The Present

The Present

Presents don’t have to cost much to buy, but some presents you never stop paying for

I suppose I’m a bit of a sad sack. I’m hopeless with women. I stutter, badly. I’m nearly 30 and I’m still a virgin. I don’t do the lad thing either. Football bores the arse off me. I live alone and I’ve no mates since I moved down south to look for work.

I’ve just lost my job. I was actually good at that, so good I showed the wanker who was my boss up badly. He got rid of me because he knew sooner or later the bloke who owned the firm would realize the truth and sack him.

I’d got fifty quid left in my wallet. There was still no sign of the dole cheque falling through my letterbox, so I decided to go to my local pub and quietly get very, very pissed.

Half an hour later I walked into the best end of my local Boozer. Best end in this case is a relative term. It was empty and beer cost twopence a pint more in here but there was always a rowdy crowd in the otherside, and I didn’t want my social inadequacy rubbing in my face.

I nearly walked up the road to an even seedier pub when I saw the new barmaid. A man like me could get lost in that cleavage for weeks. She looked like my idea of ​​heaven on earth.

“P p p pint of bit bit bit bit bit,” I stammered.

She pulled the handle of the beer pump into the valley of her boobs. She turned at me and for a second or two I had the vivid illusion it was my cock she was holding against her impressive breasts. On the second pull I saw my cock in her hand again, this time she slide her hand up and down my shake. I nearly came in my pants.

“Oh dear, I need to be careful. Mustn’t give you too much, too quick. Is that everything sweetie or do you want to buy one for little me?”

“O o OK,” I managed.

“Just an orange juice. What’s your name?”

“K K Kev.” I hate Kev, but I hate stuttering out Kelvin even more. “You’re nice. I like you. Be careful, I may just swallow you

whole, but only if you want me to. I do hope you haven’t got plans, because I think I’m going to take you home so I can have you for supplier.”

What was wrong with this woman. She is one of Rubén’s three graces. I’m pig ugly, she is beautiful. I’m a stuttering dull nincompoop. She is bright and witty and my god those boobs. She may be a bit on the big side, probably a 16 or maybe even an 18-dress size but gorgeous with it. I do love the look of a big girl.

Well at least I haven’t got a hump. This was an absolute beauty of a big girl. All my vast collection of wanking photos is of leather clad Dominant BBWs.

“Y y y you c can er I er I’d la la love.”

“Stop.” she said. She leaned forward, took my arm in her hand and said in a quiet but firm voice, “Stop stuttering.”

“I can’t. I’ve always stuttered.”

She smiled at me.

“Er, I’d like to buy you whatever you want.”

“Buy me one of the roses on the bar, then.”

I was amazed. I’d never put thatMany words together in my life, never mind when confronted with my idea of ​​the perfect woman.

“What happened to my stutter?”

“I took it away,” she said with a big smile.


“I’m a witch,” she said. “I’m the Purple Witch.”

I was gobsmacked. “Are you a good witch?” I asked.

“No no no. I’m a very, very bad witch.”

Oh god, that dirty, rude wink again. Another one of those and I would be cumming in my pants.

“I’m going to take you home with me and show you how bad I can be.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“It doesn’t matter what you say. You belong to me now.

You are mine, you can’t resist me.”

“How? Why?”

“Ohh you poor little boy, don’t you know if you buy a witch a gift you give yourself? If she accepts it, she accepts you as well. Just like this rose, you are mine now, little boy, all mine.”

“I didn’t know that. I didn’t know you were a witch. I didn’t know there were real witches.”

“Well, Kelvin,There are. I’m one, and you, my sweet, belong to me. Now, come with me. I want to play with my new toy. Oh, I’d better not forget my rose. If I did, you could get away.”

“If it will help, I can just about afford to buy you six more.”

“That’s sweet of you, but this one will do. I’m going to keep it forever.”

I followed her into the ladies’ toilet. “I can’t go in here,” I said

“Don’t be silly. You’re mine now. I can take you anywhere. Besides we won’t be here long. Quickly, Kelvin, kiss me!”

I did. The room spun. There were bright flashing lights and then we were in a very S/M flavoured bedroom.

“Where is your wand?”

“The only wand I need is in your pants, silly boy.”

“Where are we?”

“This is my home. It’s yours, too, now! Just this.”

“What about the rest?”

“There is no rest. This is it. I don’t eat food. I get my noblement from somewhere else.

“Where?” I asked.

She looked at me, smiled and said, “Do you like blow jobs? Oh, silly me, you don’t know yet do you. Kelvin? Look at me.”

I couldn’t look away.

“I’m a succubus. Have you ever heard of a succubus”

“I thought they were female vampires.”

“Nearly right. There aren’t many of us left. Most of us were killed by our own greed and feeling we were invincible.”

She paused momentarily. “We are not invincible. We learned that the hard way. I have learned to control my hunger. That’s good for you, very good. I’m thousands of years old. My birthday is the first day of the year. You had better remember that. It will be very painful if you forget. I’ll be looking for another stuttering virgin if you forget twice.

“Men are very easy to trap. You’d do well to remember that. On the other hand, it’s in my best interest to keep you healthy and happy, as I intend feeding from you for a couple of hundreds years minimum.

“Right. Let’s get on with seeing what will keep you happy. Oh, nearly forgot. In case you haven’t worked it out yet, a succubus feeds on milk, man milk. I’m going to feed on your man milk.

“If I can keep your nuts at full production, you will make plenty enough to keep me healthy. But no wasting it. That means no more wanking for you, boy. It’s a shame, I know. Men so obviously love pulling their sausage and I do love watching a man wank on my titties, then making them lick it off.

“Hold it there, boy. I can read every thought you have. I just hit the jackpot, didn’t I? Didn’t I!

“Ohh , come here, over my knee. I’m going to cure this shyness. When I ask a question, I expect you to answer straight away.”

Somehow, I found myself over her knee. She was now dressed in a severe hourglass purple leather corset. had a heavy purple leather paddle in her hand, and she was applying it with great enthusiasm to my bum. I was howling in seconds.

“Ohh, sush.” ​​As soon as she said it my mouth was filled with a bright red ball. It filled my mouth completely. My lips seamless stuck to the ball. It was held in place by a purple leather head harness.

“I’m going to be very kind. You can thank me properly after I’ve finished this. Only fifty swats. And this, young man, is my lightest paddle.”

She easily held both my thumbs in one hand with my arms up behind my back. I was in tears after ten but she went on relentlessly. At fifty, she just keep going. One cheese after the other. She stopped at one hundred.

“That was more than you said,” I bawled.

The gag re-materialised in my mouth and she started again. This time, she counted. One on the right, one on the left. Two on the right, two on the left. She went on until she reached “and fifty on the left.”

I passed out at about thirty-five, but she Somehow revived me and continued with her count.

This time, the gag didn’t disappear.

“Are you going to argue with me again?” I shook my head.

“Was that a yes?” I shook my head again.

“Oh, you are!” She broughtthe paddle crashing down on my batteryed bum again. I was screaming into the gag, pleading with her to stop. She touched the ball of the gag. It disappeared.

Before I could speak, she placed a finger on my lips and said, “Don’t speak while you are over my knee, ever, unless you are answering my question. Do you understand? I nodded. Whack! I screamed again.

“When I ask a question, answer me quickly and clearly.”

“Yes, mistress, I understand.”

“That’s a good boy. Stand.”

I stood in front of her. I was so hard my erection seemed to be stuck to my belly.

“That’s nice. You have a nice dick. How long is it?”

“Eight inches, mistress.”

“I think it’s bigger than that.”

Suddenly she had a wooden rule in her hand.

“No, it’s 235 millionimetres. Eight inches is 200 millionimetres. That’s an error of 35.” She held my cock in one hand and the rule in the other. She looked at me and smiled. “Guess what is going to happen now?”

“Please, no, misstress. It’s never been this big before.”

“What did I say about arguing? Ohh, silly boy, you’re going to be so much fun for me to play with. Hands behind your back.”

A pair of leather cuffs appeared around my wrists. I assume they were leather I also assumed they were purple.

“No gag, you count this time. Now, considering you speak when you should have have been quiet, how many times do you think this very springy rule is going to kiss your cock’s head?”

“Seventy, mistress.”

“Very good. A word of warning though. Don’t spurt! Guess what happens if you do.”

“It gets doubled again, mistress.”

“My, my, you’re a quick learner. Be very, very careful boy. Control your mind. Lots of boys cum while having their cock paid.”

I came before my original thirty-five.

“Ohh my, oh my, boy. You are in a pickle. I’m going to keep you for a very, very long time.”

Mistress made sure my cum landed on her tits. I had to lick it up and pass it into her mouth with my tongue.

“Every punishment you have had so far is just that, a punishment. Tell me honestly, how do you feel about that?”

I was at a complete loss. Was this a trick”

“No, sweetheart. It’s not a trick. Let’s be honest. You loved it, didn’t you?”

“Yes, mistress. Can you read every thought of mine?”

“Ohh, come Here!” Mistress gave me a big cuddle. “I thought I had got myself a good meal ticket, but it’s beginning to look like I’m not a complete cold-hearted bitch after all. I think I’m falling in love with you. But yes, I can read every thought. If you try to jumble your thoughts up it may take me a while, but I think if you try that you will still stutter in your head, and you won’t know what you are truly thinking. And I will spank you for doing that.

“I’m not going to do this, but if I took you back to the pub would you still buy me a rose?”

“I’d buy you a dozen, mistress.”

“Ohh, you sweet thing. You like boobs, don’t you?”

“Oh yes, mistress. I like yours best of all.”

“Come. Sit. I’m going to sit on your lap and you are going to suck my teas.”

Mistress said, ‘I can read those bad thoughts of yours’. I was considering what rule I could break to get her to give me another spanking.

“You don’t need to. Most of the spankings I am going to give you will be because I like to spank your bottom. I also really like whipping your Willy. Pass me that tiny little cat o nine tails. Look, it has little mental tips at the end of each tail. Ohh, you poor baby, this is really going to hurt.”

“Mistress,” I said as she fastened me to a Saint Andrews Cross that had just appeared out of nowhere.

“Yes, sweetheart?”

“What should I call you?”

“Mistress works just fine,” she said with a smile. “I’m going to call you puppy. You have puppy dog ​​eyes and puppies don’t like cats.”

The cat made a spitting sound as the tips grazed the flesh of my cock. I howled, then counted, “One, thank you, mistress. How many lashes, mistress?”

“Oh, I will know when we get there, pet, plenty left to go yet, my darling little pain slut.”

“Yowwww! Two, thank you, Mistress.”

I would like to thank Rouge for converting my Dyslexic gibberish into readable English


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