The Professor
Recap: Molly has approached her former professor on whom she has a deep crush. They exchange stories to explore their fansies and philosophies as he attempts to rein in her emotions.
Tuesday, Day 4 Strong Women
The next day it rained. Stephen graduated papers and worked on a summer course while Molly wrote. After dinner, they resumed their exchange of stories. Molly went first.
I am a slave. At the age of eight I roamed the hills of Mikonos and chased my family’s goats; then pirates came and carried us away. We were sold to be slaves and I never saw my family again.
We were taken to Turkish lands and sold in a market. At ten I worked in a kitchen in the house of a struggleling Merchant. When I was 11 he sold his goods and I became a maidservant to the spoiled daughter of a court official. When I was 13 my master was arrested for corruption. He was executed and his sons sent to the galleys. I was chained to his daughter and his wife and we were taken together to a slave market. They were sold to a brother-keeper. I was thought too young and was purchased by a customs collector to serve his wife.
I became a woman at 15 in my master’s harem. By then I was taller than the other women of the household and more beautiful. Instead of raping me as he did his other slaves, my master had other plans. He made a gift of me and my virginity to the governor in exchange for the right to collect harbor duties. I was presented in silican robes and golden chains. A jeweled necklace hung about my neck – it wasn’t mine, but a present for the governor’s first wife.
That very night I slept with the governor. He had them lead me to his chamber as I was, and he insisted on removing my clothes himself. He delighted in playing with my bonds. It was not hard to figure out how to please him by presenting my body while feigning resistance. I cried out when he entered me for the first time and that seemed to excite him further. He gave me a pearl necklace of my own and had a eunuch escort me in the morning to the harem, where all the women hated me out of jealousy. They refused to acknowledge my presence except by angry looks and murmurs behind my back. Naturally a new concubine becomes a favorite, however briefly, if only for the novelty she brings to the bedchamber. It was well known that the first wife was dying from fever. The other wives and slaves were scheming to take her place as rules of the harem and resented any additional vitality.
Then the wife died. The palace went into mourning. Tensions in the harem grow as the governor observed his mandatory 28 days of abstinence. It would be the governor’s choice who would succeed her as first wife, and she would have money to sway the favor of the eunuchs and servants. She would have the governor’s ear and all the gossip would filter through her.
Was I ambitious? Not at first. His attention was flattering, but I would have preferred simply to have been left in peace. However, the subtle jabs and hateful words of the women made me desperate them. I wanted the governor’s favor just for the pleasure of denying it to them. I thought back over every minute I had had with him and I studied the boasts of other girls and how they had pleased him. If he had not forgotten me already, I was going to be prepared for my next opportunity. The governor would have a night he would never forget.
I enlisted the aid of the youngest concubine, Samaai, who was not yet a woman, and gave my pearls to the head eunuchs. When government called for a woman the first day his mourning was over, the eununch sent me. Samaai helped me with my makeup – kohl for my eyes, henna for my hands and feet, and rouge around my nipples. She wove strands of gold through my hair and sprinkled perfume in it. I put on the simplest and sheerest of silicate robes, held on by a girl of coarse rope in a way that exposed hints of my breasts and pubis. Then she chained me like a rebellious slave. My ankles were joined by short shackles. A heavy collar encircled my neck. My wrists were attached by a short chain at the level of my breasts, leaving my nether regions defenseless.
At the appointed time, she led me by a lean to his chamber. She placed the end of it and the keys in his hands and said, “My lady presents herself for your pleasure.” While I looked modestly down, she placed her hand on my back to push me a step closer, and subtly pulled on my gown so that it fell off my shoulders and revealed my breasts. Then she stepped away as instructed.
The governor was enchanted. His hands involuntarily reached for my body, but he stopped them. He had me turn around slowly and then began to cares my torso and my hips. I moved my feet apart to give him access to my womanhood and pursued as he stroked me. I did not need to dissemble my passwordate responses. The first time heentered me that evening was from behind as I knelt over the bed.
The pleasures we shared that night made me his favorite, and the entire harem knows it. They tremble before my frown though I have not yet taken any revenge. Yes, the secret to power is being a humble slave in bondage at the right time so that I can wild authority elsewhere. I know it will not last. Eventually a new concubine will displace me, and I am already training Samaai as my successor. Until then I will try not to create more enemies, so that my humiliation will not be so great.
Stephen was quiet. Molly asked nervously, “Not what you wanted?”
“Yes and no.”
“She is strong but in context. Circumstances over which she has no control.”
“I appreciate that.”
“So what did you do with this theme. I really want to hear your idea of a strong woman.
Sarah looked at the audit results and saw that again she was did not have a part. It was only an amateur neighborhood theater, but it was a disappointment. She saw George, the director, and asked for a word. “I know I’m inexperienced, but I would like to be involved. Tell me honestly. Am I wasting my time and your time trying out?”
“I’m sorry, Sarah. There just aren’t enough parts to go around. Why are you interested in the theater?”
“It’s just a hobby. I have a 9 to 5 office job that’s not very challenging. The playhouse gives me something to do. And a chance to meet people.”
“Have you met anyone?”
“Maybe I have. He just hasn’t met me yet. But when he does he’ll know.”
George smiled. “Can you sew?”
“Can I sew? Yes, I suppose.”
“Why don’t you help Veronica with the costumes. She has a lot on her hands and could really use the help.”
Sarah thought sewing was boring, but she wanted to maintain her connection. This was a way she could contribute. She agreed.
Working with Veronica wasn’t so bad and her help was very much appreciated.After she had completed some routine fittings and made some costumes from patterns, Veronica offered a challenge. “In scene two there’s a beggar. I don’t have anything in the wardrobe right now for him. Can you design something?”
Designing was interesting and Sarah came up with a costume that everyone loved. She spent way too much time on it, but it was fun. At the opening night party, she found herself as much a valued part of the theater as any of the actors.
A month later, when the theater was beginning to plan for the next production, George approached her. “Veronica’s mother was diagnosed with cancer. She won’t be able to help out at all. Would you be willing to take over wardrobe?”
Sarah knew what that means. She could design all the costumes, but she would also have to make them and manage the budget. It would be a lot of work, but she didn’t hesitate. “I would love to, but I will need to start right away. I suspect it will take all the time I can give it.”
She intended to research costume and the history of the theater and read everything she could get her hand on; but that quickly proved beyond her resources. The play was an adaptation of Pride and Prejudice set in Victorian England. It would need period gowns and costumes for country gentleman. Many of those already existed in the collection, but not everything. In particular there was s scene written in a bedroom in which two sisters would be conversing as they dressed. Sarah looked up Victoria undergarments. She wanted to be as authentic as possible.
The Wikipedia entry began, “The Victorian woman wore an extraordinary amount of underwear. The basic items consistent of chemise, drawers, corset and several petticoats. In general, these main garments remained throughout the period, but new ones were added (and taken away, too), including Crinolines, bustles, corset covers and combinations.” Immediately Sarah was intrigued.
The first question was to pin Georgedown on dates the play was supposed to take place so that all the costumes would be consistent. Then she assembled for herself an authentic set of underwear. She wore one of the existing costumes on top of it to get a feel for what a Victorian woman would have experienced. She even wore it to work one day to the amusement and some admission of her coworkers. Based on that experience she had to decide what was necessary and what she could dispensed with for the comfort of the actors. The chemise and drawers, which went next to the skin, were essential and fairly easy. One petticoat would do; and one could not do a costume drama without a corset. The rest she would dispensed with or simplify.
The corset she had obtained from the wardrobe fit poorly and did not look authentic. It was the only one they had; so she decided more research was needed before she made or bought more. To her surprise, real corsets were still being made and sold. She located a corset-maker not far away, in Chicago, and made an appointment to interview her.
Elizabeth was an attractive middle-aged woman who worked out of her own home. When Sarah visited, she had samples of several different styles to show her.
“Who buys these?” Sarah asked.
“Different people. Some are reenactment buffs. I have a number of commissions from theater. A few women – usually brides – really want to change their profile. Most special orders are for wearing in private. Some are for men.”
“Special orders?”
“I can make corsets in two ways. A generic one, for the stage or reenactments, for example, doesn’t need to fit precisely or close very tightly. Tell me your dress size and I can put one together pretty cheaply. But if you want one to fit well and really shape your figure, I need to take measurements and construct one to fit. Of course, that costs a lot more.”
“Do they feel erotic?” (Sarah wondered where that question came from.)
“To some women. The tight construction is like a kind of bondage. Not for everybody. Most women and some men would argue it is a form of misogyny. But I have never met a man yet who did not find it attractive on a woman.”
“What would a Victorian woman have forgotten?”
Elizabeth pointed to a dummy. “Something like this. It covers the abdomen and chest to the top of the breasts. Victorians weren’t much for large breasts – a little cleavage was enough. So, they just squished them.
“Would Victorian women have had fitted corsets or buy ones off the shelf? That is would they ‘special order’ them?”
“Either. It depends on how much money they had.”
“Tell me how you make one.”
Elizabeth showed her the layers of fabric, the traditional busk closings at the front, and the lacing strategies at the back.
“Are these stays really whalebone?”
Elizabeth laughed. “Not any more. You can do much better with cheaper plastic. Steel is another alternative.”
“Here.” Elizabeth handedher two loose stays. “You can see both are flexible, but the steel one is much stresser than the plastic one. It depends on what you want.”
“What would work for the stage?”
“Actresses want to be free to move. It has to be comfortable. I would suggest plastic stays and a looser fit. The only contribution the stays will make is to keep the corset from bunching up. I can make something that looks authentic, but is not a real corset.”
“Suppose I wanted one for myself. What would you recommend?”
“Custom? Let’s talk about comfort versus shaping. Do you want to flatten your breasts, cover them, or highlight them? Here, look at this catalog. . . . This one is a classic. It looks serious but is surprisingly flexible. Of course, it helps to be shaped like her.”
Sarah laughed. “It would help in a lot of ways.” She flipped through a series of designs. All the pictures of women with small waits intrigued her. She stopped at a picture of one that rested on top of the hips and supported the breasts from underneath. “Do I have the right body for something like this?”
“I happen to have a sample; probably not your size, but let’s go back to the fitting room and have a look.”
In the back room, Sarah took off her blouse and bra. Elizabeth looked at her small round breasts and felt the bone structure of her hips. “I think we can do better.” She returned with a different sample. It had small cups that would partially cover but shape her breasts and make them look a little larger. Sarah liked that suggestion.
Elizabeth took the measurements. “Your wait is 25 inches. What size do you want the corset to make it?”
“I get to choose?”
“That is the point of a corset, honey. Within reason.”
“What do you recommended?”
“For a novel, you could reduce it about two inches. More than that gets increasingly uncomfortable. Of course, the more you wear it, your body will begin to shape itself. After a while you might beable to come down another inch or two. I usually construct it so that it will fit a woman to her existing measurement. The lacing will allow that two-inch reduction with no problem – to 23 inches in your case. Then I will leave enough spacing between the eyesets that you can come down another two inches, max, to 21. I think I have a sample close to your size. It’s a different style. Want to try it on?”
As she drove home, Sarah was astounded that she had actually ordered a corset. She had chosen a satin fabric in antique white and opted for detachable garters. She had also ordered several stage corsets for the play.
When the garments were ready a month later, the actors were dubious about wearing them. “They will be so uncomfortable!” Sarah put on her fitted corset to demonstrate and asked one of the women to draw it tight. Trying not to show how difficult it was for her to breathe, she was able to convince them to try on their loose stage corsets. The rest of herAfternoon went well and her costumes were a success.
Afterwards, Danny came up to her. Danny, like Sarah, was a frustrated actor who had joined the stage design crew. She had had her eye on him. He was shy and very innocent, but she liked his lack of egotism and willingness to pitch in where needed. He had been friendly to her before, but now suddenly his attentions increased. He asked her out to coffee. She declared because of a prior obligation. That was true — she liked him, but had promised to meet a former classmate for a movie. She asked for a rain check.
As the rehearsals proceeded, Sarah wore her corset on a regular basis, telling herself it was for the play. She knew also it was very flattering and always brought Danny over to chat. He finally did ask her out for a cup of coffee again, though Even that took some hints on her part. It was a full six weeks before he asked her out for dinner. By then, Sarah knew he needed more than encouragement. Someone would have to take him in hand.
Of course, she wore her corset to dinner, under a dress with a broad sash she could tie to emphasize her figure. When she added her heels, she knew she should be irresistible to him. After dinner when he asked if she would like dessert, she said she had made something and it was waiting for them at home. That was the only way she was going to get him into her apartment. How now to make a move without frightening him away? A drink didn’t help. She put on some music and asked him to dance. She did not let him refuse, and guided his hand to her waist. With an inward smile, she felt his hand press against the corset, testing its tension. He liked tight? She liked the pressure and took advantage of it. With his arm around her, it was easy to steal a kiss. That was as far as she needed to go that night.
The next play coming up was Cabaret. She was eager to design the costume for the lead actress and saw another opportunity to work on Danny. If he wasso excited by the sight of her corset, she invited him to help plan the cabaret costumes. She had already scouted out appropriate shops for sexy clothes. She wore a short leather skirt because that would make it easier to see the costumes, and because she knew Danny would like it. As she dragged him along, she would try out various leotards, show dresses, stockings, and tall leather boots. Red-faced much of the time, he was Nearly panting with arousal by the time they stopped for lunch. She noted he was particularly taken with the boots.
She tried on a pair of long leather boots and posed on a sofa in the store.
“Now just try to picture Sally Bowles in your imagination.”
His imagination was working overtime.
They agreed that leather boots would be most appropriate and chose a flasher patent leather. To please Danny, she wore them out of the store.
They began spending more time together, taking walks or talking over coffee. One weekend she invited him todinner at her apartment. Afterwards she helped him relax with a glass of wine. They danced and kissed. She snuggled on his lap and gave particular attention to his growing erection. She stroked him and encouraged him to fondle her breasts, letting him discover that she wore no bra under her silk. Perhaps it was cruel, but she drove him over the edge. Suddenly he stood and raced to the bathroom. He was gone a long time. She heard the water running.
“Danny, are you OK?”
“I’m fine. I’ll be out in a moment.” Now she heard the hair dryer.
Eventually he appeared convincedly damp around the crotch. He made a hurried thank you and good bye. She giggled after the door closed. Poor Danny. She wasn’t going to let up, however. Next time she would make sure he didn’t stain his pants.
The opportunity came two weeks later, again with dinner in her apartment. She waited until just the right time of evening and maneuvered him into a reclining chair with wooden armrests. She kissed him and then suggested he would find the kisses more arousing if he were blindfolded. He could not refuse. She played with his lips, tantalizing him and then withdrawing. When he groped for her she scolded him and told him to put his arms on the rests. Then, as she focused his attention on his lips, she managed to handcuff each wrist to the chair. He was trapped, surprised, puzzled, but not too upset. “You stay right there,” she said, “while I change into something more comfortable.”
When she returned she removed his blindfold. She was wearing a light full-length dressing gown tied loosely at the wait. She deliberately stood and walked in front of him offering him glimpses of what was underneath: the corset, of course, and thigh boots with tall heels, even more outrageous than the ones that had excited him in the store. In between was a black lace thong.
He was transfixed, wanting a better view. She didn’t give it to him yet. Instead she reached into his lapand unfasted his belt. He was helpless to stop as she pulled his pants down and off the chair. Only then did she dropped the dressing gown. She tilted the back of the chair to a reclining position and straddled him. Working his erect penis out of his boxers, she began to stroke. His reaction was entirely involuntarily. He moaned and thrust his pelvis at her. He panted and called for her to stop; but she was having too much fun teasing him. When she thought he had all he could stand, she brought him to orgasm with her mouth. Poor, poor Danny. You don’t know whether to be miserable or ecstatic, but you will be back for more.
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