tongue and licks his mistress’s clip and vulva. He carefully and fearfully pleasures his mistress until she begins to moan.

“Keep going boy.” Colm doesn’t dare disobey her. He may be risking the wrath of God but right now he fears his heathen mistress over his lord on high.

After about a long half an hour of pleasing his mistress Colm begins to tire. His tongue is numb and covered in his mistress’s juices and hair.

He so badly wants to spit but doesn’t want to risk his heathen mistress’s wrath by spiting on her floor.

“Stop boy.” The shieldmaiden finally gives her thrall boy permission to stop. Colm stops panting heavily and his mouth filter from having his face in his mistress’s groin.

She notices the hair in his mouth. “Swallow.” She says smiling devilishly.

Colm obeys. Swallowing the wet pubic hair in his mouth. It tastes disgusting and making Colm gag and causes his throat to itch.

“Good boy.” Mistress says. She grabs Colm and tears off his monk habit with her bare hands. Colm falls to the floor wearing only the Braies under his habit.

Colm feels terror but also excitement as his mistress stands above him. She removes her robe and throws it to the side. She towers over him and begins stroking her hands up and down her body.

Colm feels a massive bulge form in his nether regions. His mistress notices the hidden erection and bends down pulls down Colm’s trousers and his cock springs out and is visible.

God forever me. Colm gulps as his Mistress gets into position. She licks her fingers and rubs her clip. Then she takes Colm’s cock in her hand and spits on it. She pleasures Colm’s cock.

It feels so good but Colm fears damnation for not resisting or fear for the consequences of disobeying his mistress.

Colm lurches and tries to back away.

Mistress pounds and pins Colm in place.

“I’m going to enjoy this.” The Shieldmaiden grins.

She knees on Colm arms and shoves her cunt in his face. Colm kicks and squirs but can’t move away. His mistress grabs his faces and rubs it into her groin. She moans in pleasure.

“Now we must finish this.”

The Shieldmaiden grabs some rope and times Colm hands together. She positions herself above Bram’s cock. Colm’s heart races and before he can say anything his mistress’s mighty hand covers his mouth.

“It’s time to make a man out of you monk.”

With her other hand the shieldmaiden guides the young monk’s cock into her vagina.

Colm yells into his mistress’s hand. He struggles but isn’t strong enough to resist. The shieldmaiden rides on her slave’s cock.

“Keep resisting soft-gut!” Colm’s mistress mocks him. “I’m more woman than you can handle.”

Colm is powerless to overthrow his mistress. The helpless slave just lies and lets his mistress use him. The shieldmaiden bounces up and down on Colm hammering him into the ground. She leans in close to her slave boy’s face. Her hard and powerful abs press against Colm’s skinny body.

The shieldmaiden then stars eye to eye with Colm. Colm pants frantically as his mistress stars a hole through his eyes. His mistress then forcedly kisses her slave boy. She uses her lips to force open his mouth and run her tongue down his mouth. Her tongue wrestles with Colm’s and pins his tongue down.

Colm’s heart races and he struggles. The more he struggles the stronger his mistress gets. Colm is exhausting all the willpower left in him. There is nothing any high power can do to recusefrom the strength of his mistress and the lust inside himself.

“Mmmph.” He tries to speak with his mistress’s tongue silencing him.

She pulls back from her kissing.

“What did you say slave?”

Colm accepts his fate and give into his mistress and his lust.

“Mistress. I…. submit myself fully to you.”

She smiles “Good boy. Now let us rid you of your Chastity.”

The shieldmaiden rides Colm until his finally climax. She gets off him right before he comes causing his seed to spill upon the ground.

It is a great sin to spill one’s seed upon the ground like Onan.

However, Colm doesn’t care. He stars up the ceiling. His stramach is filled with butterflies and all his limbs are tingling. Colm is exhausted while his mistress stands over him. She puts her foot upon his chest.

“To whom does this belong to?” She points at Colm.

“This belongs to you Mistress.” Colm answers. “This exists solely to please you.”

She nods and smiles.”Good.” She takes her foot off of him.

“Now clean up your mess.” Colm the floor and himself. His mistress gets dressed and took a seat. She is fully clothed except for her feet which are bare.

He knees before his mistress naked. He worships the feet of his new goddess.

“Hail mistress best among all women are you.” He kisses and messages her feet.

“Thank you for riding me of my chatity. I shell now serve you fully in both body and spirit.”

The shieldmaiden smiles upon her good slave boy.


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