He had just lit the last candle when the buzzer rang. He looked around the room and was glad that he had taken the time to make sure it was perfect. The woman he expected had been a referral, not one of his regulars. It was important to make a good first impression. He was nothing if not prideful about his work. Fastidious even. The buzzer rang one more time before he pressed the intercom. “Yes?” he asked, Always careful about who entered his domain. It wouldn’t do to buzz in another one of those Girl Scout cookie girls. His duplex was not exactly child friendly. “I hope I’m not late, I had the hardest time finding the place,” a woman’s voice said with a slightly exasperated tone.
“Don’t worry. You’re actually right on time. I’ll buzz you in.”
When he opened the door he found a tall bronzed brunette, her soft wavy hair drawn over her exposed shoulders. He thought for a moment about how much he loved Miami; always summer, always plenty of skin. The tube top she wore wasexactly the kind you see on all the other women her age. It featured her pert orange shaped breasts just perfectly. [Florida oranges,] the thought passed through his head with a smile. “Thanks for seeing me on such short notice,” she said once inside and placed her rather large designer bag on the table in the hall.
“No problem. I was intrigued when I heard you were coming.” She was gorgeous and indeed worth the last minute change in plans he had to make. Dinner could always be turned into desert with a simple call.
“Yes I guess you would be. It’s not every day you come across someone with my condition,” she said and ran her eyes around the room. It was clean, sterile almost, save for the very dirty, yet artistic nude photos on the walls. She crinkled her nose at them momentarily, and shrugged her Shoulders. “I’m still getting used to the whole Miami Beach vibe. I only moved here two weeks ago.” She rubbed the goose bumps on her arms. “But, I knew that I had to find someone here that could help me.”
“You were referred to me by who again?” he asked offering her a seat on the leather sofa. Clearly she needed sometimes to break the ice before they got started.
“Jenny told me about you.”
[Jenny, Jenny?] So many had passed through those doors. He couldn’t place the name. The air conditioning was on full blast and he took notice of her large nipples poking out of the cotton fabric wrapped around her. “Well, she said that you’re a miracle worker,” she smiled with red stained lips. He considered having those lips wrapped around his cock. [In due time.]
“I try my best,” he answered humbly. It was always good to play it soft and sweet with these nervous types. “Are you cold?” he asked when she rubbed her arms again.
“A little.”
He switched off the air with the remote and opened the sliding glass door to the deck instead.
“I love the sound of the ocean,” she said as the waves rolled against the shore just outside. “It always relaxes me. If only I could figure out how to relax when I’m having intercourse.”
[Intercourse? Who calls it that?] he thought, mindlessly struggling his goatee and waiting to hear more.
“Doc, I have to know. Do you think you can help me?”
[Doc?] He was confused, momentarily; until it became clear to him that she had mistakenly buzzed his place instead of his psychiatrist neighbor. He had always mused about the irony of his dungeon being located next to a shrink and he just couldn’t help the devilish grin creeping over that goatee. It was about to get even more ironic.
His smile softened on cue as he reassured her. “Sure I can. I promise, you’ll be a whole ‘nother person by the time we’re finished with our first session.” He licked his lips in thought and grabbed a pad. “Now, I would say that you have some trust issues.”
“Yes, it’s hard for me to trust anybody I go to bed with,” she leaned back on the sofa, getting more comfortable.
“Are you able to get aroused?”
“Oh yes, absolutely. I get so turned on that I want to scream.”
[You’ll be screaming all right.]
“It’s just that I get so uptight when it actually comes time to do it. I feel like a freak.”
[You have no idea what a freak is, but you will … you will] “You condition is not so unusual you know. I specialize in a unique treatment for this problem.”
She leaned forward, “Yes, tell me. I feel like I have tried everything.”
“I don’t think you have tried this, and it could mean a breakthrough for you.” He moved closer to her. “It involves a tactile approach. You first need to become comfortable with being touched.” He brushed her hair away from her cheek. “Next we will work on developing your ability to overcome your fears. I am very good at that.” When she shook her head in doubt he added, “You’ll see how proud of yourself you’re going to be when you conquer your demonstrations.”
“I put myself in your hands, Doc,” she said finally, extendinghers.
He took it and led her into the back room where he keeps the tools of his trade. Once inside the candle lit room, he closed the door behind them. The walls were padded with cream vinyl panels and the floor was a shiny lacquered black. On the far wall was a table and a rack containing an organized association of whips, paddles and restrains. In the center hung a swing-like contraction that she had never seen before.
“Does this room make you feel uncomfortable?” he asked.
“Kind of.”
“It’s supposed to. You should feel a little frightened at the mystery of it all. The unknown. The same way you feel when you are about to … have intercourse.”
“Yes, that’s it. It makes me feel like that.” She was shivering again in the air conditioning of the windowless room.
“Put this mask on, it will help you have the outer body experience you need to face your fears. You will be able to remove yourself, mentally and experience our session like you are not the frvitened young woman who stands before me.” He handed her a leather mask with a large cut out for her mouth and nose but none for her eyes. She hesitated a little, but took it anyway, reassure again by his warm smile. It zippered from behind and he came round to assist her with closing it. In a flash, he produced a small silver pad lock and fastened it closed. She reached behind her to feel for it.
“What is this?” she asked, her voice strained in appreciation.
“Remember, you need to trust,” he said, moving back to her front. He stepped closer to her now, his mouth only inches from hers. He could feel her breath, hot on his lips in the cool air. It became shorter as she sensed his close presence. “Now relax, take a deep breath.” She did and he watched her chest heaven forward. “Again, slowly now. Take a nice deep breath.” This time as she did, he ran his open palms across her nipples, rock hard from the chill in the air. She recoiled in surprise and he grabbed her suddenly back into his embrace. She gasped and he placed his tongue into her open mouth. His hands were inside the back of her top now and he slip the fabric from her torso. Her tongue, frozen at first meeting began to play nicely with his, twirling with fluid gyrations. He still appreciated the simple magic of a kiss, even after all these years.
His mouth not leaving hers, he pressed her gently to the wall behind them. The vinyl was cold on her bare back and she arched forward in response. Expertly, with a clean, quick motion he placed both of her arms in the restraints mounted above her.
“How is the frightened little bird feeling now?” he asked.
“Terrified,” she said, trembling.
“But?” he countered
“But, I have to know what’s going to happen next,” she admitted. She was straining a bit in her bindings, having have strung up onto her tip toes. He let his mouth wander down her neck and find its way to her collar bone. She groaned as he slipped his hand between her thighs, pulling up her skirt and dipping into her panties. He was not surprised to see that she was already wet, and pressed his sticky fingers to her lips for her to taste.
“You see, your body knows what it wants,” he said and sucked the rest of her nectar from his fingers.
“Mmmm,” she moaned when he returned his hand to duty inside her panties. She was struggling to keep her balance as he slide them inside her sopping cunt, causing her knees to go weak. He left her then, only for a moment to retrieve a stool from the corner of the room. It was steel with wheels, much like the kind you find in an examination room. This notion ticked him a bit as he continued to play doctor.
“I’ll want to get a good understanding of just how hard it is for you to have an orgasm,” he said. Sitting in front of her, he dragged her legs over his shoulders and gripped her ass, allowing her pussy to remain suspended at his mouth. She dangled there, her arms stretched above her and her maskedhead thrown back in primary ecstasy while his tongue massed her clipit. Her legs tensed around his head and he dug his fingers deep into the flesh of her ass. She was creaming faster than he could lap it up and her juices trailed into his goatee, sure to linger well after he was finished. He loved that and always saved the aroma for a while before cleaning up. She was a screamer all right, hollering at the top of her lungs as he Intensified his maneuvers on the spot he found at the base of her entry. He knew it was coming soon, the orgasm that had elded her for so long. It may have been her first, but it wouldn’t be her last … that night.
He could feel her pussy start to spasm and quiver. Her clip was rock hard and he sucked it between his lips and stroked it with the tip of his tongue, enough to send her over the edge. A guttural wail filled the room and her whole body stiffened as she flooded his mouth with a shot powerful enough to take him off guard. He lifted his head but quickly inserted his longest finger, pressing on her g-spot. She squirted again, releasing a drenching stream all over his face. Limp now, she was panting, out of breath, when the door buzzer rang … again.
Climbing out from under her, he left her hanging on the wall while he went to the other room to answer the intercom. “Yes?” he asked, already knowing who it must be.
“Hi, I’m sorry to be late Master,” a sultry voice said.
“Come up, get undressed and proceeded down the back hall. You have work to do,” he said simply and left the door unlocked. Upon his return to the dungeon, he found the girl feverishly trying to wriggle out of her bindings. He decided to leave her to try, knowing that she would not be unsuccessful. Instead he took the opportunity to remove his clothes, and stroke himself a few times while watching her.
Soon he was interrupted by a loud clacking coming closer down the hall. His new pet had followed directions well and was naked except for hersiletto platform heels. He ordered her to her knees immediately and swiftly placed a collar around her neck. He shoved his cock into her mouth and wrapped her long black hair around his fist. Holding her head completely still, he slide his cock slowly in and out of the soft wetness of her mouth. After aquatinting himself with her well enough, he attached a leash and led her over to his other captive.
“How are you doing dear?” he asked her.
“I want to get down, my arms are killing me,” she complained.
“Certainly,” he said loosening the buckles. She dropped to the floor. “You are ready for your next exercise.”
“No, I’m not. All of this is too much,” she whimpered.
“Yes you are, my arms are killing me,” she complained.
“Certainly,” he said loosening the buckles. She dropped to the floor. “You are ready for your next exercise.”
“No, I’m not. All of this is too much,” she whimpered.
“Yes you are, my arms are killing me,” she complained.
“Certainly,” he said loosening the buckles. She dropped to the floor. “You are ready for your next exercise.”
“No, I’m not. All of this is too much,” she whimpered.
“Yes you are, my arms are killing me,” she complained.
“Certainly,” he said loosening the buckles. She dropped to the floor. “You are ready for your next exercise.” Then on her breasts. She jumped at the unexpected touch. “Pet, bring her over to the swing.” The hands helped her to her feet and led her partially clothed body to the contraction she noticed earlierr.
She could hear him give some further instructions to the woman he called Pet, but could not make them out. Though, she shortly came to understand. Pet now donned a shinny black dildo and sat down in the swing before pulling the young woman onto her lap. He stepped in front of them and inserted the black cock into her ass while Pet held the girl’s legs aloft allowing it to slip in easy. Just when she thought that was All she could take, he pressed his own cock into her still dripping pussy. They alternate strokes inside her while she began to scream again in a combination of pain and pleasure, her open mouth visible alone in the leather mask. Soon, she had become more relaxed her screams became moans as she struggled to spread her legs further apart to allow deeper penetration. Her pussy sucked on his cock and he could feel the ever hard dildo in her ass. A lesser man would have cum after just a few passes from such an erotic arrangement. But he did not earn his reputation by being average.
Instead, she came again, shuddering hard and expelling his cock with her inner muscles. No rest for the wear, he snatched both of them up and led them to the table beneath the rack of whips and paddles. He told Pet to assume the position over the table and she knowingly bent over and laid her torso on top of it. He selected a paddle from the wall and placed it in the young woman’s hand.
“Now, that you have faced your fears, it’s time to take charge and become the confident woman you are meant to be.” He squared himself up behind her and said in a stern voice, “Give it to her.”
“What?” she said, seeming confused. He rubbed his dick on her opening, making her prop up her ass reflexively.
“Hit her!” he yelled and as she smoked the paddle against Pet’s round ass he drove his dick deep into her from behind. Each of the women let out a cry. “Again!” he shouted. And again he fucked her deep as she walled Pet’s cheese. The young woman soon needed noFurther prompting and ruefully spanked Pet in time with his hard strokes. By the time he was finally ready to release his seed, her ass was a cherry shade and her voice was horse. He decided to make an earlier premonition a reality and spun the young woman around, placing his throbbing cock into her red stained mouth. He leaked a silky stream down her throat, watching in enjoyment as his dick disappeared into the only hole of the mask.
When he had rid himself of the last drop, he took the key from around his neck and unlocked the mask, removing it and fluffing up her matted hair. “Now then, I think you are cured,” he said.
“Yes,” she agreed breathlessly, “I think I am. Thank you, thank you both.”
“No, thank you!” said Pet. “I would have gotten here sooner if I hadn’t fucked that psychiatrist next door by accident.”
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