The Price of Love Ch. 01

The following chapters have been edited by Woodsman’s game and Curtis. I thank them both for their time, effort, and kindness.

Chapter One – Elise

Layla’s Leatherwear – it stocked nothing but leather – clothing, boots, chaps, whips and more. If you wanted it, and it was made of hide, Layla’s was the place to go. Although expensive, the store always did good business.

Elise loved to go there. She loved the smell of the leather, the feel of it, and even the sound it made when it slapped against her bare skin when she wore it. She inhaled the sweet smell and screamed. As she ran her fingers over the smooth garments, a little black skirt studied with metal rivets, and obviously very short caught her attention. She closed her eyes for a moment and imagined herself wearing it. How she would be stared at with such lust. How it would be so disgustingly short it would barely cover her sweet little bottom and show off her lovely legs. How men would wolf whistle and women win suggestively. She wanted it. She glanced down at the price tag. “Forget it,” she told herself, “it’s far more than you can possibly afford.” Having been out of work for more than two weeks, and wondering how she would pay her next week’s rent, little luxury like this were simply out of the question. She pulled it from the rack and held it up against her hips, turning this way and that to study her reflection in the neary mirror – and she knew she had to have it regardless!

On this particular day it was quieter than usual. Kitty, the sales assistant, wasn’t anywhere to be seen, and two other people, a man and a woman, were the only other customers. The security guard appeared to be distracted by them as they flirted and teased each other. The man held a pair of black leather Trousers; the crotch was completely missing and a short strap with a metal large metal ring hung from the front. The woman pouted as she ran her finger around the inside of the ring and told him, “I don’t think this is going to be big enough for you.”

They laughed.

“Not once you get hold of me!”

They laughed more.

“I want you to try them on.”

Together, they disappeared into a changing cubicle. The door closed and Elise heard a shrink feminine cry, followed by giggling and knocking. Normally, she would have moved closer while pretending to browser; she often enjoyed listening to the couples when they disappeared like that. Today, however, she had something more pressing on her on her mind.

She looked over at the security guard. He glanced unexpectedly around before sidling over to the changing cubicles. She needed to do it now. It would be risky, but she could do it. For several moments she stood there, looking down and pretending to check the price tags, then she dropped her bag off her shoulder and gently pushed the garment inside. It was so small that it fitted inside easily. There, it had been so damned easy! She began to walk away.

“Stop right there, sweetheart.”

She frozen then gasped as a firm hand gripped her shoulder. She spun around to see a tall man in his early forties, with a slight paunch, beady eyes and greasy receiving hair, wearing a dark blue uniform and a lecherous grin. Previously, Elise hadn’t particularly liked the look of the security guard; now she certainly didn’t!

She managed a weak smile, Then asked innocently: “Is there some kind of problem here?”

“Damned right there is. I saw what you just did.”

Elise let out a breathy little sight. “Oh, you saw what?”

“I saw you shove that skirt in your bag.”

“Oh?” She smiled again. “Now, how can you be so sure?” Feeling a little more relaxed now after the initial surprise, she looked straight ahead at this chest and began fiddling with the buttons on his shirt, fingering them playfully.

That hadn’t been the reaction he had expected, he hesitated unsure of what to do next, then grinned down at her. “So, you liketo play, do you?”

“I might. I might even like to give you a little private viewing of me wearing the silly little skirt that all this fuss is about,” she replied, moving a little closer while trying to ignore the smell of body odor and stale cigarettes emitting from him.

“You know, I think perhaps we might be able to come to some kind of arrangement here,” he told her. “Yes, indeedy!”

Placing her hand over her mouth to hide a little grin, she thought smuggly: “Some times it’s just too damned easy. Oh, you’re so damned good, Elise, you really are!”

He ushered her into an office at the back of the store. Elise had expected they would be alone in there, instead they were confronted by an attractive woman sitting behind a large wooden desk. She noted a small brass name plaque with the name ‘Ms. Layla Starr’ engraved on it. “So this was the lovely Layla,” she thought. How many rumours and kinky stories had she heard about this woman, and yet, sitting there flawlessly groomed and in a crisp white blouse, she actually looked quite business-like.

As the two entered, Layla looked up and began studying the girl’s features. The sweet face would surely have had a rather innocent appeal if not for the scarlet red lipstick so carefully smudged over the mouth, and the clear sapphire eyes spoiled with overly dark shadow. However, the clothes were what really told Layla everything she needed to know. The tight red skirt had ridden up and now pulled across the girl’s hips, and the black top, clinging and stretching over her breasts and nipples, revealed that she obviously didn’t wear a bra. “The cheap clothes of a whore,” Layla noted silently to herself. She leaned back in her chair and in a nonchalant manner inquired: “Well?”

“I caught this one trying to steal, Mistress Layla,” the security guard announced, adding, “she almost got away with it too, but not with old Marty, here, on the job. “

Elise swung around and glared at him. “What doesthe fool think he’s up to?” she asked herself, while frantically trying to think of another plan.

“Is that so? Well, what am I to do with such a naughty little girl, Martin?” As Layla stood up, and moved around to the front of the desk, Elise couldn’t help silently swooning at the tight, black, leather skirt hurt so well by this intriguing woman with the cascading dark hair and mysterious cat-like green eyes. Tall and slim, with long legs accentuated by high-heeled shoes, anyone, male or female, would have to have seen that Layla was all woman.

“I could think of many things, Ma’am,” the security guard told her with a smile.

“Yes, what ever happened to the last one we had to report, Martin?”

“Last I heard she was still in that women’s prison just outside of town. A friend of mine told me she’s sorry now, real sorry, just like this one is going to be.”

“Now then, Martin, let’s not be so hasty. We really should give the girl a chance to explain,” Layla smiled, leaning forward to gently brush Elise’s curls back from her face and take a closer look.

“It’s all a mistake!” Elise protested.

Layla looked her up and down, “Well of course it is, dear. I understand. I really do.” Then her expression changed. She pursued her lips and continued. “Now understand this: I don’t want to report you to the police – I really don’t. If I do, you will be locked up for a long time, just like Martin here said. You know Martin used to work at a woman’s jail.” Layla sent. “Oh dear, the stories he could tell you; dreadful, simply dreadful.”

Martin grinned.

“Yes, I know all about you. Only this time, my sweet little pet, you’re not going to talk your way out of it quite so easily.”

What did this woman know about her? It wasn’t important. Elise needed to get out of there. Yes, she would use the same little trick she had used time and time before. She began to cry. Sad, soft, little sobs at first that made her whole body jerk with eachgasp. Then, burying her face in her quivering hands, she stopped over, and let the tears flow freely. “Please, it was all a mistake! I’ve never done anything like this before! I don’t know what came over me. Please don’t report me. Please!” she begged, stopping only briefly to glance up and see if her little performance was having the desired effect.

Was it really her fault she had to have nice things? It had been the same ever since she was a little girl. She would see something she wanted; she would have to have it, and so she would take it. Of course, there were many occasions when she had been caught. She would beg and plead. Her soft brown curls would fall down over her sweet face, and tears would well up in her big blue eyes. She would cry, promise never to do it again, and all would be forgiven. Since then she had grown up into a lovely looking young woman; nothing else, however, had changed.

The truth was, Layla knew nothing of her or the cunning little games she so often played, but she knew Elise’s kind. Pretty little things who planned and planned, who were conniving and conceited, and believed they could get away with anything with anyone. What sweet little fools they were.

Layla moved closer and slipped an arm around the girl’s shoulders. “Now then, there’s no need to cry. I’m sure we can come to some kind of arrangement here,” she explained, pulling Elise closer to comfort her, letting the side of the girl’s face rest against her breasts. Wet tears began to mark the fine fabric of Layla’s bouse, making little transparent patches and revealing parts of her lacey bra.

The security guard grinned and ogled the two women, licking his lips and staring unashamedly, as if by blinking he might miss some sales little detail.

“But, I have no money, and I’ve been unemployed for the last two weeks.”

Layla smiled. Those were the words she liked to hear. Releasing Elise, then standing up, she told her, “No money?

Oh, yousilly little thing you, who said anything about money?” Then, turning to Martin, added. “Leave us.”

He made an audible sight, shook his head and shuffled out of the room.

“Please sit down. I’m Layla Starr. You may call me… well, we can sort that out later. And you are?”

“Elise; my name’s Elise, Ma’am.”

“Well, Elise, you know it just so happens I’m looking for someone…” she hesitated for a moment before continuing, “…a personal assistant. No, not at the shop here, at my home. It’s not difficult work at all, really. In fact, I’m sure it would suit a pretty little girl like you. The pay is good, in fact, you’ll find that I can be a very generous, to those who please me.” Layla smiled as she sat on the edge of Her desk then, leaning over and placing her hand on Elise’s knee, she added in a whispered tone, “You do understand what I am saying, don’t you?”

“Oh, yes, I understand completely. Thank you so much.”

Elise wiped her face with back of her hand while nodding and trying not to grin. “I did it again!” she told herself triumphantly. “Working for Layla will be so easy. Obviously, what I’ve heard is true, she’s got a thing for women – well isn’t that just going to be a sweet bonus. Why, if I please her, she may even give me that skirt! Sure, she will. Oh, she seems so nice. Yes, I can use that to my advantage too.”

Layla slowly pushed her fingers between Elise’s legs, gently rubbing them up and down the inside of her thighs before pulling away. “Of course, it will be a live-in position. I have a very large house. You can have your own room.”

As Layla explained the details, Elise liked the sound of it more and more.

“Can you move in tomorrow?”

“Yes, of course.”

The following day, Elise packed her bags.

Chapter 2 – Elise’s New Home.

As she sat in the back of the taxi, she felt excited about her new position. “You’ll have your own room, and my maid will take care of all your personal needs”, she had been told. A maid! “Please bring only your essentials,” Layla also told her, with a disdainful look at her wound cotton skirt and blouse. “I will take care of your wardrobe and anything else you need.” New clothes! And maybe some leatherwear too!

“Isn’t it funny how quickly things can turn around,” she mused, gazing out of the window. They were on an open road Now, quite a way out of town and driving through a lush rural area. When the taxi eventually turned off the main road, Elise was astonished by what she saw. At the end of the long driveway was a house, more like a mansion, made of stone rather than bricks, with a huge wooden door at the front covered by a portico held up by tall white pillars. On either side rose bushes bloomed with scarlet flowers.

“Are you certain this is the right address?” she questioned the driver.

“Yes, Miss. I’m quite sure.”

Elise grinned and almost giggled with delight. She paid him, then grabbing her bags, slipped out ofthe car. “Keep the change!” she called over her shoulder before hurrying up to the front door. She lifted the doorknocker and hit it down a couple of times then waited. Her heart raced as she began to imagine what might be inside. How many rooms were there? What would her room look like? Was there a billion room? A ballroom? “Daddy always called me his little princess, and now I’m going to be living like one,” she thought.

The creaking of the door opening interrupted her reminiscing. A tall black woman with short-cropped hair and dressed in a maid’s uniform looked her up and down. “You must be the new girl. Nice, very nice,” she smiled before standing to one side and allowing Elise to enter.

“Yes, that’s right, I’m Elise Madison. I’m the new personal assistant to the mistress of this house house,” she replied, and this woman with the smug attitude had better not forget it or the fact that she was just the maid!

“My name is Rose Redpepper; you may call me Rose. Yourroom is upstairs. Please follow me, Miss Elise.”

A Rose by any other name could not have looked more hard-faced. It was difficult to estimate her age – certainly over thirty. Although not a heavy woman, Elise couldn’t help but notice her firm muscle arms. “She’s got a slave’s build,” Elise thought condescendingly. “She should have been born in the nineteenth century and been put out to work in the cotton fields.”

The marbled hallway was spatial and bare but for a small table with a large arrangement of fresh flowers set in the middle. To one side, Elise noted a sitting room. Several other doors also led off from this area; however, they were all closed. A wide and ornate wooden staircase opposite the front door was carpeted down the center with a plus red pile.

Rose lead Elise up to her room without another word or an offer to carry her bags. Elise made a mental note that she would definitely have to set some ground rules with this woman, but for now she was justsimply too excited to care.

“This will be your room, Miss Elise. Mistress Layla thought you would enjoy the view from the balcony over the gardens.”

Elise blinked. The room was almost as big as the entire flat she had been renting in town. The walls were painted a soft cream and matched the lovely satin pillows and covers on the four poster bed. A large dressing table dominated another wall, and a few other pieces of furniture had been placed around the room: a velvet upholstered chair with matching footstool and a small table, again adorned by a vase of fresh flowers. On the opposite side from the bed, through an open door, next to a large wardrobe, Elise glimpsed the shiny cream-colored tiles of a bathroom. Her very own ‘ensuite’!

Unable to contain her excitement any longer, she dropped her bags and ran over to bed, throwing herself on it and letting out a loud squeal of delight as she kicked her legs.

“I see you approve of your room, Miss Elise,” Rose observed without the slightest sign of emotion. “Mistress Layla will be home in a couple of hours. You will need to bathe and be ready for her. You will find everything you need in your bathroom.” And with that, she turned and left.

For several minutes Elise just lay on the bed grinning. Certainly she was aware of what her new position would almost certainly entail – sex, sex with Layla. “Little Elise is going to be paid to have sex with lovely Layla Starr,” she said out loud and then laughed. She liked the sound of that. “Little Elise is going to be paid to have sex with lovely Layla Starr…” She softly chanted it over and over again, then rolling off then bed, she floated into the bathroom to begin preparing, pouring copious quantities of the expensive bath oil into the water.

She undressed and stood in front of the full-length mirror, cupping her breasts, examining every delicate curve of her sweet young body before gently rubbing her pink nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. Within a very short time, she felt herself becoming aroused. Elise pouted at her image in the mirror then blew herself a kiss. “You’re such a hot little bitch; you know that, don’t you?” She walked over to the bath and gingerly tested the temperature with her big toe before stepping into the warm water. Once her whole body had been immersed, she closed her eyes and let one hand slip down between her thighs. She moaned and gently rubbed her middle and index fingers over either side of her throbbing clip. Then, spreading her legs a little wider, she gasped and plunged one inside her throbbing pussy.

“How are you doing there, Miss Elise?”

Startled, Elise immediately opened her eyes and looked up to see Rose standing next to the bath, licking her full lips and peering down. With her hands on her hips and her legs spread wide, Rose seemed some how even taller than she actually was. Elise glared up at her.

Placing one hand across her bare breasts, she immediately pulled her hand from between her thighs and drew her legs up to her chest. “Do you mind! I would much prefer you didn’t disturb me while I am bathing!”

Rose pouted and gave her a look of mock disappointment, then retired without replying.

Elise felt frustrated and embarrassed, and having now lost the urge to satisfy herself, sat up and climbed out of the bath. She dried herself off with a big fluffy towel then walked back into the bedroom. Her bags were gone. She walked over to the wardrobe and looked inside; it was empty. The drawers too contained absolutely nothing. She hurried back to the bathroom but soon realized the clothes she had just taken off were gone also.

“Rose? Rose? Where are my things?” she began shouting as she moved towards the door. She grasped the knob, but it was locked. “Rose!” she shouted again, beating her fist on the door. “Open this damned door!”

She stopped to listen and heard footsteps outside, followed by the closing of the lock. The door began to open; however, Elise quickly stopped it, leaving just enough of a gap to speak through. “Where are my things? I want them now!” she demanded.

Rose stood there for a moment then, placing her large hand on the door, pushed it wide open, forcing her way inside past Elise. She walked directly over to the dresser and picked up a large wooden hairbrush.

Elise stormed over behind her, “What do you think you’re doing? Put that damned thing down and go and find me something to wear!”

Rose looked up and smiled at her own reflection in the mirror then turned around and grabbed hold of Elise’s arm, dragging her over to the bed. She sat down and pulled the naked girl across her lap. Elise struggled and fought to free herself; however, the larger and older woman’s strength overpowered her completely as she rested one arm firmly across her back and shoulders. Rose held her there in that position while she admired Elise’s smooth white bottom; then, she raised the brush and brought it down on the soft sweet flesh. The shock of being slapped and the sudden burning sing made Elise jerk and cry out, but before she had a chance to protest or attempt to squirm free again, another stinging blow seated her tender skin. Again and again, Rose struck her little victim until her pretty and pert cheeks were covered with angry red welts. Tears now flowed freely down Elise’s face.


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