The Princess Will See You Now

Meg’s eyes zeroed in on Dr. Thad Turner as she strode nonchalantly into the emergency room. She wasn’t sick or injured, but she had a need nonetheless. The tall, salt-and-pepper haired physical leaned against a wall pouring over medical charts seemingly unaware of her fixed, hungry gaze. Meg walked briefly towards him casually flipping back her wavy mane of raven hair and said tersely, “Doctor we need to talk.”

“As you can see Ms. Garza I’m preoccupied at the moment, it’d be better for you to schedule an…”

“Come on.,” she ordered grabbing him by the tie and leading him towards the women’s restroom.

“Are you crazy?!,” he cried, his blue eyes regarding her incredulously.

“This is the women’s bathroom Meg!”

“Shhhh!,” she hissed pushing him inside. Thad’s eyes darted around wildly looking for other occupations and found none to his great relief. He turned his attention back to Meg as she forcedly nudged him into an empty stall.

“Meg, this is nuts! What if we’re caught? This is…,” the panties abruptly shoved into his mouth stifled any further objects. They had the salty-sweet taste of cum soaked into them. Thad spat them out at once affronted and yet titillated by her audaciousness.

“Can you please tell me what you’re doing and where you’ve lost your mind by the way? I’m afraid I don’t have time for games,” he remarked in Exasperation. His eyes however, stealthily scanned the voluptuous figure of the young woman before him. He’d operated on her knee three months prior and had easily become charmed by the smoldering beauty’s wit and graceful essence. She reminded him of a debtante of sorts from a bygone era. Naturally, she assumed the role of one of his favorite patients, the only one that he’d fabricated medical reasons to attend to.

Meg wore a brief, curve-hugging little black dress and stood in strappy six-inch heels that exposed her ruby-red toenails. God, did he love feet.

“Do you want to play doctor?,”she asked huskily, a lucky smile snaking across her glossy pink lips. Her soft brown eyes were sultry and intensity. This was not a question. It was a command. Thad gulped, both trepidation and arousal stymying his response. As a man in his position he was unused to being uncertain about things. But, he welcomed this compelling dilemma and his growing erection finally urged him to nod his head sufficiently.


“Yes what?,” Meg said raising a dark eyebrow.

“Yes, Princess.” She smiled and retrieved a pair of furry pink handcuffs from her shoulder bag.

“Is that really necessary?”

“We can’t have you running away now can we? This will keep you nice and secure,”Meg said cheekily as she flipped Thad around to face the side of the stall. Unlocking the cuffs she gleefully placed one of his wrists inside and snapped it shut. She then fastened the other one to a bar running along the side of the stall. His unease began to rapidly dissolve as his arousal took center. The click of the metal cuffs unleashed a torrent of wet excitement inside his trousers. Jeopardizing his employment and his very license with a patient seemed a metr concern now given the moist spot centered on his crotch.

Meg’s hands drifted lower, unzipping Thad’s trousers and yanking them down. The doctor’s silken purple panties lay exposed with his pants pooled around his ankles. His ass, firm and tanned brown, quivered from barely suppressed desire. There was no denying it now. He craved her touch. She squeezed his cheats hard, sinking her deadly, crisis nails into his flesh as Thad winced and sucked in his breath. His face was pressed against the cold marble wall of the bathroom stall as he felt Meg’s warm breath on his neck.

“I’ve got you where I want you,” she teased as she smelled his hair and the heady aroma of his aftershave. Her teeth nibbled the outer rim of his ear and she sucked his lobe.

“Mmmm,” Thad purred as he drank in the exhaust sensation of Meg’s tongue lapping against his ear. Then, she suddenly and forced her fingers around his throat inducing a sharp exhale from him.

“You’re mine.”

“I’m yours.”

She relinquished her grip on his throat and Thad felt her shift backwards. Bemused and anxious to again feel her touch, he whipped his head around to see Meg pulling a harness out of her bag followed by a large black dildo. She chuckled at his wide-eyed expression and said, “We can make some accommodations for it.”

“You can’t make that thing skinnier!,” Thad retorted, trepidation mixed with curiosity welling in his stomach. His words believed his actions as he turned back around to face the wall. He could hear Meg slipping into the harness.

“Got it!,” she chirped as she pulled down his panties. She spat liberally on her fingers inserting them inside Thad’s ass as she remarked, “I usually come prepared, but I missed something, lube maybe.”

“Noted,” was his droll reply.

Steadying herself with a hand on his shoulder she gently arched into him careful not to rush. Thad exhausted sharply to take the edge off the initial pain. With careful and well-placed thrusts the hurt slowly melted away and his body loosened.

“That’s right. Let go. Give it up slut boy.,”Meg crooned in Thad’s ear as her moves became more powerful. She rocked her hips and dove into him bracing her hand Against the wall for support. He bit his tongue trying to squelch the sound of his moans and tasted salty blood. Never had he felt so empowered with the ability to surrender.

“Stop whimpering! Someone will hear you.”

“Can’t help it,” Thad chased out as her cock hit the sweet bundle of nerves centered around his prostate. Although her chiding Meg did not relent. She continued to push deeply into him quickening Her stride until Thad could no longer hold back his audible moans. His back arched, his teeth clnched, and his head bobbed up and down and from side to side. She slammedinto him, sweat forming on her browser, her breath coming out in huffs. Grunting, shuffling, and the sound of skin slapping reverberated throughout the restroom. He was close, so close. Just a little more…

“Dr. Turner? Dr. Turner? Dr. Turner!” The voice snapped Thad back to reality. Meg considered him with a perplexed expression as she sat opposite him on the exam table.

“Are you alright?,” she inquired.

“Y-Yes,” Thad said clearing his throat. He artistically placed his patient chart in between his legs to shield his erection from view as he sat seated across from her.

“Are you sure? You spaced out on me for like five minutes. I was ready to go get someone.”

He cought and said, “Just uh…uh…having some distracting personal problems.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“It’s okay. Now about that x-ray of the scapula…”

“Scapula? Isn’t that the shoulder blade? My ACL was torn Doctor.”

“Right. So I’ll see you on Tuesday for a follow up.”

“Okay,” Meg said hoping off the table. She gathered her belongings and left casting a puzzled look in Thad’s direction on her way out.


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