The Shedding – Part 4 – slave girl sara
We met Sir on the patio and Miss went to make us all a drink.
He slide his shorts down, adjusted his balls and gave his cock a rub.
“Emma, latch on, suck my cock.”
“Yes Sir.”
“I have a present just for you.”
“Oh thank you Sir.”
“Sir, do i rub you, lick you then suck you Sir?”
“Yes sweetheart, and when i have had you broken i will fuck you too.”
I began to rub him, he grew like magic and i really needed two hands, Miss showed me a trick with my spare hand.
I then licked him from top to bottom, then bottom to top then licked around his cum hole.
I just remembered his balls wanted squeeze and was maybe a little too eager.
“Ouch, lift your head and keep it dead still.”
I keep rubbing as i lifted my head for Sir.
Sir pushed his cock in my mouth and i gaged again.
“A warning for you, a caning if it happens again.”
He cum in my mouth and i swallowed as much as i could, the rest fall on the patio.
“Lick it up slave.”
He called me slave, maybe that is what i have become.
“Please Sir i cannot lick anymore, i am full.”
“Three choices slave, lick it all up, take a caning, be locked in a box overnight.”
I carried on licking.
“Good girl, from now on Choose your words very carefully.”
“Yes Sir.”
Miss brought our drinks.
“You will not have a specified bed time but will go when I send you. You will receive a bedtime spanking every evening looking for forgiveness to our Lord for your days misdemeanours. After breakfast every morning you will receive the tops of your legs slapped to give you focus for the day.
When you are broken, and we have an overnight male guest you will be his bedwarmer. Any questions?”
“Please Sir, what will i have broken?”
“Have you heard of virginity?”
“Yes Sir, Matron explained a few weeks ago.”
“Good, tomorrow morning i have a friends son coming over to take yours and break you. He will stay until the day after fucking your holes and you sucking his cock, understanding?”
“I understand Sir.”
“I have to pop into work a few hours so behave, and do not give Miss any excuse to spank or strap you, if she does i will can you when i get home.”
“I swear i will be a good girl Sir.”
Sir left and Miss knelt me before her.
“Tongue out and lick my pussy lips.”
I did as i was told then she opened her own lips with her fingers.
“If asked Emma, this is how you spread if instructed to. Now stick your tongue in and out and nibble my button then lick the reward, then we will shake your pussy.”
Somehow i managed to make her cum and licked her even mor and she cum even more.
“Well done, i like that doing three or four times a day. Now sit on this chair with your legs over the arms, lets lose that tuft. I will use an electric razor first, thena bath and razor.
Miss used her razor and cut most of it off onto the patio.
When she was done, she showed me where she kept a small brush and shovel and i swept all my blond curls up.
I was bathed, worn, and dried and then Miss rubbed lots of cream all over where she had shavved me, i loved it and when i rubbed over it it felt good.
Sir arrived back home, and we had tea, i mean dinner, as Sir and Miss call it.
We sat and relaxed in lovely leather armschairs.
“That will be your chair Emma, if you are to be punished in here it is the right arm you will go over, bottom as high as you can get it.”
“Thank you Sir.”
“You may take Emma upstairs, let her choose one of your night dress, have her pee, wash and teeth then spank her and put her to bed.
Tomorrow Emma, i have a young man coming to spend the day with you and break you in both holes.”
“Thank you Sir.”
I had not got a clue what he meant but was so grateful full for his thought and concern.
I chose a gorgeous pink nightdress i was borrowing off Miss.
Miss watched me pee and wiped me with soft paper.
I chose a pink toothbrush and cleaned my teeth and washed.
Miss was sitting on cream chair and i stood by her side.
“Bedtime spankings are never a punishment and are given for your own good, do you understand?”
“I think so Miss.”
She helped me over her knee. and she gave me a quick all over my bottom smacking and knelt me in front of her.
She opened her legs and pushed my head right into her pussy lips.
“Eat well little Emma, it is all for you.”
Miss was soon groaning with pleasure and giving me her juices.
“Good girl, now hop into bed and not a peep out of you till you are called in the morning.”
“Please may i say my prayers first Miss.”
She nodded so i went through my prayer list and now added Sir and Miss, Amen.
I lay awake a while and heard Sir and Miss come upstairs to bed, then i heard Miss being spanked, sounded a lot harder than she spanked me.
Why was i playing with my new found button, not sure but it felt nice.
Miss was moaning like she was when i licked her on the patio and so was i now, it was lovely.
“Emma, Emma, in here now.”
I rushed to their bedroom and knocked.
“Come in and lose the nighty.”
“Thank you and good morning Sir and Miss.”
“From tomorrow your bedside clock will wake you at 6.25, you will go pee, then quietly creep into our bedroom and get under the duvet from the bottom and creep up the bed, do it now.”
They both slept naked as i used to at the Academy, Sir pulled back the top of the covers back.
“You will get a hold of my cock with your left hand, he put my hand on his cock, and wank and suck me hard. With your right hand het Miss really wet by fingering and playing with her button.”
I did this and it gave me a thrill too.
“When i get over Miss guide my cock into Miss`s pussy. Then stand in that corner until called, just this once you may face us instead of the corner.”
“Thank you Sir.”
I guided him over and Miss and his cock disappeared into her. I got off the bed and watched his naked bottom bobbing up and down, faster and faster and Miss was pushing up in rhythm.
She moaned and Sir grunted, and they slowed to a stop.
He got off and laid a while.
“Shower me Emma.”
I followed him in and washed him all over, he pushed me to my knees and i folded my arms behind my back and lean towards him with my tongue out and i sucked him in, a little deeper than yesterday.
When he was shown, he told me to stay heath as Miss was coming in, i did exactly the same with Miss, i could even taste Sir`s presence.
We all had breakfast and i loaded the dishwasher like i did last evening.
“Eve, stool.”
Miss took a small stool out of cupboard and placed it by a wall.
Sir raised his left foot onto it whilst Miss removed her dress and knickers and lent over.
“This will be your ten second slapping Emma, why?”
“To give a girl focus for the day Sir.”
“Does ten second seem too short Emma?”
“Forgive me Sir, i do not know.”
“Well done Emma for being honest, now, count the slaps Eve gets in only ten seconds.”
“Yes Sir.”
I have never heard a machine gun firing in real life, but this must be very close.
Eve never made a sound. and the tops of her gorgeous legs went from white to scarlet
in ten seconds.
“How many Emma?”
“Thirty-three Sir.”
“Good girl, your turn.”
“Owww owwww owww owww owww owww owww.”
“Kneel girls.”
Again me shared, Miss sucked his cock down her throat, and i sucked his balls.
Miss had told me how to before. Miss got all his reward.
We sat on the patio and the house doorbell rang.
“Come in Phil, this is Emma.”
“Pleased to meet you Sir.”
“Listen and learn Emma,Phil has broken many a virgin.”
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