The Psychologist's Assistant

Thank you to Tahrima for helping edit this.


The sound of the door slamming reverberates around the room. 21 year old Haleema Sulaiman could hear her parents arguing in the corridor.


Haleema had recently graduated with honors in Psychology. She wanted to use this qualification to have a career and this was the cause of this rage and anger. Her mother always took the brunt of it and she bore the insults against her sister. Her Aunty never married and no one in the family really talked about it but her father always used it to insult her Mother. So Haleema soon realized this was something her father used to shame her mother. No one had even seen her aunt in the past decade, who was rumored to have been in a relationship with a Black man, a non Muslim. Which irked her father, but it didn’tTake a lot to irk her father.

“I understand. She will not be like my sister. I will make sure of that. Let her pursuit this and I will take care of the rest.” Her Mother reasones her Father. Haleema can hear the whole conversation despite them leaving the room. It hurt Haleema to see her beautiful mother’s face burdened with such sadness, unlike her father, her mother Shazia had maintained her beauty and looks despite being in her mid 40’s. Haleema had inherited her mother’s beauty and looks.

Haleema was only 21 and there were so many changes in her life and new expectations on her shoulders. She knew her parents were planning her marriage but in many ways she was naive and did not understand the world.

She had never had a boyfriend or spoken to a boy alone for more than a minute. She had always have been curious but there was so much she did not understand about her body and her desires. She was innocently aware it was a sin to think about boys or sexual things before marriage.

Her Mother told her the news but conveyed that it was conditional on her quitting the job once they arranged her marriage. Haleema was unable to hide her glee at hearing this and hugged her Mother.

Haleema began applying for jobs at various practices but she had missed the deadline for internships and was now struggled to get any call backs.

She lost count at the many places she had applied but there were no calls. She began to believe that God simply did not want her to have a career. She knew it was against her Father’s wishes as he believed her role was as a dutiful daughter and then a dutiful wife. She was only allowed to go College because her parents hoped it would help her obtain better matches for marriage. They never intended for her to pursue a career. She had a younger brother who was studying to be a lawyer and his life was so much easier compared to hers.

It had been a month since she had applied but she had still had no replies. She had applieded to all kinds of jobs in her field but there seemed to be no interest.

She had lost hope of finding a job when she received a call.

“Hello, this is Allison Allen from Therapy Matters. Am I speaking to Haleema Sulaiman?” The caller enquired.

Haleema sat up sharply as she all of a sudden realized this was her chance at a job. “Yes. Yes it is.” She replied swiftly.

“We have recently come across your enquiry for a job and you are invited for an interview tomorrow at noon with Mr. Sloan.” She had a matter of fact way of speaking and Haleema could not help but feel nervous.

The next morning Haleema wore her abaya and hijab. She wore a red abaya and hijab as she wanted it to seem different to the usual dreary black she wore. She wanted to make a good impression but sadly did not own any skirts or blouses that would make her look more professional. She also knew her Father would never allow her to wear such western clothing and she was lucky to be allowed to attend the interview. She never much enjoyed makeup and thought she should avoid it for her interview.

She arrived at a small office in the city. She did not know what she was expecting but she had pictured something bigger.

She was greeted by Allison who appeared to be mid to late 40’s. She seemed pleasant but there was sternness to her as she welcomed Haleema. She gave Haleema a strange look as she eyed her clothing.

“Please take a seat; I will let Mr. Sloan know you are here.” Allison tells Haleema.

Haleema picks up a magazine as she watches Allison return to her desk. Allison seems to be a secretary from what Haleema can gather. There do not appear to be any other employees.

“Mr. Sloan is ready to see you.” Announces Allison. She showed her to the door for Mr. Sloan.

Mr. Sloan was a large man who appeared to be in his mid to late 50’s. He was overweight as the years of fine dining and alcohol caught up with him. He was ugly and she found him unappealing. There was something about him that made Haleema feel uncomfortable. It was the way he looked at her up and down. She knew her dress was strange in this part of the world so excused these looks.

Haleema was right to feel uncomfortable at Mr. Sloan’s look. Unlike Allison, Mr. Sloan was looking with another intention; Haleema never really understand how her feminine assets affected males. Her Father He knew all too well and hated the idea of ​​his virgin daughter working in the world of perverted men. Mr. Sloan had noticed that despite her loose dress that she had a large pair of tits and the dress could not even contain the juiciness of her fat ass.

“Please take a seat, is it Hal-eema? Am I pronouncing that right?” He queried. “Yes. That is fine. Thank you for the interview.” She said nervously. She never expected him to get it right but she was glad to just be given the opportunity.

“Let me get straight to it. I am working to digitize my files. So I need an assistantto type up my case files on to the new system. I see this will be your first job in the field and it will be a great opportunity for you to study case files and maybe down the line I will let you get some hands on experience.” He explained to her.

“I want to learn and I would be grateful for the opportunity.” Haleema said eagerly.

“I am a straight talking man so I am just going to tell you straight. I deal with sexual deviancy. Some of my patients are ex-convicts or current prisoners. I just mean well, will you have a problem with that?” He said as he pointed to her dress. Haleema immediately felt uncomfortable at this suggestion and feel a little defensive.

“No, it is not a problem.” She replied with a strong tone.

“I am just curious. Are you married?” Mr. Sloan asked.

“No, Sir. Why do you ask?” Haleema wondered about the relevance.

“It is just my understanding that Muslim’s cannot have sex before marriage. Have you had sex?” He asked.

“I do not think that is relevant.” Haleema answered as she began to put her walls up.

“I don’t mean to offend you. It is just relevant to the job as you will deal with sexual issues.” Mr. Sloan kept his calm demeanor as he replied.

“Well no, I have never had sex. Will that be a problem?” Replied Haleema as she became insecure that her lack of sexual experience will cost her the job, despite how ridiculous it sounded.

Mr. Sloan felt his bulge grow in his pants as he heard this. Mr. Sloan had many women in his time but he had never been with a virgin. Haleema now had his attention.

“No, it will not be a problem. I just needed to know so I can guide you on issues that may arise.” Mr. Sloan calmly reassure her. Haleema took a sight of relief as she was eager to start the job. She had some concerns as it was a culture shock for her but she was determined to prove to her parents that she could be strong and independent.

Haleema was told to start the following week. Mr.Sloan had security cameras set up in the reception area and he switched to the camera to watch Haleema’s bubble butt as it left the office.

Larry Sloan leaned back in his seat as he tried to map out how he could possibly take the cherry of this sexy hijabi virgin. There was no way he would be seducing her with his looks and charm, he had to be manipulative and cunning.

Haleema went home over the moon that she had a job and was able to finally start her career. When she broke the news to her mother, there was a sense of disappointment she garnered from her Mother. This only made her more determined to be successful in her job.

There was something that made her uneasy about Mr. Sloan but she was determined to make it work.

She wore a black abaya and hijab on her first day. There was a gold trim on the dress that added some color. She knew it was not what women usually wore to the office. In a way she was lucky that it was a small office with just the three of them so she did not have to worry about being judged for what she wore.

Allison showed her around the office. There was not much to show but Allison made a tour of it. There was a small cramped kitchen area; the printer was just outside Mr. Sloan’s office and of course Mr. Sloan’s office.

Haleema had a desk next to Allison’s in the reception area. The office was quite small and there was not much space. Mr. Sloan had a larger office but he needed this to see patients.

She was given her first file to enter into the system. Mr. Sloan had mentioned to her that she needed to treat them as case studies so she could learn from them.

Larry Sloan leaned back in his chair as he watched Haleema on the security camera. He had selected this particular file for a reason and wanted to see the effect it had on her.

The first case was a young woman who was struggling to hold down a relationship due to nocturnal fans involving older men. She would detail lurid dreams ofdepraved sex with older men. The notes contained explicit details of the sex that was described and Larry Sloan enjoyed the idea of ​​the innocent virgin Haleema reading such explicit details.

Haleema sat down at her desk and began to work. She wanted to make a good impression and began to transfer the notes on to the system.

Initially Haleema did not pay much attention to the notes and focused on getting them transferred. Once she had transferred most of the files on to the system she began to read the notes and tries to understand the case. Laura Jones was 24 when she first visited Mr. Sloan. She had trouble in her relationships due to her nocturnal fans. Haleema understands the relevance of dreams in manifesting psychological problems a person had repressed or not dealt with.

The dreams of Miss Jones were particularly telling as They centered on sexual interactions with older men. She often described them as much older in their 60’s. Haleema had not major in sexual deviancy but she was briefly aware of such issues as she touched upon them. She was always awkward around these topics and tried to avoid them in her studies.

As the relationship developments between the therapist and patient, Miss Jones becomes more open. Haleema has an initial idea that this may be due to absent father issues. She continues to read the session notes as she gets more involved in the case.

Haleema can feel a tension between her legs as the sexual description becomes more detailed in the session. Miss Jones describes a dream about her boss. She describes her boss as an ugly older man and she does not find him attractive at all but in her dream she has the most depraved fansies about him. Laura recalls the dream in which she is wearing a short skirt. Her boss scolds her for dressing slutty in the office but instead of being ashamed of it, she strips for him and he fucks her bending her over the desk.

Haleema sent as she read the explicit notes.

“Are you ok, dear?” Allison asked over her screen bringing Haleema out of her thoughts.

“Yes, yes. I am good.” Haleema answered a little nervously.

“It is nearly lunch. You can take a break then.” Allison tells her.

Haleema takes her lunch at her desk as she does not know her way around the streets. She listens to prayers on her phone during her lunch break but for some reason her mind keeps drifting back to the notes of Laura.

In the afternoon she continues to read through the notes for Laura and is interested in the story. Her mind is absorbed by the case of Laura and the tension between her legs begins to grow.

As she reads to the end of the notes she discovers that Laura had repressed an affair she had with her step father at the age of 18 and it was these unresolved feelings that were causing these fansies.

It is towards the end of the working day when Mr. Sloan calls her in to his office. Larry Sloan had noticed the sight from Haleema and hoped to corrupt this innocent hijabi.

“I can see all the notes for the Laura Jones file are on the system. That is a good start. What did you think of the case?” Mr. Sloan asked as he looked up at her.

“I found it interesting. My initial thoughts were that there were some unresolved issues with her father. But I learned the importance of building the relationship to get to the real problems.” Haleema explains.

“Most patients will come into the office and think I will give them some magic answer. But to find real answers take much longer. How did you handle the sexual aspects of it? If you have any questions, it is best to ask.” Mr. Sloan asked. He could see a tension in Haleema and her legs were clasped tight together.

“I found it good. It is not something I have majored in but I have a basic understanding.” Haleema replied.

“Ah. But no experience.” Mr. Sloan reminded her. “You did good today. You can leave a little early. I will see you in the morning.”Mr. Sloan says with a smile. Haleema is pleased at how nice Mr. Sloan is and has enjoyed her first day at work.

Haleema returns home and goes to her bedroom to change. At home, Haleema usually just wears pajamas and has her hair down. She only needs to wear the hijab when she is around unfamiliar men.

The clothes are placed back in the wardrobe and Haleema selects some pajamas to wear. Whilst sitting on the bed to slide on her pajamas, Haleema notices dampness on her panties. Haleema always wore large comfortable white or beige cotton panties.

Haleema slides the panties to mid thigh to inspect the unusual discharge. She had felt a tension between her legs all day and as she rubbed her finger along the wet streak on her panties she found her thoughts drifting back to the notes of Laura Jones.

Haleema told herself she needed to discover the cause of the discharge and gently touched her vaginal lips. She found them to be slick to touch and more engorged than usual.

The touches became more exploration as her fingers easily glided over her wet lips. She lay back on the bed as she touched the sensitive part of her vagina. Her mind was on the notes from Laura. The fantasy of Laura and her boss. Only Haleema did not know what Laura or her boss looked like so in her mind she pictured Mr. Sloan as the older ugly boss. She pressed against the sensitive part as a moan escaped Her lips. She quickly moved a hand to cover her mouth but she did not stop the exploration touches. Only now the rubbing on the sensitive part began to increase.

Her breathing was becoming more erratic and the muffled moans more frequent. She could feel a crescendo building.

“Haleema! Are you coming down?” She heard her mother scream.

It brought her out of the intense feelings and she quickly changed into her pajamas. Her fingers were soaked with the discharge and she went to the bathroom to wash-up.

The next day she is in a good mood as she arrives atwork. She wears the same outfit the next day. Allison tells her that Mr. Sloan is out of the office for the rest of the week as he will be visiting patients in the prison as part of their contract with the Prosecutors office. He has left files for Haleema to upload on to the system.

The rest of the week Haleema finds herself talking to Allison and getting to know her. Allison has no interest in the actual work and is just happy to do her tasks. Haleema miss discussing the case studies with Mr. Sloan as she feels she can learn a lot about him. The files left deal mainly with violent offenders and Haleema does not have the same kind of interest.

The following week, Haleema is pleased to see Mr. Sloan in the office again. She is wearing a light blue hijab this week as the weather is sunny.

Mr. Sloan calls her into the office early.

“Sorry I could not be here last week. How did you find the files last week?” Mr. Sloan asks.

“I had studied criminal behaviorsand found most patients had similar backgrounds to my understanding of these crimes.” Haleema replied.

“They all need to be added to the system but I will try to find a more interesting case today for you to consider.” Mr. Sloan told her.

Later that morning Mr. Sloan dropped off the file of Sammie Brooks.

“You might find this interesting. It deals with addictive behaviors. I will let you discover it.” Mr. Sloan tells her before returning to his face.

Haleema begins to read the notes as she inputs the notes on the system. She is more relaxed now as she learns the file while adding the notes also.

Sammie Brooks was a single mother at the age of 39. There were obvious abandonment issues that Haleema detected, her parents were divided, her husband left her and now her only son had left to pursue an acting career.

Haleema discovers that the addition Ms Brooks had was not the usual gambling or alcohol addition but an addition to masturbating.

Haleema is shocked but also intrigued at the same time. She continues to read as she discovers how Sammie describes in detail how she masturbates. The way she cares her breasts, the rougher she becomes with her nipples as she becomes more aroused. The way she plays with her ‘clit’. Haleema had never heard this word before but the more she read the notes, the more she began to understand that what she was putting pressure on the evening before was the same thing.

Larry Sloan was watching Haleema intensely as she read the file of Sammie Brooks. He wanted to know the effect these files would have on her. It was very subtle but he could sense the explicit stories having an arousing effect on her. The signs were very subtle and he had to look closely for them. It might maybe a sight, a swallow, squeezing her legs or even the way she bites her pen. Larry was struggleling to get any work done as he spent most of the morning watching her.

It was later in the afternoon when Mr. Sloan called Haleema into the office.

“How did you find the Brooks case study?” Asked Mr. Sloan. He was interested in how it affected her.

“I found it interesting how the addition manifested from the abandonment. It is much like alcohol addition that need to feel a rush to forget your own problems.” Haleema explains.

“The interesting part for me was her particular addition. Usually a middle aged woman reaching for the wine glass. Masturbation addition is usually associated with porn addiction in younger men. The addition stemmed from her having an unsatisfactory sex life and an inability to form healthy relationships with the opposite sex due to her parents’ dividend. Also she had an increased sex drive due to the fear of menopause.” Mr. Sloan explained. Haleema realized there was so much she had to learn.

Whilst changing after work she noticed that her panties had that same discharge once more. She removed her large bra as she recalled how Sammie described the wayshe masturbated.

Her nipples are so erect and stiff as she gently touches them. They are so sensitive to the touch. Her skin is a creamy coffee color but her nipples are a dark chocolate color. Her breasts developed early and they now are 34E. She gently cares her breasts as she takes a deep breath.


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