The Professor: The Finale
Recap: Molly has approached her former professor on whom she has a deep crush. They exchange stories to explore their fansies and philosophies as he attempts to rein in her emotions (Days 1 through 10). After their week together, they continued to write and exchange stories (See Molly’s Story 1 through 9 and Stephen’s Story 1 through 6). The episode below is the 26th and last installment of this saga. Molly and Stephen hope you have enjoyed it.
Stephen and Molly settled down to a glass of wine after dinner. “I’m going to have to leave you.”
“No, not yet. I’ve been enjoying your company all summer. Stay longer.”
“You know I can’t. You have the school year ahead of you. You have no time for me. But I will let you tell me one more story.”
The Hostage
Dorothy was a very attractive 43-year old, never married, though she longed to be. She had had a number of relationships, but none of them seemed to stick. Currently she was in a two-year drought, and her job was making it worse. Four years ago, she was laid off from a good job and had to scramble for something else. Desperate after more than six months and watching her bank account shrink, she had taken the only full-time work available, as a clerk in a lingerie shop. This was not a high-end boutique, but a marginally seedy store that sold sexy outfits in the front and videotapes and sex toys in the back. She was overqualified and the owner recognized that right away. Within a short time, she had been promoted to assistant manager and effectively ran the store when the owner was not present. Unfortunately, it was losing money and the owner had decided to declare bankruptcy. Thus it was that on a Monday morning Dorothy and Penny, a part-timer from the local community college, were conducting inventory to prepare for the liquidation sale the following week. Every item had to be recorded and the prices marked down. Meanwhile the days of employment were also counting down.
When Dorothy took the job, she had never before seen most of the toys and paraphernalia it stocked. She learned about it through discreet questions and internet searches. As she discovered bond and bondage gear, she felt a thrill and wanted to explore it. One evening she purchased a set of handcuffs with fleece lining. She was at the beginning of a relationship and had slept with this boyfriend only once. The following Sunday he had come over for dinner. As the evening progressed, she brought out the cuffs and suggested trying something a little more adventurous. He freaked out and left. She never heard from him again.
It took more than a year before she reached that point in a new relationship and had the nerve to try again. She had met Stan in a bar, and then had gone on a few dates with him. He seemed pretty nice and into some thrills, so, Dorothy thought he might be less reluctant to try some milkly kinky sex. Stan liked the idea. In fact, he liked it too much. After she had allowed him to handcuff her over a table, he improved a gag and blindfold. Teasing led to spanking and more, and soon she was frightened for her life. It took a lot of dodging and muffled screams and protests before he understand that she had had enough.
Stan was her last relationship. Dorothy decided that a dominant man who was also caring may not exist.
That afternoon a black van sped away from the bank. Dan and Pete might have gotten more money, but by being less greedy, they had a big enough lead on the police that they felt confident of their escape. They drove several blocks away into a parking garage that was usually quiet this time of day and where they had disabled the security cameras the evening before. Leaving the stolen van on the second floor, they grabbed the bag of money and headed to the stairs. If they found the getaway vehicle, the police would think theyhad changed vehicles and driven away. What they needed to do now was bid their time for a couple of hours until everything calmed down and then make a quiet exit.
The ground floor of the garage had the back doors to several businesses. Dan knew that one of them opened into a bakery that was closed on Mondays. That would be a safe place to hang out and maybe they would even have something to eat. From the foot of the stairs they Walked to the near wall and began to count the unlabeled doors. “Two . . . three . . this one must be it.” Pete pulled out his tools and began to work on the lock.
“Someone’s coming, Dan warned.”
Pete got the door open just in time and they slipped into a back office just before the football steps rounded the corner. It was small, with a desk and two file cabinets, but the light was on. They were just setting down when the door from the shop opened and a woman walked in. Dan grabbed her and pointed the gun in her face. “Mouth shut.” When she froze, he motioned her against the wall. This woman was older, perhaps forty. Her blond hair was tied into a loose ponytail.
“Is there anyone else in there?” he whispered. She was too frightened to speak, but her hesitation told them she was not alone.
“Sit here and keep quiet,” Pete said with a low voice and pointed to a spot against the wall. He left Dan with them and carefully entered the store.
Ten minutes later, he came back pushing a second woman ahead of him. She was handcuffed. Pete had smile on his face. “This isn’t the bakery. It’s a sex shop.” He turned to the first clerk who had blundered in. “What’s your name?”
“And hers?” he gestured towards the younger woman.
“OK, Dorothy, and Penny. Glad to meet you.” From his pocket he produced another pair of handscuffs from the store and placed them on Dorothy. “Sorry about this. Make yourselves comfortable. We will only inconvenience you a little while.”
“Oh, come on. Really?” Molly exploded.
“What?” Stephen asked.
“Two guys stumble into a sex shop where they are forced to kill time with a couple of beautiful hostages? How contributed is that?”
“Well . . .”
“You and your endless male fansies.”
“But . . .”
“I suppose now you will put the women into all kinds of fetish outfits and try on bondage gear.”
“Well . . .”
“Oh, I know. It turns out there are several other women in the store – a whole cheerleader squad comes in. They then can use stocks and cages and a whole dungeon of restraints,” Molly said mockingly.
“Now that’s . . .”
“Why don’t you have Dorothy pull out a gun from the office desk and turn the tables. She and Penny put the bank robbers in bondage.”
“I suppose . . .”
“Or, let’s see. How about this. They aren’t the robbers. They are the clerks and they catch a young lady shopping. Then they can spend as much time as they want torturing her.”
“Now that has .. .”
“But in your stories, the men are nice guys and don’t capture women against their will. The women have to like it.”
“Well, yes, but . . .”
“How about this. Maybe they just want to put together a catalog of their toys and they make the shoplifter pose in all the fetish costumes and bondage devices while they take pictures. Then they let her go.”
“Why don’t you write the story,” Stephen conceded.
“No, it’s your story.”
“Then let me tell it.”
“No one’s stopping you.”
I’ll just summarize. Dan turn out to be a real hothead and wants to go after Penny. Pete is the older and more sensitive of the pair and watches to keep things from getting out of hand. I guess I don’t have to explain what Dan does to Penny. On the Other hand, Dorothy sizes Pete up and decides he is a nice guy deep inside. She knows that hostages should engage in conversation with their captors to humanize the relationship.
“Do you do this often?” she asked him.
Pete laughed. “No. I had a job until six months ago. My employer laid me off to avoid paying back wages. I just got desperate. I even have something lined up across the country. I just needed some money to get there and settle in; but nothing is ever as easy as it seems. Like running into you. You have family?”
“Nope. I’m on my own.”
“If I have to kill time, at least I get to do it looking at a pretty woman. How did you end up working in a place like this?”
“Pretty much the same story. I was an administrative assistant until I was laid off. I looked for another job for a year and took this out of desire. I’d rather be anywhere else.”
Dorothy was sizing up her two captors. The younger one was volatile, immature and dangerous. The older one seemed in control, both of himself and the situation. He acted decisively, but know when to step in and when not to. She felt she could trust him.
Dan had chained Penny to a display case and she was reasonably safefrom Dan’s libido, for now. He removed Dorothy’s cuffs and led her to the front show room. “Sorry about the kid, ma’am. I won’t let him do any more harm, but let’s humor him right now. Got anything here that looks severe but isn’t too uncomfortable?” He was looking over the clothes racks as he spoke. When he turned to Dorothy, he found she had already removed most of her clothes. She was down to her panties and a pair of strappy sandals with high heels. She turned to the right and left to showed her body to Pete. “Do you like it? I work out.”
Pete was thrown off guard as he looked at her trim, muscle body. “Well, sure . . .”
“Tell me truly. Do bound women excited you?”
“Uh . . .”
“The way you looked at Penny said yes.”
“Well, I suppose . . .”
“Oh, do you like boots? Most men do.” She took off her shoes and put on a pair of leather thigh boots.
Dorothy walked over to a rack of clothes and pulled out a long leather garment. “This is a corset dress. I have always wanted to try it, but I need some help.” She began to wrap it around her and glanced to Pete. The dress was strapless and knee length. While he supported the heavy material, she zipped up it up in front. “Now tighten the laces for me, please.” Pete saw that the bodyce was indeed a corset with steel stays. He worked the laces so that they tightened it around her wait.
“Before you finish my legs, there is more I have to do.” Dorothy went to the sales counter and picked up several large shopping bags, handing a couple to Pete. As an afterthought, she opened the cash register, which held a hundred in change. “We can take anything we want. The store is going out of business and everything will be sold at a loss anyway. The owner can make more from the insurance claim than from sales.” As she chatted, she walked around the store pulling items off the shelves and putting them in the bags. “Fortunately, there is some good fetish wear in my size still. Do you like leather or spandex? Perhaps rubber? We don’t have much of that. I like leather, myself.” She put another pair of shoes in the bag, along with a top, a skirt and a corset.
After a short time, she placed two full bags on the floor. “There’s a safe in the office. If you threaten to torture me, I can open it for you. “You can finish lacing me.” He worked again on the body. “Tighter.” He pulled again and was about to tie it off. “You can go a little tighter.” Soon her wait made a remarkable curve to her hips. After that was tied off, the laces continued down the skirt, where the crevice of her buttocks was slightly exposed under the lacings. Her knees had just enough freedom for her to shuffle across the floor, a few inches per step.
“And don’t forget to fill a bag or two for yourself. Lots of rope and leather straps. Any anything that strikes your fancy.” As he led Dorothy back toward the office, she pleaded, “Take me out of here?”
“Out of the store?”
“Out ofmy life. Anywhere.”
Dan was still annoyed about Penny, but he gave an appreciated look at Dorothy. “I didn’t think you had it in you, Partner.”
Pete took Dan into the back office and insisted they divided the money there. “It’s time to get out of here. I think we should leave separately. You take the car, I will find my own way. I don’t need to see you again. Don’t try to contact me. I’m not going to work with you anymore.” He cut off Dan’s protest. “The way you wave that gun around, sooner or later you are going to hurt someone. And I’m going to go straight after this. Got it? Go. I’ll give you a head start so no one will see us together.”
Without another word Dan took his half of the money and disappeared.
Dorothy instructed Pete how to open the safe. They found nearly a thousand dollars in it. She explained, “Most customers these days pay with credit cards. But in this store – lots of guys don’t want a paper trail, if you know what I mean.”
Pete gamingd up Dorothy’s bags and filled one of his own. He asked Penny if she was OK. He removed her bonds and left her loosely chained by an ankle to the desk. She was not free, but she should be comfortable until helped arrived. He waited another half hour before he made a move to leave.
“Ladies,” Pete addressed them, “it has been a great pleasure, but it is time for me to depart.” To Penny he explained, I’m going to take Dorothy with me just in case. In an hour she can call someone to set you free and then she can do what she wants. The keys you need are on the desk.” He left Penny and led his hostage into the office.
Pete picked up Dorothy’s pursuit and found her car keys. “I’ll be right back with the car. Don’t go anywhere.” She nodded and but there was a gleam in her eye.
“Where are we going?” she asked.
“Ever been to Reno?”
“Not yet, but it sounds good.” This was one hostage who was not planning to be rescued.
“Get a life Professor,” Molly complained in disgust. “No woman is going to behave that way.”
“You are right,” Stephen confessed. “My daydreams are getting over the top. It’s time to rein them in. But that includes you.”
“Me?” Molly protected.
“You. You’re just another one of my fans. In real life I would never have a beautiful intelligent student throw herself at me or ask to be my slave. It was fun while it lasted, but it’s time to find myself a real girlfriend.”
“Thanks for everything and be good.” She gave him a goodbye kiss.
Stephen witnessed. Today was the start of the school year and he had work to attend to. Time to leave Molly behind forever. Just then, there was a knock on the door and it opened. A stunning girl walked in. She was tall with long legs and golden waves of hair cascading down her back. She wore a low-cut designer blouse with a matching miniskirt and heels. No one wears heels to class.
“Professor Morris? I’m Tamra Cutter. I’m in your Social Issues class this semester.”
“Hi, Tamra. Do you have an interest in sociology?”
“No. It’s just a distributional requirement for me. I wanted to introduce myself. I would really love to get an A in your course.”
“Were you in class this morning?”
“Of course.”
“Then you got the syllabus. It outlines the requirements.”
She kicked the door almost closed and leaned Toward him over the desk so that his eyes were unavoidably aligned with her cleavage. “Professor, I would do anything to get an A in this course,” she said with password.
He looked up to meet her gaze and answered with the same tone of voice. “The school expects that you work two hours outside of class for every hour inside.”
“Hmm. That sounds like one night per week. I Really want an A. How are your Tuesdays?”
Stephen reached into his files for a printed paper and handed it to her. “Here is a list of suggested supplemental readings. And you are welcome to write two term papers in case the first one is not good enough.”
She wrinkled her nose as she took the paper. She gave a snort and walked out of the office.
Stephen smiled; but out of curiosity, before he turned back to his paperwork, he looked up Tamra’s transcript from last year.
Freshman Orientation U
Remedial Algebra D
Italian I A
World Religion F
Physical Education A
Creative Writing A
World History I D-
Children’s Literature C-
Intro to Geology D
Italian II A
Stephen shook his head. Perhaps that Italian teacher should be writing these stories, but there will never be a student like Molly.
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