The Prince's New Pack Ch. 06

Adam carefully dried Edward off with the large deep blue towel that the staff had left them. The spicy sweet chaos of cllove mixed with Edward’s already delicious woody scent. He wanted to run his tongue down the valley between his ass cheeks, knowing his skin would taste even better. He gritted his teeth fighting for control of his thoughts though as he passed the towel over his cock instead. He’d delayed too long already. Once Edward was settled in his room he needed to meet with Micheal and the rest of his council to catch everyone up one everything he’d missed in his years away.

Giving Edward’s ass one last smack for good measure Alan wrapped the now damp towel around him and quickly scooped Edward back up into his arms. His long bronze hair was still damp, and clung to his chest as he carried Edward from the room.

“I’m beginning to think you would prefer to carry me everywhere as if I were a baby,” he said with a chuckle as he wrapped her arms around his neck.

“I just don’t want your feet to get dirty,” Adam smiled down at his prince. He squeezed one of his round little ass cheeses and he squirmed, protesting with a laugh. Of course, they both knew that he just leaves at any excuse to touch him. To run his hands along his prince’s body.

And he eagerly pressed into him.

Adam was suddenly anxious, wondering what he’d think of his home after all it was not a castle. Edward said he loved it here…but that might just mean the bath. Or his cock inside him. He hoped Micheal had kept his rooms clean, had thought to have it refreshed and a fire stoked. For all his enthusiasm he’d still spirited the young price away from the only home he’d ever known.

Coming to his chamber door he kicked it open with his foot and entered, Immediately relieved to feel the heat of a fire. Of course Micheal hadn’t let him down. A fire roared in the fireplace. The doors to the terrace were thrown open letting in the fresh evening air. Carrying Edwardto the large bed against the far wall he dropped him into the pile of fur blankets. He laughed, clutched the towel around him as he collapsed next to Edward, pulling him close again into his chest.

Edward swiveled his head, taking in the room and Adam watched him anxiously. Trying to see it through his new eyes. Furs covered the stone floor. The carved ceiling arched high, jutted out over the terrace that looked out over the valley of his pack below. Only a single table and chair sat against one wall. A few old-but soft-cushions sat in front of the fire. The four poster bed hung with thick burgundy curtains his mother had picked out so long ago.

“I’ll get a better table,” he said quickly, seeing his eye fall on it.

“You’ve never shared this room with anyone,” Edward said.

He slowly Shook his head, “No…not for long anyways.”

Edward raised a browser at him, but then continued to survey the room. His eyes fell on a rack of clothes in the corner and he grinned, seeing Micheal had left a few simple outfits for him. Jumping up he hurried to the rack and fingered a few of the dresses, deciding on a dark red velvet one. Turning back to Edward he showed him the dress shirt and simple deer skin pants. “I think this one for dinner tonight”

Edward cocked his head, running his fingers over the soft material. “I’ve never felt anything so soft,” he murmured then lifted the pants to his cheek. His eyes closed happily as he touched the velvety material to his skin and Adam chuckled. His cheek was even more deliciously soft he knew. Gritting his teeth he turned, found himself a clean pair of pants and a loose shirt.

Turning back to Edward, he’d slipped the shirt over his head. Simple buttons made of deer bone ran down the length of the hand sewn shirt The dark red of the shirt only made his bronze hair shine, picking up the shades of crisis in his thick waves. His bright green eyes seemed to sparkle even more brightly in contrast.

Adamgulped, moved to stand over Edward as he adjusted the jeans, still sitting in his bed. Adam ran his fingers over his collarbone, down his strong sleep arms. He wasn’t weak or timing as Adam had suspected being raised by humans no not his prince. Edward was strong.. The open shirt showing his bare chest only accentuated the muscles under his skin, the strong shoulders, the coiled tightness of his finely tuned body. “I have to go. I’ll have someone bring you some food but I’ve got to meet with Micheal and my council now.”

Edward frowned, caught his palm and pressed it to Adam’s cheese. “Can’t I come?”

“Not yet. You’re too…distracting. I’ll be back in a couple hours though.”

Edward pulled himself up so he knelt in the bed in front of him, still holding his hand to his lips. His other hand ran up Adam’s thigh, rested it against his hip as he looked up to him with those dangerous, wide eyes. “You said I could stay at your side though.”

Adam laughed. “So I did,my prince, but for now, you must stay here. You’ll be safe. Just make yourself at home, rest. Tonight we’ll have a gathering and you will stay at my side the entire time.”

Edward’s eyes narrowed as he saw he was not going to get his way. He licked his lips and Adam knew Edward planned a new tactic. Adam dropped his head, pulled him into a deep kiss and Edward sent happily as he molded into him, thinking he’d gotten his way. Grabbing at his waist Adam lifted Edward and tossed him back onto the bed. Edward tumbled back with an squeal.

“Stay,” Adam ordered, forcing his mouth into a grim line though a smile pulled at his lips seeing the indignant look on the young prince’s face. But he obeyed, crossing his arms and glaring at him from the bed. Adam swore he heard a low growl from Edward as he left the room, locking the door behind him.


Adam swept into his council chamber, pleased to see Micheal had already gathered his lieutenants. She seemed to think of everything,which is why she was his second. He quickly nodded to five gathered Lycans before dropping down onto a low cushion at the head of the long, low table in the room.

Micheal sat on his right and he leaned into her, “Can you have some food sent up for Edward. Only your most trusted girl.” He slipped her the key to his chamber with a serious look. She dipped her head, and slipped quickly from the room.

Turning back to his council Adam ran his gaze over the group. They were unchanged in the year he’d been gone. His closest confidences, friends. “Jhon, how is the valley?” he asked the petite golden haired woman at the end of the table.

She smiled brightly, her eyes warming to him, “The same as always Alpha Adam, though I think I’ve gotten a better rotation going for the crops and the goats, the yield will the highest ever.”

Adam glanced to her mate, a serious eyed, dark haired man. “Simon, any news?”

The slight man shook his head slowly, “Everyone is healthy. We had two birthdays this year,” seeing Adam’s raised browser he laughed, “Yes, I’m a father. Then also Rede and Sam had a daughter not three moons ago.”

Adam chuckled as he nodded happily, “I thought you seemed happier than normal Jhon. Congratulations. What name did you settle on?”

The woman grinned at him, “Elsia, and she’s perfect.”

The large man next to Adam grunted, rolled his eyes. “She’s only six moons old. She just cries and shits and eats.”

Simon glared at Virgil but Adam laughed shaking his head. “Sounds like you two would get along then. So what news have you got Virgil?” Adam asked.

“We’ve had three groups of vampires enter the valley. We dispatched all, expect this last group one was able to slip away,” he grew.

Adam still, stared at Virgil severely. “It’s as I suspected. Their numbers are growing-” he was interrupted by Micheal returning. She sat again at Adam’s right, across from Virgil. “I had a group of four attack me not a week ago.”

The gathered Lycans let out murmurs of anger as they leaned towards Adam. “You think they tracked you from here?” Micheal asked.

“I have to believe so. Alisha has spread the location of our valley wide.” Adam shook his head, still angry at himself for that mistake. It was his greatest. The vicious vampiress was his fault, her hated for him was limitless.

Trish, Virgil’s mate, Finally spoke up, “A vampire scorned…” Virgil silenced her with a glare but the rest of the table frowned, nodded in agreement.

“No, you’re right. It’s my fault. Now that I’ve returned for good we can plan an end to this. Once and for all,” Adam Shook his head, announcement pricking at him.

“The bitch has it coming,” Virgil said, the hated for the vampiress dripping from his voice.

“Well, speaking of you being back Adam…aren’t you going to tell us about this Edward?” Jhon said with a soft smile.

Adam surprised, seeing the hungry way his council watched him. A new Lycan was always exciting. Adding that he’d been hunting for him for nearly twenty years and he could understand the interest. “You will all get a chance to meet him tonight. He’s human raised though, and a prince and new to our ways, so I trust all of you to keep the pack in line, not overwhelm him.”

“And you’re sure he’s your mate, not just a delicious smelling piece of ass?” Matthew asked gruffly.

Adam whipped his hand like lightning. Smashing Matthew’s head into the table, he held the other man down as he swept his eyes over the assembled group. “HE is my mate. And you will do good to remember that,Matthew “

The group tensed, hackles went up as they watched the two large men. Matthew went limp in submission, throwing his hands out and Adam let him up. “I didn’t mean anything by it,” Matthew mumbled as he rubbed his jaw.

Virgil yawned. “As exciting as a new mate is for our dear leader, this vampire threat is too real. We must begin planning.”

Adam nodded and the rest of the group followed suit, carefully avoiding Matthew’s eyes or the subject of Edward again.


Edward stood on the terrace. The valley beyond was like a vein of green with the shadow of the treeline running along the perimeter. He tried to remember from what direction they’d come. In what direction lay his old village. His adopted parents, his brother? Too far. It was so distant now.

A soft knock on the door made him turn, step back into the high ceilinged room. He heard a key slide into the lock and a girl peeked in. She was lovely, long brown hair tied with intricate braids framing a heart shaped face.

“I have some food for you. Micheal sent me,” the girl said softly, eyeing Edward like she thought he’d shift and eat her alive.

Edward stepped into the room, stood unsure as he watched the young woman set the food on the single small table in the room. “What’s your name?” he asked, taking a step closer.

The smell of roasted meat hit Edward’s nose and he crossed the distance quickly, eyeing the food.

“I’m Crystal. You’reEdward?” the girl asked, stepping back from the table.

Edward paused, sensed how the doe eyed woman studied him. Meeting her eye he saw the curiosity, the unasked questions. “I am. Yes.”

“You’re really Hayk’s son…Adam’s mate?” Crystal asked.

And Edward nodded, picked up a piece of bread from the tray. “So I’m told. And you’re really a Lycan too? “

Crystal snorted a laugh. “Of course. Everyone here is.”

She paused, studying Edward again. “You really were raised with humans? You didn’t have your first change until this last moon?”

Edward shrugged, “Yes. This is all very new to me I’m afraid. Just between us… I still fear I’ve just lost my mind.”

“There are only a few human born Lycans here. Don’t worry, they thought they’d lost their minds too,” Crystal giggled. “Most of us are born to Lycan parents back generations…though my great grandfather was human.”

“I still don’t really understand how it all works. Adam bit me and that made me change. So if I just bite a human will they become a Lycan as well?” An idea had sprung in her mind. Perhaps he could have his family back. He suddenly missed his kind mother’s face. But then he sensed Crystal tensioning beside him, taking a step back.

“No…no you cannot do that. They must have Lycan blood. A father, or a grandfather, sometimes even further back we can sense it. Then a bite will reawaken you,” she spoke fast and Edward watched her curiously. There was fear in her voice.

“Sorry, I was only asking, I didn’t mean to offend you,” he said softly reaching a hand to Crystal.

The other girl shook her head, obviously shaken still. “No, it’s not…I’m sorry, I’ve never met anyone that didn’t know our laws.” She grabbed Edward’s hand, met his eyes intently. “It’s our highest law. You cannot bite a human. Understand?”

Edward nodded slowly, still unsure if he was missing something, “I do, yes, of course Crystal.”

The other girl smiled weakly then turned to leave, her curiosity suddenly gone. “Thank you,” Edward called as the door shut behind her. He heard the lock slide back into place.

Edward sat, staring blindly at the food, appeale suddenly gone. The girl’s obvious fear set Edward’s nerves on edge, left his stomach roiling and queasy. He told, returned to the bed at the edge of the room. Throwing himself down on the thick blankets he tried to imagine Adam’s arms around him. He tugged a blanket over himself instead, desperate for some sort of comfort. This place was too strange. Without Adam next to him the doubts, the fears crept back into his mind.

What was this new life he’d been dragged into?


A weight against his back woman him slowly. Tugged him out of his dream. An arm wrapped around him, pulling him tight into that hardened chest he so craved. He turned to Adam, parting his lips, hunting for his mouth.

Adam pressed into his prince, snaked his arms around him and pulled Edward tight into him. Adam’s tongue caresed Edwards lips, eased into his mouth. Adam kissed him like he’d been without his touch for years. “I missed you,” Edward whispered into his mouth as he wrapped his arms around Adam’s neck.

Adam grew, pressing Edward into the bed as he crawled on top over him, grinding his quickly swelling cock against his. Edward shivered, feeling his new jeans being pushed down and the soft feel of Adam’s leather pants against his thigh. His sensitive kiss turned hungry as he ran his hands down Edwards body, cupping his face, squeezing his ass.

Edward grew frantic at his touch. He needed him. Now. He gripped Adam’s neck, bucked his hips into him as he pulled his mouth from his, nipping at his ear. “I need you inside me,” he grew.

Adam’s cock leak to attention, surging against his pants, doing its best to break free. With a snarl he reached a hand down, pulled his pants down just enough to free his impatient member. Edward turned pressing his ass against him, offering his mate entrance, the ache growing nearly unbearable as he caught sight of his throbbing length.

He roughly pulled Edward’s pants the rest of the way off and shoved his thighs apart with his knees. Edward reached down to guide him in but Adam grew, grabbed his hand and pinned it above his head. He jerked, Surprised at his ferocity but then he was entering him. Adam slammed into him and he gasped at the suddenness, at the sharp pain as he stretched him wide. Adam panted into his neck, animal need course through him as he held his mate down and fucked him. His hips slammed Edward and he again tried to arch, to guide his thrusts. Adam’s other hand flew to Edward’s hip, grasped his hard, pinning him beneath him as his seed filled Edward.

Adam’s cock continued to punish Edward’s aching ass, faster and faster. His breath grew harsh against his neck and then Adam’s mouth closed on his throat. Biting, growing as he took him, “Mine, mine, mine…” With a final brutal slam Adam climaxed, tightening his grip on Edward’s hands, his hip, his throat he released his churning seed inside him. Adam pulsed against Edward, shuddering and twitching from his savage climax. His teeth raked against Edward’s neck as his hands gave one last bruising squeeze on his wrist and hip.

Edward squirmed, his body aching, his mind still craving Adam. His ass was so sore he didn’t know if he was aroused or scared. Adam finally loosened his grip on him, drawing himself on Edward. He felt Adam’s now softening cock slide out, hot and wet against his thigh. Adam lay beside him, still shuddering and heaving breaths.

Edward tugged his pants back up, the arm Adam had pinned to the bed aching and stiff. Adam nuzzled into his neck, gently kissed the red marks his teeth had left. Edward gingerly moved his hands to feel at the soreness of the teeth marks, he hadn’t broken the skin…but itwas close. He shivered, stared up at the ceiling as Adam pulled his body to him, still gently kissing his sore neck, his jaw. When Adam reached his lips he paused, saw Edward’s distant eyes.

“What’s wrong?” Adam asked, tugging his face so he met his stare.

Edward felt the tears well within his eyes. He again shivered, suddenly cold. Scared.

Adam’s eyes widened, pulled Edward tenderly into him as the tears fell. “I’m sorry,” he murmured. “I wasn’t thinking.”

Edward let him hold him. He clutched at Adam’s finely haired chest, needing the comfort of him around him. The smell of deep forest, of oakmoss and musk and amber. Edward never cried but tonight he cried, missing his family, confused at the new person that seemed to have sprung up within himself. The man that held him frightened him, the man who had stolen him from his home, who had forced himself on him…but Adam was also the only thing Edward could cling to. The only thing that felt like home.

Theylay for a long time on the bed, Edward’s cries eventually still as Adam held him tightly, placing soft kisses on the crown of his head. Edward finally pulled his head from Adam’s chest, found his eyes. “I’m still new to this,” he said softly.

“I know. I shouldn’t have lost control like that,” he said mournfully, kissing him softly on the forehead.

Edward shivered, but then shook his head. “No…I want you to be able to with me. I’m just…” he shrugged. “New to this. Give me time my mate?”

It was more a question than anything else. Edward had never been away from his home. His family, his village and now here he was being ravished by a wolf-man in a room of furs… was he Adam’s mate or his prisoner?

Adam rested Edward’s head again on His chest, comfortable by the sound of his heartbeat. Eventually he hear a different pounding. More rhythmic, more chaos. A high, warning instrument joined in. He perked, lifting his head from Adam’s chest to hear the music better.

“What is that?” he asked, scanning towards the open terrace doors.

He groaned, sat up slowly, pulling her with him. “I nearly forgot. The gathering. We’re very late. Though,” he touched Edward’s cheese softly, “You don’t have to go if you don’t want. If it will be too much.”

Edward’s eyes hardened. “I want to stay by you.”

Adam chuckled, stood from the bed. “My little wolf.” He smiled proudly down at Edward then pulled him up beside him. “All right, let’s go. Would you like to walk this time?” he said with a smile.

“Yes, I need to learn my way around after all.”


They entered the large gathering hall they’d walked through the first day. Three musicians stood on the far side, playing a cheery melody. As soon as they entered Adam felt the shift in the energy. The way the eyes in the hall all sensed his presence, swiveling to find him. As the pack leader, the alpha, this was his power. The hundreds or so Lycans that crowded the space felt him like gravity, like a compulsion. He knew the feeling, his own father had commanded it when Adam was very young child. But then the old Lycan had died and Adam became to center of gravity for his pack.

He imagined it was a bit what Edward felt. He felt it towards him now, that pull, that need to be close. And surveying his pack he saw they also began to turn their eyes to his mate. He saw now, how he wasn’t their lone point of reference anymore. They looked to Edward. Glancing down at the boy beside him he well with pride. Edward was perfect… strong, handsome, and his. Utterly magnificent with his mane of bronze hair, his sharp green eyes. Adam’s hand sat on his waist and now he pulled his mate even tighter into him, there could be no doubt, Edward was his.


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