The Seminar Day Two

I awoke surprisedly refreshed after the excitement of the previous evening with Davinia and JJ.

I could not believe my luck, not one, but TWO of them, and I little old me had fucked the pair of them.

Holy shit, and what is more, they were not finished yet. So much for seminars being boring.

It seemed ages till 9am and the start of the days training, but eventually it arrived, and, I was More than a little surprised at how cool they both were towards me, but soon realized, it would be wrong to do otherwise. I sailed through the morning session, even though my mind kept wandering, especially when JJ bent to retrieve something from the floor. I had an instant vision of that sweet pussy of hers, and my cock started to swell a little. “Oh God” I thought, “I cant have that happening,” and turned my full attention to the training manual. We broke for lunch at 12-30, and I decided to rest up a while in my room, as I planned on going out after an early dinner that evening.

I entered the elevator, and as I turned saw JJ rushing towards me, saying “hold it for me Chris,” I used my foot to keep the doors open.

”Thank you Chris, I have to get something from our room for this afternoon.”

The elevator doors closed, and I smiled at JJ, “floor 6 I believe ma`am” to my utter astonishment, she grabbed me by the back of my neck, pulling my head to her, and kissed me hard, stalling her tongue into my mouth. Even more surprising, her other hand was on my crotch caressing my cock and balls. As she broke from the kiss I just stared at her in disbelief, I had never expected this. We stepped from the elevator into a deserted hallway, and as she took her thong off she said

“Your room or mine?”

What was I supposed to do, refund? No fucking way, I opened my room door, and she quickly pushed me inside, pulling her skirt up to reveal her sex to me, she was panting as she said “Take me Chris, any fucking way you want, but fuck me now, fuck me hard,” as she fumbled with my zipper. I moved her hand, getting my cock out, hard as a rock already, and pushed her back against the dressing table, as she lifted and spread her legs. She was grabbing at me cock, trying to get it inside her; this lady wanted it bad, real fucking bad. No finenesse about it this time, I just slide it in deep, and started fucking like a demon, to my astonishment she came in seconds, crying out in ecstasy as I pounded her tight cunt. Holding her legs apart as my hips hammered in again and again, she was looking straight at me, deep into my soul as we fucked, animals almost, fucking like animals we were.

I cried out, “I am gonna cum”

She roughly pushed me back, got to her knees and said, “fuck my face Chris, let me drink you in.”

To be honest she could have said fuck anything, I was too far gone, past caring, as she wrapped her lips round me. Taking me deep into her throat, and squeezing my balls, I was a goner, and I came hard, exploding insideher mouth, feeling her gag a little at first, then realizing she was swallowing my seed. Her eyes smiling brightly, she started to lick me clean, wanting every drop. Looking up at me, she said softly, “I hope that helps to make up for what we will miss tonight Chris.”

I lifted her back up, kissing her softly, and whispering a gentle “Thank you JJ.”

She slipped from my room, and I rested, as I originally planned, for a while. The afternoon session flew by, it was 4-30 before I knew it, time to go to my room, shower, and change, all alone if possible.

As I left the conference room, Davinia called me to one side, and whispered, ”I do hope you enjoyed your lunch Chris,” and turned at me.

I thought to myself, “ Oh I see it now Davinia, you put her up to that, but never mind, tomorrow it will be my turn.”

Just after 6PM I left the hotel, and called in at the deli in the next block, for a light dinner, and a drink. Sitting there, all alone, thinking, wondering what I could do with Davinia and JJ the next evening. I knew there was a sex shops two blocks down, in the side street, having already checked in the phone book for the address. Hopefully I would find something there, maybe sex toys, or some ideas from their equipment. I had seen such things in porn videos, and magazines, but never actually entered such a store. I was, understandably I think, a little nervous about it.

It was around 7 when I entered the street where the store was, the windows were very plain, all it said was “CK`s”, that was enough, for I had discovered it was called “CK`s Ceks Emporium,” which was a very clever play with letters and words I thought. Opening the door I stepped inside, the first thing I noticed was how bright it was, for some reason I had expected it to be dark and secretive.

It was BIG, and I was taken aback by the variety of seemingly endless products on display. It wasn’t that busy, just a few people browsing, and two assistants at the counter, a man and a woman both in there twentyties I guess. Then I noticed another lady, whom I assumed to be staff, and she was absolutely gorgeous. I just stood and looked for a few moments, taking her deep into my eyes.

She looked to be in her early thirties, and stood around 5`6”, with short cut brown hair, and, the most beautiful brown eyes. And her clothes! Oh my God her clothes.

She had on black thigh length boots, with about 4 and a half inch heels I guess, a black leather mini skirt, and I mean mini, slit at the sides. She also wore a l ace up black leather corset, that was exhaust to look at. I could hardly tear my eyes away from her, but I knew I must.

I started to wander around the store, but in reality I was lost, so much to see, and I had no idea where to begin. I just stood there again, bemused, and then I heard someone say, “May I help you Sir?”

I turned to look, and it was the vision I had been staring at earlier, here she was, standing right in front of me, and smiling at me, feeling a little flustered, and unsure of myself, all I could say was “I am not really sure I should even be here miss.”

She smiled softly now, and said, “This is your first visit here is it not Sir?”

All I could do was nod to her. “That is fine sir, my name is Suzanne, and I am a personal shopper/advisor, especially for new clients Sir, may I be of assistance to you?”

I did feel a little more at ease, and managed to say, “Thank you Suzanne, that I would appreciate very much.”

” So Sir, what is it that you are looking for, or would you like some ideas or suggestions maybe?”

It was then I noticed the middle aged couple, close by, discussing the various videos and DVD`s that were for sale. She saw me looking at them, and said quietly, “No need to be embarrassed Sir, we are all people of the world here, feel free to ask anything.”

“It’s not really that I replied, I feel comfortable with you, but with all these other peolipe around, I do feel a little self consciousness.”

She smiled again, “absolutely no problem, we as c company cater for our customer’s very well Sir. Would you prefer a private interview, in one of our consulting rooms? We can discuss your requirements, and you can view any of our products there, in complete privacy.”

Now it was my turn to smile, I relaxed safe in the knowledge I would be able to talk freely to her, “that sounds a the perfect solution Suzanne, thank you, oh and by the way, I am Chris Warren.”

”Then follow me Mister Chris Warren Sir,” she said, with an impish grin on her face, and an infected little laugh, as she waltzed off across the store.

I duly followed, mesmerized by the soft swway of her ass as she walked, she opened a door, and turned left. Passing through the door, and turning myself, I saw she was climbing a staircase, and I stopped dead in my tracks. The heels she was wearing were making her leg muscles so taut, and her sweet ass was wiggling so provocatively, all I could do was watch. She stopped, turned and smiled at me.

” I see you like the view from here Chris,” she said cheekily. I feel my face going bright red, as I quickly averted my eyes and followed her.

AT the top of the stairs, she opened a door to the right, and ushered me inside, closing the door as she follwed me in. The consulting room, although sparse, was tastefully decorated in the modern style. There was a long couch in the center, with a coffee table in front of it. On the wall across from the couch was a large TV screen, and a VCR/DVD player, and to the side of that was what looked like a serving hatch, with a small door on it, and a computer terminal next to it.

“Please take a seat Chris,” she said, “and then we can begin. First off Chris, may I suggest that you tell me a little about yourself, your sexual preferences, and any fetishes you may have. And please, say anything you like, there is nothing you can say that will shockme.”

I paused, and looked around the room, feeling nervous still, she must have been able to see that, for she told me, “Have no fear Chris, we are completely private here, no one can see us or hear us, and, if you prefer, I can even bolt the door, so that no one can enter here while we are talking.”

“That would make me feel a little more secures” I told her, then watched as she walked to the door, she slide the top bolt across, then bent down to do the bottom one. It was then that I gasped out loud, as her skirt rode up, and I could see her pussy, but that was not all I could see. There was a glint of metal, silver I reckoned, and realized, her clip was pierced. “Holy shit” I thought, “her clip is pierced, I wonder what else is?” She turned, smiling broadly, and we both knew what I had seen, I could tell straight away, and her smile was even broader now.

She sat next to me, turned towards me, with her hands in her lap, looking so demure, and yet, so alluring, she wasdelicious, God I wanted her, but knew I must control myself, and it didn’t occur to me that there would be a security video camera on us.

“Now then Chris,” said Suzanne, ” just what is that you are here for my friend?”

I wasn’t quite sure how to begin, and think she guessed that, for she spoke to me again.

“Why don’t you tell me about your sex life so far, you know, how you like to fuck, what you like to give and receive.”

She was so calm about it, and I was almost shaking, but, I knew it was now or never. I explained to her, that up until 24 hours ago, my sex life had been “normal” straightforward fucking, the occasional oral and 69 with my ex wife. As I related the events of the previous evening, her eyes began to sparkle, and she smiled more and more, and when I said that my plan was to turn the tables on Davinia and JJ, she clapped her hands together loudly, and began laughing to herself.

“Oh you evil man,” she said, giggling, “what a delicious idea. So mr Chris, now you are into the lifestyle.”

I looked at her quizzically, “The lifestyle, what the hell is that?” and I laughed quietly.

“The BDSM lifestyle Chris, have you heard of it, with Masters and submissive`s?”

“Of course I have, but I never heard it described as the lifestyle before.”

“Well Chris, that is what it is, and you are now involved, and, I think you like it too, don’t you?”

I grinned at Suzanne, “ Oh yes, but you already knew that I think.”

She touched my knee, smiling softly, “Have you any ideas on what it is you want to do tomorrow, bondage maybe, or even a little punishment?”

I admitted that I really didn’t know, and wondered if there was a book or something, that I could learn from. She rose from the couch, and went to the computer terminal, and hit a few keys, saying, “This will only take a moment.” A few seconds later, I heard a buzzing sound, and Suzanne opened the |serving hatch” and retrieved a book, which she broughtto me.

The book was called;

The Master’s Manual: Techniques Of Erotic Dominance

by Jack De Villiers.

“The first thing you must do tonight, is read this, OK?”

I nodded, still a little unsure; Suzanne seemed to realize this, saying, “It’s Ok Chris, I will show you some photos and images, you will soon understand.” Her sexy voice was just drawing me in, I could listen to her all night, and she was so wonderful. From nowhere, she produced a book of photographs, showing me each in turn, they were of ladies, bondage, I suppose, some just with the wrists tied, others fully bound. One or two had their tits bound with ropes, and their nipples so hard and proud, those I really liked.

Suzanne smiled, and said, “These ladies are not in pain Chris, they want this done to them, it increases their sexual excitement, and their needs to such high levels. I enjoy it too Chris, in fact I enjoy it very much indeed.

Placing the book on the table, she took a remotecontrol from a drawer in the arm of the couch, the lights dimmed a little, and the TV screen started to glow.

“These are a few clips from some of the videos we sell, they will give you an idea or two I am sure,” whispered Suzanne.

There was a young woman on screen, her wrists bound too her ankles, and she was bent double, with her ass high in the air. A man was kneeling behind her, fingering her pussy as he licked her clip, the woman was moaning and singing in obvious delight as he pleasure her.

“You see,” said Suzanne “She is totally in his control, yet look at her face, she is in a sexual heaven almost, she wants to orgasm, but dare not until he says so. And when he does, BINGO, I tell you Chris, that orgasm will be so awesome for her, just sit and watch.”

Well, as I watched the lady started to cry out, “PLEASE SIR PLEASE.”

“NO” he replied, not until I tell you, then he stood up, rammed his hard cock deep into her, and started to fuck her hard. Well, by now my cock was so hard too, I was squirming on the couch, so uncomfortable, trying hard not to let Suzanne know.

She turned and looked at me, and smiled, saying to me, “It is OK Chris, no need to be embarrassed, we are all human,” as she gave my cock a little squeeze through my pants. God, I almost came there and then. There was a clip of some tits being tied, and pegs attached, some vibes being used, and one or two others. She switched off the TV, and the lights came back up.

“Well Chris?” she asked, “did you get any ideas from that?”

I dared not say, “Yes, I got the idea to fuck you here and now,” even though it was true, so I settled for, “Yes Suzanne, it was very stimulating.” Knowing immediately that I had said the wrong thing.

That sexy Infectious laugh of hers rang out, and she looked at my pants, “So I see Chris, so I see.”

I too started to laugh, seeing the humor in the situation. She leaned forward, and whispered to me, “Don’t worry Chris, youare not alone, I am wet through myself, but more of that later eh.” I clinched my fists, forcing my hands to stay still, the temptation to grab her and make love to her was almost overpowering.

I looked at me watch, and she noticed, “Forget the time Chris, we are open 24/7, and I do the night shift, so we are OK.” Before standing, and walking to the computer terminal, where she turned to look at me. “So Mr. Warren, you have two ladies you wish to Dom tomorrow evening, is that correct?”

“Yes Suzanne, that is correct.”

“Do you think they might wear something for you, if you provided it?”

“Could be they will.”

She then typed something on the keyboard, and said, “See what you think of these.” The TV screen lit up, with a picture of a lady modeling a French maids outfit. “for the Mistress maybe, if you want to turn the tables? And a peasant girl for the sub?”

I told her they would be fine, completely trusting her judgment.

She flashed me a deliciousous smile, saying, “So Mr Chris Warren, would you like some toys as well?” I just grinned at her, and she took a catalogue from by the TV, coming over to the couch to sit with me. She showed me so many things, vibrators, nipple clamps that vibrated, paddles, floggers, various creams and oils, I was so confused.

“Please Suzanne, I am lost here, would you pick some for me?”

She returned to the keyboard, typed a little then waited for the buzzer, and opening the door, lifted out a bag, which she placed on the table.

(OK Chris, here are a few items for you to look at, maybe even purchase, if you like them,” she said, smiling at me again, and handing me a small package.

“Vibrating nipple Clamps!!! Holy fuck”

I said out loud, quickly apologizing to Suzanne, she just giggled in that infectious way of hers, saying,

“That is fine Chris, don’t worry about it,” as I read the words on the packaging

” Tease your nipples with these outrageously powerful stimulActivate the exhilarating rubber diplomad clamps and adjustable tension enhancer screws for a titillating experience. Exclusively designed for him, her or both of you! Tension enhancer screws. Multi-speed.”

“Jesus Christ Suzanne, do people use these things, really?”

“Oh Yes Chris, they Really do, even I have used them on occasion.”

“But don’t they hurt?”

She giggled again, “Well I guess they do, but the pleasure is so intense, and the tension is adjustable, and I will tell you a little secret now Chris, I have used them on my clip, and oh God what an orgasm that gave me. So in answer to your question yes, people really do use them.”

I sat there, literally shaking my head in disbelief, next thing I knew, she took the package and opened it, handed me the clams, and said, ”please, hold them for just a moment”

Then, to my utter astonishment, she started unlacing her corset, and popped her tits out, “Now you shall see just how good they are my man.” she said. She placed her hands under her breasts, and lifted them, offering them to me, “There you go Chris, put the clamps on, just behind my rings.”

What was I to do , I had no choice, and stood up slowly, my hard on like a fucking marquee in my pants, but what could I do. Gingerly I took hold of her left nipple ring, pulling just a little, and slide the clamp jaws behind it, “We will just try the one for now. OK” she asked, I just nodded, hardly able to believe this was happening.

“Turn it on then, wind up the speed slowly,” I heard Suzanne says, and I did, watching her as I did so, my eyes flicking from her nipple to her face, and back again. She started to moan gently, her eyes closed, and her body swaying, God this was so erotic, I could not help myself, and I moved closer, and licked her other nipple softly. She grabbed the back of my head, forcing my mouth onto her nipple, hissing at me, “Yes Chris, Yes, suck it, bite it, oh fuck Yes,”

I started to suck her hard nipple in, lashing it with my tongue, as my hand reached for her thigh.

Then I stopped, thinking to myself “What the fuck is going on here, Jesus H Christ, I am going to be in all kinds of shit.” I pulled away from her, apologizing profusely.

“I am so sorry Suzanne, I don’t know what came over me, please, please forgive me.”

Suzanne stepped away, removed the clamp, and placed them on the table; she came close to me, taking both of my hands in hers, and spoke to me, very softly.

Please listen to me Chris, this is my job, this is what I do, and what is more I love it. Everything that happens in this room happens because I want it to, trust me on that Chris. If things got out of hand, as occasionally they have, I would have a security man in here in seconds, and your feet would not touch Chris, most definitely they wouldn’t. Do you understand what I am saying Chris, andare you OK with it?”

“Yes,” I replied, “I understand perfectly Suzanne.”

She smiled, kissed me on the cheese, and suggested we sit on the couch again.

“Tell me something Chris, do you know what a woman’s G spot is?”

I nodded, “and do you know where it is, have you touched it?”


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