“Well, you sort of made your wife come,” Jess said after they all caught their breath.
Keith did not come through the device. His cock still strained at rigid attention pulling the device up his cock which also hoisted his heavy ball bag. The lean skin at his public shaft was stretched taught and narrowed to look like a fattening of the base of his dick. His cock, the device, his balls, the entire area really, were shiny with an embarrassing amount of Vivica’s girl come.
“Does that count?” Keith asked.
“No, it doesn’t, but it is a tiny victory. You look like you could use some relief.” Jess sat up and climbed over between his legs again. “Your whole crotch smells like good pussy.” Vivica watched her best friend lower her mouth over her husband’s caged cock again. She heard her slurp the juices from it as she bobbed her head up and down on it. Keith hissed again. He could not get enough stimulation through the cage but the sight of Jess, and what she was doing, was undeniably hot. Once Jess had all the girl come off Keith’s penis she moved on to lap it up off his balls, thighs, and pubis. Vivica watched her drag her tongue across his hair free pubic mound, pushing a wave of her come across it, and feel her pussy throb.
She had come twice tonight already. That was more than she usually came in a week, and she was still horny. It had been a very sexual evening. It was sexual overload and she was eager for more. She stayed quietly, spread her thighs wide, and lightly stroked her engaged clipit as she watched her best friend lick up her juices. At this point her inhibitions were fading. Where she was freaked out when her husband was naked in front of her best friend a few short hours ago, now she was comfortable struggling her drooling pussy in front of both of them.
“You are so goddamn beautiful,” Keith said but she didn’t look his way. She kept her eyes on Jess. Jess and her made eye contact as she slid back and took Keith’s dick back into her mouth. She slide back while sucking so it pulled harder on his cock then let it pop out of her mouth, then sat up.
“Alright, it is getting late, you ready for the final performance before we all get some sleep. We are going to need it, big day tomorrow.”
“What happens tomorrow?” Keith asked.
“That’s a question, I said no questions. These tiny infections are adding up. Don’t think there won’t be a reckoning.” Most of the sex products they purchased had been swept off the foot of the bed during all the activity and Jess went and squatted on the floor in the middle of them looking for what she wanted. “Grab that key and get his dick out of the cage,” Jess said to Vivica. The key, on the chain, was still on the bed. “Do it carefully. He might come just from being touched at this point.”
Vivica gingerly put the key into the little padlock and turned it. It sprung open and she tugged it through the three holes, two on the base and the one on the cage that went between them, and removed the lock. As soon as the lock no longer held the cage to the base the two pieces separated. Keith’s balls settled and the base returned to its original position at the base of his cock. The upper three inches of his cock were still squeezed into the curved cage. Vivica slowly closed her hand around the cage and pulled it off his dick. The top half of his dick had indentations in its flesh where the cage bars constricted it. There was More shiny juices that Jess had missed but Vivica did not want to take the chance of sucking them off him.
She opened the claw base and lifted his heavy nuts to get at the hinged bottom and pull it free. His cock definitely looked bigger now. It was partly because he had no hair obscuring the base of his cock, but it was also in part because of the extreme level of arousal he had to be feeling at this point. His cock looked to be at least an inch thicker and taller. Vivica wanted to suck it but knew better.
“Look at that little sucker. I think your penis is trying to grow up and be a real man’s penis,” Jess said as she climbed back up on the bed. She had a tube of cream and one of the Magnum condoms. “So here’s the plan. I am going to put some numbing cream on your dick, then I am going to put an extra thick condom over it. The theory is that your lovely wife should then be able to ride you to orgasm and the thick rubber and cream will give you some control.”
Vivica watched as Jess squirted thick glob of the cream onto the head of his dick. She rubbed it so it coated the entire head, then moved the excess down the shaft leaving a thick layer on the underside just below the head. She then placed the condom on his dick head and rolled it all the way down to the base of his dick. She gripped his cock firmly in her fist and jacked it up and down to smear the cream inside all over his cock.
“How’s that feel? You still got control?” She continued to slide her fist up and down her husband’s shake as she spoke. He nodded. “Stop holding your breath. Breathe evenly as she fucks you. Plenty of oxygen will help you with control.”
“Okay, sure,” he said and gulped in air and exhausted loudly.
“Okay, I have to say, this is a really nice dick Viv. You were right. I prefer the bigger ones but this one is great.”
“It’s perfect,” Vivica said. She couldn’t take her eyes off it, or Jess’s hand, as she continued jacking it up and down.
“Okay, I am going to give it a little slurp and then you climb on. Ready?”
Vivica nodded then watched Jess lower her mouth over Keith’s perfect dick. He hissed and exhausted then sucked in a lung expanding gout of air. Vivica watched her best friend blow her husband. She would have imagined that the mere thought of this would enrage her but, as she watched it happening, she thought it was beautiful. There was no cage between his cock and her mouth, just a thin layer of latex. Jess sucked him all the way down to his base and then all theway to the tip. Her lips got thin on the way down and pumped on the way up. Her pussy throbbed. She wanted that dick inside her.
“How you doing?” Jess asked after she pulled her sucking mouth off Keith’s dick with a pop.
“Shockingly I think I am okay,” Keith said in between deep breaths.
“Alright, Viv? Take it away.”
Vivca did not need to be told twice and she immediately straddled Keith and positioned her pussy over his cock. She was about to reach for it but Jess, behind her now, took hold of it. She held it at the base and moved it back and forth so the head of Keith’s dick slide through the wetness between Vivica’s labia. Vivica looked down past her her engaged cliporis and saw the top of the condom was slimy with her sauce. Then Jess held it up straight and Vivica felt the head plug into her hole. She spread her legs slightly and her vagina swallowed up the top two inches of his cock. Jess quickly came around to knee on the bed next to them.
“Lookat me Keith,” Jess snapped at him. “Your dick is in your wife’s juicy cunt now. Do not disrespect her, or yourself, by coming before she does.” Vivica sat back slowly and engulfed his dick entirely. She feel the thickness of the base of his dick stretch her pussy muscles slightly. She feel his smooth hard public bone and watched her shiny clip mash against it. “I am going to go behind her. If You think you are about to come, shout out, and I will help you.” Vivica suspected that by help Jess means she would punch Keith in the nuts. The thought of it made the temperature rise in her pussy. She slide her tight sheath up and down her husband’s cock. The feelings it created in her were fantastic and she felt the waves of pleasure washing over her. The waves increased in volume and frequency. Usually she would not both to be this attentive of the feelings his dick created inside her, but she prayed this time would be different.
Jess was now behind her, kneeing, and Vivica watched herbest friend’s arms encircle her from behind. Her left hand, pale against Vivica’s tan, slide down to the union of Vivica’s pussy and Keith’s cock. Her fingers played so two went on each side of his cock as Vivica pistoned it in and out of her. The pad of Jess’s hand pressed against Vivica’s clip and ground gently against the top of it. Her right hand came up and cupped her left, then right, then back to her left breast. She squeezed them, and tweaked the nipples, she leaned her head over Vivica’s left shoulder and put her lips next to her ear.
“I love you so much Viv,” Jess whispered. Vivica looked down to see if Keith could hear her but he was breathing so loudly she doubted it. “I love him too, because he makes you happy. I know I dragged you outside your comfort zone tonight, took some liberties with you, and your husband, but I promise you I did it all out of love. We get this right and you just might have the perfect life, with the perfect man. I need to know that exists.
“You have been my best friend all our lives, but we are very different people. I took chances and you took precautions. You followed the rules and followed the criminals. You were vanilla and I was kind. Sexually speaking, the grass is greener on the kink side of the fence. By now I hope you recognize that. Your pussy has been gushing all night, so I know this shit turns you on, and I want You to know that it gets even better. I want to train your husband for you so he can give you all the orgasms you want, but I also want to introduce you to unique sexual experiences.”
Vivica moaned as her orgasm built. She was not counting strokes this time but Keith had been in her longer by now than he ever had in his life before. He was still gasping beneath her. Jess was still fondling her pussy and breasts expertly. Her words were exciting, further arousing her, and she could pause to verbalize it just now but she looked forward to whatever Jess had in mind. Jess’s breasts, those magnificent orbs, Vivica felt them pressed firmly against her back. The nipples were hard and dug into her flesh. Vivica felt her orgasm ramp up to burst and let out a wail.
She slammed her ass down hard and buried her husband’s cock as deep as it could go into her soaking cunt. She felt it reaches parts of her it never had. She ground her cliporis against his pubic bone, back and forth, as she slide her hips forward until her pussy tilted his cock so the head of it slammed into her G-spot, then back until her clip mashed against the base of his cock. She continued this, rapid fire, as her orgasm crested and washed over her. She felt her guts clnch and relax, along with the muscles in her pussy, as they squeezed the cock inside her. She screamed and feared this orgasm might cause brain damage. She never imagined this much pleasure existing.
She collapsed in a trembling heap on her husband’s chest. Her screams of ecstasy dissolved into sobs and she waited as the tears rolleddown her cheeks and onto her husband’s neck and shoulder. She was grinning ear to ear and crying at the same time. It was the greatest climax of her life, and she had three of them today. She could hear Jess laughing behind her and felt Keith’s cock throbbing inside her. She hoped he came. He earned it. He deserved to feel good after this day of humiliation for him.
“Why are you crying?” Keith asked. His arms were straining at their constraints as he tried to embrace her.
“Happiness,” Jess answered for her. “It’s something we girls do when we come just right. Lots of feelings happening right now. Don’t try to understand, just be proud of this moment.”
“But she is okay?”
“Better than okay. You did your job. Did you come?” Jess asked him and Vivica felt him shake his head no. “You didn’t come? We are going to have to write a five star Yelp review for the manufacturers of that cream. Are you lying?” Vivica feel her best friend spread her ass cheeses and look, thenreach down and grab the base of her husband’s cock. She hauled back on it and dragged it out of Vivica’s pussy. She groaned at the stimulation on her oversensitive pussy flesh. “Not lying. I am so proud. Our little boy didn’t come.”
“He really wants to,” Keith said and Vivica chuckled.
“Yeah, think you can do it again?”
“Make my wife come?”
“She’s probably all came out for tonight. I was going to give you a shot at the title. I am ready for some big fat juicy cock, but maybe I can make something happen with yours.”
“Vivca?” Keith said.
“Yeah, Viv, you mind if I take your husband’s little dick for a spin?”
“I think you should,” Vivica said dreamily as she rolled off her husband.
“Think you can Stay in there until I come? If you can’t you are going to have to eat me again because I have to get off.”
“I’ll try. Can we free my hands and feet?”
“Not yet. Having you tied up makes me feel powerful, in control.”
“Of course itdoes.”
Jess started by dropping her mouth over Keith’s cock again and sucking all of Vivica’s juice off the condom. She sucked the top with her mouth and jacked the base with her hand. Keith started breathing heavy again. Vivica sat up and crawled behind Jess. She was on her hands and knees while she blew Keith so her ass was high in the air. Vivica, feeling outside her body again, spread Jess’s perfect ass apart and licked her best friends asshole.
“Oh sweet Jesus,” Jess gasped and Vivica felt her jolt under her.
Her asshole flexed open, then closed under Vivica’s tongue. Vivica stuck her tongue all the way out and pressed the thick middle of it against her best friend’s pumper. She moved her tongue in slow circles while shoving it hard against the orifice. Jess was moaning obscenities. Vivica took two of her fingers and slid them in Jess’s dripping pussy. She curled them so the tips ground hard onto Jess’s G-spot then saw them in and out making sure to hit her spot on every inward thrust while continuing to lick her ass. Vivica watched the goosebumps pop up on her best friend’s sweat shined back.
“Don’t ever stop that,” Jess wailed and then went silent as Vivica imagined she took Keith back into her mouth.
Vivica did plan on stopping. She wanted to do something scandalous to Jess and this was it, but she also wanted to watch her fuck Keith. “Get on him, I Want to see you two fuck,” Vivica said and Jess grossed in protest over the absence of a tongue on her ass but she crawled up over Keith’s legs and slide her pussy down on his raging ection. Vivica knelt behind her and pushed Jess down so she lay on Keith’s chest. Then Vivica laid down between his legs and put her tongue back on Jess’s asshole. This time she pointed her tongue and jabbed it into her asshole. Jess screamed above her and Vivica shoved her tongue even deeper.
Oh my God, this was crazy. She could feel her husband’s cock with her tongue as he thrust it in and outof her best friend’s pussy. By jabbing the tip of her tongue hard against the inside of her ass she could feel the bottom of his cock as it slip against the thin wall. Jess was shuddering and screaming like a mad woman above her still. Vivica felt it when she came. Jess full body flexed and went into jerky spasms. Her vulgarities became unintelligible. Vivica could feel Jess’s asshole pinch down on her tongue and her pussy clamping down on Keith’s cock.
Once she was sure Jess was sated and coming down from her orgasm Vivica lowered her mouth to suck Keith’s balls into her mouth. He still had not come and was still bucking his dick up into Jess. His movements were frenzied and Vivica wanted to help him get off. After a few minutes he still had not come so Vivica wriggled a finger into his ass while continuing to suck his balls. She slide her finger in and out of him, first knuckle to second knuckle, and after several more minutes he still could not come.
“I’m sorry, I can’tTake anymore,” Jess said and hauled her pussy off Keith’s thrusting cock and rolled onto her back next to him..
Keith’s cock was practically vibrating with the need to get off. There were strange sounds coming from the base of Keith’s throat and his hips were still thrusting into the air. Vivica kept sucking his balls but pulled her finger out of his ass and reached up and dug her thumb under the lip of the condom and dragged it off his cock. She stopped sucking his balls and went to the bathroom and came back with a wet towel. She wiped his dick free of all the cream she could see. She was sure that the effective ingredients in the cream was soaked into his skin and still working but this was the best she could do for him.
Vivica stood over him and squatted until she felt the enraged head of his dick at the folds around the entrance to her pussy. “Come as fast as you want baby,” she whispered to him and he nodded quickly. She dropped her ass hard on his pelvis and slammed his dick all the way up inside her. She bounced her ass up and down on him flexing her thighs and knees. She pressed a hand to his chest to help her balance. As she dropped her pussy onto him as hard as she could, he was bucking his hips up into her ass as hard as he could. There bodies coming so violently together were causing a loud slapping sound.
“You two are fucking sexy,” Jess moaned from where she lay watching them.
“Sit on his face,” Vivica suggested.
“I can’t come again.”
“Me neither. It’s not for you, it’s for him.”
“Got it,” Jess said and sat up. She throw a leg over his head and settled her pussy down on his mouth.
Keith’s thrusting became even more frantic. Vivica enjoyed the sight of her husband’s tongue digging up into her best friend and hoped the added sexual element would help him get off. All of them were smoking profusely. Her thighs and glutes were beginning to feel the burn.
“Don’t come inside me,” Vivica said and hoped Keit could hear her from between Jess’s tights. “Let me know when you are close.”
“Why? What are you doing?” Jess asked over her shoulder.
“I want to show you something extra fucking hot.”
“I have been close,” Keith gasped. “On the verge, since the rubber came off. I just can’t get that last little bit to push me over.”
“Okay, I got you,” Vivica said and dropped to her knees from the squat she was in and slid back and down on his cock hard again. He was still slamming up into her from below as hard and frenzied as he could. “Turn around,” she said to Jess. “I want you to see this.”
Vivica waited as Jess rose up and turned around then sat back down on Keith’s face. When she was settled and Vivica could see Keith’s tongue Straining to reach Jess’s clip from behind she raised herself off his cock and quickly slide back between his legs. She pressed his hips down hard to control his thrusting so he didn’t hurt her then took his cock into her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down on his dick and she could feel the head of it going deeper into her throat than it ever had. His helmet was bulbous and the ridge of it was very hard. His whole dick was coated in her slime and it was delicious to suck off him.
She gathered up his balls in her left hand and closed her fist around them and the base of his dick. Her fingers and thumb barely met. She jacked the shake of his dick along with his balls while Continuing to cram as much of his dick into her throat as she could. On the down strokes, when his dick was deep in her, she constricted her throat muscles around the rigid head and swiped her tongue across his balls. With her right hand she forced two fingers into his ass. That did it.
Vivica felt his cock expand in her mouth and begin throbbing. She raised her head off his cock and released his balls so she could wrap her left Hand around the shake of his dick and stroke him to climax. His dick was now coated in spit as jamming it so fardown her throat had produced a lot of it so it was slippery in her hand. She gripped tightly so she was pulling the skin of his dick up over the head on every upstroke. His hips started jerking spasmodically and the first fat rope of thick white come blasted out of the tip of his dick.
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