The Sexy Domme Next Door Ch. 02

“Rickiee, you may get dressed and go home. I no longer need you today.” Mistress Rebecca said in a serious tone.

“Is there something I did wrong, Mistress? I asked.

“No Rickiee, I am through with you today. You will return at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday morning.”

I looked at Mistress Rebecca. I was wondering why Saturday. I was about to ask …

“You will return with all of your lingerie items that need to be washed. You will wash them, separately … but at the same time, as mine. You will do all my laundry and fold them and care for all of my belongings with love. When you finish that, you will clean my house. That will all happen every Saturday, starting at 7:00 a.m. You understand, Rickiee?”

She continued. “If I choose to need you during the week, I will call you and you will immediately stop whatever you are doing and respond to my demand. Whatever it might be, whenever it might be. If you violent that, you will be dropped and never see me again. UNDERSTOOD?” she said firmly.

“Yes Mistress”

I dressed quickly and left. I did not see or hear her at all.

Saturday morning came and I gathered my panties and other silenty items, put them in a bag … and ran next door. There was a sign on the door … it said:

“Rickiee let yourself in. You are to undress completely and then come immediately into the kitchen. Undress means, completely undress … no item of clothing to be on your body.”

I quickly undressed and carried my bag of laundry into the kitchen. As I entered, I was shocked by what was before me. Sitting at the table, was a girl … I know her name to be Carissa. She works as a checkout clerk at the supermarket that I use. She is a young, cute girl who I think is very sexy and cute. I always try to get into her line when I am shopping. I immediately took the bag of laundry and held it in front of my cock, which had hardened because of the note on the door and what was to come. I had no idea anything like thats would be before me.

“Rickiee, this is Carissa. I know you know who she is, because I also know that you always go into her line at the supermarket. It’s funny … she knows it; everyone at the store knows it. You think you can do things that you do without anyone noticing your ways. Well, you can’t … rickiee” Mistress Rebecca giggled.

Carissa just sat There with a smile on her face … looking at me.

“Carissa has been coming to me for several months. She is the first one to tell me you wore panties and pads … she noticed the outlines. You always tried to flirt with her, so she alerted me about you. Figuring that you might be a good candidate for me. She was so right, wasn’t she, rickiee? This has been in the works for a good six months. After Carissa alerted me about you … I followed you for a long time … watching you in the store … watching your habits. I knew you would fit great into our plan.”

Our plan … what did she mean by that, I wondered tomyself.

Carissa was dressed in her usual attire. She had on a tight pair of jeans with rips in the knee and a tank top. Her breasts are small but I did notice her hard nipples poking at the fabric. She had on a pair of sneakers with no socks. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she had her usual makeup on, which was always very alluring to me. She had on bright red lipstick, which I never noticed on her before.

She had a killer body. She was a bit short, but she was gorgeous. She had small slim hips, barely any breasts … a very pretty face. Her legs were thin. I have a thing for thin, young girls. She matched my desires perfectly. (Maybe it’s because I am also attracted to transvestites. I like a woman without womenly features. I don’t know.) She always had perfume on, and Always got excited at the supermarket when I saw her and smelled her. I was always very turned on by her, but she was so many years younger than me …

I found out her full name, one day.I went online to the court system website and found that she had had a few arrests for underage drinking, harassment and other similar type of “problem child” violations. I knew she had a kid and never married the father, which I overheard in conversations she had when I was a customer at the store. In short, she was a kid with problems growing up, a real attitude and was struggling to survive, financially. I also learned from the website, that she had just turned 21 in August … two weeks ago.

“Ok, rickiee … let’s get your panties and lingerie in a wash container and mine in another one. Fine lingerie must be washed by hand. Carissa will teach you how to wash them properly and hang them up. Then she will teach you how to properly fold them and put them in the proper places. But for now, you will undress her and carefully dress her in her Domme’s uniform. She will instruct you how to properly dress as well.”

I separated the panties and other lingerie into two separate wash bins. Carissa approached me. She ran her fingernail down the center of my back and touched the crack between my ass cheats. With her other hand, she took hold of my cock and gave it a gentle squeeze. As she squeezed my cock, her fingers on her other hand played with my anus … I felt a fingertip gently enter it. I could smell her perfume. I felt my cock pulsate in her gentle hand. She gave it another squeeze in response to the swelling. “Mistress Rebecca, I can tell that rickiee is enjoying my presence.” Carissa said in a gentle voice.

“I am sure he is, Carissa … you must be careful to not provide him too much pleasure. Rickiee, you must never cum without permission from me or … Miss Carissa. Let’s refer to her as Miss Carissa. There can be only one Mistress in this house … and that is me. You WILL gives Miss Carissa all the respect that you give me, but she is not your Mistress. Only I am your Mistress. Understood?” Mistress Rebecca sternly reminded me.

“Yes, Misstrain Rebecca … you are my one and only Mistress.” I obediently responded.

“Rickiee, I want you to gently undress me and dress me in the latex outfit that Mistress Rebecca has provided for me to wear. You are not to touch any parts of me that are not necessary in undressing and dressing me. If you do, you will be punished. I know you lust for me. I always feel you undressing me with your eyes at the supermarket. It always made me quite uncomfortable, but Mistress Rebecca explained it all to me after I talked to her about you. I feared that you were a threat, that some night when I left work I would be approached by you. But now I realize you are just a harmless, pathetic pantyboy who dreams about being with someone like me, but could never achieve it.”

There I stood, naked … with my cock twitching. In front of me stood the object of my desires. But now, she and I were not on equal terms, but she was my Domme. I was to abide by her commands and do only as she allows. Myhead was swimming with erotic thoughts. I felt and smelled her closeness. I saw Mistress Rebecca standing to the side watching Miss Carissa and me. It was cold in the room and my nipples were hard … my feet were cold and my cock was hard. I could feel precum oozing from the tip.

“Rickiee, are you going to stand there and daydream or get to the task at hand?” Miss Carissa said with a weak chuckle in her voice.

I leaned over and began to untie her sneakers. I gently and lovingly removed her sneaker from her foot. Her feet were perfect. Small and shaped perfectly with pretty toes that were painted with red nail poison. I felt that they were slightly sweaty as I removed the sneakers. I untied the other sneaker and removed it the same way. I adored her feet. They were so pretty and so nicely groomed. I wanted to kiss them and lick them.

I reached up and unsnapped the snap on her jeans. My hands were slightly trembling. Here I was, taking the clothes off Carissa … thebeautiful girl that worked at the supermarket. How many times had I fantasized about this? Undressing her … adoring her body. Worshipping her. My hands still trembled. Slowly I eased the zipper down. The space between her tank top and the top of her pants showed her tight, shaped abdomen. Unbelievable that she had given birth. There were no signs that she was ever pregnant.

As I unzippered her pants, her panties came into view. I could feel the heat of her body. The smell of her perfume intooxicated me. She had on a pair of pale pink nylon panties. They appeared to be g-strings. I carefully reached for the waistband of her jeans and started to ease the very tight jeans over her hips and down. My cock was throbbing and leaking. I was so electrically charged with eroticism. My hands were still shaking as the entire front of her panties came into view. I could see the swell of her public hair pushing at the material in the front of her panties. I could see some straight hairs peekingfrom the confines of her adorable panties. I became excited that she wasn’t the type to shake her pussy mound. My hands trembled almost uncontrollable.

I slide the pants completely down her thin legs and took one foot at a time in my hand to guide the pants off. I took her jeans and folded them nicely and put them on the chair next to us. The most grogeous girl in the world was standing before me, and I was undressing her.

“Leave her panties on right now, rickiee.” barked Mistress Rebecca.

“Remove my tank top, now, rickiee.” instructed Miss Carissa.

I stood and reached for the bottom of her top. I slowly raised it up and over her head, being careful not to disturb her tightly pulled hair. She did not wear a bra, and her tiny tits with hard nipples came into view. I could feel my pulse quicken and my hands continued to shake. My head was swimming.

The first thought that came into my mind was … that I wished I could masturbate. Pretty pathetic, huh … hereis a beautiful young girl … the object of my fansies … and I was thinking I wish I could masturbate. I guess that’s because … that all I ever did … masturbated fantasizing about girls.

This magnificently sexy beautiful girl stood before me in sheer panties. I could see the hair of her public shaft beneath the sheer fabric of her panties. The dark brown hair was adorable framed by her sexy little panties.

“Shall we allow rickiee to remove your panties, Carissa? inquired Mistress Rebecca.

“Shall we allow him to see your full beautiful pubic mound? Let him dream about what is beneath it? Carissa, darling … rickiee has a thing for panties and hairy pubic mounds.” Mistress Rebecca said in a demeaning manner.

Miss Carissa giggled.

I reached up and gently grabbed the waistband of her panties. I slowly pulled them down, as the top of her lush public shaft sprung from the top of the panties. I continued to pull the down, as the lips of her pussy let go of the final material of her panties as I slowly slip them down her legs and off her gorgeous feet.

Oh my fucking god. She was even more beautiful than I had ever fantasized about.

“Stand up, rickiee” Miss Carissa ordered.

I stood up. She walked around me and let her hip, accidentally on purpose, brush against mine. She stood behind me and ran her fingertips down my back again. I got goose bumps all over my body. Her fingers trailed into the crack in my ass again and then reached beneath them and fondled my testicles. She reached around and felt my hard cock.

“Mistress Rebecca, he is leaking. Precum is oozing from his disgusting little cock.” she giggled and said loudly to Mistress Rebecca.

“I know, dear. What do you expect from a little girl-boy like rickiee. He wishes he had a pussy. He wears panties and sanitary pads. He is a little worm of a boy, standing with a beautiful girl … who he wishes he could have.” Mistress Rebecca laughed.

“As if hewould ever have a chance with a woman. The only chance he will ever have will be to serve a woman and become a woman. I bet his first thought when he had undressed you … was to masturbate. That’s what boys like rickiee do … they fantasize … watch porn and masturbate.

“Rickiee, how many times did you fantasize about me and masturbate?” inquired Miss Carissa.

I didn’t answer. I turned beet red. She slapped my ass cheeks hard.

“I asked you a question, rickiee. I expect an honest answer.”

“Miss Carissa … uhm … well … uhhh “

“Spit it out, rickiee” she spanked me again.

“Well, an awful lot of times, Miss Carissa. There were many times I soiled my panties, dreaming and fantasizing about you.” I managed to utter.

“Do you want to masturbate now, rickiee?” she asked.

“Yes, Miss Carissa … I surely do.”

“Well that’s too fucking bad … cause I am not going to willingly be some fucking wet dream come for you.” she giggled.

Mistress Rebecca looked on in a very approving manner.

“Now, pick up the latex outfit and start to put it on me, rickiee. And be very careful not to hurt me or pinch my skin when you do.” she ordered.

I picked up the shiny black outfit. It consistent of tight latex shorts with an accompanying latex skirt, a latex top and latex stockings. I didn’t see any shoes or anything else. Carefully I lifted each foot and put them inside the shorts … making sure I didn’t bend her toes. I started to slide the tight garment up. It was very tight and I had to keep moving from side to side … sliding it up her legs and into place. My face was inches from her beautiful public bush as it disappeared out of view and into the tight confines of the latex shorts. When I pulled them in place, the cleft of her pussy lips could be seen as it bulged on both sides of the shorts. I wanted to masturbate so badly. I felt the precum oozing from my cock.

I noticed that the shorts had a zipper that went from the front to the back. It enabled the crotch to be opened in the shorts. I tried to imagine what that would be used for and how it would look. I stood to put the top on and gently pulled it over her head. I must have pulled her hair as I tried to put it on. She knee me in my balls. I doubled over in pain.

“I told you not to hurt me when you dressed me, you stupid idiot. You pulled my hair and that will not be acceptable.” she screamed at me.

“I am so very sorry, Miss Carissa. Please forgive me.”

I got no response. I pulled the top on carefully and over her little breasts. I could see the outline of her hard nipples though it as I pulled it gently into place. It didn’t go far enough down to cover her midriff and it looked so beautiful. Black shiny latex interrupted by white soft taut flesh.

“Hurry up and get my stocking on, you little dripping worm” she ordered.

I slide the latex stockings over her toes and pulled them into place and up her legs. They fit so tightly … and the enhanced the beauty of her sexy legs. Mistress Rebecca brought over a pair of thigh high leather boots for me to put on her. I slid them on, carefully and zipped them into place.

“Get up little pantyboy” barked Miss Carissa.

I stood. Miss Carissa picked up a black latex item. I had never seen anything like it before. She held it up and studied it. It looked like latex panties, but I had a sheath in front with a tube connected to it. She looked inside them and I saw a protruding rubber type thing inside.

Mistress Rebecca started to explain them to Miss Carissa.

“Carissa darling, you slide those panties on to rickiee and fit his cock into that rubber sheath. Before you pull them completely up, you must fit that butt plug into his anus. After you pull the panties into place, you can pump up the butt plug so it stays firmly in place. The butt plug is hollow and the tube that connects the penis sheath is connected to the butt plug. He can piss into his own bowels with it, which I am sure he will do … willingly or not … before we are done with him.

Miss Carissa squealed with delight. “He can piss into his own ass, Mistress Rebecca.” she giggled. Oh my god … that is SOOOO exciting.” she again squealed.

Miss Carissa took a tube of KY jelly and squeezed it onto the butt plug and onto her finger. She Worked her finger into my anus and then thrusted the plug in. I let out a moan from the pain.

“Shut up you fucking worm pantyboy!” Miss Carissa ordered.

She pulled everything up in place. I could feel the rubber butt plug begin to expand in my asshole. She was pumping it up with the attached pump. Tighter and tighter it got in my asshole until I thought it would rip me apart.

“Not too tight, Carissa.” warned Mistress Rebecca.

Miss Carissa stopped pumping the butt plug. I felt it pressing against my prostate and I could feel the precum oozing from my cock into the sheath.

“AllThis talk of pee, Mistress Rebecca … makes me need to pee.” Miss Carissa exclaimed.

“Why don’t you pee into his mouth?” Mistress Rebecca suggested.

“Can I, Mistress Rebecca.” Miss Carissa inquired.

“Not only can you, but you must. I am ordering you to squirt your hot piss into rickiees mouth.”

“Rickiee, you unzip Miss Cariss’s latex panties so she can piss in your mouth. You will drink all of her piss and not let any of the special narrow escape your lips. If you do, you will be severely punished.”

I unzipped her panties and opened up the crotch.

“Rickiee, you will kiss Miss Carissa’s pussy and ask her to please piss in your mouth. To use your mouth as her toilet. When she is done, you will clean her, entirely, with your tongue and mouth.”

I kneeled down and kissed the furry pussy of Miss Carissa. I could smell the musk of her sex and it aroused me. My cock hardened in its latex sheath.

“Miss Carissa, Ma’am … will you please honor meby depositing your piss nectar into my awaiting toilet mouth, please … Miss Carissa … Ma’am?” I begged.

“Yes, rickiee … my little sissy pantyboy … I will piss in your mouth. I will bestow the honor upon you to deposit my hot salty womanly piss into your toilet mouth reception. Lay down on the floor so I can straddle your toilet mouth.” she ordered.

I laid down on the floor on my back. She approached me and knelt down with her thighs on both sides of my neck. I could see her pussy lips become visible as she spread her legs. She was wet … I couldn’t be sure if it was from excitement or just sweat from the latex … or maybe both. As she moved her pelvis forward … I could smell he pussy. It was a combination of piss, sweat and perfume. It was HEAVENLY.

She brought her pussy close to my mouth. What seemed like forever went by and then I felt the first stream of hot piss enter my opened mouth. It was very hot and very salty. She stopped, momentarily. The stram of piss started again … this time it was with a lot more force. I gulped to prevent it from overflowing my mouth. I was successful and forced her piss down my throat. I though she would never stop, but I kept on gulping down her hot offering.

She stopped pissing and lifted her crotch from my mouth. She then pissed a hard stream onto my face, laughing the whole time.

“I couldn’t resist soaking his face with my hot piss, Mistress Rebecca. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Mind, I adore it … sweet, sweet, little Carissa.” Mistress Rebecca replied.

With that, Mistress Rebecca pulled down her own panties and straddled my face from the other direction. She let a stream of her hot piss soak my face as well. She pissed and pissed all over my face and some of it hit Miss Carissa’s pussy.

“I guess pantyboy rickiee will have a lot to clean up now.” Mistress Rebecca laughed.

She continued to piss and Miss Carissa found more piss to release on my face. My eyes weresinging from the salty hot piss and my hair was soaked. There were two gorgeous pussy’s over my face that I would have to clean with my mouth and tongue when the finished. I wondered what the punishment was. I was in heaven.

Miss Carissa lowered her pussy to my mouth.


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