The Prison Officers Balm

(Please note this is an asexual-kink story. If you are an allosexual you may find it unsatisfactory.)


It was an extras role for a cop show, my agent had said it was all she could get so I made my way out to an old prison in the countryside. Heavers’ Prison, Wikipedia informed me, was a disabled women prison built in the 50’s but now only the admin block was used. The prison part had transferred its last inmates out a couple of years ago, making it an ideal location for a cop show. I got into my beat up old sub compact and drive over there for 6am. I knew the drill by now, wait around all day for a 100 bucks, maybe be seen in the background for 2 seconds more likely not. I was 27 and desperate for my big break. I had done the acting classes and saw all the acting videos I could find. But best I ever did was third man standing in line at the coffee shop.

I parked my car on the road outside the prison and walked in through the gate. The film trucks were already there and I saw a big tent in the corner with some people walking into it. I followed a man in a huge coat into the tent. I knew the routine and walked over to a young woman with a clip board, a jaunty smile on my face.

“Hi, Todd Riley,” I said with a laugh in my voice.

She looked up from the clip board for a second, her eyes looking at me in a bored, tired way. Unsmiling she looked down her list, made a brisk tick with the pen and then in the same movement motioned with the pen towards some chairs saying, “take a seat.”

I sat down and read my book, but with one eye out for activity in the tent that might suggest an opportunity. There was coming and goings, people where led out and others came in. Then a older woman shouted out, “we need a youngish guy to play a prisoner in a number of shots in the background, any volunteers.”

My hand was up before she finished her sentence.

“OK your with me,” said the woman who then turned and left the tent. I got upand followed scrambling to push my book back in my jacket pocket. I caught up with her outside the tent where she was waiting. She was about 40 with long black hair drawn back into a pony tail with practical shoes, jeans and the kind of jacket you could climb Everest in.

“Look this is a strange role, you play a prisoner in restraints, being moved about the prison. Things is you will probably need to spend all day in them. It is worth an extra 100 bucks you OK with that.”

“Sure,” I said, with more confidence than I really felt.

“I will take you over to the prison block where you can get you into costume. I’m Angela by the way,” she said turning away before I could respond.

We walked in silence across to an imposing grey building with small barred windows, at its base was a ramp and a pair of wooden doors. While walking I looked up a the grey walls and thought it did not need much imagination to design a prison, this had all the architectural grace of the head ofa five pound sledge hammer. She led me through the entrance doors, and into a room beyond. The room contained three rows of white plastic seats all sitting on top of metal bars like you see in bus stations. On the opposite side of a the room and on the left was an empty counter and directly in front was a metal door that was open. The room was the opposite of welcoming, luxury and comfortable, it seemed designed to suck the joy out of people. On reflection of course it had been.

I followed he through the heavy door opposite and just inside the corridor beyond she competed to an open door on the right. “Your costume is in there, it is the orange prison uniform. Put it on and bring your stuff with you. When you are done I will be in the second door on the left down the corridor.”

I entered the room and shut the door which made an ominous clang making me jump. The room was empty except for a plastic chair and a big table which was bolted to the floor on which was a yellow jump suit and some plastic slippers. Iron, concrete and plastic seemed to be all the building was made of, I wasn’t expecting Taffeta but this was ridiculous! I quickly stripped naked and put on the orange jump suit, looking in the mirror on the wall to make sure it was properly adjusted and I had all the buttons done up in the right order. I did a little dance admiring myself in the mirror and pouted theatrically at it.

Satisfied I looked good, I folded my clothes, picked them up in my arms, left the room and walked down the corridor through the door she had indicated. This new room was similar to the one I had just been in it was about 20 foot square with a table in the centre, a couple of the plastic chairs were arranged around the table, on which was a clothes bag. On the far wall away from the door was a metal pipe secured to the wall horizontal to the floor and about 3 foot off the ground. The mirror was on the wall in the same place and suddenly the suspicion grew that I knewWhat this was. A two way mirror, I had not worked it out in the other room. Shit!

I put my clothes on the table and heard people moving behind me, turning around as the woman from the TV company came into the room followed by a woman in a prison officers uniform. The Officer was a little older than the TV lady about 45 she looked about my height 5 foot 8 and was of average build. Not fat but not thin either. Her breasts where noticeable though the uniform which did not do her any favors. Her hair was brown and drawn back into a bun on the back of her head just above the neck. She wore a thick black belt holding up the black uniform trouser. On the belt hung a set of keys.

“This is, sorry what’s you name,” said the TV lady.


“Todd, this is Officer Barratt she will be looking after you today. She works here in the admin block, but used to be a prison officer.”

I offered my hand to Officer Barratt she shook it briskly and unsmiling.

“OK,” saidthe TV lady. “We are going to need you for a few shots today, for continued and time reasons we don’t want to have to keep taking restrains on and off you. There is a shot walking through in the background of the main reception you have just been in, lighting is setting up now. Later you will be in the background moved into a prison van and finally there is going to be a few shots of you in the high security wing. The shooting order may change depending on what the Director wants and how things go.”

“How long will I need to be in them,” I asked.

“Look the longer you can stay in them the better, I do not know exactly when some of these shots are going to happen, but it is easier all round if we are not taking them off and putting them on. No matter how carefully this is done a continuous error is always a risk. If you don’t want this say now and I will get someone else, but if you do this Todd, I will put a good word in for you for other gigs, how about it.”

I nodded approval but I was very appreciated. Officer Barratt moved across to the table and opened the cloth bag she then held it by the bottom and tipped the contents onto the table. The bag contained handcuffs, leg irons, a thick leather strap with smaller straps attached to it. I also contain what was unmistakably a gag and another cloth bag.

I was now really scared and desperate not to show it.

“Where do you want his hands, front or back Angela,” asked Officer Barratt.

“Back,” replied Angela.

“OK Todd face the wall and put your hands behind your back.”

I did as she ordered and felt my right hand being pulled back the heard the click as the ratchet was tightened. Then with pressure on my wrist as she held the connecting chain she pulled my other arm back and secured the left wrist as well.

“We don’t want them too loose,” said Angela.

“We usually tighten them so you can just about get two fingers between the wrist and the cuff. You don’t want themtoo tight otherwise it can cause nervous damage. I can tighten them a bit more without any problems though. I then heard another couple of clicks.

I felt the cuffs being pulled lightly up and down on my wrists they did not move far but could just about make it over the bone in my wrist.

“You OK with that Angela,”

“Yes sure that will do. What are you doing now,” said Angela.

I feel my cuffs being moved and my arms pulled up slightly forcing my head down.

“I am double locking the cuffs. This makes them more secure meaning that they can’t be tightened any further. It also makes them impossible to pick with bobby pins. Not that that is relevant baring in mind the other restraints he will be wearing.”

“Can you get out of them Todd,” asked Angela.

I struggled for a second, the handscuffs did not hurt as long as I did not struggle but even the slightest attempt to pull my wrist free resulted in pain. I knew unquestionably there was not way I was gettingout of them myself.

“No,” I said my voice cracking and an erection growing.

“What next,” said Angela.

“Well leg irons, belly chain and we will put a cover on his cuffs.”

Officer Barratt then grabbed one of the plastic chairs and placed it on the floor beside me.

“Todd I want you to put your left knee onto the chair seat, I will be here to steady you.”

I did as she ordered and heard the chink of chain behind me, seconds later I felt a cuff going round my ankle.

“Good boy, now for the right,” said the officer, her voice was calm, this was just another day at work for her.

I compiled without comment all the while feeling my growing erection and sure that my red face would give me away. I was trying to be cool, but I suspected I was failing. I did not want to speak because I was sure my voice would crack. I felt the other cuff on my other ankle.

“OK put you feet down then walk forward to the wall and put your forehead on it with your legs apart.”

I hesitated and started to shake, I was now freaking out. Officer Barratt must have noticed this because she said, “nothing is going to happen to you I am going to keep you safe OK. It is just for a few hours.”

I nodded silently and felt her hand rubbing my right should in a soothing fashion. I leaned forward and put my head on the wall and spread my legs as far as they would go. I heard Officer Barratt moved away out of the corner of my eye could see Angela, who looked curious and then asked. “What’s that.”

“The is a hand cuff cover, you will notice that his wrists are connected with a chain this gives him quite a bit of freedom of movement. He can also reach for the key holes on the cuffs. This is a rigid cover that removes that freedom of movement and covers the keyholes. It means even with a handcuff key he could not get out of them. We feed the chain from the ankles through them then around he wait and secure it at the front with a heavy duty padlock.”

I felt the cover being placed over my handscuffs. Suddenly I could not twist my wrists any more or move them in and out. They where now fixed in position significantly held. I felt chain being pulled up through the cover and then Officer Barratt fed the chain through the belt loops of the jumpsuit around my front through the belt loop on my right hip. I felt adjustment in the small of my back before the chain was pulled tight.

“Breath out please,” said Officer Barratt.

I did as she ordered and then grunted as the chain was pulled tight and a padlock clicked in place above my right hip to the front.

“He looks good,” said Angela.

“He is not quite ready yet, he is not used to this and if he freaks he might suffer badly before I get a chance to get him out of the restraints. I am going to secure his elbows it is what we did for mental patients and dangerous inmates. In this case it will hold his elbows to his side and stop him from putting too much pressure on his wrists.”

I then felt a belt going around my chest and it being buckled just beneath my shoulder blades. Then each arm above the elbow was also buckled in place holding my arms tight to my body and slightly to the back. Officer Barratt then pulled me off the wall and guided me round so I was facing Angela.

She looked at me with a smile on her face. “Yes that is the look we want.”

Officer Barratt nodded and then looked at me and said, “you OK Todd.”

“Yes, it is not hurting but it is uncomfortable and freaking me out a bit. Please don’t leave me like this for too long.”

“OK, we will try and get you bits done as soon as but in the meantime chill out, Officer Barratt will look after you, it is her job to make sure people do not hurt themselves. “

The radio on Angela’s belt squawked into life and a voice said, “hey Angel can you and the prison co-ordinator come to the tent to discuss the shooting schedule, thanks”

Officer Barratt guided me by the elbow to the back of the room, turned me round and before I realized what was happening took another pair of handscuffs and fed one through the belly chain at the back before securing the other end to the pipe on the wall.

“Hey,” I said.

“Be cool Todd its OK, me and Angela have to leave for a bit. I am going to lock you in here but I can’t have you wandering around, if you trip and fall over you will really hurt yourself because you can’t use you arms. Just stand here we will be back in a few minutes.”

Her hand reached up and brushed my face soothing me.

“OK,” I replied.

They both left and I heard the door lock with a clunk. I walked forward about six inches, that was all. I could not bend my knees much. Basically I could stand up next to the pipe quiet and Still and that was really my only option. I was not in pain, but it was uncomfortable. I tried shrinking my shoulders but it did not do any good. I stood there for a while looking round the room. Obviously I could be being watched through the two way glass and that there was nothing I could do about it. My erection was now enormous despite everything I could think of the situation was really turning me on.

Suddenly the door opened and Officer Barratt walked in. My erection must have been obvious because she did not take her eyes off it as she walked forward.

“Well movie star I think we have a problem here. You like this don’t you. I did not think they were making THAT kind of movie,” I nodded unable to think of a suitable response.

She smiled broadly, “OK, well it is showtime now.”

“I can’t go out like this, please,” I begged.

“Well that really is your problem,” she said addressing my crotch.

I leaned back and closed my eyes but my erection was not abating at all.

“Look can’t you think of something else, I don’t know maybe the President one of his speeches,” she said.

“What one,” I croaked.

“I do not know maybe the one aboutthe increase in foundation for the US Forest Service.”

“I did not see that one, what did he says.”

“Well increase in foundation at 2 per cent for the fiscal year,” unfortunately her voice was female, I was attracted to her and she could at that point have been reading the telephone book and it would have had the same affect.

I groaned a combination of misery and ecstasy. Then focused really hard on the President and fiscal policy. This really was not working very well.

“OK we could discuss, Bismark’s unification of Germany and his foreign policy in the 1860’s and 1870’s.”

“Who is Bismark,” I said miserably.

“He was a German guy kinda created Germany.”

“I thought that was Hitler.”

“No before him.”

By this point I was ready to exploit I squirmed as much as I was able which was practically nothing at all. My eyes were tight shut and I heard a sight, a sign she took goal on me.

“Do you want me to fix it for you, you can’t go out lookinglike that.”

“Fix how?” I asked.

“Well, I can kind of adjust you,” was the terse response.

I nodded, she walked back to the door and locked it. Then returned to me and opened the suit all the way down. She put her hand down my pants rearranged me pulling my cock up and pulling my pants around it.

“Best I can do, you can still see it if you look carefully but you should be OK,” she said.

“OK,” I replied horsely.

She leaned behind me and unlocked the cuffs that were holding me to the pipe. Then taking me by the arm walked me out into the hallway. Angela was there talking to an older man I took to be the director. She then turned to us and spoke to Officer Barratt.

“On the signal, walk him across the reception and out of the door, do not look around Just act natural. Oh and we want him with a bag on his head.”

“Uhh,” I said.

Officer Barratt took a bag out of her pocket and without so much as a please or thank you pulled it over my head.I could see through the gaps in the weave but not by much.

“OK Todd, I want you just let me guide you do not speak or struggle,” her voice was calm and reassuring, but also assertive, which did nothing to help the problem in my trousers.

I did not reply as frankly I did not have a great deal of options, I allowed myself to be guided across the floor, her hand holding my arm at the elbow below the straw. I heard the structured noise of an active film set, the shouts of “quiet”, “action” and then scripted dialog. All this however was merged with the intense sexual excitement. I felt the desperate urge not show a hard on to a filming TV crew. After walking across the floor backwards and forwards six or seven times being guided firmly by officer Barratt, I heard a voice say, “cut, that will do for now.”

“OK Tod, you need to come with me,” said Officer Barratt and I was walking forward. I could not see where I was going through the weave of the bag on my head. I was totally under her control.

After a few steps I said, “can’t you take the bag off my head.”

“I could but I don’t want to, I could unshackle your ankles as well but I prefer you just the way you are. The only change I would make now would be to add a gag.”

“Uhh,” I replied. “Isn’t this a bit cruel.”

“Its only cruel if the person on the receiving end is not enjoying it.”

I pondered this as we walked forward. I found it easier to walk with my eyes closed. Every few steps it seemed we went through another set of doors. Unlocked in front and then closed behind. After a couple of minutes, we stopped.

“We are now in high security. I am going to put you into one of cells, lock you in and go and get some lunch. You are the first guy to be locked into one of these cells.”

With that I was walking forward. She turned me round and then said. “Sit down.” I sat down on a firm and unyielding surface. It was not a chair and I assumed was some kind of concrete sleeping platform. The use of the word ‘bed’ did not seem appropriate as this conjures up an image of comfort.

“OK I am now going to help you onto your knees,” I knelt down on a cushioned surface, her steadying hand holding me by my left upper arm. I realized I was kneeling on a rubber mattress, it was not thick I could feel the ground through the material.

“I am going to lie you down now.”

She lay me on the ground, pushing me over and laying me gently on the mattress, on my right side. I felt my legs being pulled up so that they where at 90 degrees, and then a click. I realized I was in a hogtie, my ankles could not move more than a few inches apart and my legs would not straighten at all.

“What’s going on I asked,” my voice was husky, I was both freaking out and loving every minute at the same time, it was weird.

I heard a chuckle and then a metal clang as the cell door was shut. I struggled in the chains but it was pointless. I was not in pain but was uncomfortable. I could roll over but all that would mean was rolling off the mattress onto the concrete floor. Even if it was possible to escape my restraints I was still locked in a cell and behind multiple locked gates between me and the outside. I wondered why she had hogtied me, it was obviously more restrictive but then I remembered about injuring myself if I fell while wearing restraints. It was completely impossible for me to stand. I did not think I could even get onto my knees and if I did and fell over I was unlikely to injure myself.


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