The Prisoner Pt. 02

After awakening in a room and being forced to undress by a mysterious woman known only as ‘Warden’, Martin is about to be searched. But first he is given the opportunity to ask one question.

“What did I do to be here, Warden?” Martin asked.

The Warden stepped back away from Martin, composed herself, and then answered his question.

“You were nominated, Martin,” Warden replied.

“Nominated?” Martin exclaimed! “Who nominated me?”

“Sorry, Martin, you are only allowed one question today.” Warden replied. “You will have to earn further questions. She looked at Martin and smiled, knowing exactly what was to come. “Now, let’s get back to the search.”

The Warden stepped forward and pressed herself close Martin’s body to exert her authority.

“Hands out to your sides,” she said.

Martin did immediately as he was told. She started at the top and began to run her fingers through his hair.

“Open your mouth,” she said.

Martin complid. She looked inside his mouth and then satisfied, she moved on. She then ran her hands deliberately down the sides of his body as if to feel for anything hidden underneath his skin, which, of course, there wasn’t. Martin, although not liking the situation he was in, did feel comfortable by her womanly touch on his exposed skin. Her smooth hands brushing down his sides. He tried to shake the thought and focus.

She continued all the way down his legs and then stepping back up she gestured for Martin to turn around. She then ran her hands over his backside and down towards his bottom. Passing over his cheeks she ran her hands down the backs of his legs. Satisfied, she stood back up.

“Now show me the souls of your feet, Martin,” she commanded.

Martin compiled, left foot first and then the right. Martin wondered how much time there was left on her timer for the collar. It was why he was so quick to cooperate. She had previously set the timer for the neck shock collarhe was wearing to activate in 10 minutes, if not deactivated by a code that only Warden knew. Martin estimated that at least 5 minutes must have passed by now. He wondered how much more searching there was to do.

“Right! Now it’s time for the more … intimate … part,” she chuckled.

She was clearly enjoying this to the point of becoming aroused by the predicament she had put Martin in. Martin knew What she mean by her comment and what was coming next.

“Bend over and grab your ankles for me,” she said.

It was what Martin feared. He was going to be probed. She walked to the bag on the table and pulled out some latex gloves from a side pocket. She snapped them on and walked back to Martin who was now standing bent over in a very humbling position. From behind, she could see his cock and balls dangling down between his legs. She enjoyed what she saw. Martin has a nice arse. She became further aroused by this man, who she barely knew, being on display for her likeThis. She enjoyed the power she had over him, all thanks to an electric shock collar.

“Spread you arse cheats for me!” she commanded. Martin did as he was told.

She inserted her fingers and felt around inside Martin. For Martin, this had hit a new low. He felt violent and utterly humiliated. His sexual encounters had been very vanilla up to this point. Never had anyone been up there. It seemed like an age before she was done.

Satisfied there was nothing hidden in there, she took her fingers out and told Martin to stand up and turn around.

“Do some squats for me, Martin”, she said.

Martin did as he was told. Up and down, up and down, with his legs spread wide as he croouched. His face turned red.

“Finally, Martin, please lift up your cock and your balls for me.”

She was now asking politely! Martin didn’t know which was more embarrassing – being commanded or the politeness. He felt like an object for her amusement on the pretext of doing an important search. He had never been strip-searched before, let alone ever been treated this way by a woman. He had no modesty left at this point and simply compiled, doing what she asked, lifting his cock and balls higher and watching her bend over and her eyes run across them until she was satisfied.

“We’ll need to get you sorted out down there later, Martin,” she said stepping back up. “Far too hairy for my taste.”

Oh no! Martin thought. She wants to shake off my pubic hair?

“I will have you nice and smooth down there in no time, Martin” she said. “But that will have to wait for now. I have a few other matters to attend to first.”

She turned away from Martin and headed for the bag that was in the middle of the table. She took the latex gloves off and put them in the side of the bag. She then zipped up the main part that contained Martin’s clothes and went to pick up the bag. The search was finished, but Martin was still wondering about the timer.

“Please, Warden,” he pleased. “Please can you check the timer?”

Warden looked at the controller on her wrist. She noticed it was down to the last 40 seconds. She lifted her hand to show Martin.

“Whoops! Almost about forget that,” she said. “Now that would have been very painful for you, Martin. It’s lucky you remembered.”

She typed in her code and the timer stopped. Martin was so relieved. She also lowered the setting from the maximum back down to 30 and removed the timer she had set for one minute. She knew this alone was enough to stop Martin in his tracks should she need to discipline him.

“I have to go now for a while. But don’t you go anywhere Martin,” she joked, as if he had the ability to do so. “I will be back soon as we have a lot of training for you to do. I am so looking forward to it.”

She opened the second side of the bag and pulled out something and placed it on the table.

“We will get to that later. For now, you enjoy your freedom, Martin,” she giggled.

Martin moved forward slightly and took a closer look at the device she had placed on the table. It was clear to him what it was and what she had meant. It was a chatity device! Things just went from bad to worse. How long was she planning on keeping him here if she is speaking of controlling his orgasms? Martin took a closer look and could see it was a device with a ring to fit over the balls which was then attached to a curved section for the penis, locked in place by a small padlock. There was no escape if he was placed into this. The end of the device was closed and the curved nature of the device would prevent a full erection.

Martin then started to feel very self-conscious. He was becoming aroused. He couldn’t help it. He didn’t know why and he knew there was no way to hide it. What was worse was she had noticed it too.

“Wow. Isn’t it funny how men start to become hard as soon as you put the idea of ​​chatity into their heads?” she giggled. “You are suchfunny creativity.”

With that, she picked up the bag and exited the room. Martin heard her lock the door and she was gone. He was now alone, trapped, naked and had been utterly humiliated. He was sure he was blushing. He didn’t know what to do. He paced around the room to see if there was something he had missed from his glances. But there was nothing. An otherwise empty room with one table in the middle, Now only with a chatity device sitting on it.

Martin’s erection soon subsided. He stood leaning on the table looking towards the exit. He tried again to remove his neck shock collar but realized it was impossible. It was locked on and without tools, it was hopeless. This one piece of tech had rendered him completely helpless and at her mercy. She had taken naked photos of him and even taken video of him doing jumping jacks. He wondered what she may be doing with those photos right now. Saving copies to her computer, perhaps? Even if he got the phone away from her somehow, he could never be sure there was not copies already made. Damn her for doing this to him!

The next half hour passed by uneventful. Martin, although completely naked, felt warm enough in the room. He tried to peer out the door, which was metal but had a small square window near the top at head height. Not enough to fit through but he tired looking side to side to see what was out there. It only appeared to be an empty corridor. Directly across from him was only a wall and he wasn’t able to see further down the corridor to if there was other doors.

Suddenly, he heard steps approaching. He became appreciated, not knowing what to do. He wondered if she should try and jump her the moment, she entered the room. This might be his best chance to escape. He decided to crouch down, behind where the door would open inwards and then surprise her immediately after she has opened the door. He heard the footsteps get closer. Martin was ready. But suddenly…

“Aggghhh,” cried Marin.

Martin felt a now familiar pain in his neck from the shock collar. His crouching down means that he was now unsteady on his feet and he fell backwards and onto his side.

“No, make it stop, please!” he begged.

The door swung open and Warden stood there holding her finger on the button of the device attached to her wrist. She smiled, seeing Martin rolling around on the floor. She released the button, knowing that he was no longer a threat.

“Thank you, thank you,” cried Martin, realising the pain had stopped.

She stepped in and closed the door behind her, placing a different, much smaller bag on the table than the one she had taken away with Martin’s clothes in. He was now trapped and naked for as long as she chose him to be. No way to cover up and restore any modesty.

“Stand up and go to the back wall and face me”, she commanded.

Martin struggled to his feet and breathed heavy for a few moments as he caught his breath from what had just happened.

“I’m sorry about that Martin,” she said. “I don’t really want to have to have to punish you that way, but you leave me no choice if I look in the room and cannot see you. We can’t have you getting any silly ideas, can we?”

Martin didn’t reply, but instead was still shaking a little from what had just happened.

“Can we?” she asked more emphymically, with her hand moving towards the controller.

“No, of course, no, Warden,” Martin hurriedly replied on seeing this. “I won’t get any silly ideas. I promise.”

“Good boy,” she replied, talking down to him to make him feel even more humble.

Warden walked over to the other side of the table and leaned back on it facing Martin, who was standing with his back to the far wall. She admired the sight of Martin naked before her once again.

“Place you hands on your head,” she commanded.

Martin did as he was told. She knew these little commands to do things without question were all part of his training. Plus, she enjoyed the sight of Martin not being able to subtly move his hands to cover his private parts if they are then up there above his head. She enjoyed seeing him dangling there before her eyes.

“Ok, Martin, it is time for stage two. What comes next is as follows. You are first going to have your pubic hair held off. I like to have my boys smooth down there. Other mistresses here may feel different about their prisoners, but you are mine and so I will do with you as I please.”

Did Martin hear that right? Other mistresses? How many more of them were here? Does this mean there are other men here too? Where exactly is he?

“Then, you will be placed into chatity,” she continued. “You will no doubt feel very self-conscious and very silly walking around naked wearing nothing but a collar and a chatity device. Know that I will take great pleasure from this, seeing you in such a state. I wonder how long it will take for you to beg me for release?”

Martin was fearful of how long he was going to be held captive. If she had chatity plans, then this wasn’t some sadistic woman having some quick fun, taking a few embarrassing pictures and then throwing him out. This was serious. He was in trouble and he didn’t even know why he was chosen to be here.

“After that, I am going to start to have some real fun with you,” she smiled.

“Right, turn around and put Your hands behind your back,” she said with authority.

Martin compiled. She walked over to the bag and pulled out a pair of handscuffs. The chain was small between them and was strong. Once they went on, there was no escape. She walked up behind Martin and brushed her hand over his bottom. She liked what she saw, and Martin felt appreciate as she did this. It was another signal that he was her now – her property. She snapped on the handscuffs and then spun Martin around so that he was again facing her.

“There,” she said. “That’s better isn’t it?”

Martin tried to pullhis wrists apart from behind him but was unable. She walked back to the bag and pulled out another item. It was a ruler. She approached Martin once again.

“This has many uses, Martin,” she said. “But today I am going to use it to measure you. Well, a part of you anyway,” she chuckled.

Martin braced himself. She lowered her left hand down and towards his cock and balls. She picked up his penis in her hand and then moved the ruler down. Red faced; Martin did not look down but instead stared straight ahead. She placed the ruler carefully along the top of his penis and gave the tip a slight pull to ensure it was completely straight.

“Well, well, Martin,” she said. “I’m impressed. Slightly over six inches – and that is when it is soft. I’m looking forward to measuring you when you are fully erect. Actually,” she said inquisitively, “I don’t have any photographs of you when you are fully erect do I, Martin?”

She placed her hands to her mouth in excitement.

“I wonder what you would look like doing jumping jacks with a rock-hard penis?” she chuckled. “Oh, I bet that will hurt a bit. I must remember to video you doing that to show the other mistresses.”

Oh no! Martin thought. No! Please! But he knew he dare not speak and protest. She might get upset and that would mean a whole world of pain for Martin.

“Right!” she exceled, as turned and went and put the ruler back into the small bag. “It’s time for us to move on out of here and have some fun.”

She walked back to Martin and grabbed him by his left arm with her right hand. With his arms trapped behind his back due to the handscuffs, he was easy to control. She moved him forward towards the door. Martin again felt his sense of exposure come flooding back. He was now being taken who Knows where, naked and handcuffed. He had no idea where he was and who they may run into out there.

Warden ushered Martin forward and out of the room and then closed the door behind them. Martinwas now entering the unknown, cuffed and bare for all to see.



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