The Prisoner

Reagan pulls up outside at 12:05 PM she doesn’t have to knock on the door before I answer it.

I give you a hug and then help you with your pursuit.

“Good afternoon Reagan.”

Reagan looks up at me give me a soft kiss on the lips and simply replies.

“Good afternoon Rod.”

Reagan is a 33-year-old married woman who has become bored in her marriage, she is 5’3″ with a tight body, like that of a gymnast and short auburn hair, she has had a few children and to help with her self-esteem she decided to get breast impants which made her look like a sex goddess. I am 43 years old and dividend; I have stayed in good physical condition with a lean body like that of a swimmer and at 6’3″ I’m considered tall. Moreover, most women have described me as having a handsome face and I have lucky keep my brown hair with only a few grey hairs here and there.

I met Reagan on a dating app, she posted a picture of herself without her face in the picture, and her profile stated that she was.

“Bored and in need of fun.”

Most of the time you never hear a response from these types of profiles, because it is just housewives looking for some type of validation that their husbands simply won’t or can’t give to them. In this situation however, I messaged Reagan and got a response almost immediately, which was a good sign. We started trading messages and finally met up at a bar close to my house. We sat and had a drink and then we decided to come back to my place for a rather satisfying sexual encounter. Reagan and I had met a few times and after sex that post coital glow lovers will sometimes admit to each other their inner most desires. Reagan finally expressed to me in detail as to what her deeper fans were, so I took it upon myself to make sure to fulfill one of those fans.

I had a small recording studio in the basement and Reagan, and I would often discuss the various pieces of equipment that could be used for recording. Reagan had insisted that a pop screen or a small device that sits over the top of a microphone was a cheap and essential piece of equipment. The screen helped to eliminate the various pops that get picked up by a microphone when the human voice uses the hard “P” sound. I tell Reagan that I finally got a pop screen for my microphone in the basement and ask if she would like to see it and if she would help me set it up, and Reagan responses.

“Not a problem.”

We walk down the stairs into the basement where I have the microphone set up. She sees the pop screen but wonders what’s the issue? The screen simply attaches to the microphone. As she walks over to the microphone, she can feel me behind her it’s not the norm though, to her I feel more like a jungle cat searching for prey the hair on her neck stands up and she starts to feel actual fear. Before she can say anything, she can feel it. A thick black collar, I have it around her neck so quickly she is not sure what to think it’s not uncomfortable the inside has padding which is a soft wool before, she can protest I snap a chain and lock to the collar and lock it into place. The chain is attached to a post in the basement and about twenty feet of chain, enough to move around the basement but not enough to leave.

I began removing her clothes lucky, she is wearing a button-down flannel shirt that comes off first, next I remove her bra, jeans, and underwear. It’s unlike the previous times I’m just taking off her clothes it feels cold and clinical. Once Reagan is naked, I pick up her clothes and I walk away she hears me go upstairs but now what?

Five minutes goes by and nothing you can’t hear me walking around upstairs anymore ten minutes go by, but it feels like an eternity finally you yell out.

“Hello, is anybody up there?”

No response you yell out again. Finally, you hear some stirring upstairs. The basement door opens I began walking down the steps slowly one step at a time you hear me your mind is racing I come into the room where you are sitting on the floor shivering slightly.

“Now Reagan you know the rules no yelling we have rules so that we can all get along.”

My face looks stern you spring up and try to run you’re not sure where you would go it’s just an instinct, I reach out with one arm and catch you in mid stride. Your momentum spins us both around and I pick you up in a bear hug.

“Ok Reagan I can see you will need to be punished, I’m going to let you go and I will be right back.”

I turn my back you try running again.

“You certainly like to struggle don’t you.”

I say as I block you again this time, I pick you up you wrap your legs around my wait I pull you into me and I kiss you hard. You are fully wrapped around me and naked except for the collar and chain, I sit you back down

“You will still need to be punished.”

I smile at you with a wicked grin, then walk back upstairs.

This time I quickly come downstairs; you see I have something behind my back. You can’t really tell what it is. I tell you to go over and grab the table where the microphone is set up. You bend over slightly then look back over your right shoulder and then you can see and what I have in my hand. The object is about three feet long and made of black leather and is about the diameter of my thumb with an almost triangle of leather at the top it’s an equestrian riding crop.

You start feeling an odd mix of fear and eroticism. We’ve played with the belt before, but this is a whole new level. Before you have time to protest you hear the leather ripping through the air and then you feel the sting. The black riding crop is more precise than the belt and the area it stings is more localized; the pain is delicious. You feel it again this time on the opposing side of your ass then you feel it on the back of your thighs the pain is so intotoxicating, your nipples are swollen your pussy is so puffy and wet. The third time I strike you in the back of your knee the tender skin is not ready, and you almost say the safe word, but you hold back.

I set the riding crop down and you see me slip something on my right index finger it’s resting on the top of my finger and then I turn it on. The object is a small vibrator you are still bent over the table I touch the vibrator to your right ass cheek you can feel the victory it is emitting, and it feels pleasant against your skin. I reach around and touch your right nipple with my finger and the tiny vibrator feels divine, I start kissing the back of your neck and reach between your legs placing my finger and the in the tiny vibrator on your awaiting pussy lips. You instantly let out a moan I begin moving the vibrator in a slow circle your vision blurs around the edges you are going to cum hard but just then your knees start to buckle, I literally hold you in place with my left arm and while I’m getting you off with my right index finger and the tiny vibrator you start cumming hard now your body starts to tremble your orgasm’s seemed to last forever finally you stop trembling and I softly lower you to the floor you curl up into a ball and I walk back upstairs.

Time passes you’re not sure if it’s 30 seconds or 5 minutes you unroll from the ball you were in and stand. The silence is deafening you still have on the black leather collar and the chain is hanging between your breasts your ears ache trying to listen for signs of activity upstairs. What the hell is he doing up there you wonder attached to the collar is a steel master lock you tug at it the lock it’s not going anywhere; you call upstairs.

“I’m thirsty water please.”

You hear nothing you call upstairs again.

“I’m seriously fucking thirsty water please!”

This time in a louder voice you think back to the safe word is now the time to use it? Has something happened are you seriously stuck down here? Your mind races the anticipation it is too much you yell again.

“Bring me some water please!”

This time though your voice cracks you’re scared you’re not so much thirsty as worried. Finally you hear a noise, movement from upstairs glorious creaking noises they never sounded so good you hear the door open I began descending the stairs one at a time, just like before I reached the room where you are locked up in and my hand I have two items one is a bottle of water the other is a paper bag.

“Hello Reagan.”

I say in a cold even voice.

“You know the rules about yelling and you continue to disobey.”

A chill runs down your spine what’s in the bag you are thinking?

“I brought you water but are you going to have to take it from me if you want it.”

Before I can say anything else you run straight at me when you reach me I pick you up like before and again you wrap your body around me and we embrace for a deep kiss while I’m distracted you grab the water bottle.

” Very good I applaud your resourcefulness.”

You open the water drinking it and your victory. You finish half the water and set it down. I open the paper bag inside is a gag ball

“If you can’t be quiet on your own, I’m going to help you be quiet.”

I grab the chain between your breasts and pull you into me and kiss you hard. I break the kiss and place the gag ball in your mouth. I then attach the straws to the back of your head. The riding crop is still on the floor you glance over at it, you’re a little worried now if you needed to call out the safe word you can’t with the gag ball in your mouth. I tell you to get on for all fours you shake your head no I grab the chain attached to the collar and pull you to the ground you resist at first but I’m too strong for you.

You are now on the on all fours I Begin walking around and inspecting your body holding the riding crop I placed the crop next to your face pushing it against your cheek then I quickly strike your ass. The pain feels amazing you feel alive tThese sessions make you feel like nothing ever has you are not just sexually excited, but your mind feels like it has been allowed to explore and wake up. You feel me place the riding crop next to your pussy you push back against the firm leather you are so wet now you try to say something, but you can’t with the gag ball in your mouth it’s so frustrating.

“Reagan look how damp you are.”

I pull the riding crop away from your pussy. I reach into my pocket and put on the little vibrator from before. Then I get on my knees and I begin rubbing your pussy from left to right it feels amazing you press back against my hand looking for the release of an orgasm. I hear you try to say something it’s all just mumbling now though you close your eyes about to have a monstrous orgasm and I pull my hand away and you mumble again frustrated you reach back trying to rub yourself but I block your hand I say

“No, right now that pussy belongs to me.”

You’re breathing so heavy now all breath is in and out of your nose you start to feel lightheaded your chest is pounding your pussy is ready to exploit you desperately want to cum to have some release. You are still on all fours I reach down and pull the chain up between your legs you can feel the cold metal. After a few moments the metal starts to warm up you begin grinding against the chain the smooth steel pressing against your clip feels amazing You are grinding back and forth your pussy is making the chain wet as you go back and forth you’re drenched you’re so close to coming again then I drop the chain.

You are so frustrated you actually began to cry you need to cum you finally look back and see me getting undressed, a minute later I’m behind you and you can feel my hard cock press against you wet pussy as I start fucking you doggie style. I grab your hair your head is pulled towards the ceiling I’m fucking you so hard now my balls are bouncing off you. The gag ball is a wet slobbery mess at this point you feel your body began to shudder your pussy clenches around my shake and you have your first orgasm. I feel you clench but I keep going a few seconds later another warm rush flows over your body you’re cumming again harder this time I keep pounding away a minute later all sound is gone your body trembles and you have your third powerful orgasm you clench hard around me and then I cum hard as well.

We both fall to the ground time stand still for a second you can feel me remove the gag ball you lay motionless on the floor you hear a metallic sound of a key entering a lock you feel cool air around your neck where the caller had been. You feel me throw a blanket around you and your body starts to lift off the ground I have you in my arms now I’m carrying you upstairs and look into your eyes when I ask if you’re alright you nod your head yes and smile.

“I’m better than alright I feel amazing.”

I kiss you softly. I carry you upstairs and set you down on the couch you are positioned on top of me I slide down and position your head, so it is in my lap. I stroke your hair gently as you fall into a deep contented sleep.


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