The Prisoner Pt. 20

TUESDAY (Continued)

“Stop!” Anna commanded as she walked along the corridor with Martin in toe; himself as usual on all fours when walking beside her. She looked down at him as he looked back up, like her well trained doggy.

“So, our time together almost comes to an end, Martin,” she said, playing acting her disappointment. Martin himself felt the opposite – relief – that today was almost over. And he could finally get away from this sadistic young woman.

“But first – we have an outstanding purchase from your nominators, so I think this is the perfect time to get that done.”

Martin witnessed.

Anna continued, “Especially with you now all pen up sexually and very horny from experiencing all the activities today!” Anna pointed downwards towards his locked cock, that was clearly scanning to get out of his device.

Martin wondered what purchase she was referring to. But remembered Warden saying something about add-ons that nominators could purchase,for fun. He felt a sense of dread at what was to come.

“Ok. Let’s go. Heel boy!” officer Anna commanded. Martin straightened his back and got prepared to move forward. He felt silly doing this. But he knew he must obey, or suffer a lot of pain. Anna was quick with the controller. She expects men to obey or she will cause them pain in their most sensitive area until they do obey her.

They Walked along the corridor until they came to the same room where Martin had suffered many indignities once before at the hands of many of the officers. He was hesitant when he realized they were entering this place once again as Anna began to open the door. Anna immediately noticed this and crouched down to face Martin.

“Martin. You will enter this room and obey everything I say. Understand? If you don’t, then I swear I will use this controller to really roast your little chestnuts! Is that understand my boy?”

Martin nodded and then bolted into the room as Anna let out a smile and followed behind him, closing the door. She knew that threat would get him moving. Such predictable creativity she finds these boys to be, especially when kept naked with a massive weakness hanging exposed between their legs!

“Right. Sit in the chair,” she commanded.

Martin reluctantly did as he was told. Was he going to be punished? Why? For what? This isn’t fair, he thought to himself, as Anna began strapping him in. First his arms, then his legs. She omitted the neck restraint, which Martin was thankful for. But he was, even without that restraint, very securely held in place in this sitting position. He felt Anna move down and unlock his chatity device. His cock immediately sprang to attention as she began to remove it. Anna just smiled. She knew she would see this reaction from him. Men were oh so predictable. Anna stood up to inform Martin of the purchase his nominators had made. But before doing so, she first set up her phone on a neary stand to record the momentfor later upload. She hit the record button and then addressed Martin.

“Right, Martin. I must inform you that I will now be wanking you to orgasm.”

Martin’s eyes widened in surprise. He couldn’t believe his ears. He figured that maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad after all.

“However,” Anna continued, ” Your nominators purchased an add-on that said they wish to see you eat your own cum. So I will be forcing you to do that today.”

Martin was started. And tested the chair restrains with his movement. But he found that he couldn’t budget. Just wriggle a little. Anna did enjoy seeing her guys struggle. She stood there watching on as Martin did this and didn’t say a word.

After a few moments, when Martin had settled down, she repeated What she had said once more.

“You will be eating your own cum today my boy!”

She said it all so matter-of-fact. Martin found it disgusting. Sure, he enjoyed watching while women did this sort of thing when he pushedHis cock down their throat during oral sex. But that is women. That’s expected, he thought. But this is not something a heterosexual man does. Martin began to move to test the restraints again. But it was no good. He was truly stuck to the chair and going nowhere.

Anna moved to get two pieces of equipment. The first was a funnel gag, which she attached to Martin’s mouth. The opening in the mouth end means that anything she poured down was going straight in. Martin made protest sounds as she began to attach it. But it didn’t stop her.

Anna smiled. “When this gag is next removed, Martin, you will know what cum tastes like!”

She then pulled the side straws tightly and fastened them off. Martin was now unable to close his mouth due to the way the gag kept his lips apart.

“Perfect,” she commented.

She loved doing this to the prisoners. Giving them new experiences. Especially if she knows they really, really don’t like it.

The second piece of equipment she grabbed was a penis pump. She placed a condom over his penis & then attached the pump to Martin’s cock and tied it on with some rope around his body and his balls. Anna knew that Martin originally thought she was going to give him a hand job. She could see his disappointment in now finding out that he was going to be forced to cum by remote!

Martin decided then and there to resist. He couldn’t eat it, if he didn’t cum, right? So he tried to think about anything else else than his prediction.

Anna, satisfied at her work, turned to the phone, that was still recording Martin in his prediction, and pressed start on the controller for the penis pump.

Martin twitched as the machine began its work. Back and forth. Back and forth. Martin tried his best to resist but could feel himself getting harder and harder as the machine got faster and faster.

Anna had seen it all before. She just stood back and watched as the pre-programmed setting did its work. For Martin, thinking of anything else other than what was happening to him was harder than he thought. Even when he tried, there was always a straight thought about his exposed penis being pumped like this in front of this dominant woman who was standing there watching and recording the whole thing for his nominators to watch. He felt so used.

He looked down and could see his balls were even being used against him by them helping to tie this thing on. His hands and legs were restrained with him in his sitting position so there was full access to his private parts by Anna, via his wide spread legs. And the video camera recording his embarrassment for all to see. Stray thoughts only served to make him harder. And the machine was relentless. Pumping and pumping without a care for his situation. Anna watched as the machine sped up further and as Martin’s face tightened as he tried so Very hard to resist. Martin knew his fate should he cum. The funnel mouth gag attached would see to that.

Fasterand faster it pumped. Martin was rock hard now inside the device. And breathing heavy. It was getting harder and harder to resist this. He was like a rock now. And starting to panic. He begged his mind to not betray him. He tried thinking of some many things that are not even the remote bit sexually arousing, but his mind couldn’t escape the machine and what it was doing to him. The thought of Anna standing back watching himself naked, spread in bondage, cock dangling, himself being treated like her toy for her amusement. He was loosing the battle, for sure. Then – all of a sudden – his mind betrayed him. He felt it drifting away and his body start to pulsate. Anna knew it means only one thing. Seconds later Martin burst – and moaned behind the gag as his cock pulsated out lots and lots of cum into the condom that Anna had wrapped around his cock Earlier. Martin gasped for breath, coming down after his uncontrolled orgasm. Anna pressed a button that slowed the machine so that withinthe next twenty seconds it finally came to a stop. It was in this moment that he realized what he had done. And he instantly regretted it. He knew she was now going to force him to eat it. He saw her smiling as she began walking closer. He tried to speak but his words were muffled from behind his gag. He really didn’t want this! But Anna was looking forward to this too much!

Anna bent down and casually removed the pump from his cock, taking off the rope she had tied around his balls and chest. She walked away momentarily, placing the equipment on a small table. Then, she turned and walked back towards Martin. His begging eyes showed his thoughts clearly to Anna. She smiled once more and then spun around.

“Now he will eat his own cum!” she proudly announced to the recording. Martin instinctively looked over at the camera & then instantly regretted it as he had given the nominators some pleasure no doubt, by letting them see his begging eyes staring directly at them.

“He we go big boy… what do you have for me?” she whispered as she began to carefully peel back the condom to see the contents. She then gave a look of surprise when realising how much he had filled it.

“Oh dear!” she teased. “We could be here a while.”

Martin didn’t want this. But what could he do? He was restricted. Stuck here naked in a chair with his legs spread wide apart and funnel gagged. No one was going to come to his rescue.

“Open wide,” Anna teased, as she held up the condom to the funnel gag, turning it ready to pour. Anna turned at him playfully and with that began to pour the contents down the tube.

For a moment Martin felt nothing. He wasn’t sure if she had poured it in or not until a few seconds later he felt it. It oozed out of the end of the gag and went all over His tongue. It tasted disgusting. It then touched the back of his throat. Martin’s instinctive reaction was to gag and almost throw up. But more kept coming, as she kept pouring, now filling his mouth. He quickly decided the best thing to do was to swallow it. This was utterly humiliating. Anna, meanwhile, kept pouring it in bit by bit. She wanted to drag out this experience for Martin and to make sure the nominators got their money’s worth. She kept pouring and he kept swallowing. “Yum, yum!” she teased, as Martin was turning beetroot red with embarrassment.

Anna eventuallyly finished pouring in the last drop. She turned to dispose of the condom, leaving Martin held in place to ‘enjoy’ the last of it as it made away down the tube into his helpless open mouth.

With the last swallow, he knew it was finally over. Martin felt humiliated. He wanted to be anywhere but here. Anna meanwhile felt very satisfied. And she knew his nominators had a new video to look forward to! She hoped they enjoyed their purchase.

Anna then took off Martin’s funnel gag. Martin gasped as she removed it. Coughing to get his normal breathing back on track.

“Now thank yournominators for purchasing that experience for you,” Anna said, with her hand now firmly on his controller.

“Thank you,” Martin replied meekly.

Anna laughed. Walked up to the phone and turned the video off. Went back to the chair and unstrapped Martin.

“Heel,” she commanded.

Martin got down into position.

Anna never gave him any water. Purposely. She wanted to leave him with the taste of cum in his mouth for longer. She was so sadistic. Anna then began to walk out of the room with Martin following at her feet. She took him back down and around the maze of corridors until he reached his cell. Martin was ordered to enter and stand in the middle of the room with his hands on his head facing Anna, but was told he must not speak. The small mercy he had was she never reinstalled his chatity cage. The shocker was still locked around his balls though. That was separate and not as easy to remove.

Anna walked in and stood in front of a frozen Martin who held his hands on his head as ordered.

“Well, what a day you’ve had big boy,” Anna said, addressing Martin straight in the eyes. “I wonder what Nikki has in store for you tomorrow? She is looking forward to spending time with you. You should get some rest, because I’m sure it will be another big day for you. I will have someone bring you some food over later.

She moved in closer towards his face.

“Because I certainly think you have … ‘eaten’ …. enough for now,” she teased.

Anna then turned to leave the room, stopping by the doorway and looking back at Martin, who was still standing there like a status in the middle of his cell. She loved this. Looking at men, standing in their prison cells, trapped in a state of nudity, obeying her orders.

“I hope you enjoyed Wearing those clothes today because we are now going to keep you nude permanently.”

Anna continued.

“I still cannot believe you thought we were going to let you go,” she giggled, shaking herhead at how silly Martin had been to assume that.

Anna then adopted a far more serious face and tone of voice as she said,

“No. We are not letting you go anywhere, Martin. You belong to us now…!”

Anna then moved out and slammed the door shut behind her and locked it.

Martin stood there, still as a status, hands still on his head, shocked, doing nothing but thinking of what she just said. He heard her walking away down the corridor. He didn’t move for several minutes. He couldn’t. This was all becoming too much for him. And he knew his week had barely started: Warden, now Anna. And tomorrow would be Nikki.

He wondered what his friends back home would do if they found themselves in this position, trapped, forced into these experiences. His own manhood painfully shocked if he disobeys, until he finally gives in and obeys. No way to remove the shocker device tightly locked around his balls without a special tool. No way to escape due to the electric barrieraround the prison that will activate the shocker. Not to mention that the prison itself looks to be in the middle of nowhere.

He was clueless. He wondered what his big ego driven mates might do. And how they would feel subjected to this.

“What would you guys do?” he thought to himself. “What would you do…”



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