The Prisoner Pt. 04

Martin is in trouble! Left naked and bound spread eagle on top of a table in a dark room, he can do nothing but await the return of Warden.

Left there by Warden naked on the table, exposed and vulnerable, Martin just couldn’t help it… he was getting hard.

Martin tried desperately to think of other things. Anything other than his current situation. He was desperate to not get hard. Being left bound and naked like this was definitely not what he wanted – so he didn’t feel that he should be turned on by it. Maybe being bound like this might be fun if it was a hot woman who was insisting on some bond play as part of having sex together. But this ‘Warden’, although very attractive, he must admit, has shown no signs of that. She is ruthless and he dare not cross her for fear of the pain that then comes as a result. The shock collar he has locked onto his neck has rendered him completely helpless within her power. He won’t forget the punishment that Warden dished out earlier. She wasn’t even phased by it! She just kept pressing the button to punish him over and over knowing that doing so will keep him rolling around in pain naked in front of her for as long as she wanted. She had him exactly where she wanted him and there was nothing he could do. At least… not yet.

Martin was still convinced that at some point she would let her guard down. He would be able to take control of the situation and somehow then escape. But he certainly cannot with this shock collar on; that is for sure. Now was just not the right time, but that time would surely come. Martin thought again about the day he had experienced so far. Being forced to strip, being photographed, probed, attempting escape, then being punished for it and now being locked down to this table and left in this humiliating naked spread eagle position. He just couldn’t work out how he had woken up in this complex in the first place. And why was he even here? He was ‘nominated’ Warden had saidEarlier. But what did that mean? And by whom?

It wasn’t long before Martin could feel the weight of his penis. It was now rock solid and resting on his chest. He could feel the tip of his cock reaching his belly button and his balls felt bigger as a result of his getting hard. Left alone with his own thoughts, bound on the table in this spread-eagle helpless position means there was no way to stop it. He estimated that he had been here for approximately 15 minutes now. He wondered how much longer he would be left like this.

Suddenly he heard a key in the lock. Martin shuddered. The door opened and a light switch was tuned on. The lights flickered and Martin squited at the sudden light overhead.

“My, my, my, you are a big boy, aren’t you Martin?” Warden said as she closed the door in a manner in order to completely embarrass him. “You do seem to enjoy being left down here alone in bondage like this. Well, that is, if your cock is any judge?”

She chuckled to herself at her observation and then stepped over and opened a cupboard behind Martin’s head and lifted out an object. She then came back over to Martin and positioned herself at the bottom of the table, between his legs. Martin lifted his head up and looked down at her and he could see that she had a tape measure. His action proved to be a mistake.

“Oh, look at you!” she exceled. “Wow, that is magic! Stay just like that for me, Martin.”

Warden had originally gone to the bottom of Martin to measure his rock-hard penis. When he looked up at her, she could see his penis in the foreground and Martin’s face in the background across his ridged chest and body. She thought that this would make the perfect picture! She took out her phone. Martin then felt a hand grip his penis. She was lifting it up off his chest so that it would stand completely upright.

“Now Martin, you keep that cock upright for me,” she commanded. “I know from experience that when it is hard that you guys can use your lower muscles to keep it sticking upright – at least for a few seconds anyway. That’s all I need. And keep your head looking this way, Martin.”

He realized what she planned to do. His instinct and natural surprise means that his cock fell back down onto his chest.

“Martin! Do you want to be shocked again?” Warden asked angrily. “Because you know that I WILL shock you!”

Martin panicked at the threat by Warden and moved his body about and tried to get his cock to raise. He was still rock hard, but it was difficult. Warden saw him trying his best and she gave his penis a little nudge in the right direction. He was able to do the rest and hold it straight up.

“Now look at me, Martin” she teased.

Click! Click! Click! It was done.

As if she didn’t have enough compromising photos of Martin already. Just when he thinks the shots she has taken can’t get any worse – they always seem too!

She then held the tape measure up next to Martin’s cock.

Click! Click! More photos.

“Wow, eight inches! You do grow well Martin, don’t you?” she teased. “Okay, it’s time to tidy you up a bit.”

She walked over to the cupboard and put the tape measure away. She then grabbed some of the shaving implements that Martin had noticed on his way into the room earlier. Walking back around him, Martin began to feel nervous. She was now going to shake his cock and balls.

“Let’s get you nice and smooth down here, shall we?” Warden asked Martin. Although it wasn’t really a question.

Martin knew that he was helpless to stop this. He moved about in his bondage, but it was useless. There was nothing he could do. Warden turned on the battery powered shaker first and applied it to the area above his cock. She started shaving off the hair that was there and then moved down and around to the left, and then across to the right. More and more hair was being removed until finally she went around to his balls. She took Martin’s penis in her hand and held it up so she was able to shake both around and under his balls without his cock getting in the way. Her touch was enough to keep Martin rock-hard. He was so embarrassed at this point. His cock and balls felt so big on his body. And he was much more self-aware of his nudity as a result. The shaving was making him feel even more naked than he already was.

“There we go,” she said. “And now for the wet shake – hold still Martin!”

Warden went to the back of the room and filled up a bowl from the tap and dropped a flannel into the water. She brought the bowl back over to Martin along with some shaving cream and placed them on the table between Martin’s legs. She took out a wet razor and dipped it in the water. She used the wet flannel to apply some moisture over Martin’s cock and balls. She then added the shaving cream and then began shaving. She lifted his cock and gave it a few passes. The she went down onto his balls, moving around slowing and carefully. The razor was new and sharp, so it removed the remaining hair very easily. She used the flannel to remove any excess shaken hair. She continued until there was not a single hair left on Martin’s cock and balls.

“Well, don’t you look wonderful, Martin?” she asked, stepping back and admiring her work.

Martin was now only semi-erect. The experience was not one he was enjoying. Warden stood There for a moment, deep in thought, and then said,

“Maybe I should shake your head, legs and chest too? And even under your arms! I could make you smooth as a baby, all over your body. Would you like that, Martin?”

Martin panicked at the thought of this. He really didn’t want that. And his face immediately told the whole story without him having to speak.

“Oh, I’m just kidding Martin!” Warden chuckled, slapping Martin on his chest. She had witnessed his panicked expression and enjoyed the scare she had just given him.

She gave Martin once last wipe over his cock andballs with wet flannel, as she continued,

“No, don’t you worry, Martin. You would have to get me really upset for me to inflict that kind of punishment on you. I have done it before, though. On Mike. He was very disobedient and I felt that psychologically it would be a big blow for him. And oh, it was. Much more than I thought. I know I humiliated him. Shaving his head was such fun. He loved his blond hair so much and he even started blubbing part way though the shaving and begging me not to shake elsewhere. I was going to stop with his head and not shake his chest, legs and armpits. But I was enjoying it so much that I just couldn’t help myself. He had gone from disobedience to begging and I was enjoying seeing the change in him. And now that I had started, I decided that I wanted to make a man completely hairless! So, I just held everything off.”

Warden chuckled and then looked Martin in the eye and said,

“And I even held off his eyesbrows!”

Martin was horrified at what he was hearing. It is bad enough that his crotch area was now hairless. But what she was describing was absolutely sadism. Martin lifted his head and looked down the table to his now sad cock and balls. His penis looked larger without the hair. And Martin felt more exposed than ever!

“Warden, please,” Martin begged. “Please let me go. I won’t tell anyone I was here; I promise.”

“Let you go? We have barely started yet, Martin,” Warden replied, shaking her head as if that suggestion by Martin was very silly.

“Now, where was I? Ahh, yes, Mike felt humbled for days after I stripped him of all his hair,” she continued with a sly chuckle. “He then did everything I asked him without question. Maybe it made him feel like less of a man? He was Surely more embarrassed around the other men. Far more than normal, that is for sure. He only had a small penis, you see, Martin,” she whispered, “So he was prone to embarrassment quite easily anyway.”

Martin thought about what he was hearing. Did she just says, ‘other men’? Yes, she said he was embarrassed around the other men? This means that I am not the only one here. He knew that Warden had treated other guys this way, as she had earlier mentioned a scrapbook of nude pictures that she wished to add Martin’s nudes too. But Martin wasn’t sure if that means there was other men on the grounds or whether This was a one-by-one type of thing. There must be other women here too, for sure!

Martin was starting to make some sense of all the information he had been able to piece together.

“Right!” Warden suddenly said, with a purpose. “Now that you are nice and smooth, we can get you locked up.”

Warden walked over to the table at the back of the room near the cupboard. She returned with the chatity belt that Martin had seen earlier. He hadn’t noticed, but she had brought it in with her when she had returned. Martin was all too focused on his rock-hard cock at that time and his embarrassment from it. But now he was in fear of not being able to get hard again. He started to move his body instinctively to struggle against the idea of ​​what was to happen next.

“Martin,” she began, “I am going to keep you locked down to this table until I have fitted this chatity device to you.”

“Please…,” Martin started.

“This is happening, Martin!” she replied sternly, cutting him off in the process. “Would you prefer I leave you on this table for two hours and then come back and fit this belt anyway?”

“No, no,” Martin said, with an element of panic in his voice.

“Right then, let’s get you locked.”

Warden had done this many times. She knew what she wanted and was used to get her own way. She also knew that Martin didn’t have a choice, but she Still forced him to submit to the idea.

She placed the connector for the chatity belt around Martin’s balls and then the main piece over the top of his penis. Martin watched on with horror at hismanhood being locked away. Warden picked up a small lock and threaded it though the hole that connected both pieces. Click! The lock was snapped shut and Martin was locked in chatity.

“There we go. Just as I told you earlier, Martin. You would have your cock and balls shaken smooth and then be placed into chatity. All done! I can let you out of those restraints now,” she said.

Warden unlocked Martins legs and then walked around the table and unlocked his arms. Martin sat up and breathed a sight of relief that, at last, he was able to stretch. Warden moved to the back of the room and began tidying the table near the cupboard. Martin looked down at this newly locked cock. The chatity device was dark plastic, so Martin couldn’t even see his penis properly. It was bent in such a way that getting hard was now impossible. Given that he had just been hard but had not had any kind of release, it means that now having this device locked on him was already having a significant effect on his mindset.

“Ok, Martin,” Warden said, as she finished up her tasks. “It’s time for me to take you to my little playroom. Go and stand by the door and open it for me.”

Martin did as he was told. He was still wearing the shock collar and did not wish to ever again feel the wrath of Warden. Martin walked over and opened the door and immediately the outside daylight streamed in. He then turned back to Warden, vey submissively, to wait for her, as instructed. Martin was a pleasant sight to the eyes of Warden. He was standing up straight, naked, shacked smooth down below, wearing a chatity belt, with the sunlight streaming in behind him. She enjoyed her work so much, she thought to herself, as she looked on at the helpless Martin.

Now almost ready to go, Warden opened the top cupboard and removed one more item that she would need. It was a leash. She closed the cupboard and approached Martin. When Martin saw the leash, he thought at first that she was going to attach it to his neck collar and he would be led around like a dog. More humiliation, he thought to himself. But then he realized that her eyes and hands were heading straight for the chatity belt.

It became clear to Martin that Warden was attaching this lean to his chatity belt. She was going to lead him outside and over to her playroom by his cock and balls. It was in that moment that Martin realized that she was right in what she had said earlier, when he had begged her to let him go – she had indeed, ‘barely started’ with what was to come.



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