The Professor
Recap: Molly has approached her former professor on whom she has a deep crush. They exchange stories to explore their fansies and philosophies as he attempts to rein in her emotions.
Thursday, Day 7 Love
Molly ran errands in the morning while Stephen worked. In the evening it was time to read stories. As usual, More Molly read her composition first.
Cathy woke up very slowly. She was grggy and shut her eyes against the bright lights and did off again. When she finally forced herself to wake she had no idea where she was. She was lying naked on a bed — no, a mattress. There were no sheets or blankets — no pillow. She looked around for her clothes. The room was unfamiliar and quite bare.
“Hello? Is anyone here?” There was only silence. She looked across the room and saw herself, naked, sitting on a mattress. A third of the wall was a huge mierror, from floor to ceiling. First, find something to put on. As she stood up she found the floor was a plus carpet. To her left, in the corner was a bathroom, or rather a bath area. Curious. The shower came directly out of the ceiling over a section of tile floor with a drain, but there was no shower curtain. There was no curtain rod. Next to the shower were a toilet and a sink. There was no towel or towel rack, not even a medicine cabinet. A toothbrush hung on the wall. There were three dispensers on the wall with labels: Shampoo, Soap, and Toothpaste. Spartan. Thank goodness there is toilet paper. She sat down and cleared her bladder.
Along this wall was another full-length mirror, not so wide as the first. The next corner had an upholstered reading chair with two shelves of books set into the wall. She Walked past the bed to the other side of the room. Most of the length of the final wall was a bare countertop topped by a mirror. The single cabinet below the counterwas fairly large, but it was locked. She sat down on a plain desk chair. On the counter was something like a TV set with a keyboard. A desk computer. She had never handled one these new contractions before, but had seen one from a distance. The only other item of interest in the room was a treadmill in the last corner.
It dawned on her that there was no door. She examined the walls again. Where there was no mirror, there were panels covered in carpeting. Each panel was about four feet wide and ran floor to ceiling. She examined each one for a handle or evidence of an opening, but there was neither. She began pressing them, but nothing gave. The mirrors, too, were part of the wall. The ceiling was covered with acoustic tile. She could reach it by standing on the bed or the desk, but it appeared solid. The lighting was recessed around the edges on all sides. The carpet was a single piece, also. No trapdoors there.
Defeated and frightened she sat on the bed, her back to the wall. Some kind of fiendish cell, she concluded. She shouted, “Is anyone out there?!” The silence itself was odd. There was no echo. Of course. The carpet on the floor and walls and the acoustic tile in the ceiling make perfect sound-proofing. Even if someone were there they wouldn’t hear me. But where is “there”?
How did I get in here? She struggled to Remember. I remember going to classes. It is Friday. Or was. I must have eaten in the cafeteria. What did I have for dinner? Oh, yeah, that awful chicken casserole. I was with Beth and Sharon. They were talking about a party. Did I go? I don’t remember a party. Of course, I would have gone with them; I always do, just to hang out. I always sit there miserably not being able to have a conversation over the loud music. Where was it? I can’t remember. Did we walk? I can’t remember. Who was there? I can’t picture anything. Not even Beth or Sharon. I probably had my token drink, but I don’t remember. All IKnow is waking up of this stupid bed. Someone must have drugged me. That’s how they got me here without a struggle, and probably that accounts for my memory loss.
So I just wait here until someone comes for me? Someone has to. They wouldn’t put me in here just to starve to death. And when they come, what will I do? Is there anything I can use for a weapon. She walked around the room again. The only things I can pick up are a toothbrush, hairbrush, paperbacks, and the computer. She looked again at the computer. It was bolted to the counter, along with the keyboard. And the chair. She laughed at the image of herself hurtling the chair to disarm someone.
For a while the absurdity of her prediction kept the fear away, but that did not last long. The thought of a jailor bringing her food made her hungry. What time is it? What day is it? If I was drugged, I could have been out for days. Of course, there’s no clock.
She lay on the bed feeling completely helpless and tried in vain to think of reasons this had happened to her. Eventually she fell into fitful sleep.
When she awoke, nothing had changed. Absolutely nothing. She had no idea how much more time had passed. She went to the sink to clean up. Then she noticed a switch on the wall. She flipped it and felt a current of warm air over her head. She had not noticed a hair dryer installed in the wall. There was another vent below. She could shower and dry herself off. The hot air on her body felt good and she realized that she had been chilly in her nakedness. For once she felt grateful for a small pleasure. If I am going to be here . . . But another sickening realization sank in. This room is built for someone to live in. It is not merely a holding cell. Books, hygiene, a treadmill for exercise.
“Trapped like a rat in a cage.” Where did that thought come from?
OK. Work this through. There must be food. She searched every inch of the room one more time. Nothing. This is like a computer game. Everything is here for a reason and everything I need is here. She looked around again. The purpose of each piece of furniture or accessory was obvious. There was only one thing she didn’t understand. Why is there a computer here? I should figure out how to work it.
The power button was easy to find. computer began to hum. After a minute or two a blinking orange line appeared in the upper lift hand corner of the dark screen. She waited a while longer, but it did not change. She pressed a button at random on the keyboard. The letter h appeared. The backspace key deleted it. Whatever she typed appeared on the screen. Now what? She looked at the keyboard carefully. There was a key in the upper corner that said “menu.” She pressed it. A listing of items appeared on the screen.
1- Talk
2 – Music
3 – Movie
4 – Diary
She pressed 4. The screen reset. A title across the top read “Entry number ___”. She pressed 1. The blinking orange line moved automatically to the next line. “I was born,” she typed. This might be amusing later.
She hit the menu key again and choose 2. Another list appeared on the screen with choices of different types of music. She returned to the menu and hit 1. The screen with “Talk” at the top and an orange greater-than sign blinking on the next line. She typed in
> Hello
– Hello
> Who are you?
– I am I
> What is your name?
– I don’t know name
> Can you help me?
– How can I help you?
> Where am I?
– You are here.
> Where is here?
– Here is here.
> Why am I here?
– I don’t know why
> How did I get here?
– You are here
> How do I get out?
– I don’t know out
> I am hungry
– When you hear the bell open the cabinet
> Is there a door to this room?
– I don’t know room
Cathy sat on the bed and tried to think of what to ask next. A minute later a bell chimed. She found the cabinet was unlocked. Inside was a ham and cheese sandwich on a plate.
> May I have some milk please?
– Close the cabinet.
She did so. A moment later the bell chimed again. In the cabinet was a plastic cup of milk.
> Thank you
– You are welcome
> Can I have anything I want?
– When you are done place the dirty dishes in the cabinet.
> Can I have anything I want?
– Make a list of things you want
> May I have some clothes?
– I don’t know clothes
She finished her sandwich, looking for a pattern.
> I would like shoes, watch, tea, pillow, towel
– I don’t know shoes
– I don’t know watch
– I don’t know pillow
– I don’t know towel
Whenever I go outside the rules it says “I don’t know.” At least I can learn the rules. She continuedto test the limits. Most of her requests were not recognized. When she asked for a book the response was
– You have books
The bell chimed. She opened the cabinet and found a cup of tea.
> May I have some chocolate?
After a moment the bell rang. She opened the door to find an unwrapped Hershey bar. Before she picked it up, she carefully examined the inside of the cabinet for a door. Nothing revealed itself. The appearance of the food might as well have been magical.
She went back to the bed to ponder this new development. She got up restless and began to pace. She tried walking on the treadmill for a few minutes before she was bored with it. She browsed the bookshelf. Nothing but cheap romance novels. She picked one up, read a few pages and set it on the floor by the bed.
She went back to the computer and hit the menu key. She selected 3 this time. A list of movies appeared. She recognized several titles, some recent one, some classics. All the ones she had seen were romantic stories, either comedies or dramas. She found that by using up and down arrow keys she could select a title. She randomly chose an unfamiliar title and sat down to watch. The movie was OK, but the chair grew uncomfortable. She crossed the room and tried to drag the reading chair over, but it was too heavy.
She hit the menu key and selected 2. Then “Classical”. A few moments later a piano sonata began. She returned to the bed and listened until she fell asleep.
Her time continued in this pattern: wake, eat, read or watch a movie fitfully, listen to music, sleep some more. The room never changed. The lights never turned off. She tried teasing the computer by asking for things she knew would be refused.
> May I have a hat?
– I don’t know hat
> May I have a truck?
– I don’t know truck
> May I have darkness?
– I don’t know darkness
> May I have a visitor
– There are rules
This made hersit up.
> What are the rules?
– You may not look at him
– You may not speak to him
– You may not touch him
> What may I do?
– Are those rules acceptable?
> I don’t understand
– Are those rules acceptable?
She thought for a while, then typed in “yes.”
– Look at the items in the cabinet
The bell rang. She opened the door and took out an association of items. The first was a key attached to a large wooden bar. There was a pair of handscuffs. She quickly determined that the key was for the handscuffs. There was a pair of gloves — very long black leather. They were beautiful, shoulder length with mother-of-pearl buttons at the wrist. There was a leather hood. The last item was difficult to understand at first. It had a rubber tongue-like piece attached to a patch of black leather fabric with a long buckling strap. She turned back to the computer screen. A set of instructions had already appeared.
– Place the keyon the floor where you can find it.
– Place the gag in your mouth and buckle it.
– Put the gloves on
– Put the hood on
– Handcuff your wrists behind your back
– When the bell sounds, your visitor must leave. Wait for the second bell. Then you may unlock your cuffs and put all the items back in the cabinet
– If you break the rules you will be punished
> What is the punishment?
– I do not determine the punishment
“You may not look at him. You may not speak to him. You may not touch him.” That explains the blindfold, the gag, and the gloves. This is clear and scary. What if I can’t get the cuffs off? She experimented with the cuffs for a while until she understands how they worked. Then she put on the gloves. The leather was soft, but heavy enough to dull her sense of touch. She had to carefully practice feeling for and picking up the key and working the lock. Finally she got up the nerve to lock her hands behind her and learn to unlock the cuffs. Only when she was sure she could to it, did she put on the rest of the gear.
The gag pressed into her mouth. It was not as uncomfortable as she feared. The plastic fit over her tongue to make it hard to move it to artistic sounds. The leather patch covered her mouth to stop any voice. The straw was scarcely long enough, so the gag fit tightly in place. When it was on she tried saying something but only produced a muffled murmur.
The hood covered her head except for the lower part of her face. She struggled to get it on and zipped it together in back. Her mouth was gagged, but her nose was free for breathing. She would be completely blind. The hood buckled around her neck to hold it in place. She put on the gloves and buttoned them by feel. Lastly, she handcuffed herself and curled up on the bed with the key in her hand.
In the blackness and the silence she began to worry. What if no one comes? What if I can’t get free? She feel a panic rising and forced it back. She told herself she was following instructions. They appeared again in her mind: ” You may not look at him. You may not speak to him. You may not touch him. Wait for the second bell.” Everything has a plan. She only had to wait. She began to drift off.
She was awakened by a hand on her shoulder. She turned her head upwards.
“You’re awake. Good. I am not allowed to stay very long, but I am very glad to have someone to talk to.”
Who are you? Where did you come from?
She felt his hand gently caress her back. “I would like to know who you are. I wish you could speak.” He lifted her into a sitting position and put an arm over her shoulders. “You are very beautiful.”
How did you get in here? How do we get out?
His hands began to cares her breasts. She started to resist but found it difficult to move. “This is a nice room. I hope you enjoy the space. And a treadmill, too.”
What a bizarrething to say. What is he living in?
“I would love to take off your hood, but that is not allowed. Maybe some day.”
He continued in this vein for a few more minutes when the bell rang. He said “I must go” and vanished. She sat and waited a while for the second bell. When it sounded, she grounded for the key on the bed where she had dropped it. She had trouble working the lock, but was able to tell herself there was no hurry. She stopped, rested, thought it through, and eventually freed herself.
The visit was unnerving. He hadn’t given her any of the information she wanted. He seemed simply to want her company. It occurred to her that he might be a prisoner in an adjacent cell. How did he get into mine? Is there an illusion I am missing?
She decided to wait a day Before pursuing this further. Of course, she had no idea what a day was so she waited until after what seemed like a long sleep cycle. On the computer she typed
> May I visit someonee?
– It is not allowed
Wow. That was direct. Whatever his situation, it is not symmetrical with mine. She decided to change the subject. If there was a computer, did it know everything?
> What is 2+2?
– 4
What is the capitol of Idaho?
– Boise
> In what year did the French and Indian War end?
There was a pause before 1763 appeared on the screen.
> What is the next prime number after 97?
– 107
> What is the probability of a Yatzee in one throw?
A pause, then
– 1:120
She tired of the game and sat on the bed to read a book. She slept. She ate. When she was putting dishes back into the cabinet, a message appeared the computer screen.
– Would you like a Visitor?
> Yes.
– There are rules.
> What are the rules?
– You may not look at him
– You may not speak to him
– You may not touch him
– Are those rules acceptable?
> Yes
She prepared herself as before with the gag, hood, gloves, and handcuffs. Again she lay in darkness until she was nearly dozing before he came in.
The visit was much like before. His talk was empty of content. He told her again how beautiful she was and how much he missed her. He spoke of wanting to go off with her. He sat next to her and held her. He stroked her skin. When his hands moved towards her pubic Area, she clenched her knees together and he simply moved down her thigh. The visit seemed longer this time, but when the bell rang, he vanished abruptly. He said good bye as he walked away, and Cathy noticed it was in the direction of the treadmill.
When she was free of her bonds, she closely examined the wall near the treadmill. She found nothing, but a suspicion developed in her mind.
After waiting for Another long sleep cycle, Cathy asked for a visitor.
– There are rules.
> I want to speak to him.
There was a pause.
– There are rules.
> What are the rules?
– You may not look at him
– He may not speak to you
– You may not touch him
– Are those rules acceptable?
These were different. Could she speak to him? She typed,
When the bell rang she opened the cabinet and found the hood, gloves, handscuffs, and key; but no gag. She put them aside while she used the toilet. She tore several small pieces from the roll and brought them across the room. She stuck a small piece in the interval between each of the wall panels and pushed it out of sight. Then she donned her blindfold, gloves, and cuffs.
As she sat, his arm rested on her shoulders.
“I’m so glad you’ve come back. You never told me your name. Mine is Cathy. You can’t answer me, can you? I assume we don’t have much time, so I will talk quickly. Next time you visit, please tell who you are and how you got here. If you can, tell me how you get into this room. I haven’t found a door. Are you a prisoner, too?”
The bell sounded. She leaned her body against his as he pulled away. She hoped to feel what direction he left, but failed. It seemed this visit had been shorter, but she was glad to have less of his groping – it was his exit she was interested in.
When she could see again, she looked along the wall by the treadmill. Two of her markers had fallen on the carpet. Now she knew which panel was the door.
The next time she slept she had a strange dream. She was watching rats in a cage. It seemed like her freshman psychology lab and she wondered what she was supposed to observe. Her notebook was in front of her, but she had no idea what to write down. Class was nearly over and she was afraid she was going to fail the assignment. Then suddenly she was inside the cage and the class was looking on. She became consciousness of her nakedness, but she couldn’t hide.
As she awoke, she thought about the dream and remembered the real lab. The phrase that crossed her mind earlier came back to her: “I feel like a rat in a cage.” Is this how they felt when I watched them? I wonder if I could be someone’s experiment. She remembered the psychology lab where they watched a human subject through a one-way mirror taking a difficult test. She was supposed to observe the non-verbal behavior showing his disappoint. The idea was that he would be performing naturally and not know anyone was watching or why.
She opened her eyes and looked at the mirror. Large mirrors on three sides of the room. One-way mirrors. This is a perfect cage for an experiment. I am a test subject under observation. What are they watching for? Are they looking to see how quickly I go mad in here?
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