The Prince, second in line for the throne, had been gone for months exploring the world but everyone had said when he returned he would propose to her. No one believed he’d return with another woman, and he hadn’t, but he also hadn’t spoken to her since his return yesterday. She was a mix of confusion, he had changed since he’d gone on this trip but she didn’t think he’d forget her or their promises while naked and laying in bed.
She took another bite of her food and glanced sideways at him. He looked so good in his royal finery. What she wouldn’t give to be right there by his side, she glared at the woman he was conversing with before returning her gaze back to her plate. Moments later the sound of him tapping his fork against the water glass sounded through the room. When silence fell the Prince spoke.
“As you all know I’ve been gone for a while and on quite a long journey. I’ve seen many things along this journey but not once have my thoughts left home.” His gaze litupon her and her heart beat faster as her thighs moistened. “I’ve seen different ways of running places that I plan to bring to our kingdom here. As you know my father, The King encourages me run my court here as I please. I already have presented him, and my sister the future Queen, with some new business ideas which will be revealed to everyone soon. For now, know that I have the right path forward planned for our future. Mar” Her heart thudded when he called her named and gesture to her, her lips parted. Was this the moment? Was he going to declare her his future wife?? “Come here when you are done with your food.”
With that the prince settled back into his seat while Mar blinked at him in confusion. Was he going to kick out someone else? There was no space beside him for her to sit. Knowing another bite would now be impossible with her nervous stomach she slowly got up. But he didn’t say anything to anyone to move them, but you don’t ignore the Prince. Hesitant and confused she took one step, then another while those around whispered and looked for gossip. Her heart thudded as she approached him, consciousness of the mostly quiet hall full of whispers waiting to see what would happen.
When she arrived before she could say anything he wrapped an arm around her wait and swept her onto his lap. His hand landed upon her title, covered mostly by her corset and dress top but enough flesh exposed to touch and he started to just rub his fingers lightly over her bare flesh while continuing his conversation with his dinner partner.
She frozen looking down at the hand in horror. Right here in the open court he was just touching her title like he owned it. What was she to do?! He was the Prince, she squirmed a little in his lap but the arm around her waist held her solidly. “Umm, your highness?”
He stopped His conversation and looked at her face inches away. “Yes Mar?”
Understanding filled his eyes “Oh you are right I forget something.” From his pocket he pulled a strip of leather with a buckle on it. She looked at it confused but his arms were suddenly gone from her and she was balancing on his lap while he put the, was that an animal collar, around her neck. Outtrage threaten to exploit from her but she bit her tongue, well her cheek literally when she realized it was the Prince and she couldn’t say anything.
As he buckled the leather on, not too tight but not too lose he spoke from behind her his breath hitting her bare skin. “This signifies that you are mine and no one is to touch you or mess with you without my permission.” He didn’t yell but everyone in the hall definitely heard it. “You will wear it all the time except when in the bath.”
Her hand clenched where it rested on the table so she could lean forward for him to put it around her neck. He was treating her like an animal with a collar around her neck! But he’d also declared her his to the entire court, warmth and content swirled within her in contrast with the shame of being treated like an animal with the new strip of leather.
She looked over everyone’s heads refusing to meet their eyes as his hand settled once more on her chest, his fingers rubbing gently across her cleavage exposed to the world. She shifted to get more comfortable and his fingers dipped down between her tits. Liquid pooled down lower. This was torture and all the while he just kept talking to his dinner company from earlier. Although that was probably good she didn’t think she could string two words together in her current state.
Dessert was served but instead of her own plate he fed her bites from his plate, eyeing her lips hungrily and making her squirm on his lap as he did. This was so unusual, no one ever sat on anyone’s lap before, and here he was just touching her tits in public while everyone was watching!
Thirty long minutes passed when finally he leaned forward to whisper in her ear. “I must retire Mar for kingdom business, I expectt you to enjoy the talk here for another hour before retirement to your room, and I’ll know if you leave early” His hands both started to rub over both of her tits, the corset preventing him from touching much more. The last sentence came out as a threat and she shivered from it. “Tomorrow you will start a fad of waist corsets or no corsets, you decide. I will be busy much of tomorrow but I expect you right Here again on my lap for the evening meal.”
And then he was gone, his chair was removed and smaller elegantly cushion chair was provided to her by the servants while they cast targeting looks upon the collar he had placed around her neck. It was a long hour, her hand touched the leather collar feeling it all around while people at the tables mostly ignored her while gossiping about her with pointed looks and sometimes just straight up pointing. What had happened to her Prince while he’d been away?
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