The Servant Pt. 03

Suddenly ravenous, I finished my pasta and licked the bowl. Strong hands pulled me up from behind and lifted me off the floor. Master had moved his chair to the corner beside me and now pulled me into his lap.

“Good job, Danielle. You have done everything we’ve asked of you tonight and we’ve pushed you hard. I am confident that the three of us can be very happy “

Mistress handed him a damp clothes and he began to wipe my face clean.

“I believe Vanessa told you that we’ve read your journals. We might be sadists, but we truly don’t want to push you in ways you haven’t already revealed an interest in exploration. What are your thoughts? Are you ready to sign an employment contract? Could you be happy here?”

I stared into his hazel eyes, trying to read my future in them. The entire evening had felt like my wildest erotic dreams on steroids. It also represented a once in a lifetime adventure and the answer to my financial woes. My answer was as easy as falling out of bed.

“Yes Sir. I’m ready.”

Master’s smile was wide and it warmed my heart. He gently set me back on the floor and pushed his chair back to the table. Mistress retrieved my lean but this time we walked together towards their bedroom. Across the hall from their door Master opened another door. The bedroom beyond was much smaller than their suite but still nicer than any room I’d ever had.

“This will be your room, Pet. Right across the hall from ours and convenient for the times we’ll need your services during the night. Get some sleep because tomorrow will be a full day. Vanessa will take you into town to retrieve anything you need from your apartment. She’ll also likely take you shopping for the things that you’ll need for your new life here.”

Master kissed me on the top of the head and Mistress patted my bottom, closing the door behind her as they left. I prowled around for a few minutes inspecting my new living quarters. The bathroom was good sized and stocked with expensive soaps, shampoos, and toiletries. The dresser drawers were empty but I assumed that Mistress would help me fill them tomorrow. For now the bed was calling and I slipped between cool crisp sheets. Sighing contentedly, I closed my eyes and fell asleep instantly.

Bright sunshine was already streaming through the sheer curtains when my bedroom door was thrown open. Mistress laughed When she saw me sit up blinking and disoriented. Her failure to knock reminded me of my standing in this home. Servant, pet, plaything. It gave me a little shiver and I felt my nipples harden in response.

“Rise and shine, Danielle. We have much to accomplish today so please get dressed. I’ve brought the dress you wore last night. No clean under things, so you’ll just have to go without until we get you more. I know you don’t know your way around the house yet, so I’ll wait while you get ready.”

Bright daylight made the events of last night seem surreal and I performed mymorning ablutions self consciously, hyper aware of her gaze following me. The dress that had seemed elegant last night now felt tawdry. The heels were wildly inappropriate and uncomfortable without stockings. At least Mistress unbuckled the collar and left it on my bedside table.

“Don’t worry, Pet. Our first stop will be your apartment and you can change into something more appropriate. Before we leave Though, your employment contract is in Charles’ study. You need to look it over and sign it.”

We walked through the house quickly and this time I paid close attention, trying to learn my way around. The contract was two pages long and quite specific, including a safe word for my protection. There was nothing there that we hadn’t discussed and I signed it quickly. The 90 day probationary period was in bold print and I felt a renewed determination to succeed. Surely there wasn’t anything they could throw at me that I couldn’t endure. So far the worst things they’d done to me had left my pussy wet and wanting.

Two men in work clothes met us at my apartment and Mistress and I walked through quickly, making decisions about what I wanted to keep. Most of my clothes were deemed inappropriate for my new life and I wasn’t allowed to change out of my dress. Looking around me I realized that there wasn’t anything I cared about very much. Mistress told me they’d already ordered a new computer for me and one of the men set to work copying my hard drive. I gathered my toiletries and a few personal items while the men began to pack everything else into boxes.

“We’ll store the rest of your belongings, Danielle. If our arrangement isn’t satisfied for all parties, everything will be returned to you. Does that sound agreeable to you?”

Unsure of the protocol in public, I replied “yes Ma’am”.

It must have been the right answer because Mistress smiled and held out her hand.

“Hank, Aaron, please let Mr. Standish know if you run into any problems. We have much more to do today.”

I placed my hand in hers and Mistress pulled me out the door. I didn’t look back. The next few hours were a blur. I had never shopped for clothes without first heading for the clearance rack. Mistress never once looked at a price tag in any of the high end clothing stores we visited. She also insisted on being in the dressing rooms with me and I wondered what the sales clerks Thought.

I tried on fancy dresses for parties, slutty dresses for occasions I could only guess at, and a few basic outfits for the days when I would run her errands. We stopped at an eclectic little boutique where Mistress bought me a maid costume. It teetered on the line between respectable and fetish wear and I felt quite sexy in it. I also got new panties, bras, and stockings, as well as socks, running shoes, and workout clothes.

“We have a home gym and you will work out with me. Master does not tolerate women who are not physically fit. Occasionally we mightjog in the neighborhood, hence the workout clothes. At home, there is no reason to dress for exercising.”

I blushed at the reminder that I was property. Shopping was such a normal activity that it had been easy to forget who I’d become. I was finally allowed to change out of the dress I’d wound before. Mistress handed me a simple dress and flat sandals and watched me dress. My new panties stayed in the shopping bag and I knew better than to ask for a pair.

“Good girl. Feeling your naked thighs rub together will keep you in exactly the right frame of mind.”

My new wardrobe was stood in the back of the Lincoln and Joel dropped us off at a gourmet market I’d never even heard of. Mistress informed me that we’d be cooking dinner for Master tonight and I pushed a grocery cart through the store while she selected supplies.

“What kinds of foods do you like, Danielle?’

Suddenly bashful again, I thought about all the ways I’d found to eat cheaply. Burger helpers, Ramen, lunch meat sandwiches on day old bread. None of it was anything I wanted to share with Mistress.

“Speak up, Pet. When I ask a question, I expect an answer.”

Stammering, I replied that I liked most Italian and Mexican food, but that I wasn’t very fond of vegetables. Mistress wasted no time on her response.

“Charles and I eat healthy and so will you. Do you have any food allergies?”

“No, Ma’am” I replied quickly.

“Good. You will eat what we put before you.”

Feeling that telltale jolt between my legs, I murmured acquisitionscence and trailed along behind her as she shopped. Steaks were ordered from the butcher and fresh fish selected as well. Mistress gave me points as we shopped, teaching me how to pick the freshest fruits and vegetables. Next door for a couple of bottles of wine and we walked out the door lady with purchases. Joel was waiting to put them in the trunk of the Lincoln and we headed home.

Putting the groceries away was our firstOrder of business and Mistress gave me a cook’s tour of the kitchen. It was obvious that the kitchen was as well used as it was luxuriously appointed. We were to have salmon for dinner, with salad and risotto. I wasn’t even 100% sure what risotto was but I didn’t have time to wonder. Mistress took out a blender and whipped up shakes with protein powder, carrots, and beets. They tasted awful but she assured me that it was the only lunch I’d be getting. I drank every drop, rinsed our glasses and put them in the dishwasher.

“Hand wash the blender, Pet. Then we’ll put your new clothes away and get in our workout.”

Joel had deposited the shopping bags on my bed and Mistress sat in the easy chair and supervised my efforts. I hung the dresses and folded the everyday wear at her direction. Panties, bras, and stockings went in the drawers and I placed the workout clothes on the bed, intending to put them on.

“Oh no, Pet. Those are just for the days when we go jogging. Take offYour dress and let’s get going.”

A bit unnerved, I pulled the dress slowly over my head as she watched. Feeling more naked than I had last night I ventured a question.

“Aren’t there people here today?”

I knew that Joel was still around, and I wondered about the two men who were occasionally still packing my belongings. A house this size had to have a fair number of people taking care of it. What would they think if they saw me naked?

“Pet, the only other servants here know about our lifestyle. I’ve already told you that you will be naked for most of your time here. Is that suddenly a problem for you?”

Her tone was brisk and I answered quickly.

“No, Ma’am, I just wasn’t sure…”

“In the privacy of our home, you are to refer to me as Mistress. Surely you aren’t ready for another spanking so soon?”

“No Mistress! I’m sorry” I blurted.

“That’s a better answer. Bring me your collar and knee so that I can put it on you.”

I did so quickly and Mistress fondled my breasts briefly after fasting the buckle.

“I’m tempted to use that talented mouth of yours right now, but I guess I’d better wait until Charles gets home. Let’s go.”

I followed Mistress towards a home gym that would make the Y proud. She turned me this way and that, eyeing my body as if I were a cut of meat. I was assigned specific Strengthening exercises and set about doing them. At first it was terribly embarrassing to be naked, especially when Mistress had on a sexy sports bra and lycra shorts. I was excitedly aware of my bare bottom when I sat on the benches but Mistress assured me I’d be wiping everything down when we were finished. I finished up with 30 minutes on the treadmill and was panting when we were done. True to her word, Mistress handed me a spray bottle and a towel and directed me to clean each and every piece of equipment we’d used.

“Come along, Pet. Master will be home soon and we need to be squeaky clean. He usuallyly like an appetizer before dinner.”

Just as we had the night before, we cleaned up in the master bathroom. I showed quickly before I was allowed to knee behind Mistress in the tub. She instructed me on how to wash her hair and leaned back, practically purring as I massed her scalp. I toweled her dry again and this time combined out her hair.

“Tomorrow I’ll show you how to dry and style my hair. For now you can just braid it wet. Charles will be home any minute and we will need to be kneeling beside the bed when he gets here.”

She seemed nervous suddenly and it was contagious. I braided her hair as quickly as I could and we found two kneeling benches in the bedroom. We had only been kneeling beside the bed for a minute or two before we heard Master walk into the room.

“Oh, there’s a pretty sight after a long day at the office.”

We heard the sounds of clothes being removed and discarded, and then I felt a hand on the top of my head.

“Darling, please tie our new plaything to the bed, face up. Head towards the headboard, I think.”

The bed was enormous; at least a California king if not custom built. Mistress and I rose quickly and I lay on my back as Master had directed. She pulled my arms and legs to the sides of the bed and fastened cuffs around my wrists and ankles. There were evidently already restrains in position because I heard clicks as each cuff’s D-ring was tethered. I could raise my head a bit and turn it from side to side but that was all. My helplessness was complete and my juices began to flow.

Master took Mistress in his arms and began to kiss her. He was gentle at first but his kisses grew more urgent and his hands roamed her naked body. Holding on by her braid, he pulled her head back and his mouth found her breasts. He Suckled her nipples at first, then latched on with his teeth. He pulled at them sharply and she moaned, arching her back even further. I strained at my bonds, unsure of what I wantedmore – his mouth on my breasts or my mouth on hers.

“Climb onto the bed, Vanessa. I think you know where I want you.”

“Yes Master” she murmured and climbed onto the bed with me.

On all fours she straddled my body, pussy right over my face and a knee on either side of my head. Her legs were long enough that with my head flat on the bed I couldn’t reach her. I lifted my head to taste her fragrant folds but Master spoke sharply.

“No Pet. You will not touch either of us without express permission. For now, lie still.”

I did as I was told immediately and Master knelt on the bed behind Mistress. He stroked her back and hips gently, reaching beneath to pinch her nipples. Slapping her cheeks hard he laughed and ran his fingers through the nest already seeing from her lips.

“Anxious for what’s to come, are you dear?”

Shoving his fingers deep into my mouth he addressed me this time.

“Here’s a little preview for you, Pet. You’ll get yours soon enough.”

I licked his fingers thoroughly before he withdraw them. With a chef in each hand, Master opened Mistress wide and entered her from behind. He teased her with inch by painstakingly slow inch. She groaned and tried to push back against him but he pulled out completely and slapped her ass even harder.

“Who’s in charge here, Vanessa?”

“You are, Sir.”

“That’s a good answer but maybe there’s a lesson to be learned here. To curb your impatience, I think perhaps you will service Pet as she services you. Put your face between her legs.”

Mistress hesitated for a moment, but not much more. She lowered her face and began to lick my outer lips slowly.

“That’s a good girl. Pet, you may do the same.”

Master began again, slowly entering Mistress scant inches from my face. I lifted my head and lapped at her cliporis as he began to fuck her. He nudged her up a bit and instructed me to suck his balls and lick his cock as it slide in and out. I went back and forth between the two of them anointing their union with my saliva. Master leaned forward and pushed Mistress’ head further into my crotch.

“I certainly hope you are giving this your best effort, Vanessa. I’d hate to have to punish you in front of Pet.”

Her mouth was wide open now and seemed to cover my entire cunt. Her tongue darted in and out of my tunnel before she fastened onto my clip like a Leach. I bucked against the restraints, as desperate with desire as I was determined not to climax without permission. I couldn’t shake her grip and my legs began to tremble. Master’s cock pumped in and out independently and I fought fire with fire. I stiffened my tongue and flicked Mistress’ clip as quickly as I could. She screamed as she came, releasing my engaged cliporis as she did. It was too late, though. I came too, and she felt my spasms as I did hers.

Master buried himself in her pussy one last time, grunting as he planted his seed deep inside her. Mistress collapsesed on top of me as he pulled out slowly, cock glistening. Her pussy was soaked and now leaking Master’s semen into my mouth.

“Oh dear. Two naughty girls. I guess you’ll be cooking dinner tonight with sore bottoms. Vanessa, stay where you are. Pet will clean you off while I get the stick.”

“Now look what you’ve done!” Mistress hissed as she spread her legs even wider across my face.

“We will discuss this later” she managed before Master returned.

I licked hurriedly as Master waited, swallowing the fluids their coupling had produced. Mistress lay with her cheek on my thigh. He did not suggest that she do the same for me. When I had cleaned Mistress to his satisfaction he unfasted my cuffs and told us both to climb down and bend over the bed.

“I think ten each will suffice, girls. Then you can prepare dinner naked so that I can admit my handiwork on your beautiful derrieres.”

Master took no goal on the red marks my bottom still sports from the dayBefore. He also made me realize that Mistress really didn’t hit that hard at all. We were side by side on the bed and the strap whistled through the air, sound almost as bad as the pain. Master alternated between us, the strap landing first on one backside and then the other. We had plenty of time to absorb the pain in between each blow.

We both whimpered and squealed, begging for mercy and promising that we wouldn’t come without permission again. By the time Master was done my ass and thighs glowed red hot and throbbed. I guessed that Mistress felt the same. We were allowed to stand up and the three of us headed towards the kitchen to prepare dinner. I kept my head down throughout the process hoping neither of them would discover my secret.

My pussy was throbbing almost as much as my bottom…


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