The Shedding Pt. 01

The Shedding – Part 1 -slave girl sara

The first of June was a memorable day for all connected with Power Grange House.

Power Grange House had the grand title of Young Persons Academy or in layman’s terms, a Young Persons Institution, where unwanted young people end up.

The old Victorian building stands on the headland of Shipwreck cove, a private beach only accessible from the house.

Whilst we were never allowed to go down on our own, we were often taken down by the Masters and allowed to skinny dip. They then dried us to make sure we did not get chaffed.

You had to do exactly as you were told or the sound of slapped bottoms echoed around the cove.

I would never call it cruel, but if you excelled in anything, no fuss was made, but it went on your record.

If you were good no harm with come to you but if you made even the slightest mistake or were really naughty, an example would be made of you.

Was it for the gratification of the punisher or to teach a person the difference between right and wrong or a warning to others?

All children had a different story to tell on how they got into this charitable home.

Some left on the doorstep, some sent after a death in the family, some too naughty to be allowed out with nice children.

One thing in the ethos of the home was, no mind games ever. There was a line drawn in the sand, not a theatrical line, oh no, a go – no go line, cross it and you are in trouble always usually big trouble.

No slapses on the wrist to keep you in check, oh no, it was hand, strap, hairbrush and cane, not them all but you get the idea.

Different ages decreased different instruments dependant on the crime, which is why the hand is in the list of punishment implements.

Some Master`s really had the welfare of the inmates at heart, If you had made a slight error of judgement, they would call you to their office and give you the chance to apologise and swear it would neverhappen again.

It happened to me just before i went for Shedding.

Mr. Pearson called me to his office just after lunch.

“Now then Ema Blake, why are you here?”

“You wanted me Sir.”

“Less of the sarcasm please.”

“Sorry Sir, i meant i have no idea why, i thought it was because you wanted me?”

“It has been reported to me that you took two pudding spoons at lunch time, so someone did not have one.”

“No Sir not me i swear.”

I know it was not me, i do not like rice pudding so never had a pudding

“So i am lying am i, perhaps this report needs to be taken to a higher level?”

He reached behind his chair and knocked the leather strap he kept on a hook, next to his cane.

“I am so sorry Sir it must have been an error, and it will not happen again i promise, please do not beat me.”

I got on my knees and pleased.

“I believe it was an error, i think we should put this episode to bed, here and now, get off your knees girl.”

“Thank you Sir.”

“Now come here, let me undress you for a spanking.”

I walked towards him, and he undid every button on my dress.

“It is a fine pair of breasts you carry their Miss Blake.”

I blushed and lowered my head.

“Thank you Sir.”

He squeezed and juggled them.

“Have they ever been interfered with?”

“Pardon Sir.”

He slapped them both.

“Wake up girl, has anyone else ever touched them?”

“Sorry Sir, yes Sir.”


“Matron if i am ill Sir she has goose grease she rubs on and at my yearly examination Sir.”

He played a little longer with them, i did not mind, at least i was being useful in some way.

“And where pray tell are your knickers, Miss Blake?”

“It is Tuesday Sir, so being washed.”

“Yes quite, quite a bush you have going on down there, can you pee ok.”

“Yes Sir.”

He removed my dress, went to his desk draw and took out a pair of scissors.

“Sit on theend of my desk i will trim this forest, it is unhealthy, a few more spanks earned for your carelessness.”

“Yes Sir, thank you Sir.”

He got an envelope out of his paper file on his desk.

“Now hold this under your legs, i do not want your waste on my floor.”

He lent me forward.

“That is it my little girl, let us see your free breasts sway.”

He began to trim back my bush, then, a finger between my lips.

“Now keep still a delicious bit, we do not want to cut your button off, do we?”

“No Sir.”

I wondered what button, then he licked his fingers, i do hope he never cut himself helping me!

“All done, now punishment time, give me the envelope to throw away then hands on head, elbows back, further, arch your back, titties out, perfect.”

He closed the envelope and put it in his drawer with the scissors and began to write something.

“Just making a note on your record of what is happening. Pull that chair over.”

He sat onthe chair and patted his knee, so i sat on his knee, hands still on my head. He bit my nipple so i pulled back and got a slap on my bottom.

“Lean towards me, we do not want your right nipple to get jealous, do we?”

“No Sir.”

“Then, politely ask me.”

“Please Sir, please, please bite my right nipple.”

Although it hurt like the devil i got a strange feeling where he said my button was.

“Next time you are here, when i pat my knee, it is for you to bend over them, legs as wide as you can get them.”

“Yes Sir.”

I get it, legs wide give Sir a bigger area to spank. I do hope it does not hurt.

Over i went and my legs were wide apart.

“Let me make sure they will not go any wider.”

He pushed his fist or maybe his fingers right up between my legs, i jumped a little again and got another spank.

“You have a magnificent tight gap Miss, one all the boys will want to see.”

Recent, he had me wondering, they would never see itfor my dress.

Spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, sorrrryyy Siiirrrrr

Spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank.

Spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank.

He stopped and rubbed my bottom and accidentally between my legs.

He stood me up and sat me on his knee, my nipples were fair play again as i cried and he nibbled and bit.

“I hope that was a lesson for you, to make sure you have learnt it, back her the same time next week.”

When i was down to a sob i answered.

“Yes Sir, thank you for your time and patience.”

Now, leave your dress off, be proud of your red bottom, go and see matron, tell her Mr. Person has unfortunately had to spank you and could she put some magic cream on.”

Off i went and stood outside Matrons office until called in.

He hugged me into her huge breasts and i cried.

“Let me help comfort you.”

She sat on her slotee and undid her blouse and perked her nipple double the size.

“Now little one sit here and suck on that.”

I could hear her heartbeat and i am sure some milk came out.

I had my bottom creamed and told to go see her again after breakfast the day after.

My inception into the hall was ten years ago, when i was eight.

My childhood was not easy particularly with my parent`s rocky relationship, they split up and each took a son each, my elder brothers but neither wanted me so my aunt brought me here.

I have made lots of friends over the years, girls not boys.

The rule was boys in one building and girls in the other.

Some of the older girls who went with the boys were always caught and punished naked on the stage after our evening meal, it was never a pleasant watch and must have been horrendous for the recipients, both boys and girls.

On the stage first of all the culprits were spanked at length by the Masters.


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