His heart pounded loudly in his chest and throbbed in his ear drums. His mouth was dry and his mind raced with thoughts. The adrenaline racing haphazardly through his veins set all his senses on high alert.
She looked glorgeous…this young woman who had brought him here. He wasn’t sure if it was the light or his imagination but he thought he saw a glowing energy surrounding her. He gazed After her with curiosity as she disappeared through the door.
He felt frozen in the moment, desperately willing his feet to follow her. His head swam with the memory of just a few days ago when she had stopped by his office at the university.
He hadn’t yet had a chance to read her essay when she inquired as to what he thought of it in class the day before but he made a point to read it that same night. Her words leaves from the page and instantly commanded his full attention. She wrote of power, control, sex, lust and violence with a deep intriguing tone that he’d never read beforee. Her words imprinted themselves deeply in his mind.
When she stopped by his office, he had a hard time finding the words to say. He stumbled clumsily over a half-hearted politically correct critic of her writing style and syntax. Her grey eyes flickered with an inner hunger as she stepped forward and pressed a slender finger to his lips to silence him.
She spoke softly yet with a confidence benefiting someone twice her age. Her soft supplement lips formed the words he would replay over and over in his head for weeks to come.
“I know what you are, Professor, even though you are not yet aware of it. I know what you need and want deep down inside. I can give it to you. I will give it to you.”
She tucked a small black card with white print on it into his shirt pocket and patted it lightly. “Be there Friday night at 7 pm sharp.”
He sat mesmerized with his eyes locked on hers. The moment seemed to defy time and space as it stayed suspended between them. As he blinked, he saw her retreating form slip through the door and disappear into the mass of students crowding the hallway.
What could she possibly mean? Be where at 7 pm?
He dug into his pocket and read the simple font to himself. It was an address…nothing more…and he instantly turned to his computer to look up any information he could find. All that came up in his search was a Google Earth shot of a warehouse. It was rather plain and had no signage on it to indicate what type of a place it might be.
The next couple of days passed in a blur. The only moments that stood out were when he saw her in class and immediately felt his cheeses warm with a blush when they happened to make eye contact. He was quick to look away and direct his focus to the whiteboard behind him.
He hoped the other students hadn’t noticed what she did to him but he could feel her playful smile aimed at his back. He still wasn’t entirely sure what she means by what she said in his office but hewas more than intrigued to find out. The raging hard-on he had to conceal in her presence was proof enough of that truth.
Five o’clock on Friday night came quickly and he found himself dealing with a horrible case of nerves. He had no idea where he was going to be going or what he would be doing. He showed and shavled, making sure to put on a nice cologne.
He dug through his closet, trying to Decide what he should wear for this mystery date. Was it a jeans type thing? Suit? Somewhere in between? Fuck. This girl was in his head and he couldn’t get her out.
He grabbed a pair of black slacks and a grey button up shirt. When paired with a black leather belt and some nice dress shoes, he felt the outfit could fit just about any type of occasion nicely. He glanced at the clock as he tied his shoes. 6:15 pm. He swallowed hard, trying to get the butterflies in his stomach to settle.
He managed to pull into the parking lot at 6:42 pm. He double checked his appearance inhis visaor mirror and popped a wintergreen lifesaver mint into his mouth. 6:43 pm. Damn. This was taking forever.
He looked around the parking lot and saw a few fairly nicely dressed people wandering towards the door of the building. He tried to get a better look at things in his review mirror then slumped back down into his seat. 6:45 pm. He wondered where she was. Maybe she was already inside. His palms got sweaty and he wiped them unexpectedly on his pant legs.
He watched the clock until it hit 6:50 pm and then stepped out of his car into the crisp evening air. He closed and locked his car door before striding tenatively towards the door of the warehouse.
As he got closer, he spotted her in a small group of people just outside the door. He could only see part of her face as the people around her obscured the view of more. She glanced up and smiled when she saw him approaching.
After excusing herself from the small group, she stepped out of it and waited forhim to come closer. She was dressed in a red satin corset with body-hugging black leather pants and flame red patent leather peekaboo silettos.
He felt short of breath as he noticed that her perfectly pedicured toenails were an exact match to the shiny red pumps. She was…divine. She was shutoned him closer and smiled as though amused by the look of fear and excitement in his eyes.
“Thank you for coming, Professor,” she said softly.
“Thank you for inviting me to…” he paused, looking around as though the word he needed was hiding somewhere in the sparse surroundings. “…to…well…thank you for inviting me.” He smiled awkwardly and it made her grin a bit more.
Leaning in close to him, she placed one hand lightly on his sternum and the other on his right bicep as she spoke so only he could hear. “This is a dungeon, Professor. This is where you can let go of your inhibitions and explore the person that I know you are.”
He shifted and she continued after slslightly tightening her grip on his arm, “I’ve seen you, Professor. I’ve noticed you interacting with your students and the other teachers. You react differently to women. There’s a longing to please them in everything you do. I can tell that you are special, Professor.”
She stepped back but left her hands where they were. She could feel his chest thumbing as his heartbeat pounded. She smiled and looked into his eyes. “Follow me, Professor, and I will make your wildest dreams a reality.” She stepped through the door without a backwards glance.
Terror and yearning clashed like titans within him as he stared at the doorway that would lead him into a world he hadn’t let himself dare to imagine existed. His feet felt nailed to the ground where he stood. He silently begged them to take a step. Panic struck at he realized he was keeping her waiting. He took a deep breath and walked through the door.
He squinted as it took a moment or two for his eyes to adjust to the darker iThe next of the warehouse. There was a small area drawn in black velvet curtains which was home to a couple plus couches. He saw that two of the curtains in the back were parted and seemed to lead to the rest of the warehouse. He didn’t see her in the cozy lobby so he quickly made his way back through the open curtains.
Looking around eagerly for her, his eyes drifted over all sorts of contractions that sparked his interest. He saw her and a bright smile possessed his lips. Striding over, he took in her form. She looked lovedly sitting in a high back white leather chair. The contrast of her outfit with the chair was breathtaking.
Her left leg was drawn over her right and her heeled foot bounced up and down ever so slightly in impatience. He noticed that the gentle curve of her jaw seemed tense and set. Her eyes blazed into his soul. He knelt in front of her instinctively and looked up.
She placed her shiny red heel in the middle of his chest, digging the siletto into his flesh. “I won’t be kept waiting,” she softly snarled as she pushed against him causing him to lean back and gasp.
A wicked giggle tumbled over her red tinted lips as she saw the shocked expression on his face. He squirmed as his cock instantly hardened and strained inside the fabric of his pants. He let out a small groan from the pain left by her heel.
Swiftly standing and grabbing his hair, she jerked his head back sharply to look up at her. Glaring down at him with a look edging on contempt, she spoke sharply. “I didn’t hear an apology.” He felt his adam’s apple bob against the taut skin of his throat as he hurriedly answered, “Yes. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.”
“Professor, listen to me very closely,” she quietly hissed as she grabbed his jaw and squeezed her fingers into his cheeses. Her cold grey eyes captured his as she continued, “From this moment forward, I am in charge. You will do exactly as I say when I say and you will thank me for the privilege. Youare to refer to me as Miss and any failure to do so will result in my swift and unmerciful punishment. Understood?”
He felt so aroused and fearful yet safe in her capable hands. He was quick to reply, “Yes, Miss.”
She smiled and released the hold on his jaw. His cheeses ached with her fingerprints. Her hand in his hair gripped even tighter as she kept his head held back. She lightly traced her fingertips over his lips and down his exposed throat. “Now, stand and strip.”
She let her words hang in the air as she slide her fingers from his locks and stepped back towards the tall white chair. He sat stunned at her request…no, her command. He watched her expression cloud as she settled back in her seat and it only took him a moment to realize he was the one causing it. His fingers found the first smooth plastic button on his shirt and somehow managed to undo it as he clambered to his feet.
Her steely gaze drifted over him, judging him, as he rid himself first of hisshirt and began to unbuckle his belt. It was only when his hand brushed the top of his painfully rigid cock that a short burst of panic ran through him. She was about to see what she did to him. He was going to be so vulnerable in front of this goddess. He hesitated as his anxiety rose.
She cleared her throat disapprovingly at his lack of movement. Throwing caution to the wind, he swallowed hard, closed his eyes and finished stripping the clothes off his runner’s body.
She chuckled wryly as his manhood bobbed. His cheeks were flushed which delighted her all the more.
The one word was enough. He was down on his knees as quickly as he was able. The soft thud as he hit the ground reached through his knees.
“Now, crawl to me.”
His hands found the floor as he hastened to do her bidding. He crawled forward until he was right in front of her, his face right next to her heel clad feet. He could smell the subtle cent of her and it drove him wild withDesire to please.
She watched him closely as she moved her foot to caress the side of his face. She rubbed the shiny leather on his smooth cheek and jaw, observing how his breath quickly and how he instinctively seemed to nuzzle back. This pleased her very much but she kept that bit of knowledge to herself.
“Clean my heels.”
He looked up with a puzzled expression. “Yes, Miss…but…how?” He looked around for a clothes or paper towel. She placed the tip of her shoes in front of his lips.
“With your tongue, professor.”
She waited expectedly as he processed this request. He felt something within him jump in excitement at the prospect as his tongue slide out to taste the shiny material.
He could almost taste her sweet flesh through the leather. He moaned softly as his tongue lashed and cleaned her shoes. This was…beyond words. Faster and faster he began to lick as his arousal built. He licked up from the softly curved side of her heel to her peeking toes.
“Take off my heels.”
He reverently gripped her shoes and gently removed them, setting them down next to her throne. His eyes wandered over her porcelain skin as he gazed longingly at her feet. She raised her right foot and pressed her pedicured toes against his lips. His mouth opened and she slowly pushed inside. She waited for him to get his entire mouth around her toes before curling them against his tongue.
He moaned at this nirvana. Her other foot slide over his thigh to tease his throbbing shake, her agile toes bobbing it around. His hands clenched into white-knuckled fists as he struggled to control his inner urges. Further her foot slide down until his balls were trapped between her flesh and the hard ground. He whimpered anxiously and obviously tensed.
She pulled her foot from his mouth with a grin and wiped his drool across his chest and over each perky nipple. Some spit trailed down his chin.
Her voice was sweet and lacened withpoison as she spoke. He was compelled to look into this siren’s eyes as he heard her. She paused briefly and frowned.
“You are forgetting yourself.”
Her lip curled into a barely perceptible snarl as she slapped him hard across the face and pushed more weight on his trapped balls.
He cried out, “yes, Miss! Thank you, Miss!” She relieved the pressure ever so slightly.
“That’s better. Don’t forget who controls you, professor. Now bend over and kiss the floor.”
She moved out of his line of site as he compiled. He could hear things being shuffled as he knelt there on all fours with his ass up and his cock dangling. There was silence followed by an eerie “swoosh” then he screamed. The stripe that had just been laid on his ass surprised him and stung like nothing he had ever felt before. It saw deep into his muscles as he squirmed in his position.
Her voice rang out in the midst of the white noise of other people around them.
“I told you I would not be kept waiting, professor.”
The swish of the crop split the air once more as he realized what she was saying.
Lurching forward from the second bite of the leather, he groaned through gritted teeth, “yes, Miss!”
The warmth began to spread outward to consume his entire cheese as a third harder stroke found its place with the others. He yelped louder than before, “Yes, Miss! Thank you, Miss!”
His back arched then concaved as his hips shifted. His breath was quick and ragged. He heard her crystal clear giggle as she watched his torque.
He jerked forward and gasped sharply as he felt the next contact. She softly cool and he began to calm down when he decided that it was her smooth, cool hand drifting across his burning skin.
He pushed back towards her touch and she leaned over him, her breath hot on his neck as she spoke.
“I knew what you were the first time I laid eyes on you, professor, and I knew that you would be mine.”
He let out alow moan thick with desire as he enjoyed her distinctly feminine touch, feel and scent. He barely dared to whisper, “yes, Miss.”
The rest of the night seemed to pass in a moment that took an eternity as she laid claim to his body and mind, possessing him in ways only she could. He would never forget the feel of her warm clothed body against his bruised naked one. He felt so safe and secure in her arms. She was everything he’d been yearning for and she had chosen him.
He moved through the weekend on a high like no other. Before he knew it, Monday had arrived and he was back in class. He was writing on his whiteboard when he picked up the subtle cent of her perfume.
A bright smile crinkled the corners of his eyes as he turned and saw her sitting in her usual spot in the third row.
She smiled Knowingly as she watched his eyes drift from her black silk blouse down over her dark blue fitted bootcut jeans to her pretty red toes peeking out of her flame red patent leather peekaboo pumps.
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