The Price You Pay…

As the taxi reaches the door, Patricia leaves the building, it’s an hotel, one of the most expensive. While on the stairs she checks her sunglasses, meanwhile pressing the skirt of her formal dress. Everything has to be perfect.

She jumps on the taxi and tells the driver her house address.

She just knows he is looking at her thru the rearview mirror, checking her figure, her ample breasts underlined by the business suit that hugs her body. She leaves him to look, does not want conversation, opens her briefcase, moving aside the dvd case. It’s a non description case, nothing is written on it, nothing to tell the tale, but now she opens a folder containing some financial papers that she has to read before returning to her office tomorrow.

The ride is quite uneventful, numbers on paper are not that exciting, but behind her quiet composition, she is living again all the things she had just experienced. Then, she logs on her Blackberry and immediately gets some mail from heroffice.

It’s sort of incredible, it seems they cannot manage to hold things together without her, those bastards. She just knows that some of the people she works with calls her “the ice bitch”, mainly because she does seem to have the strictest control over herself on her job, but still if she has reached that position maybe, just maybe, there must be some reason.

She is the top manager in her firm, where she was hired just two years ago. Like a rocket she went from position to position to the top of the “food chain”. And all these people are now under her.

There is a price to pay for it, also. And when she took this job, she decided that she had to control her emotions, totally.

At the time, she got word that there was someone who could help with that.

After two whole years of getting in that place, she can tell that it was completely worth the money spent.

When the taxi stops, Patricia exits the door, leaving a tip to the driver. She lives in anexpensive condo, with security, doorman, privacy etc…

After entering her apartment, she closes the lock after her and the briefcase goes on a table near the door, from that she picks the DVD. Walking in her living room, she inserts the dvd in the media center and, while it starts to read the thing, she strolls to the bedroom to take off some of her clothes.

The jacket goes on the bed, then the skirt, she finally loose her blouse buttons before returning to the couch.

The tv black screen is now filled with the image of an hotel room, the camera was setup up near the ceiling and thus covered the whole room, there was a lady in the central spot. Raven hairs, black formal dress with trousers. She is standing up, to have more space the bed had been reclined near the wall, tilted sideways. No one was going to sleep there anytime soon, so that was just fine.

The lady was obviously waiting for someone, checking her watch, until a knock on the door was heard.

Fora moment, she went out of camera to open the door and when she came back, Patricia was following her. Looking at her image on the television set, brings immediately all the feelings she felt just an hour before.

The room seemed very large, mostly because the bed was out of the way. Her Mistress starred right in the eyes, in the same way Patricia looks at the others.

There was nothing else to say, it has all been established before the event, so Patricia started to undress without the Mistress even asking.

She let her briefcase on a seat, then she carefully set her jacket, shirt and blouse, no bra, she always wears no bra, finally she unclipped the garter belt and loose nylons and shoes. On the couch, she now looks at herself on screen, completely nude except for the metal chatity belt, and, as the video goes on, her right hand goes to cares the outer shield of the belt that is encompassing her sex, right now.

The Patricia in the television, instead, did not move towards the chatity belt. The Mistress took a case and opening it, started to take out some items.

First, there was a ring gag, which was she lodged behind Patricia’s teeth. Then, she buckled it behind her neck, moving hair aside not to get tangled in the buckle. The ring was big enough to force her mouth open wide.

Then the Mistress took a single glove armbinder. Black, supplement kid leather, She grabbed Patricia’s arms and she trapped them in the thing, buckling tight the straws that went under the arms and over the shoulders. Patricia on tv, moaned when she cut the slack off the straws, and began to close the gleve, threading a string thru the rings in the leather.

Indeed it closed like a corset, with a string running in a thread of holes. As she started to make it tight, closing the gap, on the couch Patricia feels again the growing Pressure with which her arms where crushed together behind her back. She was relentless and did not stop until the two edges of the glove met each other.

Then she closed a padlock on the two last holes, without the key could not be opened.

After that, still looking at Patricia right in the eyes, she took a key from a chain that hang from her neck; kneeing, she pried the chatity belt open.

It was wonderful, to be relieved from the pressure of the damn thing, on the couch Patricia remembers. The Mistress removed the belt and, Without making any contact with her now wet pussy, she just breathed on her skin.

Patricia could feel shivers running rampant thru her body, just only feeling her breath on her sensitive labias, too poor a stimulation, but still. Patricia on the television did moan in frustrations, while the one sitting on the couch has to bit her lips not to scream all the anguish, growing in her.

The mistress took out then two ankle cuffs that locked on Patricia’s ankles, and finally she picked up a leather hood.

This one had only holes for mouth and nostrils, as she put it on her head, Patricia was plunged in darkness. Unable to talk and unable to see.

In the end, a padlock was closed to keep the hood in place, then Patricia was ordered to knee on the ground.

On the tv set, she looks at her self going down unsteadly, first with one leg, then the other. Once down, the Mistress produced another padlock with which connected a ring sewn in the tip of the armbinder with Both the ankle cuffs.

The Patricia in the room was then stuck and now, the one on the couch watches while the Mistress filled her briefcase with all her clothes, shoes, chatity bell and took everything with her, leaving the room.

Patricia remembers how naked and exposed she felt there, alone, hogtied on the floor of an hotel room. Under the steel of the belt, she can now just imagine how moist is her pussy.

She forces herself not to touch the remote control, she has not too fast forward anything, that is not the point. And, on the couch, she starts to caress her breasts, finger circles the nipples to make them hard as stone. Meanwhile, in the video, she was tugging at her restraints to verify how stringent was her prediction.

And stringent it was, since she could barely move.

In the dark of her bondage, she could feel her horniness rising, she was just wanting to touch what was not allowed to her, but the armbinder made the job of keeping her arms out of the way a very successful enterprise.

After a while the room door opened, and a blond girl entered the area under the camera.

Now it’s the first time that Patricia can see her girl.

She was wearing a trenchcoat, reaching her ankles, had some black shoes with heels. Following sounds muffled by the hood, the Patricia on the tv tried to understand what was happening around her, but the girl, that had been instructed not to talk, opened the trench and she was totally naked under that.

She was an amazonian, big breasts, legs full of muscles.

She rcorresponds that while she was struggling to hear anything, suddenly she felt some hands gripping her head and pushing her open mouth towards an already wet pussy. The command had not even to be issued. She had to lick.

Forcing her tongue thru the ring gag, she started to eat the girl’s shamen cunt. First the outer labias then down in the deep.

She was putting all her energy in that when the girl pushed her face away, letting her slump on the pavement.

On the screen, she sees that the girl was adjusting a huge plastic cock on a harness.

Oh boy, that was huge, thank God, I did not see it.

The girl then knelt over Patricia and pushed tip of the thing near her mouth.

Dutifully, the bound figure started again to lick, this time attending to the rubber cock. The ring in her mouth was large enough that the dildo could be shoved thru to the back of the mouth and the blond amazon proceeded to do so, with swift and strong movements.

When she took it out, it was glistening from saliva and, after manouvering the bound girl on the floor, started to push the rubber intruder in her vagina.

In the video, Patricia could see herself screaming with pain and joy, when the first orgasm Shook her.

There she was, totally at the mercy of a stranger, bound and without no means of defending herself.

As the girl pumped up and down, she croouched to squeeze her nipples, Still keeping the rhythm.

The sharp pain just added to the orgasm.

Patricia spreads on the couch as if she was ravaged by the blonde once again, her back arches and her pelvis buckles as if she has something in there pumping her to another climax.

The brain is a very powerful thing, it’s the ultimate virtual reality, With the sheer force of imagination someone can feel again, with the same magnitude, something she felt in the past, even years away.

Go figure the marvels it does with something that has happened just hours ago.

On the tv screen, the blondie had finished with Patricia’s vagina. The phallus was dripping with fluids. Taking hold of her knees she forced the bound woman to stay face down on the floor, then wetting two fingers on the now dripping sex, started to massage the anus.

Under the hood, Patricia tried to tell no, but the blond is a professional. She lubricated with a lot of vaginal fluid then forced the tip of the cock on the rosebud of her rear passage.

She felt again raped, she was not a virgin from that entrance, but it has been awhile since the last time. Caught totally in surprise, she remembers she was panicking, trying to close her legs while the other was keeping her knees well apart, by force.

She can feel right here on the couch, what it is to feel something forced up her ass, first the tip, then the assault of the thing filling her past the spincter, Then she feels again the pumping, the fullness. She felt stuffed with it, unable to crawl away, unable to get it out.

Andapart for the dull pain and disappoint, she felt horny as hell, as the second wave of orgasms hit her like a rock. From the tv set, she can hear muffled sounds from herself in the throngs of pleasure. She watches as the blond took the dildo out of her ass, moving her with the back on floor. There is a trickle of saliva coming from her ringed mouth. Then, after taking off her harness, she moved herself over Patricia, her pussy right over her face. Finally, she started to lick the bound woman pleasure spot, keeping it apart with both hands.

On cue, Patricia started to do the same, obviously without the hands.

Both of them were building yet another crescendo. She remembers that she barely had the breath to wail her pleasure, so engrossed she was in the other girl’s pussy.

Now, she stars down at her vagina and all she can see is the metal of the chatity belt, there is no point in even trying, she knows that. She bought the cadillac of chatity belts: totally secure, totallly undetectable under street clothes. Her sex, for yet another month, is under lock and key.

Out of sight, out of mind.

On the video, Patricia reached another orgasm, and after a while, the blond stood up from her still writing form, and left her there on the floor. She had no key, so she could not open the restraints, she just picked up her coat, her dildo and went out from the camera view.

A door is heard opening, then closing.

The bound figure on the floor was still breathing heavily, Patricia could see her chest heaving up and down. She remembers she was trying to move but to no avail.

After a while, the door was opened again and the Mistress with her briefcase returned in the room, she took a wet clothes and she started to clean the bound body, Patricia remembers how good it was to be caresed gently after the ravage of stimulations that she got from the blondie.

After cleaning, the first thing to appear was the chatity belt, as the Mistressput it back on the bound Patricia, she let go some moans of pure frustration.

Then the padlock connecting ankles to armbinder was opened, and the Mistress took also the padlock closing the armbinder.

The last thing to go was the hood., followed by the ring gag.

During all of this, Patricia stood on the floor, completely spent, meanwhile the Mistress was collecting all her restraints, leaving her bag and her clothes on a chair. Finally she left the room.

For the next ten minutes, Patricia on the tv could be seen recovering from her ordeal, finally she stood up and left the room to the bathroom to take a shower.

The water mass did wonders to her muscles, in the arms above all. Patricia likes the tight embrace of the armbinder, but after a while it gets taxing on arms and shoulders.

The blonde was good, she gave pleasure and pain in the right ratio. She has to talk to Mistress to confirm her for the next time.

When she left the bathroom, the videocamera was gone. She knew that in another part of the building someone was burning her session on a DVD.

She took her time to dress up. First hosts, skirt, blouse, finally the jacket, she usually do not wear make up but a little colour on her cheeks was going to be just fine.

As she left the room, passing thru the hotel, she tried to not make eye contact with other people on the lift, she replaced her composure back by the time she was strolling in the lobby.

As she came to the counter, she told the concierge her room number and asked if there were some messages for her and if he could call a cab for her.

In return she received a DVD case and told her the cab would be here in a couple of minutes.

On the couch she is still moving her pelvis up and down, as the tv screen turns black once again. Patricia is panting from the Exertion, she finally discards the blouse on the couch and goes to bed, exhausted from all the orgasms, well knowing that any satisfactionion will be denied for the next month.

From tomorrow morning the “ice bitch” is back and the target is one step up in the “food chain”.


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