The Seminar Day One

It had been almost a year since the dividend, when I received the invitation.

A three-day management seminar, in Philly, was I interested in attending?

I knew that is time for me to start living again, my life had been on hold far too long. I could not take much more of the people in the office looking at me, and knowing what they were thinking.

“Look at that poor guy, screwed by his wife, no friends or family.” God, I could almost see them shaking there heads.

Screwed by my wife? What an understanding that was.

There was I, working all the hours I could, to keep her in the good life, foreign vacations, a nice home, gave her everything she wanted, except kids. She was sterile you see, but said it didn’t both her much.

No, it didn’t, she just decided to go out and try to fuck the world to make up for it. I thought we were happy, well settled, our sex life was good, not wonderful, but good nevertheless. Then IT arrived. An anonymous letter, Ican still recite it even now, every word.

“Hi sucker,

Did you know your wife took 3 guys on yesterday in the locker room, and don’t she like it up the ass brother?”

Needless to say it was unsigned, but it had the desired effect, I was stunned, shocked, didn’t believe a word, and yet!

She was at the golf club three and four times a week, always complaining she was tired from the golf. I was a member too, yet no one had said anything, maybe she was having them all. What to do? I wondered, this is not the kind of thing to discuss with a friend, and anyway, all my friends were at the golf club. I searched the local papers for a private investigator, choosing a female one; I called her and made an appointment.

It turned out to be expensive, but inside two weeks I knew it all, she brought me photos, I could not believe it, but there it was, right in front of me. She had been screwing everyone it seems, the women as well as the men. I throw her out that night, she tried to deny it at first, and then turned on me, and with venom I did not know she had, told me I was “fucking useless in bed.”

The very next morning started dividend proceedings, and, in a few short months later it was all over. I cannot pretend her words did not hurt me, they did, and I withdraw into a shell almost. Never attending social functions, just staying home all the time, I gave up golf too, sure you know why.

It was the seminar invitation that got me thinking, I need a life, I was stagnating slowly. I remembered previous seminar, from my twentyties, lots of new, and interesting people to meet. I decided, right there and then, look out Philly, here I come.

The seminar was to run for three days, Monday through Wednesday, so I drove the 150 miles to Philly on the Sunday Afternoon, arriving at the hotel about 6pm.

I told the desk clerk I was Christopher Warren, here for the seminar, as he was checking my details, two ladies came to the desk. I smiled, and greeted them politely, just as the desk clerk said, “OK Mr. Warren, you are in room two six one, and the seminar is in the Rutherford locke, at 8.30 am tomorrow morning”

Upon hearing this, one of the two ladies spoke to me,

” Ah, Mr. Warren, you are here for my seminar are you? Hello, I am Davinia Brandon, the consultant, and this is my assistant, Jeri Lee Johnson.” Smiling and looking directly at me as she spoke.

“Very pleased to meet you Davinia, and you too Jeri Lee” I replied.

“I, as you heard, am Christopher Warren, but my friends cal me Chris.”

We exchanged pleasuresants for a few moments as the desk clerk booked them in.

Davinia was around 40 I guess, quite tall, with beautiful long auburn hair. Whereas Jeri Lee was petite, her hair blond and short cropped.

To be honest, I had almost forgotten what it was like to be in the company of beautiful women, and oh man, did I like it!

The desk clerk spoke to them again, saying, “Here you are Mrs. Brandon, you are in room two six nine.”

The two ladies immediately started to giggle softly, smiling at each other, Jeri Lee, grinned and said, “Two sixty-nine, how appropriate,” and turned to smile at me. Feeling a little uncomfortable, I smiled, and quickly changed the subject.

“I see we are all on the second floor, would like me to help with your suitcases?”

Davinia smiled at me, and it made me shiver, the look she gave me. It had been years since a lady looked at me that way, and she said very softly, “That would be wonderful Chris, thank you.”

The elevator was only a few feet from the desk, on we were soon on our floor, and, to my delight, I discovered our rooms were across the hall from each other.

All the time I was watching Davinia, the subtle swway of her body as she moved, the constant sparkle in her eyes, the soft gentle voice when she spoke to me. I had not had these feeling since my teens, and, summoning up all my courage, I invited them to join me for dinner in the restaurant.

To my great relief, Davinia said, “Oh Chris, that would be delightful, of course we will join you, wont we JJ?”

Jeri Lee turned to look at me, smiling softly, with just a hint of something in her eyes, but I was not sure what it was. We arranged to meet in the lobby at 8.

Entering my room, I sat on the bed, and pinched myself, this wasn’t happening to me, it couldn’t be. Yet here I was, as nervous and excited as I was on my very first date. “Get a grip of your self I thought, it is only dinner for God’s sake.”

I unpacked quickly, took a long bath, and prepared my self for the evening, with more care than ever before. All the time wondering, “Can this be, or am I dreaming?”

I went down to the lobby early, to await my guests, taking a chair by the elevator, and fidgeting nervously, wondering why I ever stopped smoking, I could have killed for one right then. I heard the car coming down, and stood, hoping itWas they, the door opened, and wow, I was dumbstruck for a few seconds. Davinia stepped from the car, wearing a long crisis dress, with a deep V between her breasts. I knew immediately that she didn’t wear a bra, her breasts swwayed gently as she stepped towards me, she looked wonderful. Reaching out my hand to greet her, she leaned forward, kissing my cheek, and whispered. “Why thank you Chris.”

Then Jeri lee came out, in what I would call a Chinese dress, very tight, up to her neck, and split to her tigh on each side, she too kissed my cheek.

This was getting too much, I could hardly speak, as I ushered them both to the restaurant. I have no idea what we ate, all I remember, is that I was enthralled with both of them, and could not stop looking at them. After the meal we sat together in the lounge, and had a couple of drinks, Davinia explained to me, that she had been married, her husband was in the service, and was unfortunately a casualty in the first gulf war. Since his death she had thrown herself into her work. Jeri Lee, whom I was to call Jay Jay, was the daughter of her husband’s best friend, and had recently come to work for Davinia.

Around 10 pm they decided to retire for the night, as the next day would be busy for them, setting up their equipment. I too retired, as we entered the elevator, Davinia suddenly moved in front of me, her soft breasts brushing my arm. I hesitated slightly, but she just turned and smiled at me, looking into my eyes. I escorted them to their door, where they both again kissed me on the cheese, thanking me for the evening. As Davinia pulled away, I heard her whisper, “Thank you Chris, tomorrow it is our turn,” as she squeezed my hand softly. I was shell-shocked I think, after 12 months in the wilderness, I had just spent two wonderful hours, with two delicious ladies. I went to bed almost straight away, but it was a long time before I slept, my mind was so alive. I just lay there, thinking about them, they werebeautiful; indeed there was an erotic aura about them. For the first time in what seemed like ages, I had an instant hard on, and it was so excited, much more than the excitement I got from watching porn movies. I started struggling myself, my eyes closed, seeing first Davinia, imaging my mouth on her tits. Then JJ, wanting those smooth silky legs around my neck, I could not stop myself, and cried out in joy as I came, wishing, and hoping that it could be real.

I was up bright and early next morning, my body felt alive again, and excitement at the coming day filling my every moment it seemed. There were twenty of us at the seminar, and I was the old man of the group, the rest all being in their twentyties I guess. Davinia did her opening speech, and introduced JJ to the group. They both wore matching outfits, a blue jacket and pants and a white bloom.

We split into five groups of four people, and given various tasks to complete throughout the morning. I must admit, I realizedfairly quickly that I had been here before, a few years earlier, and I was sailing through it.

When we broke for lunch, Davinia asked if I could help check out the video system, ready for the role-play in the afternoon session. I took the opportunity to tell her that this was old hat to me, and I had done it before, suggesting it might be best if I left, but she would hear none of it. She asked me to check if the camera was working OK, which was easy for me; I love cameras and video, play all the time. I offered one or two tips on using the camera, and they came to stand either side of me, very close to me. Davinia looked at me smiling, I returned the smile, and then, to my amazement, she pushed her breasts against me, wiggling them a little. I looked at her, questioningly, but she just smiled. While this was going on, JJ also started to press against me, and I was wondering what the hell I had gotten myself into here. We moved away from the camera, and as I prepared to go for my lunch, Davinia said to me, “I have an idea Chris, seeing as how you have done this training before, would you help us a little, it won’t take long?”

“Of course I will,” I replied, “How can I be of service?”

She looked thoughtful for a moment, before saying, “Tell you what Chris, why don’t you pop across to our room, say at 6:30, and we can look at the rest of the course, and get your opinion before dinner.”

That seemed a reasonable request, so I agreed; as I could see no harm in it.

I showed, and changed comfortable slacks and a shirt, after we finished for the day at 4.30. I tried to read a few of the notes from the course, to familiarize myself, ready for our discussion. It was difficult though, all I could think of was Davinia, and her soft breasts pressing against me. My cock would swell and twitch a little, each time I thought of her, as I looked at the clock, praying for 6.30. At 6.25 I was started to hear the phone, and grabbed at it quickly, and I hear JJ`s sultry voice, as she said quietly, “We are ready for you Chris, just come across the hall, no need to knock, the door is open.”

Trying to stay and look calm, which I most definitely was not, I left my room, and slipped the key into my pocket. The door to room 269 was slightly ajar, and I pushed it open and entered. As I stepped into the room, I heard the door close quickly Behind me. Turning round, I stopped dead in my tracks. For JJ was there, leaning back against the door as she locked it. I blinked, and did a double take, no longer was she the prim and proper consultant’s assistant. She now wore a purple corset, with matching stockings and thong, and high-heeled shoes, around her neck she wore a collar studied with gemstones. She did not speak, just smiled and lowered her eyes, and that was When I heard Davinia.

Good evening Christopher,” she said huskily, “It is so nice of you to join us.” I turned slowly, letting my eyes drink in the vision before me.

Davinia was wearing what is best described as a gown, in a deep scarlet color. Two thin straps ran across her smooth shoulders, and a deep V ran down to her waist, exposing nearly all of her seventy breasts, the nipples, already hard it seemed, were trying to escape. The gown was also split, from her feet, almost up to her crotch, accentuating her long lissome legs. She looked gorgeous, her hair was up, and her make up was immaculate, I stood there, transferred by her beauty.

“Well says something,” she said, smiling softly, I looked at her, and all I could mumble was “Wow.”

She stepped closer, and leaned towards me, “Ah I thought, a kiss on the cheese,” how wrong I was, she took my face in her hands, and gave me the most delicious and sensitive kiss I had ever known. Licking my lips softly, then gently pushing her tongue between them. I was in heaven. Pulling away slightly, she asked, “Is that better now Chris?”

“Thank you Davinia, that was perfect, but, I am a little confused, I thought this was to be about training.” I had hardly finished speaking, when I felt JJ behind me, and her hands started to unfasten my shirt. I looked at Davinia, she could see my consternation, she smiled, “Yes Chris, this is training, your training my dear man, so just relax, and let us take care of you.”

She took my hands in hers, just as JJ pulled my shirt free from my pants, saying, “Just relax Chris, just relax, and then it went dark, and I realized that JJ was blindfolding me. I tried to lift my hands to stop her, but Davinia held on firmly, surprising me with her strength. Then she spoke.

“No Chris, you may not remove that until I say so, tonight you are ours. Just understand and accept that, and everything will be fine.”

I didn’t know What to say, I just nodded to her, hoping she could see it.

“Now then Chris, in a few moments I will tell my submissive to undress you, and to resist will be futile, do you hear me Chris?”

“Yes Davinia,” wasMy response, feeling a little unsure about the whole exercise.

“But Davinia, I thought we were going to eat,”

She chuckled quietly and replied, “OH You will eat Chris, believe me, you most certainly will eat.”

Her tone altered slightly then,

“Just one more thing now Chris,” she said. “In here you do not call me anything other than My Lady, have you got that?”

Again I nodded

In a somewhat stern voice she said, “I cannot hear you Chris.”

“Yes My Lady, I understand”

All I could think was “what the fuck have I got myself into here?” but decided that, nothing ventured, nothing gained, I would go along with it, and see what developed.

I felt her lifting my hands, and then the softness of her breasts beneath my fingers, “Do you like my tits Chris?” she asked,

“Oh yes Davinia,” was my reply, and she immediately pulled my hands away.

Shouting at me


Oh shit, I had fucked up already, “Yes My Lady, I love yourbreasts.”

“That’s better Chris.”

I felt a movement round my legs, and heard JJ speaking, “Sir, I need to remove your shoes.” I lifted my foot, and she took my shoes, and my sock off, then the other foot also. My hands were back on Davinia`s tits, kneeing them, feeling how hard her nipples were, as she witnessed gently. I jumped, as I felt hands unfastening my belt, and then my zip being lowered. JJ`s fingertips brushing against my now rigid pole, as she slid my pants down.

I lifted my feet, and heard Davinia says, “Yes slut, you may.” I was wondering what she meant, when a hand slipped inside my boxers, and fingers wrapped around my cock, now I understand. She started to stroke up and down on my cock, as I was feeling Davinia`s tits, this was getting too good Now. The hard nipples felt so good, as JJ slide my shorts off, and lifted me legs so I could step free.

And then, without warning, Davinia pushed my hands away, I reached for her, but she was gone. I felt JJ`shot breath against my thigh, shiver slightly, and searched to touch her head. I never reached her head, my wrists were grabbed, pulled behind me, and I heard the cuffs being snapped on, and Davinia chuckling softly. Then the blindfold was removed, remembering my instructions, I said, “Thank you my Lady.”

“Just giving you a little rest is all,” she replied. I looked down, as JJ started to lick the tip of my cock, “Oh God yes” I moaned, wanting this so much.

“You like that Chris.”

“Yes My Lady, I like it very much.”

Davinia then snapped at JJ “SUCK HIM BITCH, GET THE FUCKER HARD,”

I was stunned to hear her talk like this, and she could tell, I could see it in her face.

JJ was holding the base of my cock, as her lips engulfed me, and she started bobbing her head up and down, her tongue working against my ridges, I knew I could not take much more.

Davinia walked to the dressing table, and picked something up, and returning, showed it to me.

“Do you know what this is Chris?”

“Yes My Lady, it is a cock ring.”

“Correct, but not just any old cock ring Chris, it is yours now.”

I flinched a little, wondering what this would mean, knowing full well I would soon find out. Davinia took hold of JJ`s hair, pulled her off my cock, and instructed her to fit the ring. I almost screamed, as she forced it on to my throbbing dick, no finese at all, just get it on there. Then they both just stood there, looking at me, and glancing at the bed. Davinia nodded, as JJ led me by my now engaged shake, to the bed, making me sit on the edge.

Davinia sat herself down on the other bed saying, “We want you to see everything.” She told me to come to her, and told JJ to release the cuffs, and lash my wrists to the bed.

There I was, lying naked on a bed, a hulking great hard on, unable to move, and two gorgeous ladies about to do I didn’t know what. Was I happy, No, I was fucking delicious, I could never have dreamed ofanything like this, let alone lived it out. Standing by the bed, JJ slowly removed Davinia`s dress, kissing and licking at her body as it was exposed. It was the most erotic thing I had ever seen in my life. Davinia was singing and moaning, as JJ licked her neck, and her shoulders. Took each nipple in her mouth, and sucked softly. She let the dress fall, and knelt down, licking Davinia`s belly button, her tongue flicking at her piercing. It was too much; I cried out, “Please let me fuck you Davinia.”

She snapped at me

“NO, you have to watch first, and I will decide what we do with you, NOT YOU.”

JJ traced her finger along Davinia`s slit, and licked it, God I was rampant, and totally fucking helpless, she parted Davinia`s lips, and licked at her wetness, I could see her legs shaking. Then JJ started to circle her clip with the tip of her tongue, as her finger probed inside. Davinia was moaning, “Yes bitch, oh fuck yes, don’t stop.” Her back arched, and her hips thrustat JJ, and she screamed, “I am cumming, OH FUCK YES.”

JJ was lapping at her cunt, licking the sweet cream as it flowed, and she slide her finger into Davinia`s ass, which seemed to make her cum even more. Davinia was visible shaking now, and grabbed JJ by the hair, forcing her face closer to her cunt, or trying to. Slowly she subsided, and lifted JJ to her feet, kissing her softly, licking her own cum from JJ`s face.

They both turned to me and smiled, “Did you like that Chris?” Davinia asked.

“God yes, it was wonderful,” I replied.

Davinia whispered to JJ, “Kiss him, and let him taste me.”

She leaned over me, and I could feel her hard nipples on my chest, as I licked at her lips, and started to suck her tongue. I felt a hand on my balls, then a warm wet sensing, as Davinia sucked one into her mouth, I moaned into JJ`s mouth. This was too much, I begged for release.

“Please My Lady, anything, anything at all, but please, just let me cum.”

“When I am ready” she mumbled,” and not before.”

JJ moved away from my mouth, licking my neck, and then my chest, until she reached a nipple. Flicking her tongue at it, and then taking it in her teeth as I cried out. She tugged on it, pulling hard, as Davinia sucked both balls in; I had tears in my eyes. Tears of password, pain and frustration, but it was so fucking good, I never wanted it to end.


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