The Progression

As I melt back into reality and open my eyes, I turn my head to the French doors. I see you standing there watching me in my nakedness, a smile of pure indulgence spread happily across your handsome face. You move into the room and kiss me hard on the lips, holding me to you in reassurance of your affections. Sitting down on the chesterfield, you pull me onto your lap and rock me gently, soothing me back to wakefulness. It is so good here with you. You have affection for me, and I love you, I smile to myself as I turn my face into your neck kissing you softly there. Your skin is warm from the sunlight and you smell fresh from the garden air that you have been walking in. Reaching into your shirt pocket you pull out a sprig of jasmine and press it to my nose, you know I cannot resist the heady perfume. I watch your eyes and my heart flutters at your obvious delight in my enjoyment of my senses.

Cupping your face in my hands, I pull your face down to meet mine, my lips draggingacross yours in a silent invitation for you to open to me. Sucking your tongue into my mouth, we savour the taste of each other as our tongues dance, my fingers threading into your hair and holding you against me, my breasts pressed firmly against your chest. You taste of honey and lemon, sweet yet sharp, quintessentially you, a perfect combination of contrasts to satisfy even the most discerning palate.

The sunlight is streaming into the library through the French doors behind me. It hits my back as I slide down your lap and onto the floor to knee between your knees. I saw as the sun warms me through to my bones and reflects off my pale skin. My hair falls forward over my shoulders and draws itself like a golden curtain over your thigh. You reach out to touch it and I watch as it flows through you fingers like shot silk. Smiling, I reach my hands up and slowly undo the buttons of your shirt, one by one, before sliding a hand inside to explore the texture of your chest. The firm male nipple that brushes against my fingertips grows tighter at my touch and you sight as I bend to kiss it. My tongue snakes out and tastes the saltiness of your skin. I reach for your belt and you watch as my nipples tighten in building excitement.

I undo your belt and tug on it to free it from your jeans. Carefully I roll it up and place it discretely on the floor by my knee. Impatiently I pop the first button of your black 501’s, the backs of my knuckles grazing against your belly and the crisp hair there. Sliding my hands into the waistband of your jeans you allow me to remove them by raising your hips so I can ease them down over your muscle legs and off to be pushed to one side and forgetten, there are more important things to be considered.

I run my hands up over your chest to your shoulders and push your shirt off, exposing you to my gaze. You are so lovely to look at; my eyes drink in my fill of you, storing you away for treasuring later. I rub my cheek acrossYour chest, my hair sweeping over you, smooth and cooling as I kiss my way down your belly. I nuzzle my nose in your springy curls at the juncture of your thighs and inhale deeply the rich chaos of your arousal. I can differentiate between the clean smell of soap and the muscleiness of your skin. I close my eyes and experience you with my other senses. The velvety skin of your cock slides easily Under my tongue as I slide it down over the outside of your shake to your balls. Sucking a testicle into my mouth, it rolls around my mouth easily like a ripe plum over my tongue. Pulling my head back gently and tugging on it, I hear you moan quietly as I suck gently on you. I let you go and blow forcedly onto your damp skin, fascinated by the contractions and rippling reaction on your scrotum, so amazing to watch. Raising my eyes to yours, I smile at you as I wrap my fingers around your swollen shake and watch as you nod your consent to me. As I bow my head to you, a ninely drop of life oozes out of you and compels me to taste it. Quickly flicking it up with the tip of my tongue I savour its tang, then bending lower lick the swollen head of your prick, around and around and up under the rim of the glans, swirling the wet roughness of my tongue across your smoothness. I feel you quiver as I enjoy you. I so want to please you well.

You let me suck you with abandon. My mouth sheaths you like a scabbard, my throat swallowing your pulsating cock, deeper and deeper you go until you may go no further. My enjoyment of you is obvious. You touch the side of my face with the back of your hand, my signal to stop. I comply immediately. You know me well, you know what I want just as you know what I need, you are incredible lover, I can feel your affection for me. I reach for your coiled leather belt at my knee. Smiling, I hand it to you knowing full well what you will use it for. You nod to me and I lie myself face down across your knees and wait. You uncoil the belt and gripthe buckle and the free end in your palm and wrap it around the back of your hand once so that the loop of the belt is protruding out from under your thumb and forefinger. You grab the head of the loop and snap the belt together with a satisfying clap near my ear; I tremble with anticipation at the sound the leather strking leather makes.

I feel you raise your arm and hear as you bring the belt whooshing down to strike me across the buttocks with a crack. The sting is incredible, sending sensings ricocheting through my body as my breath hisses between my teeth. You raise your hand to me again, and again I hear the whoosh of the belt before it connects with my flesh. The sound of the leather on leather against my soft flesh is as deafening as it is stinging; my buttocks are red with the effects of the two strokes. The arousal it causes is overpowering in its intensity. You continue to strike me with your belt, moving slightly each time until you have covered all the flesh on mybuttocks and it is glowing pink to your satisfaction. You spread your legs wide and reach between your thighs to cares my cunt from beneath me, telling me, “now sweet baby.” After all the sensings you have subjected my body to, it is no wonder that I convulse immediately under your hand as you bring the belt down across my red buttons yet again. I cry out my release as you continue to spank me and stroke me, shuddering across your knees with the force of my orgasm. You know exactly how to please me; you pleasure me so well.

Your hands grip me tightly around the waist as the final convulsions of my orgasm subside and you lift me to sit me in your lap again. Twisting me around, you have me facing the French doors and the beautiful view into your garden. You raise my hips slightly and sheath yourself in me, filling me again as you have so many times before. Your warm hands slide across my belly and up to cup my breasts; my nipples rock hard and aroused by your touch. The forefinger and thumb of your left hand encircles the nipple of my left breast, your favorite one, and you squeeze it gently. Rolling it between your fingers with more pressure, I gasp as you pinch the nipple of the other breast with your right hand, and all the while, you are rocking your hips backwards and forwards stirring delicious sensings throughout my body.

Taking my hands in yours, You guide them down to the apex of my thighs and move them to feel where we are joined. Encouraging me to explore myself with my fingers, your hands return slowly to my breasts, your hot breath on my shoulder making me tremble. My fingers find your balls and begin to cares them as they also find my moist swollen lips and part them to find the most sensitive spot of all. Moaning softly, I cannot help but rock back Against you in response to the stimulation. I feel you mouth on my shoulder, your lips deliciously skimming across my flesh as you fondle my breasts with your hands.

The library is getter hotter; our bodies are slick with sweat as the pace increases. The sound of my whimper as you sink your teeth firmly into the nape of my neck fills the room, your tongue snakes out to lick my wound. Faster I stroke myself, faster I rock back against you, faster you drive into me. Your breath heats my skin still further, I can feel you breathing in the scent of my arousal and its effect on you is extensive. You hold me firmly against you, cocooning me in your arms, your hands working over my flesh frantically.

“Come for me sweetbaby!” you shout.

I feel you stretching me; you fill me so completely, not just physically but emotionally. You touch me deeper than any other ever has. You are my mentor, my companion, my lover.

Your scrotum tightens and I can feel Your abdominal muscles preparing themselves. You excite me so much I am light-headed with it. Your teeth sink into my flesh again as you tug on my nipples with your fingers and you groan loudly as your cock pulses inside me and you shoot hot silk into me. Your release rockets through your body and sets mine off to an explosion of desire and lust, the electricity of it enervating my senses, quavering through you, and straight into me.

We collapse against each other spent and reply. You hold me tightly too you, deliciously kissing my throat as you turn me in your arms to face you. Your thumb gently Wipes the tears from my eye and you press it to your lips to taste the joy you give me. You cup my face in your hands and kiss me tenderly on the lips. I look you in the eyes and smile at you, you chuckle because you know what I am thinking.

“Oh Sir, you are so lovely,” I sight.

“Shhhh, little one. I adore you,” you say as you rock me slowly in your arms.


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