The Prince and the Collar

Between last week and this one the court had changed. Now at dinner no one wore a corset and a sudden fashion of collars had taken a hold of everyone. It was difficult not to smile at everyone from where she sat on the Princes’ lap. They all tried to imitate it but almost all of them were clearly inferior collars. The clasps not sitting right, the leather clearly wound or having other uses. While hers was pristine.

It was difficult not to touch it every few minutes to show it off, something that had first been a sign of disrespect was something people were jealous of. Then his hand resting upon her title, squeezed her nipple between his fingers and she gasped auditorally. Without thinking she rubbed her needy cunt along his leg. Fuck he better fuck her soon. She was convinced her skirts would show a wet spot if she stood up not that he would let her.

“Humm, not loud enough…” The Prince mused was all the warning she had before his hand grabbed her nipples and pulled her tits up and out suddenly. Heat blasted through her and she screamed loudly from the shock. Her whole body arched back and everyone got and excellent view of her tits pulled to attention through her top.

“Now there we go Bell, Food is served.” But he didn’t release her nipples, his praise swirled a joy in her and his fingers continued to hold her there while she understood and panted from need. Mortification filled her at being used as an object once more and now he didn’t even release her! She started to move her hands to push him off but then she remembered her smarting ass from earlier. He might even decide to let the whole table smoke her bare ass! Instead she suffered in the embarrassment and pleasure until he released them when he was done.

She hid her face in his neck to hide how red she was and how needy. Fuck she wanted more. Her need was starting to short circuit her brain. Her hand swept across his chest and under his suit jacket. Her teeth lightly bit at his neck, savoring the tastes she licked out. But he stopped her hand and pressed her face hard to his neck. “Don’t forget where we are Princess. You still need to eat your dinner.”

She grew her hands curling into him. How much longer would she have to wait!? Fuck these people, fuck waiting, she needed to be filled now. Her hands clawed into his side and bite his neck in protest. Her whole body shifted to straddle him when he wronged her hands behind her back pulling her away from him while she glared. He just chuckled at her.

“Tsk Tsk Bell, we have an audience.” He said with amusement in his voice. Audience, fuck. Inhale, exhale. Calm. Her hands fisted and closed while glaring at him. Finally she looked away to see everyone staring at her with shock. She’d just tried to fuck the Prince in front of all of them. HE WAS THE ONE THAT KEPT TOUCHING HER IN FRONT OF EVERYONE! Being a Prince must be fucking great.

Angry and frustrated she took a big inhale and exhaust refusing to look athim. “Sorry Prince, it won’t happen again.” His fingers gripped her chin and forced her to look at him. Her eyes promised murder but it didn’t seem to both him. Instead he seemed to be pleased smiling at her and petting her head soothingly.

“Oh Bell, don’t make promises neither of us want you to keep.” Her anger turned into confusion and she put up no struggle as he put her chair. “Now eat Everyone, the chiefs worked hard to provide good food for us.” The table which had hushed to watch them suddenly filled with sounds of people eating. Whispers started and soon the whole table was talking.

Mar tried to eat but it was flavorless with how much the Prince had worked her up. Time traveled and for the life of her she couldn’t remember what was said at dinner, which was becoming a common theme when the Prince was Around. She grew stabbing another veggie. Fucking Prince. All he had to do was whip out his fucking cock and fuck her. How fucking hard was that. He’s been using it for a long time, its not like he didn’t know how it works.

DING. DING. DING. DING. The Prince drew everyone’s attention once more. Still irritated she refused to look at him and just keep eating while silence fell. A warm hand landed on her shoulder and she tensed for a moment expecting it to torture her some more but all he did was stroke her shoulder with his warm thumb. Slowly she relaxed into it.

“I think its time I cleared something up for all of you. The collar I’ve given Mar symbolizes that her body is mine. Mine to do with as I wish, when I wish, and how I wish.” Mar found her head pulled against his hip, so close to his cock. She nuzzled against his thigh looking up feeling herself soften as he declared that he owned her. But she was still somewhat confused, why would she want to be owned like a pet or object. She was a human, she should be his wife and by his side. Her thought was cut short when he yanked her up by her hair while she gasped, forced to stand on her tiptoes while he showed everyone the collar.

“I see some of you sporting these. I will be asking you to respect in the future their meaning. If someone grants you their collar it can be black. Yellow collars will symbolize no one is to touch you. Yellow can be picked by yourself or given to you. If you would like to belong to someone use a white collar to state your willingness. To help you all I have brought in vendor. They will be selling in the Entry hall in the morning. However, to give someone a black or yellow collar you have to be approved by me. The vendor will not sell to you until then, please seek me out privately to have a conversation about it if you are interested.”

Mar’s eyes were watering so hard by the time he was done, her hands wrapped around his arm trying to stay standing on her tip toes, her feet started to ache when his hand released her hair and pulled her back against him. As if to show them all what exactly it means that she was owned by him his handlanded upon her title fingers tugging at her nipple while he finished talking.

“I’ve already granted one to a trusted advisor and expect to be giving out more soon. My advisors, we will be meeting tomorrow after lunch to discuss my future plans. Our lovely entertainment has agreed to perform again, so please enjoy the show.”

Without waiting for a response Mar found herself swept up into his arms excitement filled her as he headed towards his bedroom.


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