MONDAY (Continued)
After what felt like an age, Martin, who had been left trapped in place by Warden by her using the most treasure part of his body against him, saw a female in the distance approaching. He could tell it was not Warden, but she was too far away for Martin to make out which of the officers it was.
Martin’s hands were cuffed behind his back and legs cuffed in place in the pillory, but worst of all his cock and balls were trapped in this awful thing. He was going nowhere without help. He had lost track of the time he had been stuck here, waiting for Warden, but it was now on the cusp of getting dark.
He believed Warden had left him trapped like this to make a point — that he is not the one in control. Leaving him trapped in such a way where his manhood works against him was really a way of humbling and embarrassing him as a man. Warden had wanted to drive this point home to its fullest effect.
Martin watched on as the figure in the distance got closer. He strained his eyes to make out which of the officers was approaching him: Becca, Nikki, Janine, Anna or Lucy. He had recently experienced being at the hands of all of them for his punishment for what he had done to Warden. He was not sure which he would prefer — they were all sadistic in their own way, with their own specialities and what they enjoyed doing to men. Or could it be Claire, Whom he had met when the infernal cock and balls shocker ring had been installed around his manhood. With this thing on he was going nowhere, no chance of escape and especially not after Warden had described how it works. He had no reason to doubt her. He had experienced being shocked when he had a neck collar on. That was a painful process and although it had now been removed, it had been replaced by this shocker attached around His manhood: He knew he was worse off than before. He would do everything in his power to ensure he gave them no reason for shocking him. But whowas approaching? Which officer had Warden sent to get him, he wondered?
To his horror he soon found out. It was none of them. In fact, it wasn’t even a woman at all. It was a man – dressed as a woman. He had been feminised! That told him who this man belonged too — it must be Janine. She likes to humiliate her ‘boys’ by dressing them up in various female outfits. Martin was starting to know the way Warden’s mind worked. She had sent this guy out for a reason. Martin began to blush at the idea of a man — dressed as a woman or not — finding him trapped like this. This was also the first time Martin would be able to interact with one of the other prisoners here. He did wonder on the upside if this will allow him to find out more information about this place. Where is Martin even located in the world? He had certainly never heard of a place such as this even in rumour and surely if this was anywhere central then it would have been discovered. The odd passer by perhaps looking over the walls or walking through the distant fields. But he had never heard of a place like this before.
“Hello,” said the man as he approached Martin. “I have been ordered to release you and take you back inside.”
“Hi,” said Martin, trying to avoid his blushes as he spoke to this man while his own cock and balls were squashed into a pillory pointing outwards. “Have you been here long?”
The man approached Martin and bent down to release his leg cuffs. It didn’t take much effort as they were not locked. Warden had done that on purpose. They could be secured, but they were just unreachable to Martin. She was toying with him during her every move. The man then moved behind Martin to undo his handcuffs but did not reply to Martin’s question.
“Erm. How long have you have been here? What is your name?” Martin tried again.
As the man undid Martin’s handcuffs with a key that he had been provided, he whispered to Martin from behind;
“Shussh, you will get us in trouble — we are not supposed to talk to each other unless this has been specifically allowed by Warden or the Officers.”
Martin, knowing that they are way out in the middle of a field with no one around, pressed the point to try and get answers.
“But there is no one here — how will they know — they won’t know — please tell me!”
The other prisoner released Martin’s cuffs and walked around to the front of Martin.
“They will know!” he said and gulped in the process. It was clear to Martin that this man had been broken. He had been toyed with so much that he was going to be strictly obedient. Martin was not going to get anything out of this man. He gestured to Martin that with his hands free he is now able to unscrew the cock and ball pillory himself. This was a small mercy to Martin, that this man did not have to go that close to his cock. From the demeaner of the man he realized that Warden must not have been specific in how to release Martin. Warden doesn’t usuallyly miss a detail. If she had told this prisoner to release Martin’s cock before his hands, he was sure this man would have obeyed.
Once free of the cock and ball pillory, the only thing keeping Martin from running was the dreaded cock and ball shocker that had been firmly put around his sack by Claire. Once attached, there was no way to remove this without specialist equipment. Martin would have to get used to this piece of jewellery adorning his otherwise naked body.
“Follow me,” the other prisoner said, as he turned to walk back towards the main buildings. Martin compiled and wondered what was in store for him next. What did Warden have in mind? Martin knew he was spending this Monday with Warden, before being loaned out to the other officers. The thought of that filled him with dread, knowing them as he does so far, given What they previously forced him to do: a punishment that he never wants to experience again.
Once they reached the building and went inside, theman escorted Martin back to his cell. The door to Martin’s cell was open and they both went inside. There, Martin found some food and drink and the other prisoner gestured that it was for Martin to eat. It was nothing special — a salad and some other fruit and vegetables with a bottle of water. Martin began to eat it quickly and drink the water. He was familiar, so even this small basic meal was met with much appreciation.
Martin’s thoughts turned to the other prisoner who was silently waiting for Martin to finish. He had clearly been in this prison for some time and had been broken and so Martin didn’t feel that he would get much out of him. But maybe there are other prisoners who have been here for less time who would be more willing to talk, he wondered. Martin was learning more about this place as time went on. If he was now going to be meeting prisoners, then perhaps they know of any weaknesses he can exploit. Martin still had thoughts of escaping somehow and being free ofThis place. But he knew that open hostility or directly attempting to flee was not going to be successful. For one, the Warden and each of the officers had attached to their uniforms the controllers for the prisoners. Any one of the Warden or Offices could shock any prisoner they wish. And Martin now had been fitted with this cock shock ring, which he knew would be a thousand times worse than the neck shocker. He didn’t wish to find out what the highest settings of Warden’s controller feel like down there.
Once Martin finished his food, he gestured to the other prisoner, who himself began to move towards the exit of Martin’s cell whilst gesturing for Martin to follow. After a twist and a turn down some corridors, they arrived at a small open area at the top of some stairs. It resembled a break and refreshments area and contained a couple of chairs and a coffee and tea machine on some side units. But it was one other thing that it contained that made Martin shudder. The area contained the same type of cock and ball pillory that he had recently been subjected to outside. What is worse is that the other prisoner was heading right for it. When the prisoner reached it, he opened the top area for a man’s cock and balls and then turned around and gestured to Martin that he should step up.
“No please!” Martin begged, holding his hands forward. “I can just wait here for Warden — I don’t want to go back in that thing”.
“Warden’s orders! I’m sorry,” the prisoner whispered with some goal for Martin. He had experienced these devices himself in the past.
Martin hesitated. He decided there was no way he was going to let this man put him in that pillory. Especially not a man dressed like a woman. Martin started to move backwards.
“Please!” the prisoner now became the one to beg desperately, witnessing the reluctance of Martin. “If you don’t get back in, then it will me who is punished. I have been told that I will be kept in chatity for a whole monthat my next failing — the heavy steel kind — not the nicer plastic models. Please!”
Martin could see the prisoner was desperate. And Martin had no reason not to believe that Warden wouldn’t do that to a man who disappointed her. A month doesn’t sound too long but the idea of having a heavy chatity cage constantly pulling down on your manhood while you must live in this place is not Martin’s idea of fun. Although it probably is Wardens! He knew she would enjoy the excitement of what she is putting these men through — and if given an excuse to punishment, then she will gladly take it.
“Ok, I understand,” Martin said as he reluctantly moved slowly back towards the pillory.
The humiliation felt stronger than before as he laid his genitals over the top of the device as the prisoner lowered the mechanism over They, trapping them in place. This was the first time ever a man had been so close to his cock and balls. Martin knew Warden had ordered this done to further emasculate Martin — especially with a slave dressed as a woman doing it.
Once the prisoner had locked the device trapping Martin’s cock and balls, he then bent down to lock Martin’s feet in place. As the man did this, his dress spread apart, and Martin could see between his legs. He saw that he was indeed wearing a chatity device at this very moment — but it was one of the kind plastic ones. They had not only dressed him in this ridiculous female outfit to embarrass him, but they had locked his cock away in the process. Martin felt goal for this man. He had no idea who he was or why he was here but could see that he had been broken by these women and this place. Martin was determined that it will not happen to himself. He had to keep a mental strength and although he knew escape was impossible at the moment, he was going to hold onto his self-worth and identity. He would make them pay for what they are doing to him. He will inform everyone about this place when he eventually finds away out of here.
“Hands behind your back please,” the prisoner said to Martin.
Martin compiled and found his hands soon locked together with steel handcuffs. He was trapped again, as before, but now inside the building in some type of waiting area.
“Warden will be along for your shortly,” the prisoner said. And with that he started to walk away and leave Martin standing there helpless.
“Please!” Martin begged. “Please tell me — what did you do to deserve this?”
The prisoner turned around and looked back at a helpless Martin, stood there with cock pointing outwards from the pillory, hands behind his back and legs cuffed to the metal device. He couldn’t help but remember when he was new to this place. He remembered how he had felt, alone, shocked, scared and with a fear of the unknown. He took goal on Martin.
“I –,” the prisoner started, but was nervous to continue. “I’m sorry, I can’t…”
The princener turned and moved away quickly. Martin went to speak but instead just watched as he disappeared around the corner, leaving Martin, trapped again in his awful position by his manhood. He realized that this was probably a standard way of securing the prisoners outside of their cells while they wait for officers. He thought back to his earlier runs around this place and recalled that he did see these posts dotted around but paid little attention to them at the time. It was now starting to make sense. It was all so humiliating to be secured in this way. One post trapping a man in a standing position, naked, with their own cocks used against them. He was sure this place was not just designed to keep men as prisoners, but to keep them at maximum humiliation too.
Martin stood there, hands behind his back, legs locked into position, cock protruding outwards, for about 10 minutes and then heard footsteps. From around the corner, he could hear one of the officers giving instructions to her prisoner. They were getting closer. Martin gulped at the thought of being seen like this. But he didn’t have to wait long. Only a moment later, that indeed happened.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” came the question from the officer, who knew exactly what she was seeing.
It was Anna. Martin had met her before, during his punishment cycle for trying to escape. What is worse is she had with her a man, who was her prisoner, who was crawling along the floor beside her. He glanced up and saw Martin’s predicament. Martin felt like he wanted to dig a hole and bury himself inside.
“Martin, I would like you to meet Gareth,” said Anna, as she beamed with a smile. She knew this was embarrassing for them both. Gareth was made to walk on all fours like a dog in Anna’s presence.
“Position 1,” Anna commanded in a stern voice to Gareth.
Gareth moved forward immediately and raised himself onto his knees, straight upwards, with his hands crossed behind his head.
“Good Boy,” Anna said, witnessing quick obedience. “He has a good solid body Martin, don’t you think?”
Martin didn’t answer, not really wishing to view a man in that way.
“Martin. I asked you a question,” Anna said sternly, having not received an answer. “He has a good solid body, don’t you think?”
“Yes officer, Anna,” Martin replied.
In a flash, out of nowhere, Martin saw white, and screamed in pain, as Anna had activated his cock shocker. It was a singing pain that made him feel as if someone had stuck a needle into his cock. It was over quickly, but it was something that certainly got his attention. He was unable to move much due to being locked in this pillory and so the whole mechanism shook along with Martin, with him ultimately kept in this standing position.
“Martin — I asked a question. I don’t expect to be ignored and then have you humour me with a simple yes. I will punish you again if you don’t reply properly.”
“I’m sorry officer, Anna,” Martin replied anxiously, not wanting to experience that pain again. “I think he has an excellent body. Erm. He has nice muscles in his chest. He is lean and slender….” Martin desperately hoped that this pleased Anna.
“And what about his cock?” Anna asked, as her hand moved over and above the activate button.
“I…. I’m sorry I find it difficult to tell, officer Anna, because you have him in a chatity belt. Please don’t punish me again,” Martin begged. “Please…”
Anna laughed out loud. She loved topping males in this way. It gave her password for living. One man scared that she would cause him pain — the other in chatity until she decides to let him out. What a perfect life this is for her? She loves it here and was so glad to get this job. She looked at Martin in his eyes. He was Unsure what she was about to do next, and she loved that element of mind control.
“Heel,” she commanded towards Gareth.
Gareth immediately got onto all fours and took position downwards behind her left foot, with his hands in front of him leaning his head down so that his bottom was sticking upwards behind him.
“Look what an obedient prisoner he is, Martin,” Anna stated, to show Martin his place as well as embarrass her prisoner. “It took a lot of training, but he is on his way to being a model inmate. But unfortunately, he made some mistakes this week and now he has to take a couple of punishments.”
Anna switched over the controller to be coded back to her own prisoner. Martin looked on in horror as he knew what was coming. Anna coldly pressed the device, before returning it to her pocket. Martin was confused as nothing had happened.
“Gareth,” officer Anna started, “you know you have made mistakes this week and you know that you now have to atone for those mistakes, yes?”
“Yes, officer Anna,” Gareth meekly agreed in reply, with his head still down remaining in the heel position as he had not been told to move from it.
“You see Martin,” Anna began, “I have set the device to activate for 10 seconds after 60 seconds. Not even I can stop it now until it has done its work. Let’s sit back and watch the fun. Oh, err, you can stand and watch the fun,” Anna corrected herself, giggling at Martin’s prediction.
Martin could see the horrible sense of anticipation in the prisoner. Anna had done this purposely, to instil that within him. Martin was glad this was not himself. But felt bad for Gareth. A few moments later it activated. Gareth let out a scream as he rolled around onto his back with his legs in the air. He reached for his cock and balls instinctively, but it was no use. He had the same type of electronic device trapped around his balls that Martin had, that was not coming off without the correct tools.
“Whoooo hoooo…,” Anna let out her delight.
Gareth continued to scream as he rolled around. She must have put this on a higher setting than Martin had experienced. Anna looked at Martin directly in the face. Martin could see Anna up close with this man rolling around in the background in pain due to an experience she was forcing upon him. She was enjoying this so much and was sending a message to Martin that if he crosses her, then she will show no mercy.
It seemed like an age, but finally the device de-activated and the man was left in a heap gasping his breath back.
“Punishment 1 completed. Onto punishment 2,” Anna said coolly.
Martin could not believe it. Punishment 2! That was not enough?
Anna turned to Martin and grabbed his nipples. She knew what this would do. It would get Martin hard. The pain in the nipples she found acted like a switch for a man to get his cock hardening. How humiliating that a man can be controlled so easily in this way, she thought. And, sure enough, Martin’s cock began to harden, made stronger by the way his cock and balls were trapped in the device already.
“Ok prisoner Gareth. “As we discussed, it is now time for you to learn how to say helloto another man properly, if you disappoint me in your training. Get up on your knees, take the position, look Martin in the eyes and wrap your mouth around Martin’s cock and hold for 5 seconds.”
Martin was in shock. No! He didn’t want this. ‘Oh my god, no’, he thought to himself, but was scared to protest for fear of what Anna might do.
Gareth did as he was told. He took the position and looked up at Martin. The two men knew they would not choose to be in this position. Ever! But they had no choice. The electric devices around their cock and balls meant that they could offer no resistance at all to this woman. Martin looked down at Gareth and realized the only thing worse than this would be the roles being reversed.
“Now! Gareth!” Anna commanded.
Gareth opened his mouth and moved closer and inserted Martin’s cock inside it.
“Five,” Anna began counting, but nice and slowly.
“Four.” Martin felt his cock getting wet from the inside of Gareth’s mouth.
“Three.” Anna stared at Martin straight in the eyes, with a smile on her face. She knew she was giving him an experience he had never had before — and one that he wouldn’t necessarily have wanted. But she was doing this to him — having him experience another man’s mouth around his cock.
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