Martin has just undergone a very humbling and humiliating experience. Each Officer had taken it in turn to have him bend over their knee while they spank him, naked, in front of the other officers and Warden. Now, Martin has been strapped, very securely, hands, feet, body and head into a large chair for more punishment.
Martin felt his level of nervous increase tenfold.
“Ladies,” she began. “You know what to do!”
Martin watched as each of the women, with exception of Warden, left the room. The last of them closed the door on the way out.
“Alone at last,” Warden teased Martin, with a sly smile. Martin feared what was coming next.
“Warden,” he began, “I am terribly sorry for what I did. I just wasn’t thinking straight.”
“Oh, that much is obviously, Martin. You certainly were not thinking straight. But, don’t worry, after this session I am sure we will have your mind correctly on track.”
Martin became more nervous at this reply from Warden. What was going to happen to him?
He saw Warden bend down and began to fiddle with something below the chair. She then walked around to the back of the chair out of sight, but Martin could tell that she was still down there setting something up. He suddenly felt something press up against his anus. Oh, no, he thought to himself. He realized what she was doing.
Warden then reappeared holding a controller.
“Let’s give this a little test, shall we?” Warden said.
Pressing the button to activate the device, Martin then felt something enter him. Warden had been placing a dildo up against his anus and with the flick of her switch it moved and slowly entered his body. Martin let out a groan as it pushed up inside him for the first time.
“Excellent,” Warden commented, with a smile.
The dildo started to move back and forth, in and out, at a slow speed. Warden put down the controller and walked closer to Martin and looked him directly in the eye. Her legs straddled one of Martin’s own legs that were stuck wide open due to being strapped to the chair. He felt her brush up slightly against his penis.
“I’m sure in your heart you knew this was coming,” Warden said.
She was right. Martin had left Warden being machine fucked as he tried to escape. There was no way she was not going to have this for revenge. He also knew that she was likely to ensure he suffered longer that she had done so.
“I will break you, Martin. I will break you so much that you won’t want to leave this place.”
Martin felt a shiver go through his spine. Her comment scared him. Was she capable of it? He believed so. Although he had not seen any other men, he knew he was not the only victim here. From the descriptions of what the other officers liked to do to their prisoners, he knew already that his prior disobedience was not going to be the correct approach.
The machine continued to fuck him – in and out – in and out. Martin closed his eyes whileWincing in pain as the continuous back and forth of the dildo stretched his anus more than it had ever been before.
“Open your eyes, Martin,” Warden commanded as she watched on.
Martin did so, and saw Warden staring at him with a wry smile on her face. She was clearly enjoying this. The speed of the dildo was still slow. Martin knew that it was going to go faster at some point. This was just the beginning. He absolutely regretted what he did to Warden. What was he thinking? He just got so mad at what she had put him through. Of course, that now seemed like nothing compared to the humiliating over the knee spanking session that he had just endured and now this!
The dildo continued to fuck him. And Warden continued to watch on. She pressed something on the controller and the dildo fucking machine pumped a little faster. Martin winced at this, much to Warden’s enjoyment.
“I’ll just see what is taking them so long,” Warden said.
“Agh!” was all that Martin could says in reply, as he felt the dildo continue to pound him. He watched as Warden turned and headed for the door. She opened in and then looked back at Martin.
“Don’t go anywhere now,” she said with a smile on her face, teasing Martin, knowing that it was impossible for him to move out of that chair without help.
Warden closed the door. Martin was left alone with only the sound of the machine moving back and forth, fucking him. Each time it pushed upward Martin winced. He was not relishing Warden returning with the other ladies and they all seeing him like this. But equally he wished Warden would return quickly as he wasn’t sure how much more of this he could take. Only the humiliation was greater than the pain he was suffering.
Outside, Warden walked down the corridor and as she turned the corner, she encountered the other ladies who were heading back to the room.
“We have just finished up and are ready, Warden,” Becca said, surprised to see Warden come around the corner.
“No rush. Let’s give him a few minutes. I will meet you all back the room in 5 mins. Please wait outside for me when you get there.”
“Have you activated the fucking machine?” Becca enquired. The other ladies were eagerly listening for Warden’s answer.
“Yes,” Warden replied. “I want him to feel that inside him for a while and not know when I will return. His own mind will help punish him.
“Oooh you are…” Becca began, with a smile.
“I know, Becca. I know!” Warden replied, touching Becca’s arm and smiling. She then walked off down the corridor to get herself a quick cup of coffee.
“Becca…” Anna began. “Did Martin do more than just escape?”
Turning and looking back at Anna, Becca replied,
“What do you mean, Anna?”
“Well, it is just that the spanking alone is usually so humiliating to break the boys but Warden has just said she is letting the machine get at him. And, of course, we have all just been asked to – “
Becca cut Anna off.
“Yes, we all know what is coming for him. But he belongs to Warden and this is what she has commanded as his punishment. Warden would not interfere in your decisions for the boys you own without good reason. We need to just carry out her instructions.”
Anna still looked confused.
“Maybe he just needs breaking a little quicker, Anna. That’s all. It’s Warden’s call.”
Becca was desperately attempting to keep the secret about how she had found Warden, tied down and being machine fucked herself. The other officers were not present when Becca had found her. Becca didn’t wish to betray the trust of Warden and understand how awful this must have been for her – the embarrassment in what Martin had done to her before trying to escape. It was a massive Infraction. Probably the worse infection that had ever been done by a man at this place. Becca knew that Martin was going to suffer for it. And he was just going to have to accept that his actions had consequences. She felt no goal for him and for what was coming.
Back in the room Martin was still being fucked by the dildo. He had felt his arse loosen up with the multiple thrusts that he was enduring. His mind raced. What if Warden left him here for hours? No, no, he couldn’t take that. But he had left her without mercy. Why should he expect any different? Martin tried to struggle but the Straps and cuffs held him firmly in place in the chair. There was no escape.
Warden enjoyed a nice cup of coffee and headed back to the room a few minutes later. As she turned the final corner, she saw the officers lined up outside the room. They were listening to a struggle and grunting Martin inside. They were all true sadists and so were enjoying what they were hearing. Anna had earlier questioned what was coming next. But the others were looking forward to it. They didn’t care what Warden did with her captives. They knew that all the men who were brought here deserved the punishments that they were being given and they enjoyed carrying them out.
Inside the room Martin heard the door handle being turned. He looked up to see Warden and the other officers entering the room.
“Enjoying yourself, Martin?” Warden said, sarcastically. This was followed by giggles from the other women.
Would you like me to make this stop, Martin?” she asked.
“Yes. Please God yes!” Martin begged in reply.
“Oh, just Warden will do, Martin,” Warden replied, smiling, purposely taking up more time for the machine to continue to fuck him.
“Yes. Please, Warden. Please stop the machine. I am sorry. I am so sorry.” Martin begged.
“Good boy, Martin,” Warden replied. “I will stop the machine now.”
And with that, Warden turned off the Machine, which at that point was moving into an upward thrust. The result was that it stopped with the dildo planted fully inside Martin.
“Oooooohh,” Martin groaned, feeling itenter him but not leave.
“There you go. It has stopped now.” Warden replied, putting down the controller.
“But the – ” Martin began.
“Right!” Warden said, cutting him off, not interested in what she knew he was about to say. “It is time for punishment stage 3.”
Martin decided not to complain further. He would just have to endure this feeling. He felt full and felt His arse muscles continued to expand, with this foreign invader stuck firmly in place. It made him pant a bit in his breathing.
“Martin. You have been spanked and fucked. You are probably exhausted. It seems to me that you could do with a drink.”
Warden moved around to the back of the chair and reached for an addition to the part that was close to Martin’s head. It was difficult for Martin to focus, but the next thing he felt was something being pressed against his mouth. It was a type of ball gag. But it had a hole in it to allow an attachment and it was attached to a metallic contraption that crossed his mouth. The rest was being attached to the back of the chair behind his head. This was to keep the metal bar and thus ball gag in place. He also saw Becca go behind and help Warden get the device fitted.
“Open,” Warden commanded, as the ball gag was being fitted.
Martin did as he was told, fearful of the punishment for disobeying. A few screws in place behind it and the mouthpiece was in place. The ball was ensuring Martin’s mouth was kept open. And the metallic part attached to the chair ensured that Martin could now move his head and mouth area even less than before.
Becca then passed something to Warden who attached it above him. It was difficult for Martin to see. But what he did see next was a rubber tube be attached to the outside of the ball gag. The tube fed down from the item above.
Warden and Becca walked out in front to admire their work. The contraction above was a container that could be filled. It had a nozzle so that the bottom could be opened or closed at will to allow liquid to flow down the tube or be retained in the container.
“Martin,” Warden began. “For you next punishment I have chosen one of the worse here at the complex. For the worst and persistent offenders, we find that this usually humbles them to such an extent to ensure their obedience in the future. I instructed each of the officers here to leave the room to relieve themselves. As you can see, each is carrying a small container. You will now drink what is in these containers as your punishment.”
Martin’s eyes sprung wide open and he looked at each of the officers. Sure enough, each was carrying a container. He saw Becca retrieve hers from a shelf at the side of the room which she had stored hers on when helping Warden with the chair. Martin began to panic. He struggled side to side in the chair, knowing in his heart that it was useless. He could not escape. The women didn’t react. They just watched on. They had seen this reaction before when the males realized that they had no choice.
“Mmmmmmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmmm”, Martin attempted to speak in panic, but the gag did its job and muffled his speech.
“Who wishes to go first?” Warden asked, ignoring Martins obvious protestations.
“I will” Lucy said, taking the initiative. She walked forward and looked at the helpless Martin.
Stopping in front of him she looked directly in his eyes. Martin looked back at her pleading with his eyes for her not to do this. But Lucy enjoyed this too much. And Martin belonged to Warden and this was her decision for punishment. She would carry out her duty. It wasn’t her fault if she enjoyed it so much.
Lucy reached up and began to pour her urine into the container above Martin’s head. It filled quickly. But with the valve closed, it did not yet pour down the tube. Once filled Lucy put her container on the shelf at the side and then moved back towards Martin. She rested both of her hands on his chest, justunder his nipples.
“Poor boy,” she teased, using the end of her fingers to tweak his nipples slightly.
Martin was her plaything, nothing more. His eyes were wide open and he was breathing heavily, refusing to believe that they were going to do this.
Lucy took another look into Martin’s eyes and simply said,
With that she turned the value. Martin protested as best he could but the liquid slowly started to move down the tube and reached the ball gag in Martin’s mouth. From there it poured though, unrestrained. The taste was disgusting. Martin almost choked as it poured down his throat. Desperate to stop this, Martin felt around with his tongue and found the hole on the inside of the ball gag. He used his tongue to cover it up. The flow of liquid into Martin’s mouth stopped.
The officers and Warden were watching on intently as Lucy’s piss poured down the tube into Martin’s mouth. They could see in the container above the level move down. But then it suddenly stopped. They knew instantly what Martin had done. Warden was prepared for this. Lucy, who still had her hands-on Martin’s chest, removed them.
“That’s a naughty boy, Martin,” Lucy said, teasing him. Warden looked on at Lucy taking the lead.
“You do realise that you can’t stay like that forever, right? But we will keep you in this chair for as long as it takes, Martin? I wonder how long your tongue will take to get tired.”
“I have a better idea,” Warden said, chipping in and holding the dildo controller, which she then abruptly activated.
The dildo slide out of Martin’s behind and then back in again, causing him to react and groan, which, of course, moved his tongue and let the liquid flow once more to the delight of the women.
Lucy kept looking at Martin until all her pee had been drunk. At that point she gave Martin a little pat on his chest as if to acknowledge that they were closer now; as if he had got to know her a little better. She the moved back and away from him and Martin saw the next officer approach. It was Janine. She walked up and gave Martin’s penis a quick stroke. At this point Martin was as flaccid as could be. This was in no way enjoyable, not even unintentionally. Janine tried to stimulate him a bit as she too looked in his eyes. Martin felt that she was doing this to attempt to further embarrass him should he get in any way hard from This.
Anna closed the value on the container above Martin. Then, lifting up her beaker she too then poured the contents into the container above Martin. He pee was ready to be drunk.
Martin desperately tried to move his head side to side to beg to not have to go though this again. But Janine paid no attention. She opened the value and then turned and walked away from Martin. The pee poured down the rubber hose and Martin felt that the best strategy was to drink it as quickly as possible. Get it out the way. This did not go unnoticed by the ladies who began cladmiring and cheering at him go. The smiles on their faces lit up the room. Martin was utterly humiliated and closed his eyes so as not to look at them.
The final three ladies, Anna, Nikki and Becca all took their turnes with Martin in the same way. One by one they made him drink their own pee. By the end of all this Marin felt disgusted but the women were all hypered up and excited by this so much that it was Making them wet. They were keen to get back to their favourite prisoners and have them pleasure them sexually. They were all aroused by this experience.
Warden spoke up.
“Martin. You have now received your punishment for your infection. I hope this has taught you a lesson. You DO NOT disobey me.”
Martin, still strapped to the chair and with the remain of the piss still dripping down the tube and into his mouth sporadically, attempted to nod his head. He was shocked by what had happened. But he knew that he was in deep trouble here. These ladies were not messing about. He was a prisoner and he would have to get used to it. In the back of his mind he hoped that he would be able to regain his freedom. But any quick fix was out of the question. He would have to do what he was told. He never wanted to go through this again.
“You may not have noticed, Martin, but during this I took some videos of you…”
Martin hadn’t noticed. He was so focused on what was happening.
“… and those videos will be uploaded to the secure site shortly. I am sure that your nominators will enjoy seeing what they have put you through. You have had a busy day my boy.”
Martin’s face went redder that it was already at this thought. He wished no one would ever know about this – this forced piss drinking was the worse thing that had ever happened to him. And who were these people? How had they found this place? He had never heard of anything like this!
“Right, ladies. I thank you for your time and you are dismissed,” Warden commanded.
“Goodbye, Martin,” he heard one of the ladies says.
“I look forward to seeing you again,” he heard another say as she left the room.
Pretty soon they were gone. He was left alone with Warden.
“Here,” she said, pouring some fresh water into the container above. It filtered down immediately with the valve left open. Martin was relieved to be able to drink something other than piss. And he tried desperately to get the horrible taste out of his mouth. Warden sat across Martin’s knee with him still strapped into the chair.
“I didn’t tell the ladies about what you did. Only Becca knows, because she found me. You should be happy that I didn’t tell them, Martin. I am sure their spanks would have been harder. They probably would have insisted that I lend you to each of They for some significant whipping punishment. Who knows? They all have their own favourite fetishes that I am sure they would have tried out on you.”
Martin felt somewhat saved.
Warden hopedoff Martin’s knee and began to undo the straps and cuffs. She removed the dildo fucking machine from underneath him and removed the gag from Martin’s mouth. Pretty soon he was totally free. Warden nodded at him to jump out of the chair and stand before her. Martin compiled.
It soon dawned on Martin that he did not have his neck shock collar on. Warden had not replaced it before releasing him. Was this another mistake. He looked at Warden with some surprise in his eyes. She looked back and realized that he had become aware of his situation. She was testing him. Would he try anything again? Would he try and escape?
A few seconds later the answer came.
Martin fell to his knees and began to kiss warden’s shoes.
“Please, Warden. Command me and I will do as you ask,” Martin grovelled before her.
Warden smiled. She knew he was not faking this. He was beginning to be broken. She had seen this before, many times. It was the first step towards becoming a controlledmale.
“Ok, Martin. It has been a long day. And you have done well tonight. Time to show you to your ‘quarters’ for a meal and a rest.”
With that Warden commanded Martin to his feet and he followed behind her. The exited the room and Warden made a gesture to Martin to switch the light off and close the door. Martin looked back into the room and the chair as he did so. He shuddered and Thought to himself that he never wanted to see that chair and room again. He would do whatever it takes to ensure that does not happen. He would be good. Yes, he would be a very good boy for Warden. Martin switched off the light and closed the door.
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