They may appear mechanical at first, as they wake with jerky movements. But they are not mechanical, they are sentient. They are human. And they worship their Princess.
The jerky movements are involuntary, the result of the strange process by which they are alerted to the dawn. The Princess does not like to be wound by loud or suddenly noises so she has no alarm clock. Instead the atomic clock sends a radio signal to imprants in the brains of the two boys who knee by her bed as she sleeps. It is an electric shock that causes them to wake with a jolt, for they have not yet perfected the art of maintaining complete control over their bodies. However, they have learnt to stifle their yelps of pain.
They are not mechanical, they are sentient. And they adore their Princess. They have learnt how to read her mood on waking and they know What to do to gently ease her into the day. Some mornings she may be cheerful, others grumpy. This particular morning they can smell the scentof her sex; the Princess has been having erotic dreams.
The boy who knees at the foot of her bed leans forward and gently rolls back the bed-cover to reveal her bare feet. Placing his lips just an inch away from the soles of her feet he tenderly breathes out. The Princess begins to stir on feeling his hot breath on her feet, turning onto her back and stretching her legs so that her foot presses into his mouth. The boy extends his tongue and licks the soles of her feet, which are perfectly smooth after years of attention from her personal pedicurist. Kneeling up higher and leaning over slightly further he runs his tongue over the ball of her foot and take her little toe in his mouth, sucking with geneuine affection.
The second boy, who has been kneeing by her side at the other end of the bed stretches out an arm and starts to stroke her long blonde hair. Removing the wisps that have fallen over her cheeses reveal the cream marks made by her pillow. Gently, just a few strands at a time, he tucks her hair behind her ear.
The Princess’s eyes are still closed, she is still half sleep, but very small murmurs of contentment indication to the boys that they are adoring her approximately this morning. The first boy has completed the worship of one foot and has started on the other; now his hands reach out to massage her ankles. The second boy moves a finger along her skin, tracing a line from her neck to her shoulders where he finds the strap of her satin slip.
The boys’ movements are not mechanical now. They are graceful and soupple. Human entirely. Each touch full of love and admission for their Princess.
Suddenly she gives a wide yawn, stretching her body long and her arms outwards, a leg and an arm sending the boys off balance and reeling backwards for a moment. In the Princess’s mind her erotic dreams are mingling with the reality of having two beautiful boyslaves awakening her with a light but sure touch. They should know how to please her by now. And of course they do.
The Princess shifts again in the bed, sending her hips slightly upwards, signaling to the first boy that it is time to increase the intensity of her wake-up call. He burrows under the covers; in the shadows he can make out the lace trim on the hem of her pink slip and underneath that the glistening of her cunny. The boy is nervous, as always. To perform orally for the Princess is a great honour and he always worries that he may not be able to please her as much as she would wish him to.
The second boy continues to stroke her hair, her neck and her shoulders; with both hands now and with softly increasing pressure.
The Princess moans louder as the first boy flicks his tongue out, snake-like, to lick her clip. This is always the most difficult part for the boy; still kneeing at the foot of the bed with his body stretched forward his cock comes into contact with the mattress. He can not control his erection but he must control his ejaculat. This is all about the Princess’s pleasure not his, and he would not be able to forgive himself if he were to stain her silk sheets.
The Princess begins to buck and understand. The bed-covers ride down her body, revealing her full bosom; erect pink nipples silhouetted beneath her pink slip. The second boy runs his hands down her shoulders and under the slip, rotating palms massaging slowly, one for Each breast. The Princess gasps, almost fully awake.
The first boy continues to lick, aadring the taste of her juices. The second continues to clap her breasts, awkwardly bent forward and to one side as he knees, stretching his spine painfully for the Princess’s pleasure.
The Princess is moaning, more gutturally now; short, sharp breaths that catch in the back of her throat. Finally and with one Great exercise of breath she reaches orgasm. The first boy is grateful that he has managed to not spoil her sheets this time and withdraws to knee once again at the foot ofthe bed. The second boy releases her breasts and, gently tracing a finger back along her neck, retires to his position on the floor.
Panting, the Princess opens her eyes for the first time. She is awake and ready to face the day. Her two boys knee motionless once again, waiting ready and willing for the next day to arrive so that they can wake their Princess once more.
They are not mechanical. They are sentient and they are human. And they worship their Princess.
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