She dips her feet into the warm water, leaning over to adjust the temperature. Pulling off her work blouse she drops it onto the tiles looking in the mirror.
A pretty 20 year old stars back, eyes tired from her long day at work, she tugs her hair from the tight bun, allowing the ebony hair to fall loosely around her shoulders. Turning to the bath, Isabelle steps in, the warm water already soothing her aches. She sits, the water splashing over her slender body. Washington down her body with soap, she looks over her body, weak bruises fleck her supplement breasts, his markings. She sinks lower into the bath, warm water covers up to her chin, hair floating about her. She shuts her eyes, thinking about the night that waits, his arrival will be soon, she has time to dress and make dinner.
Opening her eyes she sits up, scrubbing herself down, her white flesh turning a light pinkish red. She stands, climbing out of the bath, wrapping the large, fluffy white towel around herself, stepping to the mirror and blow drying her hair into the soft ringlets he loves so much.
Letting the towel drop she inspects her body, fingers trail along her hard nipples a deep shudder incasing her body. She stops. Flushing with embarrassment, knowing that he will be disappointed now and that she will be severely punished. Leaning forwards she puts her makeup on, careful not to make an error.
Walking to the bedroom she opens the cupboards and frowning as she searches for something wear. “Damn it…” She mutters, jumping as her cell phone goes off, she steps from the cupboard she picks up her cell, flipping it open and reading it. Her breath quickens as it is from him. It says simply; ‘Slave; Corset, Skirt and heels, that is all. I look forward to tonight…Master’ She exhales out a deep sight, moving back to the cupboard pulling out her black and white corset with lace ties and her black pleated skirt, two garments purchased by him for her birthday last spring. She shivers, slipping the skirt over her thighs, it barely covering her ass. She moves to the mirror, pulling the corset on, tightening the ties, her white breasts spinning out over the top beautifully. She smiles, feeling gorgeous, and already feeling herself moisten at the thought of tonight.
She walks into the kitchen, pulling out the recipe book, flicking through. She picks out his favorite dish, a very complicated one but she Knows she can pull it off. Leaving the dish in the over she glances at the time, started at how soon he will be here, she rushes to set the table and pour a glass of whisky.
Running to the door, she knees, legs played, displaying herself, the glass in her left hand, right hand rested on her thigh, waiting in baited breath as she hears the faith tapings of boots on ground. She hears the key slide into the lock, the door opening….
“Hello Slave.” He muses quietly, leaning down to pick up the glass she offers. His finger curling under her chin, draggingit upwards so she may look at him.
“Sir…” She smiles taking in his heavenly scent, his stunning looks. He wearing a simple black shirt and pants, his steel capped boots of course and his large steel case beside him.
“Stand” He says sharply. She jumps to her feet, standing straight, hands placed behind her back. He circles her, murmuring quiet pleased words. She breathes in suddenly as she Feels his warm hand slide underneath the skirt, cupping her ass. He steps away, she sags her shoulders slightly before regaining her posture.
“I presume dinner is ready, slave?” He asks.
“Yes Sir, your favorite dish.” She smiles.
“Good, you may go dish up, I shall be there in a few moments.” He smiles devilishly walking up the stairs to the bedroom.
Walking to the kitchen she pulls his plate from the over, placing it on the beautifully laid table, pouring a glass of red wine, she grabs her cushion kneeing down on it, head held high, exposing herself with her legsparted.
Hearing him walk down the stairs, she lowers her eyes to the ground and watches his feet walk by, the scrape of chair and the creak as he sits.
“You may look up, slave.” He says.
She looks up, her skipping a beat at his grin as he tucks into her meal, leaning down to feed her tid-bits off his fork along with little sips of his wine.
“That was delicious Isabelle” He beams at her.
Flushing with excitement knowing that use of her name likes this means he is thoroughly pleased. “You’re welcome Sir.”
“You may clean up, then come upstairs to the bedroom.” He smiles places the fork down and stands, patting her once on the head he walks off.
Quickly standing she rushes to clean up, almost breaking the wineglass multiple times. Finishing in blinding speed she races up the stars standing at the entrance to the bedroom.
“May I enter Sir?” She asks.
She walks in, standing at the end of the bed like normal, hands behind her back, head held high.
“Did you masturbate today slave.” He asks bluntly.
“No, Sir I didn’t, I did as you asked, the only time I touched my body was when I had my bath.”
“Good girl. “Did you touch yourself after your bath?”
She hangs her head blushing furiously. “Yes Sir, only my nipples, I wasn’t thinking I stopped as soon as I did! I am so sorry!” She mutters in a pleading voice.
“Hrm, this is unacceptable, I asked you not to touch yourself, other then when you washed yourself and you disobeyed me!” He says in a deadly serious voice.
“I am sorry Sir! I swear, it was for a second!” She wails miserably, tears filling her eyes.
“You will have to be punished for this slave, you know that disobeying my orders gets you paid, it is the only way you will learn!”
“Yes…Sir” Sagging her shoulders miserably.
“Right, on the bed slave. Sit on the edge now!” He says angrily. Leaning to the case and pulling out some rope.
She sits down, keeping her back straight, eyes looking straight ahead, worrying about the punishment for her blunder, why was she so STUPID?!
He moves behind her, untying her corsets slipping it off her, her nipples hardening from the sudden cold and her arousal “Hands behind your back girl.” She moves her hands behind her back, he roughly grabs them bounding them tightly with the nylon rope. He pulls her elbows back, making her breasts thrust out. “Stay like this.” He orders. Moving back around to her front, he leans down into the case, pulling out some nipple clamps, she looks at the ground as he fastens them tightly about her hard nipples. “Since you wanted to touch your nipples so badly, how about I punishment that area for you.
“Yes.. Sir” She says meekly.
He pulls out an elastic band, stretching it across her chest from nipple to nipple. He smiles. “Look in my eyes, slut.” She lifts her head up, staring right into his dark eyes, they glittering dangerously. She holds her breathh just as he lets go of one side of the elastic band, causing it to snap along her right nipple. She squeals softly. He smiles wider, repositioning the elastic band. “Right, I want you to count, 5 on the left, 5 on the right and thank me for everyone single one, you were a very disobedient girl and now are being punished, do you understand?”
She nods, “Yes, Sir, I’ve been naughty and now must be punished, 5 on each nipple with thanks after each.”
He says nothing, snapping the elastic band along her right nipple.
“One, thank you…” She mutters painfully.
Again the elastic band snaps across her swollen and red nipple
“Two, thank-you” Squeaking highly. “Three, thank-you” She titters quickly shocked at the quickness and force of something so little.
“Four, thank-you” She pants, her pussy aching dully.
“Five, thank-you” She moans softly as he moves to her left now, leaving the right red a puffy.
“Six, thank-you” Whimpered through gritted teeth
“Seven, thank-you” Whispered as tears start to form as the snap backs get harder.
“Eight, thank-you” Crying out as he slapse her swollen nipple hard
“Nine, thank-you” Whimpers again, her voiced breathless, pussy juices began to flow.
“Ten, thank-you” She whiles out, a tear rolling down her cheek. Shuddering at the dull ache in her nipples.
“Good slave” He purrs softly. “But I don’t think your punishment is over.” He leans to his case, pulling out his whip, with the curled ends. She whimpers as he flings out his right hand cracking the whip across her breasts. Yelping in the sting she grits her teeth. “Don’t you DARE cum” he says scathingly, throwing the whip behind his head and a bringing it down with brut force, it smacks along her nipples, she squeals, tears flowing down her face. He stops looking at her, waiting for her to calm down. She breathes in, steadying herself and readying herself for the next onslaught. He smiles, as she thrusts her breasts out, telling him she is ready. He pulls back the whip smacking across her front forcedly, clenching her mouth shut she makes not a noise as her begins to lightly flick the whip along her nipples. She moans out softly, the pain turning into deep arousal, her pussy dully aching, clip swollen and wanting attention. He stops, smiling and looking downwards. “You did well, I think you are forgiven.”
“Thank-you… Sir” She says happy, breathing out lightly.
“Now, roll onto your back for me and we can start out session properly.”
She rolls onto her back awkwardly, her hands still tightly bound with the rope. He moves beside her, grabbing a pillow and placing it under her hips to raise her ass, displaying herself to him. He lightly tugs off Her skirt, throwing it across the floor. Her cent quickly filling the room, pussy juices dripping down her inner thighs. Running a hand over her firm ass, he grabs it tightly, spreading the cheeses apart and running a finger along thecrack, teasing the pumped hole for a second before pulling away. She moans deeply, shutting her eyes. He leans into the case again, pulling out the plastic ball gag and a blindfold.
“Lift your head for me slave.” He coos softly and sweetly in her ear.
Eagerly she lifts her head, opening her mouth for him so he can place the gag on, he fastens it around her head, she immediately starting to drool, little dribbles running out the corner of her lips. He smiles again, leaving the saliva to run down her chin and land on her supplement breasts. He places the blind fold on shrouding her in darkness.
Laying back on her belly, she lays her head on the pillow, he unties her hands moving them above her head and retying them to the bed head posts. Pulling something from the case he runs it along her back, she quivers slightly as the cool metal of the cane sends shivers up her body, causing her cunt to throb. He leans the cane on her bottom, tapping it lightly on it, bouncing it along her pert little ass. She moans deeply breathing in deep. “Remember do not cum to I say so.” He whispers, smacking the cane down hard against her ass. She squeals it muffled by the gag, drool pooling out her mouth around the gag, soaking her breasts and the pillow.
He stands, moving so he can have a full long look at her beautiful body, her swollen cunt dripping with her sweet juice waiting to be fucked. He brings the cane back, smacking her hard once more. She whimpers as much as she can, tears brimming. Before she can continue composure he swings the cane down, smacking the back of her thighs over and over. She cries out, gagging slightly on the ball gag, tears falling, spilling down through the blindfold. She tenses, he stops, running a soothing hand along her red ass and tights.
“Calm, pet…Let it wash over you, the more you tend the harder it is…Let it go, it’s only me here, trust me, submit to me my darling.” She relaxes as his hand strokes lovingly at her thighs, she whimpers, wanting them to go further but knowing they will not. He starts his caning slowly and first but gathering speed. She grunts deeply, finally letting go her body goes limp, his excitement grows his caning getting harder. She moans loudly, in pain and pleasure. Stopping the caning, she hears the faith zipping of pants, the scuffle of shirt was thrown across the room. She feels his warm hands on her burning, red ass, spreading her cheeks. She lifts her hips, displaying her cunt to him, knowing he can smell her, making her if possible drip more, she feels a finger sliding along her swollen slit, teasing her cunt, moving up to circle her engaged clip. She moans as his soft fingers run along her clip, flicking the bud lightly, she quivers to the touch almost sending her over the edge, she holds back though, knowing that she must Only cum when he tells her to. She pushes her ass up more, allowing him more view, she groans deeply feeling the first finger sliding up her throbbing, soaking cunt. Thrusting her hips up so his finger slides in deep she starts moving back and forth, trying to fuck herself on his finger. She moans essentially as the finger pulls out. “Now, now…Pet.” He says softly. Moving around to the front of the bed, she lifts her head, looking about wildly. “Calm darling, I’m still here.” He strokes her head lightly. Leaning through the bars he unties her gag, letting it drop to the bed.
“Thank-you Sir” She says numbly, her mouth aching from the gag.
“How are you feeling?” He asks.
“Good, but Sir, I need to cum soooo badly…” She says pleadingly.
“All in good time, slave.”
He unties her hands, moving back around, and taking her hands, helping her stand. Leaving the blind-fold on, he moves her around to the front of the bed. “Spread your legs, slave.” She does as she’s told spreading her legs far apart he leans down, tying her feet to the legs of the bed. He pulls a length of rope out, “Lean over the bed head, sLowly for me darling.” She leans over, shivers from the cold iron only making her more aroused. He lays her hands flat against the bed head, looping the rope through and tying her hands securely in place. Pulling her hair into a ponytail he wraps another length of rope around it, laying the rope along her spin, tucking it over her ass, slipping it between her legs so it rests on her clip. He ties this to the base of the bed, so her head cannot be moved. Moving back around he knees, smiling at his beautiful spread slave, her breasts rising and falling as she breathes in shallowly, obviously nervous of things to come.
Running a hand along his 8-inch member, he strokes, the purple head throbbing angrily. Raising himself so his throbbing cock is inches from her mouth. “Open your mouth slut.” She complies, with one thrust he enters her mouth, pushing the 8 inches into her ready and wet hole. She gags slightly as it hits the back of her throat. Using her head as leverage he starts tothrust in and out, fucking her face, she drools all over his cock, running her tongue along the head, gagging each time it hits the back of throat. She moves slightly, causing the rope to move along her clip, sending her almost over the edge she whimpers, daring not to move, letting him fuck her face. Her throat relaxes sending him into a frenzy of fucking he grunts loudly then as quickly as it started he pulls out her mouth.
“Thank-you, Sir” She says quickly, her mouth swollen and aching from the assault.
“You’re a very good cock-sucker you know that, don’t you.” He says happily, running a hand over her face, the other along his throbbing cock. He stands, moving behind her and smacking her ass hard, she squeals lightly, a deep moan issuing from her mouth.
“What should I do next, slut?” He asks, running is cock along her red ass.
“Fuck me, please, Sir, fuck me hard…” She whiles pleasedly.
Untying the rope from her hair he removes it, tossing it to theground, spreading her ass slightly.
“How about I split your little ass-hole in two, slut.” He says scathingly.
“No-Noooo.” She cries out, trying to move out his way…
“Now, now, if I want to fuck your ass I will WONT I slut.”
She goes limp, defeated… “Yes, Sir”
“Though, I’m not going to tonight, I want to feel your tight cunt around my cock..” With that he pushes his cock-head against her opening, running the saliva soaked cock along her dripping cunt, with a slight thrust he enters her. She moans out, the big 8-incher spreading her wide, with one hard thrust he slides into her all the way to the hilt. She cries out and before she can continue composure he starts to fuck her hard and fast, pulling out almost all the way then shoving back in. Grabbing her ass he pounds her tight little cunt, moaning deeply. She whimpers loudly, moaning and grunting like an animal. Unable to move she tenses her cunt muscles trying to bring him in deeper, he moans, like thatand starts his assault more, thrusting in and out in frenzy.
“Sir, Sir!!! May I cum!!” She begs out, whimpering loudly.
“Yes, Slut, you may cum, cum around my hard cock as it thrusts in and out of your slutty cunt.”
With this affordable she screams out, letting herself go, her body tenses, then suddenly exploits, her orgasm racing through Her body violently, she shudders intensely, her cunt throbbing around his cock, juices flowing down her legs. He pulls out of her cunt, leaving her moaning and still coming down from her intense orgasm. Moving around to her mouth again, he pulls her mouth open shoving his cock down her throat again. “Clean it!” He roars, she moans softly, running her tongue along his cock, tasting herself on it. She Cleans off his cock as he thrusts in and out her mouth hurriedly, she feels his cock tense, getting close to orgasm, she starts sucking harder, licking all over his cock, wanting her Master to cum so badly.
With one thrust, cum starts to spurt out of his throbbing member, she quickly swallows his cum, but not quickly enough, some dribbling out her mouth splattering her chin and breasts. He pulls out still coming which he unloads all over her pretty face, covering her in the sticky globs of white cum, some falling onto her breasts and belly. Moaning deeply, he leans back on his heels, looking at his cum covered slave. He leans across pulling off her blindfold and tossing it to the floor. Picking up her undies he wipes her face with it, wiping off all the cum. He stands again, moving to until her from the bed. Her knees give way, he catches her, stroking her hair. “I’ve got you darling.” He picks her up gently, laying her on the bed.
“Thank-you, Sir.”
“You’re very welcome my darling.” He says smiling, pulling the blankets over them both.
“You are staying the night?” She asks quietly.
“Yes darling, I wont be here tomorrow when you wake up though, but I will leave instructions for you.” He whispers in her ear.
“Yes, Sir.” She mutters tiredly.
“Open your mouth.” He orders. She does as she’s told, he sticks the cum soaked panties in her mouth and smiles. “Time to sleep my precious slave.” She shuts her eyes, already drifting off to sleep in his tight embrace.
Mumbling through her panty gag, “I love you Sir.”
He replies with, “I love you my darling slave.”
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