The Prisoner Pt. 18

TUESDAY (Continued)

Martin had finally done it. He had completed the last lap of the field. On all fours, the way Officer Anna had commanded. Fully naked, but with having an infernal chatity cage hanging around his balls it means that it pulled down hard on his manhood due to his natural swing back and forth as he crawled along.

Martin was aching down there and was pleased he could now have a rest after crossing the finish line. Officer Anna was not in attendance during his laps, but Martin didn’t dare take any risks by avoiding doing the correct number that she commanded. He felt she would know. Somehow, she would know! And he would be punished. No! He wasn’t going to risk it. He carefully counted every lap to himself as he circled, to be absolutely sure.

After he finished His last lap, he relaxed by sitting down on his naked bottom on the grass in the middle of the field as he contemplated his situation. He looked around at the imposing buildings. “How many men do they have captive here?” he wondered. He knew a bunch of men could easily overpower these women if not for the infernal cock and balls shockers the men were all fitted with. He looked down at this ring bolted around his most delicious area and screamed. Martin also knew that many men were probably broken by now anyway. And even if they mustered the courage to do something, the fear remains that if they were stopped through some Shocks, that wouldn’t be the end of it. They know they would face ongoing punishments afterwards. And he knew from his experiences alone, many of the men likely won’t want to risk that. Martin himself had decided he was not going to straight from the course after his punishment. What would make him believe the other men would either?

Martin himself had faced the punishment chair already during his stay and he certainly didn’t want that experience again. The humiliation he felt of all these women grabbing him, lifting him up naked and taking him to thechair, forcibly strapping him in, was not something he wanted to repeat. But his cock betrayed him. He could feel it getting hard inside his chatity cage at the thought of what he experienced. He didn’t understand why the male brain works in such a strange way. He didn’t want to experience the punishment again, but thinking of what happened, all those female hands on him, their power and his powerlessness, naked for all to see, Couldn’t help but excited him, even if involuntarily.

Martin decided he wouldn’t bring the subject of escape up with the other men. It was foolish to even try. Rather than risk anything, he knew the men would probably just rather hold onto the hope that they will be released someday. At least some of them knew who did this to them. Martin was getting frustrated by the fact that someone out there has put him here and he was powerless to stop it or find out who. He had no idea if the person was male of female who did this to him. “Shit!” he suddenly said aloud whilst thinking. He had been going through his mind trying to work out women he knew who may have done this to him. But he hadn’t really considered that maybe it was a guy he had upset. He knew there was quite a few of them over the years. Martin sat and thought about this possibility to himself for a moment.

As he did so, he looked out across the field. It stretched quite far and there was a tree line over to his right. He looked around – 360 degrees – for the boundary posts that would activate the shocker if he strayed too far. He could see a few. But some looked hidden by trees. He wondered how long this place had existed here.

He looked once again at his nakedness. He felt silly. He hadn’t realized how much he had taken clothes for granted until he was deprived of them. He had never considered the idea of ​​someone taking your clothes away, forcing you to remain in your natural state – as a punishment and embarrassment in itself. These women certainly know what they are doing, he thought. They clearly enjoy seeing naked men wandering around. But it is also a power trip for them. Imagine the reverse. Martin keeping his woman naked around the house. And maybe her friends the same way when they come over to visit. They must strip by the front door. No clothes allowed. There were some of his ‘girl-just-friends’ he would like to see in that position! He smiled at the Thought. But then immediately looked down because he felt the pressure of his cock scanning against the device even more with these erotic thoughts of women naked who he knows. The pressure now made everything down there hurt slightly. What was he thinking!! “Stop!” he told himself.

Martin noticed how quiet it was out here. Peaceful. He was glad of the fresh air and a rest. Especially one where he was not in strict bondage or locked in his cell. He could move freely at least, his arms and legs. But he feared that he dare not walk around because Officer Anna had been clear, to wait atthe finish for her when completed. So, he decided to just sit here, waiting, the air feeling fresh on his nude body.

Meanwhile, Anna was having some food inside in the main building’s break area. It was an area where males were not allowed to be brought into by any of the Officers. It was a place to relax and for quiet contemplation. But most often they would contemplate what they wish to do next to the males!

As Anna sat there eating, she saw Nikki approach.

“Hi Anna,” she said smiling.

“Oh, hey Nikki,” came the reply, with Anna immediately taking notice of what Nikki was wearing. A bright red dress, which made her look stunning. She had such a slender figure.

“How’s today going? You have Martin today, right?” Nikki enquired.

“Yea,” Anna replied. “I have him doing some doggy laps of the field at the moment,” she said with a giggle. “I’m just taking a break.” She stretched her arms out. “I’m quite hungry today already!”

“Wonderful,” Nikki replied with excitement at the thought of a naked Martin out there crawling around the field. “I have him tomorrow you know.”

Nikki sounded excited at the thought of Martin becoming her responsibility for the day.

“I’m with Steve today,” she went on. “He gets released on Friday. How about that? “

“Really?” Anna said inquisitively. She then took a moment to think about something before continuing. “I still owe him an electron torture pain session. I must remember to do that before he goes!”

Anna opened her phone to make a note. Nikki smiled at what she knew she had just inflicted on poor Steve. She was a true sadist.

“Will you come and watch Nikki?” Anna asked. “It makes it so much more fun for me and more humiliating for the men by having two women in the room controlling them. I swear they never got used to the nudity with more than one pair of eyes watching. Let alone the torture.”

“Yea sure I will,” Nikki replied, excited. “It will be my pleasure. I amDisappointed he is being released so soon though.”

“How long has he been with us?” Anna asked in reply.

“Only 3 months. But his wife has taken him back,” Nikki replied, rolling her eyes. “He begged her so hard in front of Warden and myself during her last visit. It was pathetic. But she has shown him mercy.”

Nikki leaned in and touched Anna’s Shoulder.

“Personally, I enjoy it when they beg, but instead of showing them any mercy their nominator just leaves and tells us to lock them up for another month. Or two. Or three! The look on their faces knowing they are left to us to use and abuse for even more time as their nominator leaves the room is priceless. Some cry.”

Anna contemplated what Nikki was saying. Anna had a few men on the books she handled. She enjoyed it too when they were left here longer, naked, afraid, trapped, tortured, especially when they learn who has put them in here. Does that make it worse than not knowing, she wondered?

“Well, I guess he won’t be cheating on her anymore!” Anna noted.

“Yea, he got himself into a bit of a bind with that one. Might loose the house, half his pension, half his savings and investments. She had evidence enough to take him to the cleaners in the dividend. Or, he can feel some of the pain she felt by a stint in here, with us,” Nikki giggled. “I think he really didn’t want his kids to see their hero Dad as just another cheat!”

“Got to give him credit Nikki,” Anna replied. “He clearly does love his wife to go through all this for her. But no matter what, he is not leaving this place without me giving him his owed electron session. I think I will have him frog tied to the rack. It heightens their sense of exposure of their unprotected cock to my implements, in that knees out, feet together position.”

“And their humiliation,” Nikki giggled. “Let’s get some final pictures of him exposed like that for the catalogue on the online portal before he leaves. I know Warden will enjoy seeing him like that. She always enjoyed putting him through his paces herself from time to time.”

Anna took another bite from her sandwich and glanced at the clock on the wall.

“So, how’s Carl doing by the way?” Anna asked Nikki. “He at least knew from the start who had put him here… it was YOU!”

Anna’s chuckled at her own comment.

“Yea he’s good,” Nikki replied. “I think his two weeks in here did him the world of good in understanding my job. It made us closer afterwards. That’s why I wanted him in here. Ok, yes he agreed to do it to please me, but once in here I felt it important that he would be out of my control. This was not some lock up kinky session between us. I think he thought it was going to be at first, but he soon realized he had to experience this place from challenges by the other women. That’s why I was so pleased you did as much as you did with him Anna.”

Anna smiled.

“Yea, I will never forget his face that first day whenI showed up for his introduction and he thought it was going to be you.”

Both women laughed aloud at the thought of Carl’s shock. It was a fun experience, for them at least.

Carl was with Nikki walking along the corridor of the main building, heading for one of the waiting rooms.

“Stop worrying,” Nikki said, noticing Carl’s uneasy demeanour. “Look just pop in here and wait for me.”

Nikki opened the door to a small room. It had a table in the middle, a chair and not much else. On the table awaited a neck shock collar, sitting opened, but with no key available.

“I want you to pop this on and wait for me here. I will be back shortly. I just need to freshen up.”

Carl entered the room as Nikki headed back along the corridor. He picked up the collar and examined it. He could see there was an electrical component to it, inside the ring. It concerned him at first, but Nikki had assured him to just ‘go with the flow’ and everything will be alright. Reluctantly he opened it wider and put it around his neck. It was a snug fit, almost as if it had been made to measure. He hesitated for a moment – but then clicked the collar into place, locking it on himself. He sat in the chair for a few moments.

Minutes later he heard footsteps. But to his surprise instead of Nikki coming through the door, a woman with dark hair entered. It was Anna.

“Stand up!” she commanded.

“Erm, I was waiting for my girlfriend, Nikki,” he replied, meekly, as he raised himself slowly to his feet.

“I am fully aware of who you are and why you are here, Carl. I’m Officer Anna. I will be your handler. You will address me as Officer Anna at all times or you will be punished.”

Carl was started.

“Strip!” came the command.

Carl didn’t reply. He didn’t know where Nikki was. As he took time to process what Anna has said, she took the opportunity to test out his new collar. It caused him to jump in pain.

“Jesus!” he shouted, grabbinghis neck. What the fuck was that you bitch? I’m not doing anything until Nikki gets back!” he shouted.

Anna looked him up and down and then walked slowly closer to him. Carl took a step back, realising he may have just made a mistake calling her a bitch.

“If you don’t strip, right now, I will have you rolling around in age. And you can spend your first night here with us sleeping outside naked tied to a tree, with your balls strung up!”

Carl could see it in her eyes. She was not joking.

“You OBEY my commands. All males OBEY all our commands. Understand?”

“Erm, yes.” Carl said, concerned at the danger he realized he was now in.

“YES, WHAT!” Anna shouted back.

“Yes Officer Anna,” Carl replied, correcting himself. He felt stupid having to say this.

“Now. Strip! Quickly. It’s time to get you processed. We are already behind schedule.”

Carl did as he was told. Quickly removing all his clothes until he stood there, naked before this beautiful woman. He at first tried to cover himself but a look from Anna means he moved his hands to his sides.

“You have a very nice penis Carl,” Anna commented. “Nikki wasn’t joking.”

Carl felt embarrassed that his body had been the subject of discussion by Nikki and this, Anna. Just at that moment there were footsteps and the door opened. Nikki had returned. Carl acted like a deer caught in the headlights, with Nikki catching him standing naked before another woman.

Nikki smiled at the predicament she saw. Here he was – becoming an inmate for her. She quite enjoyed the idea of ​​showing her ‘big’ man off to the other ladies. Anna was the perfect handler for Carl.

“Great. You have started,” Nikki commented.

Carl wanted to address Nikki and ask he what the hell was going on, but a look from Anna put him off. Anna then took out her camera. Just as had happened to Martin, it was standard procedure for photographs to be taken of the prisoners in their natural nude state, from all angles.

“Stand up straight, arms at your side. Display that big cock for me, Carl,” Anna teased.

“No way!” Carl replied, keeping himself covered. “Please Nikki,” he became looking at her to tell Anna to stop. He agreed to come in here for a couple of weeks after a lot of discussion with Nikki. But he didn’t want naked pictures of him floating around Afterwards. That wasn’t part of the deal.

Although Carl was concerned at nude photographs of him being taken as part of this processing stage, Nikki wasn’t concerned. She had purposely not told him this would happen. She knew he would be embarrassed, despite the size of his manhood. And she quite enjoyed the idea that her boyfriend would be on display for any of the ladies to look up on the portal. She wanted to show him off.

Nikki had always felt life was so one sided for years. How often had guys displayed their girlfriends nude in photos online without their knowledge or permission? Girls who trusted them in taking such intimate pictures. And especially when it was ex-girlfriends. The guy would dig out the nude pics, throw them up for other guys to view & move on. Without any care if the woman’s friends or family or work colleagues saw the pics. The embarrassment and humiliation. There are laws against this in most countries today. But Nikki knew it still goes on, a bit more anonymously. Or by guys just showing the pics of their nude girls to their mates on their phones rather than sending them electronically. So, she didn’t feel one bit of sympathy for Carl. She looked over at him standing their nude covering his manhood. He looked so timing. Not how he always looked when he was with her — so confident and bold. She liked the change she was already seeing in him.

“Carl. I’m going to shock you now,” Anna warned him. “And take pictures of you rolling around with your cock flapping about as you are zapped in pain. Or… “

Carl relented. He put his hands down to the sides, displaying his full-frontal nakedness for both women to see.


That was it. Modesty gone, with the click of a button.


Anna continued to photograph Carl in different positions in the nude and take some close ups of various body parts, almost as if she was cataloguing plants and animals.


“Right. We’re all done, big boy,” Anna teased, smiling him on the bottom as Nikki smiled. Carl turned and looked at Nikki’s smile and thought, ‘how could she do this to me?’.

He truly had thought this was some kind of kinky place where he and Nikki would be having some bondage fun for a couple of weeks. That’s all. It was why he was pressing Nikki on Her job so much. He was jealous of the other guys getting her attention. He knew that by coming here he would have to live in a cell. That was to add to the idea of ​​Nikki having her way with him. But he was starting to realize now that this place was not what he thought it was. Nikki had told him many things honestly about her job but he had not listened properly. But it was all starting to sink in now.

“Right Carl,” Anna said. “Time to get you processed. You will be pleased to know the neck collar was just temporary. We are going to see Claire who will process you properly and deal with that.”

Carl was relieved. But, of course, Anna was being purposely vague. The neck collar would indeed be removed but would be replaced by a shocker ring attached around his balls. Far worse. Just like Martin was to experience months later, they would have him strapped down and maneuverer him into position and then attach it while he is totally helpless. Nikki was looking forward to witnessing this. It was yet another detail that slipped her mind to tell Carl about before him coming here.

“Carl, you should know that Claire is young and is new here. So please don’t try and intimidate her with that big dick of yours,” Anna said sarcastically.

She know calling prisoners by their own name is much more intimate. Much more controlling when viewing then naked. Playing with his mind. And it was working. She could see his cock rising involuntarily. It is so humbling for a man to have no way to hide his desires. She was going to enjoy being his handler, doing different things for him for these weeks, seeing what he ‘reacts to’.

“Nikki did you tell him about the Chastity?” Anna asked her, knowing she probably hasn’t.

“No, erm, I forgot, Anna,” Nikki replied, looking at Carl.

“Carl,” Anna said looking into his eyes as he stood there with his hands partially trying to cover himself half-heartedly. “The men here are kept in chatity if their handler wishes. And unfortunately for you I like my boys to be kept in it. I do let them out for time to time for showing etc. But I like them locked down when alone in their cell so they cannot masturbate without permission.”

The thought of being spoken to by someonewoman about him masturbating made Carl blush.

“If I do give you a few hours release, then your hands will be restrained so you cannot touch that penis of yours”.

Nikki smiled at Anna’s control over her man.

“For you, my boy,” Anna went on, “there will be no orgasms for the two weeks you are here. I will see to that. You will be burning when you are released. So, I am sure you will then do everything Nikki tells you.”

Nikki giggled, at the thought.

Carl stood there in shock. This was definitely not what he was expecting. But he had agreed, and he did want to please Nikki. So, he reluctantly decided to just go with the flow. It was only two weeks. And Anna was very attractive. Clearly a bit sadistic Though. So, he would need to be careful. But things could be much worse, he thought.

“Right! Stand to attention,” Anna shouted as she took a small string rope out that she had hidden in her bra.

Carl stood there as she proceeded to tie it around hismanhood. He blushed as Nikki watched on, but he said nothing.

“And off we go,” Anna said, pulling him by the rope, leading him out the room with Nikki following behind, viewing his naked behind, smiling.

Nikki shut the door as they led Carl off to begin a very intense two weeks of his life.


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