Thanks to Vixen for the edits and time.
Please feel free to comment as long as the comments are constructive.
The stars shone like tiny white diamonds on a blanket of black satin. The car pulled up to the pillared entry way, glamour reeked in the air. The optimization of it all impressed him. Most invitational black tie events for charity were housed in large halls, skimping on extras where ever possible; but this one was obviously not run of the mill. The Davis mansion was not skimping.
Marcus walked up the steps, admiring the beautifully dressed women and dapper men. He surrendered his black dress coat at the checkroom and took a ticket, then sauntered into the chasm of the great hall.
There was a huge ice sculpture occupying the center of the room which had to be three stories tall. Surrounding it was a circular bar. The liquor that needed to be kept cold was sequestered into the carved crevices of the sculpture.
The waitresses and waitrs wore white tuxedos as they circled among the guests with hors devours and champione. Marcus watched with detached amusement as more guests poured in. He made his way to the bar and ordered a Tullamoore Dew, rocks. He knew it was sacrifice drinking fine Irish whiskey with ice in it, but it was his sin to bear. He took his whiskey and found a seat on the edge of the great room affording him a good view of the comings and goings.
He was half staring through his glass when he saw them. They were a sharp couple. He was tall with graying hair and striking blue eyes, she was petite with a head full of honey blond curls and beautiful brown eyes. She was wearing a spaghetti strapped black sheath dress that was floor length and cut high on her thigh. He watched them as they came in and immediately went to the bar. It looked like they were a couple who had been together a while. Lots of body language; communicating their mood to each other all while he ordered her drink for her without asking. Funny how he chose to order her a margarita, Marcus would have brought the lady a glass of champione.
His attention drifted from them as the large doors at the end of the great room were thrown open and the wait staff signed it was time to enter the dining area. Linen clothes and fine china set the tables with tasteful centerpieces placed throughout. Marcus made his way to his table, looking at his ticket to check his seat assignment. He sat down and scanned the area looking to see if he could see the couple from his vantage point.
A bawdy blonde sat to his left, too much make-up, too much perfume, too much alcohol, and too many miles. All of which were obvious as she “accidentally” rubbed her breast on his shoulder when she sat down. She batted her eye-lashes and held her hand out as she introduced herself. Marcus politely took her hand and introduced himself as she leaned in making sure he felt the girls.
The bleach blond with the boob job immediately started telling Marcus her life story, and he was cursing his luck when the couple he noticed sat down on his right. He stood as the demure lady sat between him and her husband (he couldn’t help but notice the ring on her finger). She offered him a smile and a warm look, Marcus held his hand out and introduced himself to the ladies husband (Brian) and found her name was Jasmine. As he sat down he noticed that the blond (who ironically enough was named Nikki with two “K’s” ) had not missed a beat retelling her autobiography. Marcus sipped at his drink as Nikki droned on.
Jasmine leaned in and said “You don’t seem too enamored with your date”.
Marcus looked at Jasmine and said “If that were my date I would be at the bar getting soused or jumping off the roof.”
Jasmine smiled and Brian leaned in. He held his hand across Jasmine and Marcus to Nikki.
“Hi Nikki” he said.
Marcus noticed that Brian was more or less introducing himself to Nikki’s saline creations rather than the face at the top of her neck.
Marcus exhausted himself, “Jasmine can I get you a drink?” he asked, as Brian and Nikki bantered.
Apparently Nikki liked guys that ogled her saline creations.
“I would love a glass of champione” she said to Marcus as he gave her a knowing smile.
He knew a class act when he saw it. He went to the bar and got himself a second and final whiskey and a glass of the bubble for Jasmine. He turned around and almost spilled the drinks into his fascination as she stood right behind him.
“Ah, you found me” he said.
“I followed you” Jasmine said.
“What about Brian?” He asked.
“He hasn’t missed a beat with Nikki with two “k’s” She said.
“Hmm” Marcus said because at that moment his brain went limp, he just didn’t think of anything smarter to say.
“He doesn’t mind if I talk to amusing guys, we have an agreement” Jasmine said.
“Here’s to agreements” Marcus said as he raised his glass to hers.
“So you’re okay with Brian’s amusing himself with Nikki with two “k’s?” Marcus asked.
“He can talk to her and flirt with her all he wants, but that’s about it.” She said.
“Oh, I see” said Marcus.
“No apparently you don’t” Said Jasmine. “What’s good for the goose isn’t good for the gander” she continued as she turned up at him.
Marcus raised his glass to hers once more. “Well here’s to geese” He said as he smiled like the Cheshire cat.
Jasmine and Marcus wove their way back to the table and sat down. Brian had moved over into Marcus’s chair while he was gone and was cracking up at something Nikki said. Marcus sat down on Brian’s left, and Jasmine sat next to Marcus.
“So, what’s a good looking guy like you doing here stag?” she asked.
“Well, my date happens to not be in the state” he said “My luck ” she said
“She would rather I fend for myself, all alone in this big cruel world” Marcus continued sarcastically.
“Perhaps you need someoneto look after you Marcus?” Jasmine said half joking.
He inadvertently dropped his eyes, something not lost on Jasmine.
“Perhaps I do” he said quietly.
She smiled inwardly, perfect she thought. Not only was she playing cat and mouse but she had indeed found a mouse.
Their conversation was interrupted by waiters as a fine mixed green salad was set on the table. The tinkling of glasses and silverware in the huge hall made the muted conversations almost imperceptible.
Jasmine leaned in and said “don’t worry, I know just the person to look after you and make sure you don’t get yourself in any trouble.”
Marcus smiled and leaned back into Jasmine “but trouble is my middle name” he said as he turned up at her.
He noticed how attractive she was in an understateed way. Honey blond curls cascaded over her shoulders to mid back. Her deep brown eyes smiled when she did, revealing pretty straight teeth. Her mouth was beautiful with full pretty lips and her skinlooked like a light shade of cinnamon.
Marcus could not help noticing her petite, well manicured hands on the glass. God he loved pretty hands. The thought of her wrapping those around his, he quickly cleared his head as he picked at his salad. Their conversation continued through the salad, it was unforced and generally enjoyable.
“So Marcus what do you do for fun when you are dateless? Jasmine asked.
“Well, as I said trouble is my middle name. I manage to amuse myself.”
“Perhaps you can amuse me.” She countered noticing the color in his neck.
“Hmm, back to that goose and gander…” Marcus left his unasked question just that, unasked.
Jasmine smiled. It was time for her to up the ante she thought. The waiters were bringing the entrées a beautiful center cut filet and mixed vegetables. Jasmine casually dropped her hand under then table and used her nails to scratch Marcus’s leg from his knee to the inseam of his crotch. He just so happened to be takenng a drink of water and almost chased on it.
Marcus felt his cock violently throb in his pants just after he felt Jasmine’s phalanges assault his leg. He was stamped and caught completely off guard. His immediate reaction was guilt and he cast a quick glance at Brian who was completely mesmerized by the blond lady and her two girls tucked in the front of her dress, completely oblivious to what had just happened.
Jasmine just smiled at him.
“I’m going to be the one to look after you, Marcus” Jasmine said.
“I am not sure whether I should get up and bolt now, or allow myself to be looked after. I somehow have the feeling that I’m climbing into a black widow’s web.” Marcus said half truthfully.
“First of all, I’m not a black widow. I’m not black and I’m married, proof to my immediate right.” Jasmine said as she gestured with her hand.
“Secondly, I’ll decide who I look after and when. Since I’ve decided I’m looking after you, you really have no further choice in the matter” she said laughingly.
Somehow Marcus didn’t think she was entirely kidding. He obviously blanched shortly afterward as Jasmine slide her hand up his pant leg and rested it on the head of his cock.
Marcus swallowed hard. He had that deer at night in the headlights look. He wasn’t used to be challenging by a lady like this. He was the one who was the pursuit not the one being pursued. He wasn’t used to it and it was strangely uncomfortable while at the same time stabilized something deep inside him. There was something primary going on, something that lingered just beyond his consciousness in the corner of his mind, the dark one that he walked by quickly when he was in an introspective mood.
“The lady knows best” was all he could muster from his half cocked mind.
She smiled and made small talk with Brian as she continued to stroke Marcus’s cock with her fingernails.
She raked her nails up and down the length of Marcus’s cock almost absent minded manner. He couldn’t take much more so he exhausted himself mid meal and pulled his jacket over his now embarrassingly hard cock. Marcus made a “b” line for the back door and fresh air.
Damn he thought to himself, if I still smoked I would be lighting up now. He walked outside and found a benchmark to sit on out of the way. A deep breath in his lungs helped him relax. The staccato click of heels broke his thoughts and he looked slightly up to his right. He could see her dress bottom and knew it was Jasmine without looking up.
“Hey stranger, fancy meeting you here” She said with a glint in her eyes.
“Hey yourself, beautiful” he said as he slip over. “Have a seat”.
Jasmine joined him. She looked him deep in the eyes. “Let’s cut to the chase Marcus” She said “I’m interested in you. I always get what I want, and I want you for mine” She continued. “Do you have a problem with that?” She asked.
“No Jasmine, well that is I am flattered but it’s a bit more complicated than all that isn’t it” He implemented.
“No it really isn’t” She said “and Marcus, when we are alone, address me as Ma’am or Princess, understanding?”
“Um, yes Ma’am?” he said.
“Well you are off to a good start” She smiled. “We can talk about this a bit more when we have some more time” Jasmine said. “For now, I want you back at the table next to me. Save me from Nikki and her friends, please!?” Jasmine half requested half demanded.
“Sure” Marcus said as he got up awkwardly.
Jasmine sat there with her browser arched, waiting.
“Yes Ma’am” Marcus said blushing.
Jasmine smiled and held out her hand so he could help her up.
When they came back into the main dining area, dessert was being served. As they approached the table, Jasmine noticed that the dessert which was placed at her setting was a slice of fruit pie. She wasn’t sure what it was. It looked good, but she just didn’t care for it. Not tonight. She noticed Marcus’s dessert was a sliceof cheesecake. Marcus held out Jasmine’s chair and as she sat down, she switched desserts.
Marcus sat down and said, “I take it you don’t like pie. Please take my dessert”.
She just smiled and wounded back at him.
While they were eating a small string orchestra was warming up.
Jasmine said, “I didn’t realize there was going to be music. I wonder if anyone will dance.”
Marcus asked, “Do you like to dance.”
She just smiled at him.
They finished their desserts while they listened to the wonderful music. A song started that Jasmine remembered, but just couldn’t think of the artist or title. She attempted to ask Brian if he knew it, but just nodded as he continued his conversation with Nikki.
Marcus said, “It’s Beethoven, but I don’t recall the symphony.”
She didn’t care. She was just impressed by his knowledge of music. “So you are an artsy kind of guy, huh?”
He replied, “I don’t think of myself as being any sort of guy. I just think having limited knowledge is boring.”
With that, she rubbed his thigh sending chills to the back of his neck. He never thought the night was going to be this interesting. The waiters were busy picking up dishes and soon the auction would start.
As usual, there were two types of auctions at these functions. One was held in the main dining area and always attracted those who had plenty to spend. They wanted everyone to know how much money they had and were willing to flaunt it. The other auction was the silent version on display down the main hallway.
Jasmine told Marcus to join her while she scanned the various items.
They walked together down the hall. Each table had a theme. The items all surrounded each other hoping that donors would buy up the whole table. Jasmine stopped at a table containing paintings. As she admired them, Marcus stood very closely by her side. She could smell his cologne and it was very inviting.
“You smell wonderful”, she said.
He said, “Thank you.”
She replied in a firm voice, “We’re alone, so how should you answer me?”
Looking downward he said, “Thank you, Princess.”
“That’s better.” Jasmine said.
Jasmine’s mind was filled with many thoughts and they all involved some privacy with Marcus. She decided that she wanted to move their new relationship a little Further. She walked him outside to a patio facing a beautiful garden. A waiter came out shortly after them and offered champione. They both took a glass, said thank you, and he was gone in an instant. Marcus set his down; whiskey with champione chaters weren’t his thing.
“Did you ask him to bring this,” Marcus inquired.
“No, but he had perfect timing”.
Jasmine asked Marcus, “Have you ever been to this mansion before?”
Marcus said yes and talked about the other times he had been there.
She couldn’t help but notice his smile. He had warm brown eyes and a goatee that she wanted to feel on her thighs.She found it hard to listen when all she could wonder was what his kiss was like. She bet it was soft and warm. He was a big man, with broad shoulders, and a deep voice, but she didn’t let that fool her. She knew his macho image could be tamed by her. All she needed was some privacy.
He must have been talking for a few moments while she was lost in lustful thoughts. She tuned back into his words just in time.
He said, “But I have never been back here. I never knew there was such an extravagant garden out here.”
She took her opportunity. “I should show you around it then.”
He said, “I don’t know about that. Alone, with you in the dark?”
She smiled, took his hand and said, “Remember I am looking after you. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
He wondered earlier in the evening what it would feel like to touch her small hands and now all he could do was following her. They walked down the stone steps and they could feel the cooling of the garden.
Jasmine rubbed her upper arms and Marcus immediately removed his coat to cover her. As they walked deeper into the darkness, they talked about the flowers, plants, bushes, and trees. There were so many smells of gardenias, roses, and some sort of fruit.
Once Jasmine felt it was safe, she stopped and pulled Marcus close to her. He could barely see her face except for the moonlight on her hair and eyes. She put one hand on the back of his neck and pulled his face into hers. She kissed him. At first it was just that. Jasmine kissing Marcus and he was almost motionless. She backed off for a moment.
She thought, “Great. He’s a wuss.”
Just as she was backing off, he put his arms around her waist and kissed her back. They kissed passwordately for a long time.
He finally broke the embrace and asked about her husband. She reminded him of the geese and starting kissing his neck. He couldn’t help but feel his hard cock pushing on his pants. He knew she felt it too becauseshe made sure her body pressed up against him several times. She started tracing the outline of his cock with her fingers. He moaned and she told him to be very quiet. She unzipped his pants and was pleasantly surprised to find him without shorts on. Jasmine reached in and pulled out Marcus’s hard cock. She began stroking him. He felt the cool air on his exposed member and wondered, just for a moment, if anyone could see them. Jasmine began rubbing him faster and harder. Marcus kissed her lips with such anticipation for what was to happen next, but he wasn’t expecting what he got. Jasmine suddenly stopped. She even started walking away.
Marcus quickly said, “Hello?” rather loudly.
Jasmine turned around and said, “Is THAT how you get my attention?”
Marcus thought for a second. “Oh, um, Princess?”
Jasmine smiled. “You didn’t really expect to cum right here in the garden during a prestigious event did you?”
Marcus replied in a frustrated voice, “Well …….”
She shook her head. “If we did that now, what would we do on our date?”
Marcus shoved his hard cock back into his pants and zipped up.
As Jasmine walked down the path of the garden, Marcus hurried to catch up hoping that his hard on would soon subside.
When he was next to Jasmine he said quietly, “You like to tease, don’t you.”
She stopped in her tracks and said, “Let’s get this straight. I am in charge. You follow my lead. It’s good for you to understand that you need to be controlled. All of your wants have to be within my needs. It’s so simple. You will catch on. I am confident of that. You’re very intuitive. Now, I hear music. Let’s go back inside.”
They arrived to a room full of people dancing.
Marcus said, “I’d ask you to dance but I am afraid I only know how to lead.”
Jasmine, once again, took his hand and led him to the dance floor. She turned and looked right into his eyes.
“I only know how to follow on the dance floor.”She said as she fell into his arms
And they dance like they were meant to be together. Marcus was completely lost in Jasmine as they dance. The cent of her hair, the heat from her body and her touch combined to cast a spell over him. He lost track of time. After a while he was pulled from his trace by a tap on his shoulder.
“Can I have my wife back?” Brian asked.
Jasmine repeatedly let go and looked at Brian expecting to dance with him. “Lets go babe, I’m tired.
Brian looked at Marcus “Nice meeting you, Nikki is pretty worked up, she gave me her number but that’s for another night. You should take advantage of that opportunity”. He said.
Marcus walked with Brian off the dance floor. “No I think I’ve had enough as well” he said as he headed to the coat room.
He retrieved his overcoat and stood near Jasmine as Brian got the coats. He retrieved a business card from his billfold and pressed it into Jasmine’s hand as he kissed her cheek.
“Thank you for a lovely conversation and enjoyable evening” he said.
Jasmine looked back at him. “I would love to meet again for lunch or something” she said.
With that she turned and left. Jasmine didn’t even cast another glance at Marcus. She left him standing there.
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