The Prisoner Pt. 01

Martin awoke, disorientated. His eyes opened and he took in his surroundings. He found himself in a medium sized room, virtually empty, except for a table in front of him in the middle of the room and a bag sitting on top of it. There was a single door, directly ahead of him, behind the table. He looked ahead and to his left and caught a glimpse of a figure leaning against the wall. Noticing that he was awakening, she stepped slightly forward. She was slim, wearing a single piece black dress that hugged her figure perfectly. Martin, started by her presence, rose to his feet.

“Hello?” he said, inquisitively.

There was no reply. Martin was confused regarding how he had got here and what exactly had happened. Now on his feet, he motioned with intention of walking towards the young woman.

“Do not move!” came her firm instruction.

Martin stopped immediately.

“Remove your clothes – everything,” she commanded.

Her words were direct, calculated and emotionless. Martin was stunned. Did he just hear that right?

“Now wait a minute,” Martin exclaimed. “What is going on h…”

Before he could finish his sentence, her hand moved down to an electronic device attached to her wrist. She pushed a button.

“Aggghhh,” cried Martin. There was a sudden pain directly in his neck.

Martin hadn’t noticed since waking up, but he was wearing a shock collar around his neck. He frantically tried to take it off but realized it had been locked on by a small padlock. There was no way he could remove it.

“Aggghhh,” he cried again as she continued to shock him.

She looked at him. No emotion. Nothing. Only a look that said to him that she was used to getting what she wanted.

“Remove your clothes – everything,” she repeated more Emphatically. “And put them in the bag.”

Martin, realising that he had no choice, started to remove his shirt. He didn’t wish to be shocked again. Unbuttoning it quickly and removing it, henoticed the eyes of his captor roaming his chest. Satisfied that he was complying, she also enjoyed the knowledge that this man would soon be naked and quivering before her. She was a woman, after all. She was taking pleasure from watching this man strip for her – at her command. She wanted to see him standing there, naked, with his cock swinging in the air. She often wondered about a man’s size, when she would see an attractive man on the street. She often fantasized about having such men under her control. But alas, they would pass by and be gone. But not this one, she thought. He was mine, to do with as I please. She began to smile.

Martin removed his socks and shoes and took his watch off. He looked up at his captor before starting to remove his trousers. She stared directly back at him, not about to repeat her instruction for a third time.

Martin quickly removed his trousers and stood there only in his orange boxer shorts. He felt silly and still wasn’t sure what was happening. Was this some type of revenge from an ex-girlfriend he had misreated? His mind was racing. But this has gone far enough, he though. She has had her fun. He was not going to drop his shorts and stand here fully naked.

“Look, I don’t know who you are, but this has gone far enough,” he said. “I’m not going any further until I know what this is all about.”

She said nothing. She simply moved her had to the device on her wrist – and pressed.

“Aggghhh,” cried Martin. “Agggghhh, please, stop!”

The pain was worse than before. She had set it for an increased voltage this time and for longer, just to drive her point home. She had known from past experiences that in the beginning there is disobedience. She was expecting this. So, she had already set the device for a higher setting after the previous shocking.

Martin, not wanting to experience that ever again, quickly now dropped his boxers around his ankles to show his compliance and to hopefully make her stop. He looked up at the young woman, who grinned with delight. Her hands moved away from the controller and back to her side. Martin then removed the boxesers completely and along with his other clothes, put them into the bag that was on the table and zipped it up. He stepped back, away from the table, with his hands covering his manhood to preserve what little modesty he had left.

The woman gestured that he should put His arms by his side and Martin quickly compiled, exposing his cock and balls to her view. He felt silly, standing naked, with everything now hanging on display for her gaze. Wearing nothing except for the electric shock collar around his neck which had rendered him so helpless, he wondered what was coming next. Could it get any worse?

The young woman reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She pressed the camera app and then simply said to Martin.

“Hands on your head.”

She had done this many times before. She enjoyed taking fully nude piClasses of her new conquests. It not only served to embarrass them greatly, but she had a scrapbook of naked men at home that she liked to add to as a record of those whom she had broken. Martin would now be made to assume various positions, just like those previous men had done already. She was reviewing the past photos the previous evening and had been looking forward to today for several weeks.

She moved directly in front of Martin and held the phone up and focused the photograph. Click! That was it – she now had a fully nude photograph of Martin. But she wasn’t going to stop there.

“Turn around – face the wall.” Click! “Stand sideways.” Click! “On all fours.” Click! “Bum in the air.” Click! “Stand up – hands by your sides.” Click! “Grab hold of you cock and balls with your hands, as if presenting these to me.” Click! Click! Click! Click!

Martin felt humiliated. But what could he do? If he disobeyed, she would shock him until he obeyed. He wasn’t about to test how far shewould go. He could barely stand the shocks she gave him already!

“Right. I want one more,” she said. “This time cover your cock and balls. I want to be able to show people that you are nude, without revealing everything to them”.

Show people? Martin thought to himself. Who is she going to show?

Click! It was done.

“Right, now it’s time for some video. Jumping jacks. Begin!”

This was another shock for Martin. “Please no!” he pleaded. But his pleasures fell on deaf ears and when he then saw her hand heading for the device attached to her wrist, he quickly compiled and started jumping.

“One…, two…, three…,” Martin counted. He was flapping about like a bird trying to take off but failing to do so. His cock and balls bouncing up and down with Martin now starting to blush. She loved it and clicked the record button. “Four… five… Six…, ” he continued. “Seven… eight… Nine…”

The young woman made a point of taking various angles of Martin doing the jumping jacks. Head on; off the right; off to the left. Martin had ben jumping for almost a minute now and was getting tired.

“Stop!” she commanded.

Martin stopped and let out a breath. She put her phone back in her pocket. Martin’s first stage humiliation was complete. She knew it would not be his last.

“Ok, Martin. Here is what I want you to know at this stage. First, you are my prisoner. I am sure you are wondering why. You will be told in good time, Martin,” she said.

“Second, I now have naked photographs of you. From various humiliating angles and positions. Do not forget that.”

She finished with a pause and a smile. She was starting to enjoy herself.

“Third,” she continued, “I have a naked video of you. You cock and balls bouncing up and down as you did jumping jacks for me. How utterly humiliating that must have been for you.”

It certainly was. He had never felt this embarrassed in his life. He was sure he was blushing at this stage. He had known this woman no more than 15 minutes and she now had him under her control, and she had naked pictures and naked videos of him.

“Fourth, you are wearing a shock collar. You have already experienced it on low settings. The collar means that you will do what I say, when I say. If you attempt to get me to repeat my commands, then you will be shocked. I will decide on the level and the length of shock based on the indiscretion committed. Understand?”

Martin didn’t like the sound of this at all. But he nodded in answer to her question.

“I will further prove to you the control that I now have over you Martin,” she said. “I want you to begin masturbating for me.”

Martin was slightly stunned but he quickly recovered knowing that she was testing him to see if he will Follow her commands quickly. She was expecting to have to shock him, but Martin didn’t want to give her this satisfaction. He therefore slowly began to rub his cock and masturbate in front of her eyes. He had though that posing for the photographs was the most embarrassed he had ever been. But this was definitely a step beyond that. She looked at him with approval at what he was doing – what she was making him do.

“Excellent,” she said. “Your first stage training is coming along faster than expected, Martin. As a reward, notice that you are not being filmed masturbating.”

Martin noticed that this was true. She had not taken her phone back out of her pocket. He was so relieved.

“If I had needed to shock you though, Martin, then I would have taken out my camera and captured some video of you masturbating,” she said. “Do you see how good I am to you?”

“Yes…, err, I’m sorry, I don’t know your name?” Martin inquired.

“You may stop,” she said, not answering his question.

Martin was semi erect. He put his hands back by his sides, knowing she wouldn’t allow him to cover himself anyway. His cock now was slightly larger than before. And he feltMore exposed for it.

Everything had happened so fast since waking up. Her commands. The electric shocks. It was only now Martin really got his bearings. He thought to himself that as he wasn’t tied up, then maybe he could get that shock device away from her. And then take her phone and destroy the photos on it. Or destroy the entire phone! But she had never positioned herself close enough to him so he could be sure he could do this successfully. He had to be sure. He couldn’t risk this going wrong. He knew the age that he would become him for such an attempt.

“Now, Martin, you asked about a name. You can address me as Warden. That will do for now,” she said. “Show some respect to me in your sentences in the way that you address me or I will shock you as punishment.”

Martin knew she was serious.

“Yes, Warden,” he replied, feeling silly for having to speak such words.

She then informed Martin about what was to come next. She always enjoyed this part withher new prisoners. It was so… invasive. And it was always so successful in putting them in their place, letting them know that their bodies now belonged to her.

“Ok. Next up Martin I am going to search you – to make sure you are not hiding anything. It will be a thorough search.”

Martin was at first puzzled about what he could possibly have to hide given that he was standing there naked. But he then realized what she meant by a thorough search. But, still, he figured that this might be an opportunity as she is going to get right up close to me. This could be my chance.

“Before I do this,” she continued, “you need to know that I have now set my shocker on a timer.”

Martin felt deflated. He knew she had him now. He knew exactly where this was going. No chance of escape.

“I will set the timer for 10 minutes. The search will only take between 5 and 10 minutes. But I will not stop the timer until the search is completed. So, it really will benefit you to coopeate quickly Martin. You should also know that I do not have the key for the collar on my person and so there is no way you can remove it.”

She pressed a button on her wrist to activate the timer and then began to walk towards him. She got up close to his face and then said.

“I know you have probably had thoughts to try to subdue me. I remind you that you are exposed and vulnerable – I am not. Your cock and balls dangling there between your legs are your most vulnerable area, Martin. A lucky knee or kick in the right place in any struggle and you will go down.”

Martin knew she was right. There was something about being undressed that made him feel weaker as a man. More exposed. And she had hit the nail right on the head with that comment.

“Not to mention the electric shocker,” she Continued. If I was knocked out in any struggle, then you are screwed. Or even if not, and you manage to overpower me, then you will never get me to turn off the timer. I will strugglele with you until it hits zero and oh boy, it will hurt. I have set it to maximum. 125. And to run for one whole minute at that level. What you experienced before was a shock at 20 for one second and then one at 30 for five seconds.”

Oh my god! Martin thought to himself. 125. I cannot take that. No, I cannot take that!

“You see Martin. You will do What I say, when I say. You will obey my every command. And you will learn to enjoy it. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Warden,” Martin replied, quivering now with fear. “I will obey. I promise I will obey.”

“Good boy, Martin,” she replied. “And as you have been good, I will allow you one question before I search you.”

Martin Thought hard. He didn’t wish to ruin his one chance at finding out something important. After pausing for thought, he decided on his question.

“What did I do to be here, Warden?” Martin asked.

The Warden stepped back away from Martin, composed herself, and then answered his question.



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