Haleema walks in to the office the next morning, she tries to put the previous day behind her.
She had been plagued by dreams of what happened but she decided to put it behind her and move on.
Allison is sat at her desk and looks up with initial surprise at seeing Haleema walk in. She expected her to have been fired. She notices Haleema look towards her and quickly returns her eyes to her screen, trying to ignore Haleema.
“Good Morning,” Haleema says in a cheery manner to try and break the tension.
Allison grumbles under her breath and does not respond. Haleema is dreading the tension atmosphere as she takes her seat at her desk.
It is not long before Mr. Sloan calls her into the office.
“Good morning. Are you ready to get back to work?” Mr. Sloan asks her.
“Yes, sir. I am sorry about yesterday but I hope to put it behind me and I am ready to work today.” Haleema says.
“You made a mistake and accepted your punishment. We can now move on.I need you to look at the file of Derek Mooney this morning.” Mr. Sloan slides a file across the table for Haleema. Haleema told as she recalled being bent over the same table only a few hours earlier.
“Thank you, sir. I will get to work on this.” Haleema declares before leaving the office.
Haleema returns to her desk but she gets an icy reception from Allison. She decides it is best that they simply stay out of each other’s way for a while.
Haleema sits down to read the file of Derek Mooney. Derek Mooney was referred by the Judge as part of his rehabilitation. The case was not like the others Haleema had seen for theft. Derek was in senior management and not your typical thief and the biggest difference was that Derek was caught stealing ladies underwear from a store.
Haleema found the notes interesting as it explored the fansies of Mr. Mooney and his reasons for stealing the panties became more apparent.
It made Haleema think about other men and wherethey were also intrigued by women’s underwear. For some reason, whenever she thought of other men, she would always think of Mr. Sloan.
She bit her lip as she wondered if Mr. Sloan thought about her underwear. This was such a sinful thought and she cursed herself for thinking like this.
Haleema discovered Derek’s observation was due to his relationship with his Mother who liked to Wear sexy underwear around him all of the time. Haleema never thought about underwear in such a way. She was always practical with her choices, choosing comfort over the idea of being sexy.
Haleema had been focused on the case file and she had been feeling that tension between her legs all day. She knew the feeling between her legs was wrong but she would squeeze her legs together during the day to increase that tension.
It was at the end of the day when Mr. Sloan called her back into the office.
“What are your thoughts on Mr. Mooney?” Mr. Sloan asked.
“I found it to beunusual. I just did not understand how a man could be so interested in underwear.” Haleema said a little dumbfounded.
“You will find this is quite a common fetish among men. It is perfectly natural and they can cope with it, without acting out. But some cases are different.” Mr. Sloan explained.
“I just don’t understand it,” Haleema replied.
“Take yourself for example, what type of underwear do you wear?” Mr. Sloan asked rather directly taking Haleema by surprise.
Haleema was unsure whether this was relevant but she also did not want to upset Mr. Sloan after yesterday.
“Well…I…uh…just normal cotton underwear,” answers Haleema feeling nervous.
“Depending on who is wearing it, even cotton underwear can be sexy but a man loves when a woman wears sexy lingerie,” Mr. Sloan says as he looks Haleema up and down. She wonders if he would find her cotton underwear sexy.
Haleema can feel the tension grow between her legs and she squeezes her legs toget to try and lessen it to no avail.
“I..uhm..I’m not sure.” Haleema stammers for a reply.
“Talking of clothing. I need to really speak to you about what you wear to the office. I know you are from a different background but you need to dress more professional,” Mr. Sloan says.
“I try sir but my family is very strict. I try to change what I wear and add colors.” Haleema says trying to plead her case.
“You need to wear a skirt and blouse in the office. I have had Allison complain and I don’t want any issues.” Mr. Sloan stands his ground.
“I might need to change at work,” she says more to herself.
“Well, you can use my office to change in the mornings,” Mr. Sloan suggests interrupting her thoughts.
Instead of having doubts, Haleema agreed.
That evening Haleema went shopping. She only had a short amount of time as her parents did not give her much freedom.
She went to a department store near the office. She picked out a skirt and ablouse for the office. She was walking to pay for items when she noticed the lingerie section. She never normally spent much time in the lingerie section but today she was drawn there for some reason.
She picked up a black lace bra and began to feel the material of it. It sent a naughty thrill through her body and the tension between her legs was strong. She put it in her basket along with the matching panties.
Larry Sloan was doing his own shopping but it was a different kind of shopping. He went to an electronics store as he had a devilish plan he wanted to execute. Larry picked up two hidden discrete cameras as he wanted to spy on Haleema as she changed in the office. He also planned on setting one up under her desk as she would be wearing a skirt now. Larry was finishing up in the store when he saw a teddy bear that came with a hidden camera. It was too much of a temptation for him. That night Larry set up a camera in his office and a camera under Haleema’s desk.
In the morning Haleema felt a little excited but also nervous at the same time. She always wanted to wear more professional clothes and be free of the religious clothes she was forced to wear but she also felt nervous as she found a comfort in them.
Haleema went through the clothes she had purchased and was pleased with how they looked. She then came across the lingerie she had bought. She did not know what made her buy these Items, she was never intending on wearing them but as she felt the material between her fingers she felt this need to see how they looked.
She had some time and decided to give them a try. They fit so well and it was only when she wore the panties she realized she had actually picked up a thong.
She had a full length mirror that she liked to use when trying on clothes. She had never felt like this before, her body seemed to exude confidence from simply wearing these new items. She began to run her hands over the material of the thong. She was looking over her shoulder at her bum in the mirror. She could not believe how good it looked and even her breasts seemed so much bigger in the bra.
Her cares became a little longer over the clothes when she heard her brother rush to the bathroom and then she realized the time. She quickly got dressed, deciding to leave her new underwear set on and then left the house.
The subway was busier than usual and she was being bumped into a lot more than usual.
She finally arrived at work and Allison still ignored her as Haleema went to Mr. Sloan’s office. Mr. Sloan was sat behind his desk when Haleema walked in.
“How can I help you?” Mr. Sloan asked.
“Sir, I need to change.” She said.
“Oh yes. I totally forgot we were doing that. Come in and I will go into the kitchen While you change.” Larry told her.
Larry waited in the kitchen and loaded the camera on his phone that he had hidden among the books.
He had an instant tent in his trousers as he saw Haleema strip out of her abaya. He could not believe she was getting naked in his office.
He was surprised to see that she had a lace bra on. He expected something a lot more pedestrian from her. To his disappointment, she did not remove her legs before she pulled up her skirt and slipped on her blouse.
He could not take his eyes off her as she buttoned up her blouse.
“Oh Sir. I didn’t expect you here.” He heard from the entrance of the kitchen and he quickly put away his phone.
“Sorry, Haleema is using my office to change into something more suitable for the office.” He tells Allison.
“Sir, again, I am sorry for believing her. She truly is a wretched little girl.” She tells him. “She is new to the office environment so I understand her mistake but I expected better from you. You really let me down.” He said before brushing passed her.
Allison was obviously upset. She had grown to admire Mr. Sloan and even had a crush on him at a time. To nowsee him disappointed really hurt her but she turned that against Haleema who she felt was the cause of this.
Haleema left Mr. Sloan’s office just as he was coming back.
“Wow. That has made such a difference on you. You look really…professional.” He commented and Haleema blushed, it was obvious he mean something else.
Haleema spent the morning finishing up the notes on Mr. Mooney’s case. She had been feeling more aroused than usual and she felt it was due to the underwear she had chosen to wear. The more she read about Mr. Mooney’s fans of licking a woman’s panties while she wore them, only served to feed this arousal.
She was squeezing her legs together as she felt a tension and heat between her legs.
In the afternoon Mr. Sloan called her into his office.
“I have another file I need you to start putting on the system. It is Mr. William Gardner. It should be at the bottom of the cabinet.” Mr. Sloan tells her.
Haleema goes to the cabinetto find the file. Haleema is bent over looking in the bottom of the cabinet. Mr. Sloan pretends not to look but is regularly glancing at her ass as the skirt rises up a couple of inches. His disappointment only grows that she is still wearing her legs.
Haleema is struggling to obtain the file from the cabinet.
“Do you need some help?” Mr. Sloan offers.
“I should be fine. It just seems to be jammed in here.” Haleema grunts as she tries to pick up the file.
“Let me have a look,” Mr. Sloan says as he approaches behind Haleema.
Haleema can sense him breathing on her, he is so close.
Haleema can feel the tension in the body as she moves back slightly to check he is there. As a result her ass makes contact with his bulge. She feels so embarrassed by this but does not move immediately but instead rubs up and down against the bulge in a subtle manner.
Haleema eventually moves back to her normal position to try and get this file out.
Mr. Sloan comes to the side and Haleema feels this is to avoid the potential contact between them. He leans in to help her with the file. His left arm is on her back as he reaches in with his right arm.
Mr. Sloan also struggles to pull out the file and his hand drops on Haleema’s back. This is not lost on Haleema and she can feel his hand resting on her ass. She does not want to cause trouble, like the last time and she does not want to make a fuss. It seems innocent enough but a dark part of her wonders if he can feel what underwear she is wearing today.
He is beginning to pull the file out and she feels him squeeze her ass as he jerks it back. She is shocked and looks at him but he seems to be straining to pull the file out.
He jerks it again but this time he has a tighter hold on her ass and his fingers dig in between her ass crack. Haleema stands up in shock.
Mr. Sloan pulls out the file and stands up. He has a devilish smile as he is sure he feel a thong and is surPristed by Haleema’s taste in underwear.
“Here you go,” he says as he passes the file to her while acting innocent.
Haleema looks at him in shock. She wants to scream at him but bites her tongue fearing the repercussions of making another false accusation. She takes the file and returns to her desk.
She is still in shock but tries to remain composed. She doesn’t need any more issues with Allison or Mr. Sloan.
Haleema tries to forget about the incident as she begins to work on the file of William Gardner. The file immediately gives Haleema the creeps. William Gardner is a stalker that was dealing with his observation with a woman. He would go through her garbage and steal her panties from the washing line initially. Haleema thought to herself she will never understand the observation men had with women’s underwear.
The more she read, the creepier she found his story. Subconsciously Haleema was becoming aroused by this case. Mr. Sloan noticed that Haleema was fidgetting a lot more with her legs and she regularly squeezed and rubbed them together as she struggled to contain her arousal.
It was late in the afternoon and Mr. Sloan called her back in the office. She liked that he checked in on her every day and she felt lucky he was sharing his knowledge.
“I needed to talk to you before you left,” Mr. Sloan said rather ominously. Haleema felt a nervous energy in her body.
She was too afraid to speak and simply nodded her head.
“I bought you a gift to say thank you for your hard work,” Mr. Sloan said while handing her a basket.
He could not simply give her the teddy bear and made it up as a gift to seem less obvious. There were chocolates and sweets along with the teddy bear. Haleema was obviously relieved and took a deep breath.
“Thank you, Sir. That is so kind.” She said and began to see Mr. Sloan in a different light. Maybe he was not the monster she had made out in her head.
Mr. Sloan left the office to allow Haleema to change. He again watched her as she changed. He was plotting his move and slowly trying to get her to drop her panties.
Haleema left the office with her gifts. Allison noticed the gifts and it only made her hate Haleema even more.
Haleema left her skirt and blouse in Mr. Sloan’s cabinet which he had allowed her to use. After Haleema had left, Mr. Sloan picked up her blouse and sniffed it. He had this animal need to seek out her scent.
Haleema had to sneak the gifts in to her bedroom without her parents knowing or she knew she would have been in trouble. This should have been the clue to Haleema that it was wrong to accept gifts from her boss but it was the first time a man had given her a gift and she felt special. It was innocent in many ways and did not lend to any romantic intent in her mind.
She placed the teddy on her bed, next to her pillow. The chocolates she unwrapped and placed on the dressing table. She began to undress while eating thechocolates.
Larry Sloan could not believe his luck as he watched Haleema in just her underwear walk around the room eating the chocolate candy. The to catch his eye and he could feel his cock trying to burst through his trousers. Larry could not believe the thong she was wearing and he could no longer hold back as he furiously masturbated to her. Haleema was also feeling aroused after the events of the day.
She lay down on her bed and hugged the teddy. She pressed it in to her chest and Larry had a good look down her cleavage. She did not know why she was feeling such urges but she began to move the teddy bear between her legs. Larry was getting a good look at her body.
Haleema began to fantasize of a man watching her, the idea of being a man’s observation turned her on, to no end.
The teddy bear was underneath her as she lay on top of it. She began to grind against it gently as she felt her arousal build and build.
“Oh…oh…oh,” she moaned as she tried to be quiet as possible. Her mind went to the cabinet and the way Mr. Sloan squeezed her cheats. She doubted herself but she knew that these events were more than a coincidence.
She covered her mouth with her hand to muffle her moans as she began to hum harder against the teddy.
That feeling was building inside of her. That moment she had with Mr. Sloan, the release, that crescendo that she desperately craved. Her body began to tingle as she began to hump the teddy bear faster.
Larry was enjoying the show and was beginning to get a good idea of just how horny and frustrated this little hijabi slut was.
Haleema had not realized that her actions were causing the bed to shake and this drew the attention of her mother.
“What are you doing in there? Why is the door locked?” She heard her mother scream Through the door.
Haleema quickly hide the chocolates under her bed with the teddy bear. She removed her sexy lingerie and hide them under the bed also. She quickly dressed in her pajamas and went to the door. She was out of breath as she answered the door.
“What were you doing in here?” Her Mother asked with a furious look.
“I was just catching up on my prayers. I am sorry. I will be down in a minute.” Haleema replied calmly as she tried to hide her aroused and out of breath state.
“You don’t make that much noise usually,” her mother commented suspiciously.
“Sorry Mother. I just became caught up in the prayer. You know how it is,” she said with a smile.
“Just keep it down, your father is still getting used to the idea of you working and I don’t like this strange behavior.” She said as she turned to leave.
Haleema could not believe she was lying to her Mother and behaving so sinfully. She shook the Thoughts from her mind as she tried to enjoy the evening with her family.
Larry was disappointed that Haleema was interrupted as he enjoyed the POV show Haleema had put on for him. He could sense how wet her cunt was and he hoped to be buried deep inside her soon.
Haleema arrived early at the office the next morning so she could get changed without disturbing Mr. Sloan. She entered his office without knocking and to her surprise he was already there.
Mr. Sloan was doing some paperwork and Haleema felt rude for interrupting him.
“I am sorry, Sir. I didn’t think anyone was in.” Haleema Offers apologetically.
“I came in to get a head start. Did you like the gifts?” Mr. Sloan asked.
“Yes, it was really kind of you, Sir.” She said.
“I am pleased you liked them. Talking of gifts, I have had a complaint that you are still not following the dress code.” Mr. Sloan said.
“What do you mean? I wear a skirt and blouse.” Haleema was confused but also knowing it could only be Allison complaining.
“I won’t pretend to understand ladies dress but as a rule you are only allowed to wear pantyhose under the skirt. I know this has been hard on you, so I bought you some pantyhose. I hope you don’t mind. I feel guilty about you spending so much again.” Mr. Sloan came across sincere and kind and Haleema could not object to this nice sentiment.
Mr. Sloan left his office to allow Haleema to change. He went to the kitchen and turned on the camera from his phone.
He eagerly anticipated watching her in her underwear once more. He rubbed his bulge as he watched her.
Haleema put her hand through the pantyhose and could not believe the sheer material. She was nervous about wearing such a material and considered complaining.
Larry was disappointed to see that she was in her normal cotton panties and bra today. He wondered if the case file of Mr. Mooney had something to do with her previous choice as it seemed out of character for her.
Haleema was changed too quickly for Larry’s liking and he wished she was naked a little longer. Larry began to think of a case file that would arouse similar feelings in Haleema.
Haleema continued to work on the Gardner file as she uploaded documents. She could not help but delve into a fantasy world of being the object of observation of one man. She never felt beautiful or that she could be desired in such a way. She never really wore make up but for special occasions and she always wore the same frumpy clothes. She was not a natural beauty and always had weight issues. She was down to a good weight now but she still hated how her ass stuck out. Often stretching the material of whatever clothing she had on. There were also issues her parents faced in finding her a suitable partner. It was not that she wanted to be married but it was a nice feeling to know a man would be interested in her.
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