The Principal Dominates Ch. 02

This story is part of a series; however, each story stands on its own and you may decide to read the others if you enjoy this one. All characters are well over 18.


It did not take long for Lesley Crawford to take full total control of the high school where she had become principal at the relatively young age of 26. Lesley was a dark-haired, take-charge, active woman who had top-level degrees and already had accumulated a surprise amount of experience for someone so young.

She had arrived in late summer and had seen that Janice Vinson, a vegetable teacher in her early 40s, had done an excellent job as interim principal. So she immediately sounded Janice out and made her Assistant Principal. Janice was able to handle many day-to-day problems with ability; this freed Lesley to focus on the more challenging issues facing all high schools—increasing demands by parents, reluctance of boards to provide needed foundation, and constant need to get students to buckle down so that the high school would be seen as a great supplier for the top-ranked universities.

Janice found she could handle the problems teachers brought to her because they were afraid of tangling with the hard-nosed, attractive, and clearly domineering young principal. Lesley trusted Janice to carry out her policies because the principal knew before she arrived that Janice had long before being submissive to Lesley’s aunt when Janice and Valerie Ellis, the aunt, had been in college together.

Had the other teachers known that the take-charge Assistant Principal was usually wearing tight Spanx and a butt plug underneath her conservative grey flannel skirt, they might have wondered about her capability to confront troublesome students as well as the inevitable difficulties between teachers and their department chairs and Even colleagues. Janice, however, had had long experience as an excellent classroom teacher who inspired her history students and served as a model forMany of the school’s best instructors when they had been starting out.

Her subservice to Lesley was never disclosed by either to the other teachers, except perhaps from the way Lesley spoke to her assistant principal, calling her Jan, which no one else presumed to do. Most of the teachers assumed this was part of their strong working relationship, because Janice did indeed refer to her young superior as Lesley, not Miss Crawford.

Now and then, Janice had to employee what she began to refer to—if only to herself—as the nuclear weapon. This means when she felt she had to refer a problem to Lesley because it had become too difficult for her to resolve. She did not like doing it because she knew Lesley had great confidence in her and trusted her to take care of these matters, but Lesley also understands that Janice would only send the most intractable problems—and people—into the Principal’s Office.

This was something the teachers appreciated, so when Janice might finallysays, “Well, I suppose that since we can’t seem to deal with this, I’m going to have to pass this on to the Principal,” most of them drew a breath and made one last effort to see if they could work things out with Janice.

One young Latin teacher, Judith Maples, had become a bit of a thorn in Janice’s side. She was having trouble controlling a few of the older boys in her class. Because they were bright, this was not the usual problem of high school boys being resistant to smart young attractive female teachers, a profile Judith definitely filled, but more that she didn’t seem to care about their difficulties in dealing with her. Janice knew that this was going to be a major problem, because Lesley did not like to see anything getting in the way of the better students doing well.

So when Janice summoned Judith, a bright, blue-eyed blonde, with nice curves, to her office, the young Latin teacher seemed above it all with the comparatively senior Assistant Principal. Judith flashed her eyes when Janice asked her why these boys didn’t seem to be challenging and were thus fooling around.

“I don’t have to cater to these boys who want to look up my skirt,” Judith complained. “They’re smart so I can’t mark them down and nobody cares about poor conduct grades any more.”

“You might have them serve as aides or give them projects that challenge them, if they are truly able,” Janice suggested.

Judith snorted, as if trying to figure out how best to address these students’ needs was beneath her. Janice realized, although it had taken her a few minutes, that the problem was Judith. Judith, she finally grasped, didn’t like boys. Janice then decided that Judith’s being something of an intellectual snob made her someone who needed a dose of Lesley Crawford to get her on track.

She told Judith that a scheduled meeting was about to start but that she was setting down an appointment for Judith to meet with the Principal later that day, after classes.

Judith for once looked surprised and taken aback because most teachers had only a distant relationship with the principal, and wanted to keep it that way. They saw how Lesley addressed the students, as well the faculty, and some even had seen her in action at parents’ meetings and school board forums. Those who had seen how effective she was and how strong she appeared did not want to engage with her.

“Oh, Janice,…” Judith now said in a soft tone, “is that really necessary? I had hoped we could deal with this here.”

“I think it is, Judith,” Janice now responded firmly. “I think that Miss Crawford will be able to get to the basis of your difficulties which I’m sorry I haven’t seemed to do. So come back down to the office to see her at 4.”

Judith reluctantly left it at that and Walked back to her classroom, disturbed at the upcoming encounter she was now destined to have with this young woman who was about her age but already had achieved quite a major level of responsibility and thus power.

When she arrived at the office, Janice’s door was shut so Judith felt deprived of at least a smile before the meeting with Lesley Crawford. Then the door opened to Lesley’s inner office and with a knowing smile, she summoned Judith to enter, beckoning her with her index finger. The fingerprint motion was calculated to unnerve visitors like Judith, which it did.

“Judith,” Lesley said firmly, after pointing to a low chair for her visitor to sit, “Janice information me that you seem unwilling to deal with some quite capable students who just don’t respond to being treated like the run of your pupils.”

“I feel that I’m not there to entertain them, Principal,” Judith answered rather formally. “They try to peek up my skirt and make cracks to each other, and I don’t want to start the Both of marking them down in Conduct grades when I know that will just bring their parents to your office.”

“Let’s get to the point,” Lesley snapped. “I’m thinking this may not be the school for you. You may need to be transferred out of here to a school with less demanding standards for everyone.”

Judith blanked at the suggestion, which was much more powerful than a threat.

“I wasn’t thinking about that, Principal,” she said in a much softer voice. “I could try to design a project for them.”

“You should have been doing that weeks ago, before Miss Vinson had to call you in,” Lesley said sharply. “And you should have listened to what she said, too. She’s been teaching here and knows what standards are about.”

Judith was now wholly on the defensive. “I will do it,” she said, “I’m sorry to have caused a problem.”

Lesley decided to move in now.

“Judith, you don’t like boys, do you?” she said, quite plainly.

Judith was sufficiently disconcerted that she responded truly rather than possibly incur more of a negative reaction from the Principal.

“No,” she said haltingly, “that is not my preference.”

“Well, we don’t have any girls schools in this district,” Lesley said, “but I’m quite distributed now to transfer you out of here for you to teach in another high school with lower requirements or even intro baby Latin in a junior high.”

“Oh, please don’t do that,” Judith now pleased. “I’ll do anything to stay. I really will. You know that I’m capable, I have the background.”

Lesley knew that Judith had graduated from an excellent college and was academically highly qualified.

“Judith,” she said calmly, “you are indeed capable…of doing a good job here. But you need some disciplining, I’m afraid, and I can’t force you to accept it. But I can shift you to another school.”

“Miss Crawford,” she said in an Increasedly desperate tone, “I was serious. I want to stay. I want to work in the way you want. And yes, you may discipline me.”

“Do you understand what I mean?” Lesley pressed. “I’m not talking about docking your salary or making you handle after-hours assignments.”

“Do you mean physical…punishment?” Judith asked, slightly more frightened now, but still anxious to keep her position.

“I do,” Lesley said firmly, “and it will start right now.”

“Can I ask what it will involve?” Judith asked plaintively.

“You can,” Lesley said, showing no emotion, although she was feeling quite a bit welling up in her as she as she asserted herself. “But all I will say is that it will be embarrassing and some shameful, I suppose, and will continue for as long as I believe it to be necessary.”

“Will anyone else know about it?” Judith said, feeling more and more lost in her relentless progression towards submitting in a way she had never expected to this woman who was her age.

“Only Miss Vinson,” Lesley answered promptly, “since that is required for both of our protection—yours and mine.”

Judith had figured that Lesley was definitely a dominant and now this made it totally cleat to the Latin teacher with whom she was dealigning. She quickly concluded that Janice Vinson was someone who would both keep this in confidence and likely would not use it against her.

“I agree then,” Judith said. “I’d rather be working with you here than be somewhere else.”

“I’m pleased you have been willing to do that,” Lesley said. She picked up her phone, buzzed Janice and asked the Assistant Principal to come in.

Janice knew to take a minute before coming into Lesley’s office without knocking and quickly closing the door behind her.

When she entered, she was not all that surprised to see that the rather proud Latin teacher was now kneeing on the chair where she had been sitting. Judith’s navy skirt hiked up above her waist and her white cotton panties turned out and held up between Judith’s spread legs. Janice had a clear view of Judith’s most intimate area between the legs and noticed that since it was worn, Judith’s slit and small anal rosebud were peeking out at her.

“Miss Maples has agreedd to be disciplined, Jan, so that she can resolve her problems with her students, likely by working with them on good projects that will advance everyone’s interests,” Lesley summarized for Janice. “I’m going to start the process now with a brief imposition. Would you kindly lock the door?”

Janice realized that one of the advantages of this school was the fine old building that had been well-maintained through all Its years and so had retained the thick walls and wooden doors which kept sound inside the rooms where it was being produced.

Judith had not been able in her position to see Lesley take a small thin cane out of her desk and walk behind Judith, poised to begin her chatisement.

Janice had not had occasion to see much physical punishment yet—it of course was forbidden to touch pupils and had been for years in the district. She was amazed at how Lesley was so effective at getting what she wanted, and her willingness to employee what Janice felt were definitely unconventional methods these days to get things accomplished.

But she too realized that Judith was a good teacher who just had a bit too high opinion of herself and also was allowing her own sexual preferences to dictate how she treated some of her better students.

Now Lesley lay the cane on Judith’s bare, pale but ample bottom. She drew it back and expertly flicked it so Janice could hear the slight snap as it hit the fleshy bottom-cheeks. Lesley allowed the stroke to sink in and also heard a slight cry from the recipient.

She repeated the process and flicked the cane with her wrist but a bit more firmly, eliciting more of a cry from Judith, who realized that this was for real and she was definitely taking a real, severe caning from this young woman who was the Principal.

Lesley proceeded to administrator four more strokes to the top and bottom of Judith’s rear. The last stroke hit in the sensitive cream where the young woman’s bottom met her thigh and Judith, notSurprisingly, let out a scream. Somehow she did not lose position, which amazed Janice.

“That will do for today, Judith,” she said quietly to the young Latin teacher. “Jan, would you apply a bit of cream to her so she can start to recover.”

The statement was not a request but an order and Janice reached into her handbag and drew out a tube of cream for this purpose. She walked over to the still-bent over Judith and slowly put the cream on her fingertips and applied it to Judith’s red-striped bottom. Judith flinched as the fingers touched her now sensitive wealth but appreciated the soothing feeling the cream did produce.

Janice put some more cream on her fingertips until she had softly tried to calm the angle stripes on Judith’s cheats. Then the Assistant Principal deftly slipped her fingers between Judith’s legs and ran them through her shaken furrow and managed to graze the very tip of her now-aroused clip.

Judith did like being with women and she was not at all disturbed by Janice’s feeling her up in her most intimate areas but she was surprised. She knew Janice was unmarried and in her early 40s but she had never approached her, mostly because of their age difference.

Lesley watched as Judith responded with little mewling and cooing sounds as Janice kept softly stimulating her labia and let her finger touch the tip of Judith’s clip as well as poke ever so lightly into her vagina and anal openings. It was clear to her that Judith would be a fine prospect for her growing group of submissives.

She motioned to Jan to “finish her off” which Jan did by moving her finger in and out of Judith’s vagina and also teasing her clip in rhythm. Much to her own surprise and shame, in view of the position she was still in with her panties down ignorantly between her knees, Judith went into what looked to be quite a nice cum.

When she had calmed down, Lesley, for the first time, smiled at her from where she was now sitting behind her large desk that directly faced the chair on which Judith was still kneeing.

She now beckoned Judith with her index finger to stand and come over to her and pointed down to beneath her skirt. Judith immediately understands that Lesley was giving her a chance to show obesance to the Principal in the most personal way.

Without needing further invitation or direction, she calmly walked over, her panties still at half-mast, and bent down again on the carpet in front of Lesley and placed her head beneath Lesley’s red skirt. The young Principal had removed her own panties and was perched on the edge of her chair so Judith encountered Lesley’s shaken pudendum and extended her tongue to kiss and then start licking it. Lesley’s clip was now engaged and she enjoyed the attentions the teacher was giving her.

But after a few moments, she stopped the process and sweetly thanked Judith and told her she could stand up and pull up her underpants, using that word rather than panties.Lesley clearly decided that she did not need to have the woman bring her to an orgasm …yet. That could come later.

Before slipping out the door, Janice received a hand signal from Lesley. She returned to her office across the way and awaited Judith. The Latin teacher was quite chasted by her being bared and could, as well as being brought to orgasm during the appointment with the Principal. She had been told by Lesley that this was the first of a series of what Lesley called “monitoring meetings.”

“You will come to school every day wearing special underwear that Miss Vinson will give you now,” Lesley directed in a business-like tone of voice. “Miss Vinson will instruct you as to how to appear because you will report to her office every morning at 7:45 A.M. where you will be inspected.

“I expected full compliance or I will not hesitate to initiate your transfer, Judith,” Lesley said rather bluntly.

Judith realized that she was lucky not to have been moved out of the school. She smiled at Lesley and nodded that she was aware of her obligations and would do exactly what she was told.

Then the Principal escorted her to the door and Judith knocked on Janice’s closed door across the way. Janice said “Come in” in a rather strong voice and Judith opened another heavy wooden door and entered Janice’s smaller but well-appointed office.

After inviting Judith to sit, Janice noticed that the young Latin teacher was now far more agreeable and compliant. “I’m so sorry for making this trouble for you and Miss Crawford,” Judith said, in an unusually friendly and apologetic manner.

“I’m quite pleased to hear that,” Janicesaid with a geneuine smile. “Now,” she went on as she handed Judith a small package in white wrapping parcel paper. “here are two pairs of the underwear Miss Crawford mentioned. You will wear these to school each day and stop by my office for inspection. I will make this as easy as I can.”

Then she gave Judith another”This is a plug that you will insert in your bottom,” Janice said very matter-of-factly, as if this were the most normal procedure. “Lesley will expect you to wear this during the school day,” she advised Judith with a warning look. “If you need to remove it—for natural needs—you will do so in the teacher’s bathroom and then replace it.”

“For how long will I have to do this?” Judith asked plaintively.

“Miss Crawford will let you know when she decides to change the conditions of your discipline, Judith,” Janice said briskly. “I for one am pleased that you decided to accept her discipline but do not expect her to ease her standards until she is convinced that you will follow her orders in all respects.”

Janice knew but did not mention to Judith that the Underwear she gave the Latin teacher consistent of two pairs of beige Spanx control panties that were likely going to be quite tight. She knew that for Judith, school days would now be some what challengesg with the plug in her bottom and her nether regions constrained by the tight control panties.


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