If you’ve never had a collar around your neck it’s hard to describe how it makes you feel. There is a saying in wrestling: ‘Where the head goes, the body will follow.’ I now know exactly what that means. Led through the labelyrinth of the house by a steel leash, my situation was brought home to me as sharply as the tugs Mistress gave if I slowed down. I no longer had any choice in the matter.
There weren’t bars on the doors and windows. I could certainly have stopped in my tracks, unfasted the leather collar and walked out. My dress was still in a puddle in the drawing room floor, and the Standish’s would probably have even had their chauffeur take me back to town. Back to my miserable efficiency, the job I hated, and the threatening letters from the student loan police. Nope. This was the only way out and it simply had to work.
The long walk gave me time to appreciate just how large the house was. It also gave me time to study the woman on the other end of the leash. Isuspected her gown was silk, and I could not see any evidence of undergarments breaking the smooth fall of the fabric over her skin. Her hips swayed as she walked and I was mesmerized by the sight of them. My body could best be described as voluptuous. Mrs. Standish was tall, lean, and appeared to be quite fit. I’d yet to see her without her clothes, but that was about to change.
The suite she led me into Was huge, but it was hardly suprising given the rest of the house. I guessed that the bedroom itself was at least 20′ square and I caught a glimpse of a bathroom as big as my entire apartment. Mrs. Standish stopped at an easy chair in front of a smaller fireplace than the one in the drawing room.
“Now then, Pet. Let’s have a little chat, shall we?”
I nodded my head shyly, uncertain of What I was supposed to do. Should I sit on the floor? Continue to stand? She spoke again, answering my silent question.
“First of all, please take off the lingerie. It is quite nice and I will allow you to keep it for special occasions. Unless you are told specifically to dress, you should assume that you are to be naked here. You will wear your collar except when you are bathing, and we are thinking about having a steel version made so that you are never without it.”
Her tone and the look in her eye broke no argument. I quickly pulled off my bra, panties, garters, and stockings. She gestured towards the bathroom and I found a hamper. She continued speaking as I tossed in my lingerie and rejoined her in front of the fire.
“We have a crew that comes in once a week for deep cleaning. I will try to arrange for that to happen on your day off. When we have parties there will be extra help for them as well. You will be responsible for most of the rest of the chores around here. We Keep the house warm anyway, but I will keep you busy enough that you won’t get cold.”
Mrs. Standish pulled her gown over her head nonchalantly and sat in the easy chair. As I’d suspected, her body was magnificent, and I stood there gawking like a schoolgirl with a crush. She grabbed a small square cushion from beside the chair and placed it on the floor in front of her.
“We keep kneeing benches all over the house. You and I will both spend plenty of time on our knees. The carpet in here is thick enough that you might not need it, but you shouldn’t be Uncomfortable unless Master and I specifically wish it.”
Without losing eye contact I sank to my knees in front of her. She hadn’t had to say it. I knew what was expected of me.
“Charles’ personal assistant is great with technology. We had him hack into your computer last night and I’ve spent some time with your journal.”
My cheats flushed and my breath quickly. I’d jotted down every kinky fantasy I’d ever had in that journal. I could no longer meet her eye and now studied the carpet in front of me. Mrs. Standish reached down and grabbed my chin firmly, raising my face so I could not hide my thoughts from her.
“You and I are a lot alike, Pet. At least when I’m in sub mode. I know the naughty things you’ve only dreamed about and I assure you that we will get to them all. I am also beginning to explore my domme side, and that’s the real reason you are here. Charles is in charge of us both and there are times that you will see me grovel at his feet. Don’t let that makes you lose sight of the fact that you will submit to us both.”
I nodded my head mutely but it wasn’t enough. Mrs. Standish slapped my face lightly and speak sharply.
“Danielle, the correct response is ‘Yes Mistress’. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Mistress” was my immediate reply, and in the blink of an eye, Mrs. Standish was gone. There was only Mistress.
She began to stroke her left breast and pulled me closer using the chain still attached to my collar. I had always had a secret fascination with nipples, and eagerly took her right nipple in my mouth. I sucked lightly andMistress moaned, leaning back and pulling me between her now spread legs.
“Harder, Pet. You know that I need to feel a little pain with my pleasure.”
I did know, because I was the same. I began to suck harder now, flicking her taut nipple between my teeth. She ground herself against my belly lasciviously and pulled my head to her left nipple. I sucked even harder and bit gingerly, Feeling myself get wetter as she locked her legs around my torso.
She released me suddenly and pushed me back so firmly I almost fell on my ass. I was afraid that I had bitten her too hard, but she pushed her ass to the edge of the chair and grabbed me by the hair.
“You passed Master’s audit. Now it’s time for mine.”
No subtlety here, and also no doubt about who was in control. What Mistress did to me now could only be described as face fucking. All I could do was keep my tongue moving. At first she held me by my hair, rubbing her smooth bare cunt all over my face. She soon decided that wasn’t enough and wrapped her thighs around my head, heels digging into my back. I curled my tongue and pushed as deeply into her pussy as I could. I reached around her thighs and took a nipple in each hand, pulling and twisting.
Mistress breathed out a low “yes…” and I knew exactly what to do next.
Latching on as best I could with her wild gyrations, I took her cliporis into my mouth and sucked. Her moans turned into more of a keening noise and I knew that I had her. I kept up the pressure and increased it steadily until she screamed, her body rigid and her pussy pulsing against my mouth. Her orgasm I expected. What I wasn’t prepared for was my own orgasm. We climaxed together, my soft moans a backdrop for hers.
We stayed entwined for a few minutes, both of us catching our breath. Then Mistress spoke. Her voice was pure honey but her words were a glass of ice water thrown in my face.
“Pet, go bend over the bench by the window while I get the strap.”
“Mistress, what did I do wrong?” I stuttered, unsure of what had just happened.
“I will go easy on you today since the rule had not yet been spelled out. Only Master has orgasms without permission. You are the bottom rung of the food chain in this house and hopefully this lesson will help you remember it.”
The benchmark by the window appeared to be a custom made piece of furniture. There was a padded section in the middle with smaller cushioned ledges on either side for knees and hands. I straddled it slowly, my breasts hanging from either side of the bench and my naked bottom in the air. It was built with a bit of an incline so that my head was lower than my ass. It made me feel even more vulnerable and I shivered in spite of the warmth of the bedroom.
I could hear Mistress opening and closing drawers, and then she was behind me. I felt soft hands stroking my bottom and thighs.
“I think twelve stripes will do today. Should you break another rule, it willbe twenty. You will count out loud and thank me for every one of them. Are we clear, Pet?”
“Yes Mistress” I squeaked.
The stroke continued and she dipped her fingers into the soggy mess between my legs. I was shocked when she stuffed those fingers into my mouth, forcing me to lick her hand clean.
“A horny pet is a better behaved pet. Your filter little cunt will be this wet quite often but your orgasms must be earned.”
The first lash of the straw caught me off guard. The pain was white hot and continued to radiate through my ass. I cried out in pain, almost forgetting what Mistress had told me to do.
“What were your instructions, Pet?”
“One Mistress; thank you!” I gasped.
“Very good, but also too late. You just earned yourself another stripe.”
Twelve more times the leather strap whistled its way across my ass and tighs. Mistress waited for several seconds between lashes so that I would have time to process the pain before the next blow. I did not forget my manners again. The strap hurt more than anything I’d ever felt before but the padded bench between my legs grow wetter and wetter. When Mistress had finished, she reached between my legs again.
“Ah, a pain slut. Just as I expected. That will come in handy, Pet. For now, you will go and stand in the corner. Hands on your head, nose against the wall, ass stuck well out. Today your shame is private. The next time you break a rule you will be punished wherever you are, in front of whoever is present at the time. Do you understand?”
“Yes Mistress” I whispered as I climbed down from the spanking benchmark and walked towards the nearest corner, legs shaking.
I risked a quick exploration rub of my bottom and found it to be swollen and tender. I could Actually feel the welts left behind by the straw. Mistress called from the bathroom and told me that she was running a bath. I stood there for perhaps ten minutes before she called me from the bathroom. I had never felt more humiliated. My pussy had never been wetter.
Mistress was lying back in a huge marble bathtub, her long auburn hair piled on top of her head. She competed towards the walk-in shower in another corner of the room.
“Get in the shower, clean that nasty cunt, and be quick about it. Tomorrow I will teach you how to wash my hair, but now Master will be expecting his dinner and we Need to be in the kitchen soon.”
I did as she said without hesitation washing my juices down the drain and cautiously running my soapy hands along my sore bottom and thighs. I couldn’t even imagine getting another spanking today. Mistress watched me the entire time, lazy sliding a hand between her own legs. It was a little unnerving performing such an intimate ritual while being watched. Something told me I had better get used to it.
I stepped out of the shower, grabbed a towel, and wrapped it around myself quickly. Mistress rose from the tub and stood waiting. I was learningquickly and brought her a towel. She stepped onto the fluffy bath mat and handed the towel back to me, watching expectedly. I patted her dry carefully, hung the towel on the rack and fetched her bathrobe from the closet when she asked.
“Pet, hang your towel as well. The house is empty tonight and you won’t need to dress for dinner.”
I was dismayed at the thought of eating dinner stark naked, but Also saved to hear her say that there would be food. It was now 8:30 and I was starving to death. Mistress fastened my collar and leash and began to lead me back through the house towards the kitchen. I could already smell garlic and spices and my stomach began to growl. It was evidently loud enough for Mistress to hear because she laughed and looked back at me.
“I forget to tell you that we usually eat dinner quite late. Master is a bit of a night owl and tends to work fairly late. You’ll get used to it. Tonight we had dinner delivered, but most nights I will prepare ourmeals with your assistance. I love cooking, and Master appreciates home cooked meals.”
The kitchen was awake with granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances, and a huge island in the middle with copper pots hanging overhead. The cabinets and floor were the color of raw honey and everything shoe. So far it was my favorite room of the house and it looked well loved. There was a dining area on one end of the kitchen with a table and four chairs. Master was just opening a bottle of wine and sitting down when we walked in.
“About time, girls. I didn’t want to eat alone, but the pasta is calling my name.”
Mistress dropped my lean on the floor and began handing me place settings to put on the table. I could not help but notice that there were only two of everything, but I set them out silently. My cheeses were still throbbing and I did not want to risk another punishment. I set out the wine glasses and Master handed me the wine bottle. I poured them both a glass and Mistress filled their plates with steaming pasta and aromatic slices of French bread.
“Pet, you will stand to one side and attend to any needs we have.”
Mistress had said the words nonchalantly and I stepped back slightly. My stramach was now rumbling angrily and my mouth watered as I watched them eat. They discussed the day and me, as if I were not even there. Mistress told Master about the spanking she’d given me and he nodded approvedly.
“Turn around, Pet. Let me see your bottom.”
I did as Master had requested, my face coloring with my shame.
“Nice work, darling. You are a natural! It’s good to get the pet’s training going early. She will be happier when she knows her place.”
Their meal was leasurely and I served seconds to Master and refilled their wine glasses. Finally they finished and told me to clear the table and load the dishwasher. Mistress reached into a cabinet over the stove and pulled down a shiny stainless steel bowl. She spooned someof the leftover pasta into the bowl and set it down in a corner of the kitchen.
“There is your dinner, Pet. Master and I will have an after dinner drink while you eat.”
I stood and stared for a few seconds, aghast. Surely they didn’t mean for me to knee in the floor and eat from a dog bowl? Master and Mistress both held my gaze. That’s exactly what they intended.
“If you’re not hungry Pet, that’s OK. I’ll put your bowl in the refrigerator and you can have it for breakfast. Regardless of when you eat, it will be out of that bowl. Do you want it now or later?”
The entire evening had been surreal, but my situation was now laid out before me in sharp relief. I could go back to my old life or I could come to terms with the fact that I was now little more than a possession. I walked slowly to the corner, got down on my hands and knees, and lowered my head to the bowl.
Master and Mistress talked quietly at the table and I could hear glasses click. My well spanked bottom was in the air and my face was filterhy. There was no way to eat the pasta without getting my face well into the bowl. I had sunk as low as I could possibly go, and my pussy was practically dripping. I swallowed my pride, resigned myself to my fate, and finished my dinner…
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