The Prison of Pain by IncubusStories
Synopsis: Cocky criminal Christon Mann is found guilt of robbing a bank. He is given two options; A, fifty years in prison. Or B, a reduced sentence of five years in a prison of pain to be brutally tortured.
Christon Mann was in an interrogation room, handcuffed to the table. No one had come in to see him yet and he was left alone. Although he was sure someone was watching him. On one side of the concrete room was a one way mirror in which he saw himself. Flowing blond hair, a muscle vest showing off his rippling abs and a loose pair of jeans.
He was here because he was caught robbing a bank.
Although he had robbed it twelve months ago and had spent the ten thousand dollars he acquired. To begin with he was scared the police would find out who the masked robber was and he would be arrested, but after a year Christon was lulled into a false sense of security. Then one night, a policeman knockked on his door. He was there to arrest him. It wasn’t a questioning on the off chance he could’ve been the robber, they knew it was him.
As soon as Christon realized this he confessed to everything. It was easier than pretending he didn’t when the evidence was so incriminating. After a few minutes someone finally came in to speak to him, a man in a tight suit with papers in hand. You know the sort of guy; thin as a pencil and weedy, with square glasses just a little too small. He sat on the chair across from Christon and looked over his papers.
“Christon Mann, guilty of a bank robbery worth over ten thousand dollars.” He said.
“Yep.” He chuckled cockily.
He wasn’t nervous anymore. He’d accepted his fate at this point.
“When am I going to prison?” He asked, Surprised it hadn’t happened yet.
“Well Mr Mann, as you have confessed to everything and I have no further questions for you I could ship you off there now. Have you heard of a controversial new alternative punishment and incarceration system? It’s been on the news a lot.”
“I don’t follow the news.” He answered.
“Well, recently since the NRC have taken over America, they have introduced a new law system. There are now two options for criminals. One option is regular prison, another option is an alternative punishment and incarceration system with a reduced sentence.” The man answered.
Christon already wanted to take the second option, but had to know more first.
“In your case for this bank robbery there will be a fifty year sentence with no parole or bail opportunities. The NRC have really upped the ante for sentences.” He explained.
Christon had been aware of harsher sentences since America’s invasion but he did not expect a sentence that long for one bank robbery. He couldn’t spend half a century in prison for a bank robbery, he just couldn’t.
“But I’m thirty one, I won’t last until eighty one in prison and even if I do I won’t have much timeleft to live my life after that!” He protested.
The man shuffled the papers in his hands whilst explaining, “That was exactly why, Mr Mann, I was going to suggest the reduced sentence. There is a certain criteria to be eligible for it and you fit the description perfectly.”
“What is the criteria?” Christon asked.
“To be a strong, muscle man. The body-building type.” The man answered.
Christon wanted to know why they only took on muscle men but he didn’t want to bombard the man with questions, just in case he went back on his offer. In this moment Christon would take any option over half a century in prison.
He desperately asked, “How long is the reduced sentence?”
The man answered emotionally, “Five years.”
That was a relief to Christon. He had already decided he was going to pick that option no matter why it was controversial.
“May I ask what this sentence entails?” He asked.
“Other of fifty years of prison, this is five years of pain. Throughout those five years you will be but a pain slave. You will be whipped, and you will be flogged. You will be fucked and you will be tortured and you will be crucified. Nothing that will leave any permanent damages to your body.” He explained.
“What the fuck? That’s medieval! That’s cruel!”
Christon was horrified.
He knew the NRC were brutal, but he didn’t expect this.
“Five years of constant torture?”
The man just shrugged his shoulders, “It’s that or fifty years of prison. I’m sure your answer will be obvious but do tell me.”
Christon was torn.
On one hand he didn’t want to waste his life in prison, but on the other hand he didn’t know if his muscle body could handle five years of torture. But then he reminded himself that after those five years of torture he’d be free which couldn’t be said for him if he chose prison with not even the option for parole or bail.
Eventually he took a deep breath in, closed his eyes andwhispered, “I choose pain.”
The man could hear him, but he wanted him to say it louder, to humiliate him. Of course the skinny man in glasses wanted to humiliate the muscle jock.
“Speak up.” He demanded.
Christon slammed his hands onto the table and screamed, “I choose pain!”
“Okay, calm down Mr Mann. There is no offence meant here. I am not doing this to you, America’s new leaders are. This is the new way. You should be grateful they have given you this opportunity.” He said.
Christon wondered if maybe he was right.
“All Glory To The NRC For The New World Order!” He enunciated before the signature salute of the NRC was given.
Christon knew that it would be a criminal offence not to return the enunciation and salute.
“All Glory To The NRC For The New World Order!” He enunciated before the signature salute of the NRC was given, although less enthusiastic than the man, he tried his best.
“You will be transferred to the facility tomorrowow morning. Until then you will remain in a cell. Guards, take him away.” The man ordered before leaving the room.
As he left the room two lean and muscle men in armoured white uniforms of the NRC came in and unlocked the handscuffs. Although not showing any resistance, the guards were very aggressive in slamming Christon’s head on the table and handcuffing his hands again before gagging him with a black ball gag.
Fully clad in bondage, Christon was dragged away by the guards. They dragged him down a dimly lit corridor before throwing him in a concrete cell. Christon settled in his spring bed for night and it would be a long night. He found it hard to sleep knowing tomorrow he would be brutally tortured by the NRC. When he first heard about the sex-crazed terrorist group and their plans to take over North America he thought it was impossible.
America was surely too powerful. But against all the odds the NRC invaded and won.
You would be forgiven for not knowingwho the NRC were. A mere three years ago, neither would Christon.
The NRC began as a facist far right movement that was hidden away in the dark. They believed that the world needed one leader, a supreme leader. The direction of society to be controlled by one person. It started off with a group of ten teenage boys who met on the internet and were from a different state each. Those boys then worked to find a Further forty teens who lived in a different state each.
With one member in each state, they began to spread the message all throughout America and slipping into the shadows immediately afterwards. Overnight NRC murals would pop up all over the country. Buildings would be set on fire. Public demonstrations. Preachings about the NRC’s beliefs. Eventually more and more people joined the movement meaning the same message being spread in different ways by different people all the time.
People were indoctrinated online and went to meetings. There was an NRC General in eVery state, controlling what would happen. Under them were the Colonels who controlled he football, who did the dirty work. The private NRC police were set up, known for stalking the streets and beating up innocents endlessly, even if it was illegal to the American law.
There were even people in the media who made sure the world knew about the NRC.
Then during the first TV interview and original ten said, “We Intend to take North America by force, we intend to restore faith to the country. We intend to have one leader guide us all. Join us, help us take this country.”
By this point there were half a million NRC footmen. Ten thousand in each state. One by one, each of those ten thousand took another state. And another. Within a year, North America was under the New World Order.
They had beaten one of the most powerful countries in the world meaning they had access to a military which could take over the entire world. Their empire was growing and the future lookedbleak but Christon didn’t think about it, all he could think about was that tomorrow his five years of pain would begin.
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