The Prisoner Pt. 16



Martin awoke, started. He heard someone placing a key into the door of his cell. He was dazed from having just woken up and wasn’t quick enough to move by the time the door started opening. He looked on from his bed, half sitting up.

“What are you doing?” a stern voice demanded to know. Officer Anna was now standing in the doorway looking at a startedled Martin. “I gave three knocks on the door. You should be up and in position!”

Martin gulped. She wasn’t kidding.

“I will have to punish you for that later,” Anna noted.

Martin jumped out of bed quickly and got down on the floor, into the position that he has taken for Warden, first down on his knees with his hands behind his head, then resting by placing his bottom on his heels with his legs spread wide and eyes cast down.

“Nice,” Anna commented. “Today, you belong to ME! You will do everything I say, when I say it or I will punish you, hard. Do you understand, Martin?”

“Yes, officer Anna,” Martin replied.

“Good. Now, heel boy,” Anna commanded and looked down at her right leg.

Martin knew what he must do. He had witnessed this the day before being performed by one of Anna’s prisoners. Martin moved quickly to craw on all fours and move so that he was facing in the direction of Anna with his head alongside her right leg.

“Good doggy,” Anna said patting Martin on the head, knowing that this would add to his humiliation.

She cast her eyes up and down his naked body and knew she was going to enjoy today.

“No time to waste. Let’s get moving,” she commanded, and with that turned and began walking down the corridor with Martin following on all fours. It wasn’t easy for Martin to move like this, and Anna knew it. Martin didn’t want to hurt his knees so lifted them off the floor and moved on his hands and feet. It means he was following Anna by sticking his bottom upwards in the air. A sight that Anna most enjoyed. She got so turned on by having these men perform for her as she commanded. This was the best job in the world, she thought. She didn’t know what Martin’s reason for being here was. But it didn’t matter. All the males in this place where here for a good reason and deserved a briising to their ego, humiliation, and punishment.

She opened a door that led to outside and Martin followed, now wary of the concrete outside. He slowed a little due to this.

“Get moving,” Anna shouted. She took a crop that was on her belt, extended it then used it on Martin’s bottom as incentive. SMACK. Martin felt a sting from the connection and moved with a more pace to keep up with Anna. SMACK. Anna scratched him again for no other reason than she enjoyed it. SMACK. Martin was feeling so silly moving like a dog beside Anna and was concerned how many people were hearing her shouting and the crack of the crop that may have brought them to their own cell windows.

They moved out into the grassy field, which Martin was pleased about to, at the very least, to have some gentler ground beneath him. This was the field he could see from his cell and so he knew there was other prisoners watching him from their cells right now.

“STOP”, Anna commanded. Martin was grateful for the rest. She moved herself in front of Martin’s face and gave him a little smile that told him she was enjoying herself already.

“BEG” Anna commanded.

Martin didn’t know what to do? What was the beg command. She had not told him any commands. He only knew heel because of the prisoner from the day before. While Martin was thinking about what to do, Anna reached for her controller and activated it.

“Agggggggghhh,” Martin let out a yelp as a shock hit him in the testicles that felt like a bolt of lightning had struck.

“BEG” Anna commanded, once again, this time leaning into Martin’s face and looking at him like she meant business.

“Please Officer Anna,” Martin started,”I don’t —

Anna pressed the button again, this time holding her finger down on it.

“Aggggggghhh,” Martin yelped and fell on his back rolling around on the floor. “Pleaseeeeeee, nooooo,” Martin screamed. Anna watched as this big strong man was reduced to a quivering mess flapping around on the floor because of some electricity to his testicles. She held her finger down firm on the controller and crouched down towards Martin to see him squirm. Martin noticed this as he was rolling around in agoy and could see her sadistic nature. She continued to hold her finger on the controller as she tried to make eye contact with him. “Aghhhhhh,” Martin continued to roll and flap around and scream in agoy.

Suddenly she lifted her finger from the activation button and the electricity stopped. She stood back up, looking down at a broken Martin, who felt the biggest relief he had ever felt in his life. He was out of breath, panting. He looked down at his cock, which was still encased in the chatity device that Warden had placed there the evening before. He grabbed some more breaths as he looked up at Anna. She stared down at Martin looking into his eyes, knowing what she had done. Any hope he had that this week would be easy with the Officers rather than Warden was fading from his mind.

“Martin — BEG,” Anna said to him coldly.

Martin was petrified she would shock him again. His mind raced round and round. What did she mean. Then a thought came into his mind. How do Dogs beg? Erm. They hold their paws up to their owner. I must need to get into that type of position!

Anna, initially seeing Martin not moving from the floor started to again reach for her controller. Martin also saw this and jumped up as quick as he could and took a position in front of Anna. On his knees he stretched himself upwards so his back was straight and used his hands like paws to place them up in front of his nipples, adopting a begging position.

Anna’s hand had almost reached the controller. She wanted to shock him again, just because she enjoyed it. But she resisted the temptation. Knowing that she had to show some element of fairness. After all, he had made it just in time.

“Good doggy,” she said in response with a smile and patted him on the head. It made Martin feel sillier than he had just felt rolling around on the floor having his cock and balls shocked. This shocker, placed around his manhood by Claire, was worse than the neck shocker he used to have to wear. He had been seen naked, exposed, by so many women here now. Denied clothes to help degrade him as lower than the Officers and Warden. To help humiliate him further, now having a chatity device fitted, to show him they can control not just his own movements by locking him in a cell, but his body movements to. Every time Another woman saw him like this, he felt ashamed.

“Stick your tongue out,” Officer Anna commanded.

Martin did so without hesitation.

“FlapYour paws,” she continued.

Martin started flapping his hands as he had been commanded.

“Flap you cock and balls,” she went on.

Martin blushed, but did as he was told, now with his tongue out, flapping his arms and gyrating his hips to flap his cock about. It felt heavy due to the chatity device.

“Hahahahah,” Anna laughed out loud. “Do you feel as stupid as you look, Martin?” she asked.

“Yes, officer Anna,” he replied, continuing to perform for her as she had asked.

“I might have you perform this for all the officers,” she teased. “How would you feel about that?”

Martin thought for a second, before replying, “I wouldn’t like it Officer Anna, but if you commanded it, I would do it.”

“What a GOOD boy,” she teased. “And what a well thought out answer. Clever doggy. I was going to shock you if you replied you wouldn’t want to do it, you know. Because YOU don’t get to decide what you do and don’t do. You do what you are told by the Warden andOfficers!”

“Yes, officer Anna,” Martin replied, also saved that he had avoided a shocking.

“I do love this controller,” she said, caressing the remote attached to her belt. It gives all of us ladies such a sense of security.” Martin continued to flap away looking ridiculous as she talked.

“You may not know this, but with this we can activate the shockers of all the men simultaneously if we wish to. You know — just in case of an uprising or something — not that that would ever happen!”

Martin gulped. “They have us all by the balls”, he thought, “literally”.

“Yes, they have a good range on them. Stop for a minute Martin and watch this.” Matin was relieved he could take a rest. He sat down on his bottom, taking some breaths. He watched as Anna changed the code on her shocker and then activated it. In the distance, across the field towards where the cells were located, he heard the unmistakable screams of a man who was being shocked by the balls.

“Oh my!” Anna said all giddy. “Gareth is in some disappoint.”

Martin heard the screams die down after 5-10 seconds or so. It was obvious this man was relaxing in his cell and she had just shocked him from some considerable distance. Martin had thought the person needed to be up close. This was a valuable lesson. Nowhere was he safe. He wondered if she was playing psychological games by activating it, demonstrating this to him purposely. He watched as she changed the code back to Martin’s code once more.

“You should have seen what I made him do after we left you yesterday. I don’t think he has an ego anymore,” she laughed. “I’m his handler so I know why he is here and who put him here. And I can say that when she reviews that video, she will be pleased he is suffering for her. I had a good talk with her, and we agreed some additional tasks for Gareth. By the time we are finished with him, and we let him out, he will then obey her every command without question. If he doesn’t,he will be put right back in here.”

She said this with a smile. Martin watched on wondering whether he may have got lucky having Warden as his handler rather than this Officer Anna. It would be something he would not have to wonder about by the end of today. He would know for sure — he was lucky.

“Right, time for some fun. Let’s get you some exercise. We can play fetch!” she said with a smile.

For the next hour and a half Martin was forced to act as a human doggy, fetching sticks and other items that she would throw for him to retrieve. It played with his ego. He also knew that other pairs of eyes from the cells could possibly see what he was being forced to do. It was probably what they had been forced to do in the past, he thought, which at least brought him some comfort. Anna just didn’t seem to get tired of watching him run after things she would throw for him to bring back and drop at her feet.

Anna liked reducing big strong men to obedient slaves. She liked her men hairy and so Martin’s body hair pleased her. His lovely hair on his head she liked stroke her hands through and tapping on his head to tell him what a good boy he is. She knew how this played with a man’s ego. When he would return with the stick, she would sometimes run her hands over his body, attempting to get him aroused, so that his cock filled the chatity device that stopped a full hard on. This would frustrate Martin immensely. He wanted her to remove it so badly, but she showed no interest in doing that.

“Right,” she commanded. “Hope you enjoyed that. I sure did. Now it is now time for some running. You will do 10 laps of the field and return here to me in this very spot. I am leaving now to get you some food for lunch.”

Martin was relieved at the idea of ​​food. But was already tired from the game of fetch. He stood up to begin the running.

“What are you doing?” Anna screamed at him. Martin was started and frozen on place standing up. “Get back down!” Anna didn’t wait for Martin to comply and instead pressed her finger onto the button on her remote.

Martin felt a flash of pain in his cock and balls and immediately fell to the floor. The pain quickly subsided. Anna had not left her finger there continuously this time. She just wanted to floor him with a quick jolt.

“Had I told you to stand? Naughty boy!” she said with a stern voice. “You will do the running as a dog, on all fours. Do not stand up again without permission or I will make it so you can’t stand for a week!”

Martin was scared. She was really upset at this. She took pride in training of her males and she didn’t like to see them fall back into bad behavior. Martin was a doggy right now and should continue to act like one until she said otherwise. She thought things through, While looking down at Martin. He looked back in anticipation.

“I have made up my mind. You will be punished by 15 seconds of the shocker. I will also film your punishment for the online portal. I’m sure your nominator will enjoy seeing you punished.

“Please, no, office Anna. I am so sorry. Please don’t — “. Martin was going with fear in his voice.

“What have I told you about discipline, Martin? And accepting that we make all the decisions. It is all for you own good,” she said, sadistically. “So, I am increasing it to 20 seconds because of your silly begging.”

Martin almost shed tears at the thought. There was no changing her mind and if he continued to beg she may increase it further.

“Thank me for your punishment,” she demanded, looking him in the eye.

Martin decided to just do as he was told.

“Thank you for my punishment,” he said meekly.

“Good boy, Martin. Now you are catching on. Ok then … ” she said, typing 20 into her controller, “… it is all set. When I activate it, it will shock you for your 20 second continuous punishment. She pulled out her phone and set it to record video, pointing it at Martinand recording an intro.

“This is prisoner Martin & today he has been a bad boy and so will be punished,” she said, scanning his naked body with the phone. She then pointed the phone at his cock in its chatity cage. “We have placed Martin in chatity to give his cock some discipline. We know this humiliates the boys. It doesn’t take too many days for them to start begging for release. Today I am going to shock his cock and balls for 20 seconds. We find that such punishments instil a sense of discipline in the males. It makes them think before reacting, knowing this is their fate if they don’t think first.” She moved the camera to Martin face, that was now petrified in fear. “Look at him,” she commented. “Know that this is what you have done to him by nominating him to be sent here. He is not allowed clothes. He feels new humiliations every day. Today I showed him what it is like to be a dog. We played fetch. But he decided to turn into a human again without permission and so nowhe must take his punishment of 20 seconds from the shocker.

Martin started to feel a tear run down his cheek. This woman was truly sadistic. She wasn’t messing around. He was scared at what was still to come today.

“Are you ready my doggy? One woof for yes, two woofs for no,” she teased.

Martin was being videoed as she pushed the camera towards he face and he replied back, “Woof.” It was utterly humiliating.

“Oh, good boy,” she excerpted, almost jumping up and down on the spot. “See — his training is coming along, nicely,” she said to the video recording. She reached out and let her hand stroke his cheek and smiled into Martin’s eyes. He smiled back.

“But I’m afraid I am just looking forward to this too much,” she said as her smile disappeared and she touched the remote.

“Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,” Martin screamed as he felt to the floor in pain. Anna pointed the phone down at him rolling around on the floor in agony. As he rolled around, he could see her look of satisfaction at what was happening. She loved the shocker. She loved using it. Any excuse to cause pain to the males with a simple push of her finger, without her having to exert much energy, she was all for that. She loved all the toys this place had to offer.

It felt like forever, but eventually the shock stopped in his penis and balls. As he gasped for breath, he could hear her talking into the phone video, wrapping up the segment for the online portal.

Something that concerned him was he heard her say that it was important that she received Martin first while he still looked like a man, before some of the other Officers that were scheduled to see him this week. He didn’t know what she meant by that? What were they going to do to him?

She finished up the video and put away her phone.

“So, let’s try this again, Martin. You will now run around the field, naked, on hands and feet like a doggy for me, but now doing 15 laps, and then wait back here on this spot for me to return when you have finished. Understand?”

Martin nodded his head, but didn’t say a word, for fear of saying the wrong thing.

“Now, let’s get you exercised and fed and we are then going to have some fun inside later,” she said, looking down at him straight in his eyes.

“Begin,” she commanded, and with that turned and walked off, leaving Martin to begin his doggy laps around the field.

He was now left alone, naked, in chatity dangling from his body pulling down on him like and anchor as he lapped the field, knowing there were some male eyes on him no doubt from the cells. But he dared not disobey her.

He would not disobey Officer Anna ever again.



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