Author’s Note:
In this story I have deliberately not described the character’s physical attributes — looks, height, weight etc — and have left it to the reader’s imagination.
When Eve entered the Governor’s office the sight of her boss sitting at her desk with one of the prisoners standing beside her would not have appeared strange to most people but if they had looked more closely they might have seen that the Governor’s hand was actually up the back of the prisoner’s short yellow smock and was squeezing, none too gently by the look on the prisoners face, the cheats of her bottom.
“Yes Eve, I’m all ready to leave. All that needs to be done is to give Patty some instructions for how to fill her time until we get back. I wouldn’t want her to laze around all day. So, Patty, I think you can spend the morning typing the letters I’ve dictated and cleaning my bathroom. After lunch I think it would be good if you went to the chapel and made your confession, if of course Father James is available, as I’m sure it’s been a few weeks since you last went. If there is still time before we get back and after you’ve finished at the chapel, then you can spend it reading your magazines whilst sitting on your stool in my quarters.”
Eve smiled as she was well used to the way the Governor managed to turn something innocent into something uncomfortable or even painful. The clerical work and the cleaning were straightforward enough. It was almost certain that the Governor would have messaged Father James to let him know that he would have a visitor after lunch. Eve could just picture Patty entering the confessional and kneeing on the hard floor before commencing in the time honoured way … “Bless me Father for I have sinned. It’s been several weeks since my last confession” and she would then make up a number of very detailed and intimate stories of sexual activities that had supposedly happened to her. Patty would have learned from the past to make the stories as lewd as she could as otherwise the penance she would suffer would be increased. Once the priest had heard sufficient he would pull back the small hat between himself and Patty, and poke his erect cock through the opening. Patty would be expected to suck until her mouth received its dose of semen. The hat would then be closed up and Patty would be told what her penance might be. She would Thank the priest and make her way out of the confessional and go over to a prie-dieu and knee down. Instead of a padded area on which to knee there was a shallow tray that contained a covering of rice. She would then have to recite aloud and slowly the Hail Mary for the specified number of times that the priest had said whilst the rice dug in and made it distracting and painful. That was likely to take at least half an hour, and might well be double that, at the end of which Patty would be allowed to get up and brush off the rice stuck to her knees and leave the chapel.
Back at the Governor’s quarters, if the stool that Patty was to sit on was the same as the sort in each discipline room of the prison then it would be a bit like the sort that might be used by a milk maid except that bolted to the stool would be a large phallus designed to penetrate either the vagina or the rectum. Once Patty had lubricated the phallus and sat down on it, she probably had a variety of lesbian oriented porn magazines to read and could be doing so for a while. With cameras covering all the areas Patty would be spending time, including inside the confessional, she could either be watched live or else afterwards on the recording by her mentor, the Governor.
The two women left the office and went out into the large courtyard where a golf buggy was waiting. They climbed in with Eve taking the driving seat and set off passing through the tunnel out of the courtyard and through the outer wall and across the drawbridge and onto the road that led to the harbour. ThePrison was a very impressive series of buildings. It had started off life as a military fortress on the cliffs at the north of the island before being transformed into a male prison but after several years it had been deemed too small a facility so a new prison with double the capacity was built and the fortress then turned over to women.
The fortress compiled an outer wall of fortifications with watch towers at each corner and then inside four large buildings forming a central square block with a parade ground in the middle. Three of the blocks were for women prisoners and the fourth for administration. The two upper floors on each prison block compiled eight cells with four beds per cell, a leisure room and a toilet whilst the downstairs was split into a warden’s room, a dining room and a large changing room with lockers, shows and toilets. The prison could hold just under two hundred prisoners but generally was kept at three-quarters capacity. The Governor had a small suite of rooms on the ground floor of the administration block which included an office and a room for her secretary. There was a dining room with kitchen, a leisure room, a separate shower room with toilets and then on the upper floors there were a total of eighteen rooms for the wardens.
The outer walls with the watch towers housed a number of large rooms including ones for food storage and preparation, a freezer room, the laundry, the chapel, a small library, the innovation, the fitness room and of course ones referred to as discipline rooms of which there were five. Room one contained a spanking bench along with a few easy chairs. It was a plain room other than having various instruments for inflicting corporate punishment hanging on the walls. Room two was a larger room containing two cages, various pulleys and ropes attached to the ceiling and walls, and a cupboard with a Large range of instruments that might typically be found in the premises of a professional dominatrix. Therewere gags, blindfolds, menacles not to mention a large range of dildos and butt plugs. Room three was a room done up as a type of classroom. There were a dozen school desks arranged in four rows in front of a blackboard. Room four was a bedroom with a simple medium sized bed in it and room five was a small bathroom. One thing that all five rooms possessed that stood out was the number of cameras positioned coverage Different views of each room and with the ability to zoom in and out as well as operate in low light conditions.
Sheer cliffs protected the fortress on two sides and the rest was protected not only by its step walls but also the moat. The drawbridge was the only means of access into the fortress and it was raised every evening. There were watchtowers but these weren’t manned. Cameras had been installed years before and These were monitored along with the internal cameras. What was generally not known other than to the Governor was that there was a small arsenal of weapons stored in a locked room in one of the watchtowers.
The trip to the small village that had grown up around the harbour only took 15 minutes and once Eve had parked the buggy they watched as the freighter manoeuvred alongside the quay before being moored with thick hawsers to the bottleds. The freighter generally visited the island every three months to deliver supplies for the prisons and the village, new prisoners for either or both Prisons and also to collect those prisoners whose sentences had been completed. Years before, work had commenced on building a landing strip for planes, but it had never been completed and was now completely overgrown.
Sandra, the Governor, liked to be present at the docking of the refrigerator regardless of whether there were joiners to or leaves from her domain. There were always packages that she liked to collect in person from the captain not to mention the small package that she would pass back. Whilst they waited for the various gang planks to be positioned, they were joined by Governor Hawkins, Sandra’s opposite number at the other end of the island.
“Morning, ladies. Come to admire the fine physical specimens on board? I hope there are a better looking lot than the last time.”
“I assume you’re referring to your own new vacationers rather than mine! About time that you had a few Adonis looksalikes to brighten things up a bit.”
“Ah, Sandra, I’m sure that I can arrange to send a couple of inmates round to see you, if of course you’d be prepared to send a couple of fillies round to mine!”
There was of course no chance of that happening given what had occurred some years previously when there had been a swap. The two male inmates that had arrived for the pleasure of the female wardens had no staying power and over the course of the weekend that the arrangement was for, they managed to partially satisfy just about eight of the ladies who fancied having them. On the other hand, when the two female inmates were returned at the end of the weekend they looked, and probably had, served all the male wardens at least three times each. Given there were about fifty wardens that amounted to some serious fucking of the ass and cunts of both girls plus of course the cocks that were forced in their mouths. The girls had to spend a week in the innovative whilst they recovered from their ordeal. Following on from that the governor of the women’s prison was fired but nothing happened to her counterpart at the male prison. Sandra had a monthly meeting with the current government, Hawkins, to cover matters the areas of joint interest such as the operation of the farmers and the operations based at the warehouse in the village.
Sandra and Eve went to get a coffee at the small café on the quay. There was no point trying to get the female side of the operation completed before Hawkins had been dealt with so an hour spent watching the crew on board the fresher start to open the cargo hatches and pRepare the winches for offloading was not exactly a big problem. Once the male prisoners had been taken off the boat and onto the rather decrepit coach they would be driven to the prison and handed over to the wardens.
It was during this process that Sandra would be able to do her business with the captain. Any returning prisoners would come back in the coach and be taken on board. The coach would then transport the eight new female prisoners to the Fortress and pick up the four whose sentences were complete. Eve, as Sandra’s dependence, would supervise that part of the operation. The details of the new prisoners that had been sent through were some limited and the quality of the accompanying pictures was decidedly poor so there was little to be gained from running through them in advance of their induction into the prison. While they waited for the male prisoners to be loaded onto the coach, Sandra checked her smart phone and logged into the camera control system at the fortress. It was nearing lunchtime so Sandra went directly to the cameras covering her quarters and quickly found the one covering the bathroom. Sure enough Patty was there on her hands and knees wiping the floor with a clothes. Sandra watched it for a few moments before showing Eve.
“The trouble now, Eve, is that Patty is too well used to me setting little traps so I know she will do a perfect cleaning job. Mind you, it did take a good few spankings before she got the message. I did consider demoting her back to ordinary prisoner status and then selecting a new secretary from the batch today, but quite frankly I’m not at all enthused with training a new girl. Patty has got two years left of her sentence to run so I’ll wait until she goes. I may however tighten things up a bit with her as there are certain areas where I have probably been rather lax over giving out punishments. Anyway speaking of which I hope those new attachments to the fucking machines that I ordered are on board. Hopefully they will provide some entertainment for the girls to use on the prisoners.”
They watched the 10 male prisoners file down the gangplank and into the coach. A few minutes later it drive off in the direction of the male prison, a journey of six miles to the southern end of the island. It would probably take about an hour before it made the return journey. The captain was his usual polite self when then went on board and he had, as usually, arranged for them to have lunch in his quarters as the small village only had a café for snacks and drinks and the pub just opened in the evening. They passed a pleasant hour before making small talk before various packages were exchanged. The coach had returned and was disgorging its load of prisoners returning to the mainland when the girls said their goodbyes to the captain and went back to the buggy. Eve would wait for the female prisoners to be loaded onto the coach and travel back to the fortune with them whilst Sandra took the buggy.
Back at the fortress Sandra opened up one particular package that the captain had delivered and checked the content before locking it in the safe in her office. The other packages could wait to be opened as they were uniform compared to the main one. She logged into the camera control program and went directly to the ones in the chapel. She located Patty kneeing in the confessional and sucking away on the large cock poking through the hatch. A moment Later there was a gagging sound as Patty’s head pressed forward and the semen spurted down her throat. The cock was withdrawn and the hatch closed. Sandra already knew the penance as she had discussed it with Father James earlier. Ten Hail Mary’s with a gap of five minutes between each prayer would be a decent enough time for the rice to inflict extreme disappoint on the knees.
Father James visited the fortress on a daily basis and usually for just an hour before going over to the male prison. On the basis that none of the pRisoner’s would willingly go along to the chapel to see him, what had been established was that two prisoners were selected at random to visit him in order to make their so-called confessions. On most days he would select just one of the two prisoners for receiving the benefit of his offering through the hatch so the prisoner who didn’t get the offering was awarded an attitude demerit which he would enter onto the prisoner’s record. So for making up a lewd confession the prisoner would find herself getting a few Hail Mary’s and then 10 strokes of the strap later in the discipline room. The luckyr prisoner would probably get a longer session kneeing on the rice.
Sandra checked the cameras in the three blocks but there was as expected very little activity since most of the prisoners were still at work at the farm and wouldn’t be returning for a couple of hours yet. Switching to the camera in the warden’s room in block A, Sandra noted that apart from the 4 prisoners being returnd to the mainland there were also their partners. She switched cameras to the one covering the entrance to the fortune. Whilst keeping an eye out for the coach to arrive, she decided to open the largest of the packages with the fucking machine attachments. There were four slimmish shuffled dildos with each being covered with rows of large and quite hard cones that were directed away from the head. The head of the large dildo was phallus shaped with the first row of the cones being some inch and a half lower down. Sandra could imagine the effect of the dildo entering the vagina as being not dissimilar from other dildos but this one being retracted would be quite different as the cones would resist and dug into the sensitive walls. She made a mental note to tell the wardens that this dildo should not be used up a prisoner’s asshole.
Finally there were four medium to large shaped dildos with a large ball sack and with a single large thick ring section in the middle of the shaft. Thering would certainly stretch the vagina when it moved in and out. The ball sack could be filled with a liquid and then at a flick of switch on the control pad of the fucking machine deliver its load deep up the cunt or ass. She put the dildos away in her cupboard and checked the camera. The coach was parked in the courtyard and Eve was standing beside it with another warden watching as the 8 new prisoners disembarked and lined up. They waited a few minutes as 4 prisoners were led across the courtyard from where they had been assembled. Once the outgoing shipment was on the coach it started up its engine and turned to make its way out of the fortune. Eve signed to the new prisoners that they should follow her and the other warden. It was time for Sandra to join the party at discipline room 3.
The prisoners were standing behind the desks when Sandra walked in and went to stand at the front alongside Eve.
“Good afternoon ladies. You may sit.” She paused whilsther audience sat before continuing.
“I am Sandra Helsing the government of this penal institution. Beside me is my dependty, Eve Price and standing at the rear is Warden Knight. The fact that you are here on this island denotes two things — firstly that you have been found guilty of offences against the state and for which there is no appeal process and secondly that your punishment is not only to be incarcerated for a set period but also to endure a distributed routine and life style. It is not designed to be comfortable but if you follow the rules, work hard and follow orders then your life will be decidedly better than if you don’t. You have already had a small tracker implanted at the back of your neck and we will be able to know exactly where you are at any time.
Escape is futile which is why there are no large fences, barbed wire and watch towers with searchlights. This is a small island and the only way off it is by boat. The seas around the island are treacherous because of the currents and of course the sharks. Nobody has reached the mainland other than by being released officially. As I mentioned, you will follow all orders given and you will do so without any show of resentment or hostility. Failures will result in physical punishment which will generally be strokes of a strap or paddle across your bottom administratored by a warden. In fact, after we have completed running through some of the basic rules each of you will receive three strokes in order to show you what you can expect. Needless to say, far more strokes are given for actual misdemeanours. Punishments may be harsh but they are not brutal. And the bracelet you have on your wrist will indicate if you have a punishment outstanding. If you have, then you can check the notice board in the locker room to see what punishment has have been given.”
Sandra paused and looked at each of the women in her audience. It was obvious that the thought of getting a physical punishment was not somethingAny of them had even considered.
“Your basic day will begin with a forty minute exercise session in the courtyard, followed by breakfast. You will then wash and change into work attire before walking to the farm complex a short distance away. At the farm you will be allocated to work teams. The farm grows a range of crops which include wheat and vegetables. There is a large orchard and there is also a winery. At midday you will be allowed a lunch break for half an hour and then you will complete a further three hours of work before returning here. After changing out of work clothes and showing, you will be assigned to various household chores such as cleaning, laundry, sewing and food preparation for a couple of hours. The evening meal will be at 6pm following which you are free to socialise with your fellow inmates. Bedtime is at 9pm. I’m now going to let Eve elaborate on what I’ve outlined.”
“Thank you Ma’am. The fortress and the farm are all-female enclaves. The only males allowed are the priest, the doctor and the occasional tradesman such as an electronic or plumber. You will spend the first week here in getting orientedated after which you will be allocated to one of the three cell blocks. During this week you will be given a range of tasks around both the farm and the fortress in order for us to assess any particular skills you might have. You will also have agreed on who Your prison partner is to be. Apart from the eight of you here in this room, there are also four other ladies whose partners have just returned to the mainland and who therefore need a new partner. So its six partnerships to be formed. Once you have chosen or been chosen, then that will become official. You will be responsible for keeping one another presented properly in terms of appearance and of course satisfying one another sexually. Punishments will be given where necessary for failures.”
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