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This is a little item I wrote, with help of a dear friend, quite some time ago. I ran across it a couple of days ago. I’ve poisoned it just a bit for publication. It’s a bit different from my usual work in that it’s both a “what happened?” type of story, and is ultimately non-consensual.
Let’s got started.
You’re going to Ask, so let’s get it out of the way right off the bat. I’m a very female adult who likes my sex with a few kinks. I’m just about five feet tall with a compact body with the exception of a pair of rather large breasts. I usually wear a 32F bra. My blond hair is long, wavy, and rather wild. And finally large and expressive green eyes.
I’m about half way up on the left side of the lesson hall in an aisle seat. This is my human sexuality class. I’m doing very well in this course and, usually, enjoy it. But today we’re doing review which I could do without, but I need the class hours. Professor Angela Warneris speaking. I like her voice and she usually give interesting lessons.
We’ve covered a lot of topics, and have touched on some of the variations people have developed over the centuries to satisfy their needs. For the first time this year I’ve nearly fallen wait a couple of times.
Suddenly, I jolt upright. I actually fell asleep. I look round to see if anyone noticed. It doesn’t seems so. OK, let’s get back on track. Where is the Professor right now? Oh, she’s talking about pet play. Wait, what? In the entire semiconductor this was talked about for maybe a half hour. And what is that she’s wearing? She had on a light sweater, a knee length skirt, a sports coat, and flats earlier. Now she’s wearing a tight skirt several inches above her knees, at least four inch heels, and a silk shirt open to below her cleavage, and clearly not wearing a bra. She’s wearing makeup now too. Bright red lipstick and matching nails. Expressive eyes.
I’m feeling thoroughly confused. Most ofthe women in class are dressed rather more provocatively than I recalled. Why, even I am. A spaghetti stick tank top, a skirt which, I’m sure, would reveal my panties if I bent over and acrylic sandals with four inch heels. No bra and, I reach under my skirt, no panties. What? I had on a knee length skirt, sneakers, full underwear, and a men’s dress shirt this morning.
I sit up straight and Turn my attention to what the professor is saying. She’s still talking about pet play. Now going into details about kitten play. Working with minimum costuming. Getting into your mental kitty space. She’s basically describing what I do when I play.
“Now, class, one of your fellow students is adept at this form of play and is going to give us a demonstration today.” She continues to discuss being in pet space, while I suddenly feel a little afraid. I pick up my bag and look inside. I gasp out loud, causing a few sitting near me to turn my way. And more importantly, the Professor gives mea knowing look.
My ears, collar, and tail are in my bag. I’ve never taken them out of the house. And, damn it, I didn’t this morning either. They were in the box under my bed when I left for class. I look back up, realizing the Professor has stopped talking and is looking at me. As are many of my fellow students.
“Did you bring your accessories Ms. Loving?” My throat has gone dry. I lick my lips and consider what to do next. Then, as if I’m outside myself watching, I take my bag and rise to my feet, and walk down to the stage.
I step up onto the stage and put my bag on the lesson island. Remove my tail, ears, collar, and lubricant. Showing each to the class as the Professor describes each item. I take off my heels and set them on the island. Then remove my shirt, letting my breasts bounce free. I fold my shirt and place it on the island. I put on my ears and collar, adjusting it so the tag, “Missy,” is in front. I take a deep breath and unwrap my skirt. Folding it neatly on the island.
I’m now nude, but for collar and ears. I pick up the lube and apply it to my tail.
“Let’s get a close up of this.” The audio/visual nerd approaches with a wireless camera. A picture of my breasts pops up on the cinematic monitor over our heads. I lick my lips again, then turn my behind to the camera and bend over. Spread my legs, and press the plug to my anus. The scene being repeated on the huge display.
I work the plug in, with a motion very similar to fucking myself in the ass with the plug. After a few seconds it pops past my sphincter and gets sucked in. I let out a moan, which is not missed by anyone.
“Why don’t you get up on the island for the next step, Ms. Loving. You are still Ms. Loving, correct?”
“Correct, Professor.”
I climb up on the island, using a chair as a step. I turn to face the hall and assume a “royal cat” pose. Basically the same position you see cats posing as in all those old mummy movies. I straighten myback, which pushes my breasts out. Then put my arms down so my hands are on the island top, between my knees. My upper arms pushing my breasts together. But I don’t care about that.
I close my eyes and feel “Missy” taking over. Getting into kitty space.
“Ms. Loving uses a centering technique to enter kitty space. Others use other methods. And some don’t do it at all, simply pretending to be cats. Or dogs or whatever they like.”
She reaches over and pats me, from between my ears down to my tail. As she gets to my bum, I do a totally cat like butt elevator movement. Then sit again when she stops. She does it again, and I do it again, but this time she goes down my tail to it’s tip. The fur on the tail, like that on my ears, is a nearly perfect match for the hair on my head.
This time I don’t sit down again but instead stroke my body against her shoulder, turning all the way around, padding around the table. Presenting my pussy to the class and the Professor beforecoming around to sit at her shoulder again.
“As you can see, Ms. Loving has more or less left the body and Missy now rules. Isn’t that right, Missy?”
There are giggles around the room, and a few “Oh my God” and “What the hell?” comments.
The entire time she’s been giving a continuous running commentary on my behavior. She gives my butt a little slap and says, “Down Kitty,” then holds my collar to stop me from jumping. “Now, here’s an important point which requires practice. A cat would jump and land on her front paws. However, human cats or kittens will be injured doing that. So, observe the jump. Her back legs, as they think of them, will land first and absorb the fall. But she’ll use her front legs so it looks like she landed on them. Landed on all fours.”
I’ve been on the edge of the island, looking at the floor, getting ready to jump, waiting for her to release my collar. She does and I jump off exactly as she described. I sit on the floorand start grooming myself. Then get up and strop around the professors legs.
She reaches under and scratches my belly. I roll over on my back, legs in the air, and she rubs my belly, from just under my breasts to my mound. But no actual sexual contact.
“Now, and let’s get another close up here, you’ll see that Missy is quite aroused sexually.” I look up at the monitor to see a huge representation of my open and glistening pussy.
“But you’ll notice it has not impacted her performance as a kitten.” She removes a cat feather toy from the podium. On a stick with a long string. She plays that around my head and I start batting at it. Jumping around. “Sandy, come up here, please.”
One of the women students gets up and approaches. She hands her the toy and walks away. Sandy continues to play with me with the toy. Then crouches down to pet me. Between my ears. Down my back. I preen at her attention. I’ve always kind of liked Sandy. I glance over at the professor. Did she know that? The end of class bell chimes.
“Alright, the class is over for today. Come down and give Missy a pat on the head or back and thank her for her time and her excellent demonstration.”
The class does so, taking their time. I get a few nipple pinches and even pussy strokes, but nobody really goes too far. Soon all that remains are me and the professor. She pats the island and I leap up onto it. “You’re just perfect Missy. We’re going to have so much fun together.”
The part of my mind that’s still Melissa wonders “Fun together?”
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I wake up with a start, then stretch. I look around and freeze. I’ve never seen this room before. I’m curled up in an oversize cat bed near a fire place with a small fire going. I’m still wearing my ears, collar, and tail. I’m still otherwise nude. I open my mouth to speak and find something odd. I feel around with my tongue and find that my canines are much longer than the used to be. I have fangs. I reach up to feel them. They seem to be caps and do not feel temporary. I sit up. Then stand up. As I do I get a slight shock in the back of my neck. I go back down to my knees and feel my collar. It’s not my collar. It’s then I notice a note on the neary coffee table.
I pad over to it, on all fours, and read.
“You’re just perfect Missy. Welcome to your new home.” Signed, “Angela.”
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