Professor Elizabeth Starr was a bit frustrated. She had not had any sex for three months since her lover left town for a new job in a city far away. It had been difficult letting him go, but it was the natural course of life and it needed to happen. In the meantime, she had not found anyone new she wanted to be with and she was growing impatient with that reality.
By day, she enjoyed her job as a Professor of English at the local university, a fine mid-tier school. Generally, she did not attract the attention of men, deliberately so. She was a little more than six feet tall, wore glasses, tied her hair in bun, and favored not-very-attractive, loose-fitting, almost maternity-style dresses that completely hidden all of her feminine curves.
Indeed, she was not particularly attractive in the face, more plain than pretty, but far from ugly. She was the picture of the matronly, frigid-looking spinster professor.
She was not Professor Meyers of biology, whom all the young men in the school and many of the professors lusted after. And why wouldn’t they? Carol had a model’s body, bestowed upon her by God and requiring seemingly little maintenance, was pretty, and flaunted it. To say that some of her clothes choices were inappropriate would be an understanding, but such are the virtues of tenure.
Still, with respect to herself, she mused, at least not everything is as it appears to be.
Elizabeth favored younger men–it was one of the reasons she became a professor in the first place. At the same time, in light of university rules against such liaisons, she generally tried to avoid getting involved with any of her students during most of the school year.
Now, however, it was a month before the end of the spring semester and she had taken an interest in—and learned more about—Matthew Harris. He was a nineteen-year old sophomore who usually sat in the second row from the front of her contemporary British literature class.
Physically, he was below average in height at 5’6″, and although not overweight, he didn’t look like he worked out. He was trim, but not much more. She did not mind the fact that he was significantly shorter than herself. Actually, in many ways she found that preferable.
Despite sitting towards the front, Matthew often appeared painfully shy, rarely contributing to classroom discussions. She occasionally saw him outside the classroom and was usually alone, apparently he had few friends and certainly not a girlfriend.
That would not be the case if the women on this campus knew what I just recently learned, thought. She had made some careful inquiries with the Dean about Matthew’s personal situation—along with a bunch of others she was not interested in, for cover—and was intrigued by what she learned.
Matthew had been on his own, an emancipated minor since he was 16. His father had left him very young and was never heard from again, and his mother passed away prematurely.His grandfather, the father of his mother, was still alive and quite wealthy but Matthew had not wanted to live with him. So, apparently, they struck a deal.
Matthew would be emancipated, drawing financial resources from a trust his grandfather set up after his mother’s death, so long as he followed some basic rules. He wasn’t allowed to drink or do drugs (and any arrest for which would result in termination of the trust) and he had to go to college and study something useful. Matthew also had to find a job in the summers. Clean living, education, hard work—his grandfather’s philosophy on the keys to life.
If he could follow those basic rules, his grandfather would fund Matthew’s emancipated minor status. In other words, Matthew had a lot more spending money and a whole lot less parental supervision than the average College student, even if he did not show it.
Matthew’s financial situation did not really interest her—she was quite comfortable. What she wanted wassex, and she wanted it on her own terms, and the recent information about Matthew that she had gathered determined that he would become the object of her desires.
She decided on Matthew because he seemed quite shy and therefore likely very malleable and his independent status suggested there would be little outside interference in her delicious plans for him.
She would have to be careful of course. Relations between teachers and students were against the university rules, even though it happened all the time. Still, carelessness would not do.
The first, obvious step was that she had to befriend the boy. She was quite sure that while Matthew was not all that different from any other student, regarding her as a dumpy, approaching middle-age college professor. She in fact was 37, but to 19 that seems like 60, especially Since she dressed more like 60.
At first, she asked him to help her carry things to her office, and ficted a greater interest in his writing talents than they really merited (a good student otherwise, he was only a fair writer and interpreter of literature), but Matthew didn’t know that. Hesitant at first, Matthew gradually began to enjoy the seemingly innocent attention she was giving him.
Over the next couple of weeks, Elizabeth drew Matthew out in more conversation and eventually he became more comfortable talking with her on a regular basis. Near the end of term, she saw an intriguing opening.
“Yes, part of the deal is that I must get a job every summer,” Matthew said to as he helped her carry papers and books to her car. “Last summer I worked for a landscaping business. I enjoyed the work, but the company didn’t pay us all that well, despite charging a fortune for the work we did.”
“Well, have you considered starting your own business or at least working on your own?” She asked.
Matthew just looked at her. “Well, no, I haven’t. I mean, I don’t have any clients or a way to generate business. I’ve always just worked for others. Do you really think that is viable?”
“It could be,” she answered. “In fact, I was going to suggest why don’t you work for me over the summer doing yardwork and landscaping at my house? I have big place and I’ve wanted to do a number of projects on it but never had the time. I was hoping to do some this summer. I planned on hiring someone to do it. I see no reason Why it couldn’t be you.”
Elizabeth saw the doubt in Matthew’s eyes. It wasn’t doubt of wanting to do the work, but more she suspected he thought it wasn’t going to be practical or particularly rewarding.
“I know what you’re thinking,” she said. “I may be just a college professor, but I inherited a lot of family money and my place is big. There’s plenty of work. I am not going to pay you slave wages. ( She nearly burst out laughing at the irony of that phrase.) How about $20 an hour for a 40-hour week—more hours with bonuses are possible, too?”
Matthew looked a little wide-eyed. The landscaping company he worked for last summer paid him only $8.00 an hour. He didn’t need the money for housing or needs, there were the trust funds for that, but his grandfather insisted he work for his spending money and to get to the trust money. Besides, $20 an hour not only made him feel good about himself, it made him feel more professional.
“Um, okay, you’ve convinced me. I’ll do it.”
“Excellent,” responded, “Classes and exams are over in 10 days . I suggest you report to this address ( she handed him a slip of paper) no later than May 28, unless you want to start sooner.”
Matthew noted it was a bit of drive out into the country, but it was not like he was doing anything else. “Deal,” he said.
“Excellent,” she replied.
With that, Matthew’s professor drove off and it was only then that Matthew noticed it to be a high-end Lexus in a parking lot full of mid-grade cars. Must be true, then, he thought, she does have more money than it appealred.
Elizabeth , for her part, nearly wet herself driving home. It had gone far better than she expected.
What she told Matthew was true. Her place was large, and it was gated and classified in the country. There was lots of work for him to do, including taking care of her two horses. She hoped very much that Matthew would respond willingly, if not at first, then soon to the games she wanted to play with him. Having him at her estate all week long would provide many opportunities she had not gotten with her last lover.
After arrival home, she ran to her mastersuite, looked about the room, immediately stripped, and masturbated herself to several orgasms in row.
On the walls of this immense room were numerous and graphic images of women sexually dominating, indeed, subjugating men–placing them in extreme bondage, whipping them, raping them even, sitting on their faces, men performing orally on their mistresses. Interspersed among those images were various ropes,chains, handscuffs, paddles, whips, riding crops, hoods, gags, blindfolds. It was where she enjoyed being more than anywhere else in the world.
Reporting to Work
When Matthew finally arrived at Elizabeth’s home on the morning of May 28, he was taken aback by several things, causing his mind to reel the rest of the day.
The first was that she was not kidding. While he would hesitate to call the house a mansion, it was a huge Victorian home tucked behind large gates at the end of long dirt road, totally secluded from anything else for miles. Climbing to the tallest tree would not have resulted in seeing another house.
She had told him that she took advantage of a local government program which actually paid her to keep all the surrounding land, which her family once farmed, natural and undeveloped. Thus surrounding the house were overgrown meadows, punctuated by thicker areas of growth. No other humans could be seen or heard from.
The second, and far more reeling experience, once he had let his car in through the gate and he finally knocked on the front door, was the woman who answered it. Professor Starr, the frumpy, dumpy English teacher was not who answered. The woman he saw answer the door looked like his professor in the face—she wore glasses, was a bit plain, had her hair in bun. But the rest of her was not at all like Matthew imagined.
Elizabeth answered the door Wearing nothing more than a black athletic running bra and skin-tight black shorts. And her body was an exciting work of art: beautifully formed large breasts with hard nipples poking up clearly behind the tight material, sculpted and rather powerful-looking muscles in her arms and legs, a flat stomach, and a well-defined, tight, albeit ample, butt.
As Matthew stood before this image of an Amazon, he, seven inches shorter, feel carefully aware as he had not until now of his physical inferiority compared to his new employee. It was very clear that she could kickHis ass if she wanted. And he found this full effect strangely exciting, feeling a stirring in his groin he could do nothing to control and hoped it would not be overly obvious. He was in jean shorts and a t-shirt. Matthew was not confident of keeping it hidden.
After Elizabeth opened the door, she saw that her vision had the desired effect. Her physical attributes were clearly not what Matthew expected and the fact that he was liking what he saw did not escape her notice.
“Oh, Matthew, do come in. I am pleased you are so prompt. Are you ready to start your summer work?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” was Matthew’s instinctive rely. He hadn’t intended it for come out so formally, but it did. She did not correct him.
“Good. Let’s sit down first and discuss everything over some coffee.” And with that, Elizabeth outlined what the days and weeks ahead would (ostensibly) be like. There were regular daily chores required, such as mowing, trimming, weeding, taking care of the horses and their stalls.
Beyond that, she outlined some larger landscaping projects such as building some new gardens and dry-stacked stone walls and a number of other improvements that Matthew thought would not be accomplished in one summer. On many of these things, she said, she would be right there working with him. She also said she would provide lunch each day and even dinner if Matthew choose to work late Sometimes.
Throughout the day, Matthew did not find it easy doing his work when Elizabeth was around and she seemed to be around a lot, always dressed in her running bra and black shorts. The morning chores were indeed the routine maintenance things, such as the horse stalls, mowing the lawn, trimming bushes, et al.
While Matthew did them, Elizabeth was always doing something as well. It just happened to be always near where Matthew was working. For her part, she was fully aware of the effect she was having on the hired help and was quite pleased.
At lunch, Matthew spent an inordinate amount of time studying, discreetly he thought, the ridges, curves, and forms that composed Elizabeth ‘s magnificent body. Her face doesn’t turn heads, Matthew thought, but she sure is built.
She on the other hand know perfectly well what the boy of 19 at her table was doing and just so. That was the idea.
Elizabeth made the afternoon more difficult for Matthew. She spent most of it helping Matthew with the start of building of a stone wall that would run along a long length of the front gardens. It was a project that would take many days to complete, but it allowed her to be in close proximity to Matthew until the end of the day, when Matthew went home.
Watching Elizabeth work with him was extraordinarily nervous-wrecking because Matthew knew that she was obviously superior to him intellectually, having been his professor, but it was clear that she was also much stronger and in better shape. She routinely carried larger loads of dirt or moved bigger rocks than he could, her tigh and arm muscles bulging when she did so.
In the past, Matthew might not have found such a woman appealing, but the vision of this tall, strong amazon before him all day long was overwhelming his senses, clouding his judgment, and keeping him in a perpetual state of lust. He could not stop his mind from wandering to image of two of them having sex, but with her on top. Matthew imagined she would take him, not the other way around. He was not used to such thoughts, but found them extraordinarily excited.
As soon as Matthew got home, he masturbated twice to Elizabeth’s image before he could calm down enough to shower and do other things. Then he did it again before going to sleep in the hope he could get some sleep.
The next day went much like the first for Elizabeth and Matthew. The only difference was that she routinely found reasons to brush up against Matthew with one part of her body or another.
And in one particularly good stroke of luck, during the afternoon, as they both worked on the stone wall, she “tripped” over one of the stones they were using for the wall, falling against Matthew, both of them landing on the ground with her on top of him, face-to-face. For a lingering moment, she could feel the lump in Matthew’s groin, and Matthew felt immobilized by her muscle body. Elizabeth stayed in that position a little longer than would have been necessary under ordinary circumstances but then got up and apologized for her “clommsiness.”
That night, Matthew was incapable of expunging his sexual desire for his professor. When she had fallen on him, he momentarily felt trapped, captured, and controlled. He didn’t really understand why, but he liked the feeling. It felt good and right and yet it confused him, too. Most people he knew would think the thoughts he was having were weird, yet rather than suppressing the thoughts in his mind, he gave in to them. He let his fansies about run wild.
The next day, his third on the job, Elizabeth let Matthew in when he arrived. He hadn’t arrived until the early afternoon because he had needed to get his car a regular tune-up. Nothing else had changed from the day before. She invited him for a cup of coffee and watched how his eyes never seemed to stop looking at her body. After a few minutes of chit-chat, she finally decided to take the plungge.
“Oh, Matthew, let’s stop pretending, shall we?” said. “I think we’ve carried the charade on long enough.”
“Wh-What do you mean?”
“I dress this way to excite you, sexually, and it’s been clear since the first day you find me excited. I know you stare at my body constantly. You may think you’re hiding that but you aren’t,” she said, pointing to the obvious bulge in his groin. “Cards on the table,” she said stepping so close to Matthew her breasts were a mere inch from his mouth. “Do you want to have sex with me? Do you want me to make love to you?” she whispered.
Matthew was not a virgin, but he was very inexperienced. He had had sex a couple of times, but he’d paid for it, from a high-class escort service that advertised on the internet. But those escorts were no match for him physically, nor did they exude the sexual energy and power that Elizabeth did. Still, if he had any uncertainties, they were totally overwhelmed by the lust he was feeling.
“God, yes!” he blurred and he moved to grab her.
“Don’t touch me!” She commanded and pushed Matthew back. Seeing the boy’s confusion, she said, “we do this on my terms, Matthew, you must follow my rules. I expect my lovers to be polite, solicitous, and especially obedient. Any ‘extracurricular’ time we spend together will always and only be initiated by me.”
Feeling a bit uncertain now but quite willing to proceed, Matthew cautiously replied, “okay.”
“You mean, ‘yes ma’am.’”
“Yes ma’am,” Matthew immediately mimicked.
Elizabeth smiled a broad grin at her new lover, took his hand and led to one of her spare bedrooms. She did not think he was quite ready to see what was in her mastersuite today. That could wait until tomorrow. In her experience it took only a day and a night for her young men to become addicted to her body. With Matthew, she suspected that not only was he already added to her but that he would in fact be very receptive to her planned domination of him.
Once in the room, Elizabeth ordered Matthew to strip completely, while she still sat on the edge of her bed, still with her running bra and shorts on. Once Matthew was completely naked, she competed for him to come to her.
“Get down on your knees, but keep your back straight.” Matthew did so, but with an erection seems longer and harder than he had ever felt.
“As I said, I expect obedience from my lovers,” she said, lightly struggling his face with her index finger. “I prefer to be dominant. I will certainly alleviate the tension you feel, (she now stroked his cock with the same finger), but when we spend our time together, you are here mostly to satisfy me.”
She then leaned forward and gave Matthew several long, deep, full-tongue kisses, pushing his head to her mouth by grabbing and holding the hair on the back of his head.
“I will particularly demand that you worship every part of my body with your mouth and tongue. Can you do this?”
“I can learn. Will you teach me?,” he gasped.
“A most delightful answer. Let’s start your lessons right now, then.” Elizabeth pulled off her running bra, exposing to Matthew two of the most beautiful and large breasts he had ever seen, live or in a magazine.
“Suck them, Matthew, gently, alternate between one and the other and do not stop until I tell you to.” With his fansies of the last three days being realized, Matthew eagerly set to his task. Elizabeth had her lover, soon-to-be sex slave do this for almost 10 minutes before pushing his head back.
“Take off my shorts.” Matthew did so, revealing black panties covering Elizabeth’s pussy. “Take off my panties with your teeth.”
And while that took some effort, Matthew finally completed his task revealing Elizabeth’s groin, which contained a rather large amount of hair, which was not all that surprising since she was hardly petite. She then proceeded to instruct Matthew how to worship her with his mouth.
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