Chapter Two – Welcome To The Facility
Synopsis – Christon Mann is brought to the Prison of Pain where he is going to spend the next five years being torture every day as punishment for his crimes and he meets his new brutal master Gino!
After hours of being awake thinking about what the following day would bring for him as he was sentenced to five years of torture for a bank robbery, Christon Mann finally got to sleep. But only an hour later he was awoken by a hose of water to his body. It wook him up immediately but the guard who wielded the hose continued to spray him until he was a curled up ball on the floor with his clothes soaked through, trying to hide his body from the water that feels like a tonne of bricks, breaking him.
Once this had happened two NRC guards came marched in and pushed Christon up against the wall, handcuffing and gagging him with a ball gag. He was then dragged out of the building where he saw that it was so early in the morning the skyHe knew it was going to be a long day. He was then loaded into the back of a van by a window.
Throughout the journey to what was once known as Rhode Island Christon rested his head against the cooling glass to calm him. When the NRC took America all prisons were destroyed with the prisoners being moved to Rhode Island which was turned into one gargantuan prison of epic proportions. That was where Christon was being taken to. He saw the car pass through many different gates and security checks before stopping.
He didn’t know why they stopped however because it was just in the middle of a road. One NRC guard hoped out of the front seat and opened the back door, armed with a syringe. Christon always had a phobia of syringes and scrambled away into the corner, curled up in a ball like a pathetic baby. That was when he felt the price in his neck. In that moment Christon’s entire world turned black.
When Christon woke up he was standing, but he didn’t know how. When he opened his eyes he saw that he was in a dark, concrete room. Looking down he saw that a pole was tied between his feet to keep them apart and his arms were tied to the ceiling in a Y formation. He was terrified but tried not to show it. The five years of pain were about to begin and he didn’t know if he would be able to handle it.
Suddenly a muscleman dressed in black latex marched in and barked at Christon to, “Stand to attention!”
It was difficult in the uncomfortable position he was in, but he tried his best.
“Are you Christon Mann, aged 31, personal trainer in Cliff Gyms and guilty of robbing a bank?” A voice called out.
He didn’t know where it was from, but the voice had a certain graininess to it that said it was over an intercom.
“Yes sir.” Christon answered shakily, there was no point not being truthful here.
“And you were given the two options of either fifty years of prison or five years of pain and you chose the latter,is that or is that not correct, Mr Mann?” The voice asked.
“Yes sir.” Christon obediently answered, nodding his head.
“Gino, remove Mr Mann’s muscle top!” The voice ordered.
The muscleman dressed in black latex who Christon assumed must be Gino got to work on his order. He came behind Christon, put his gloved hands over his neck and around the collar of the wife beater and pulled it into two easily with his immense strength. Gino then came back round again and started stroking Christon’s muscles with one hand and pulling on his nipples with the other until they were in ago.
After getting his fill of muscle and nipple, Gino marched over to the corner and crossed his arms.
The voice over the intercom said, “Prisoner, look at me!”
Christon didn’t know where to look but assumed the voice was watching from a camera in the corner so he looked into it.
“It’s a good thing you are such a musical man. You’re going to need all the advantages of your strength to survive the upcoming years. Over the upcoming years you will be whipped and you will be be beauten. You will be ass-fucked by a fuck machine for hours like a little bitch. You will be shocked with electricity all over your body.” He explained.
“Once every month you will be crucified for eight hours, your body being ripped apart by it’s own weight for a total of twenty days When your sentence ends.” The voice announced proudly.
The only emotion Christon felt in that moment was fear. He was completely silent, but tears streamed down his face. He was a strong man, but he didn’t know if he could survive that much torture.
“Your body will be stretched out on a rack to the scientifically proven limit of pain a body can recover from. You will be hung upside down and flogged mercilessly. Your genitals will be tortured in every way imagineable. Your anal cavity will be ripped open and fucked in all manner of ways. Your nipples will be tortured with clamps, spikes, piercings of electricity. For all of this there will be no safe word. We do not need your consent. We do not need your permission. This is the law under the new world order! All Glory To The NRC For The New World Order!” He barked.
Across the room Gino shouted, “All Glory To The NRC For The New World Order!” before sticking his hand out in the signature salute.
Christon knew his sentence would be doubled if he did not shout the same.
“All Glory To The NRC For The New World Order!” He enunciated emotionally, not a hint of excitement or enthusiasm in his voice now that he knew what was going to happen to him.
“Now that you have heard a fraction of and understand everything that will be done to you, I will give you one last chance to back out. Fifty years of prison or five years of pain. After you make your choice, there will be no backing out. So which will it be?” The voice demanded.
Christon was torn. On one hand he didn’t know if he could handle five years oftorture. But on the other hand once those five years were complete, he would be free. The same would not be said for him if he chose the prison.
“No, I choose five years of pain.” Christon replied.
“You chose to rob a bank. That’s what you choose, prisoner. A major crime. No mercy will be shown to you. Gino, remove the rest of his clothes.” The voice ordered.
Gino stepped forward and got to work. Using his immense strength, he ripped Christon’s trousers off to reveal a pair of white boxes.
Whilst he ripped the boxesers off the voice said, “This, prisoner, is Gino. You are Gino’s slave. Gino is your punishment and master. The two of you are gonna get to know each other real well over the next five years. Real well.”
When Christon’s boxes were pulled away it was revealed that he had a semi-erect member. Christon tried to look away, his cheeses flushing red with embarrassment. Finally, the sandals that he wore were pulled off with ease. Christon was now completeely naked.
“There will be a short whipping session before you can check your bunk, prisoner. This is the last time we shall speak until the five years are done. I wish you lucky. You’re gonna need it.” The voice finished.
There was a buzz on the intercom, signaling the exchange had ended. Christon had never been more scared in his life. He was now alone with a man who would be torturing him for the next five years. Smirking, Gino walked over to Christon and grabbed his chin, forcing him into a one-ended password kiss that he could not escape.
“Oh, I’m gonna enjoy you loads, prisoner!” He laughed cruelly.
After pulling away, Gino started tugging at Christon’s nipples, making him wince and squirm. His hand then trailed over his well-built muscles and down to his flaccid cock. In fact it was so flaccid that Gino could cup his cock and balls in the palm of his hand.
“Let’s see if this cock works.” He joked, taking Christon’s wormy cock in his hand and beginning to pump it with all his speed.
Christon did everything he could not to have an erection because if he had an erection it would just be proof he enjoys what’s happening to him, which he certainly is not. But the expert hand movements of his master sent Christon to an unstoppable erection. His cock stuck out rod-stiff and was rock hard within a minute. Gino’s hand was a blur, milking Christon’s cock up and down constantly.
A moan escaped his lips, there was no stopping it. With his other hand, Gino fondled Christon’s body like he was nothing more than a slab of meat. Christon throw his head back and stared at the ceiling, trying to focus on something else so he didn’t cum. Gino then moved on from fondling his body and focused both hands onto his cock, twisting, pumping, milking. It all happened in such a blur that his balls bounced uncontrollably.
“Please…” Christon begged.
Gino didn’t listen. Whilst working his cock he looked up and down his new slave’s bodyy. A solid X of pure muscle. The cocky look on his face said he was going to enjoy this. He then looked back down to the cock and got on his knees, still wanking it as fast as his arms would go.
“Holy shit…” Christon moaned.
He knew what Gino was going to do. A mischievous smile on his face, he wrapped his lips around the precum-soaked head and took Christon’s entire eight inch erect cock down his mouth, not gagging once. He then started expertly sucking. Christon’s urge to cum was getting harder and harder to resist. He had never felt a better blowjob in his life.
As Gino’s lips sucked on the head of his cock, his tongue made it’s way down the shake, licking up all the precum.
“I’m gonna cum…” Christon moaned, his eyes rolling back into his head.
Gino stopped sucking and Pulled away before grabbing the wet cock and going back to pumping, still on his knees. He moved his head towards Christon’s body, his cock at the side of him.
All of this was too much for Christon, he couldn’t hold it in any longer.
“I’M GONNA CUM!” He shouted.
His belly spasmed and his rock hard member was about to exploit in Gino’s hands but in that moment he pulled his hand away saying, “Not yet.”
This left Christon screaming out of frustration, he was so close to cumming only to have it ripped away from him. His cock was so desperate for release that it bounced up and down independently, almost like it was beginning to cum. Gino stood up and walked backward, watching as Christon started thrusting his hips, hoping the movement would be enough to make him cum.
But it wasn’t.
He was so sexually frustrated and desperate to cum that he began to cry.
“Oh, man up.” Gino ordered, marching behind Christon’s vision.
Looking behind him, Christon saw a wall lined with all manner of whips. Gino went towards the wall and picked out a long, crisis red and brutal looking single tail horse whip and weighed it in his hands. When heRealised what was going to happen Christon started shaking his head in fear. In that moment he knew five minutes was too much, he couldn’t handle five years.
Christon started shaking his entire body, trying to find a way out of his bonds but to no avail. Gino marched back, every sound his boots made as they made contact with concrete sent a shiver of fear through Christon’s back. Gino stood to his side, looked up and down his beautiful body lustfully, drew backwards and fired a blow of the whip directly into his stomach that sent Christon screaming in pain.
“Quit being a pussy. Pussies don’t survive here.” He ordered before drawing backwards and whipping Christon’s muscle flesh, sending a jolt of pain through his biceps.
Trying to do as he is told, Christon tried his hardest not to scream, but he couldn’t stop a small whimper from escaping his lips. Then Gino lashed Christon again. And again. He throw his head back and cried out with each lash, his perfect body flexing and twisting.
With every thrash of the whip, a fresh red welt formed on his body and stung like a wasp. When his raw skin would be violent by the leather again, it would be even more painful than the last time. But Christon was given an order to man up and quit being a pussy. He wasn’t a pussy, and was going to prove it by not screaming, not matter how much his tenderised flesh got beaten.
Over and over.
Pain upon pain.
After a time that feel like hours, his beautiful back and ass were crisscrossed with red welts. Tears started to well up in his eyes and just as he thought he may break his promise and scream, it came to a stop.
“That is the end of your whipping session, prisoner. That is just a taste of what you will experience here, with me. You will be taken from Your bunk early in the morning, and returned late at night. Use tonight as an opportunity to reflect on what is going to be done to you, prisoner. Guards!”
Gino went over to the poletied between Christon’s feet and released it, allowing his feet to be free. The same was done to his hands and as soon as he wasn’t being kept up by chains, Christon fell to the floor from pain and exhaustion. The NRC guards came in and hoisted him up with their immense strength.
Christon was phasing in and out of consciousness so much, he hardly saw any of the surroundings he was being dragged around. He saw what looked like a corridor connected to different jail rooms, like in a prison. The walls were all bars. In all of them were miserable looking muscle men, covered in fresh welts from the whip. Christon could not believe that would be him.
Soon the guards reached a vacant cell where Christon was thrown into. Luckily his broken muscled body landed on a very thin mattress. He looked up and observed his Surroundings. A thin mattress on the floor without a blanket, and a large bucket. That was all there was in his cell. Something else he immediately noticed, was the lack of heating. He was completely naked, and it was freezing.
The NRC guards locked the door.
“Shit and pee in that bucket. You don’t get dinner tonight.” One of the guards said before sauntering away, laughing.
The last guard stayed for a few seconds, watching over the tortured muscle pup. He grinned and spat directly in his face, before also leaving.
Christon lay down on the mattress and tucked his knees up to his chest, anticipating a very long night.
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