The Present

She glances up at the TV, he is still flicking through the channels trying to settle on something to watch, and she snuggles in tighter to him on the bed, a rare day off during the week to spend together. She sights contentedly.

The doorbell sounds and she grins quickly then returns her face to a passive expression before looking up at him with feigned puzzlement. “Expecting someone, babe?” she asks tilting her head to look up at him.

He shakes his head as he looks down into her puzzled expression, slipping effortlessly from the bed, “I’ll go see who it is.”

As soon as he leaves the room, she gets out of the bed to rummage through the closet. Finding what she is looking for she quickly strips off and slips on her new shoes she’d hidden at the back.

She closes the curtains to darken the room and sets about preparing the room. Her time is running short as she hears his footsteps on the stairs. She lights the last two candles, shuts the door over and runs and jumps back on the bed. Piling the pillows up she lays back on them, stretched out with her feet crossed at the ankles.

“The parcel is for you…” His voice trails off as he catches a glimpse of her. Her heart flutters as his eyes trail from her feet to her eyes and back down. “New shoes?” he asks.

Smiling softly she barely nods, “The parcel is actually for you, you should open it…”

He gives her a quizzical look as he peels the box open, his eyes moving between her and the box. He pulls a layer of bubble wrap from the box and she watches his expression change, he licks his lips and looks up at her. Gone is the questioning eyes, replaced with a hunger, the look alone makes her shiver with anticipation.

He reaches into the box again, “Someone has been shopping hasn’t she?”

Unsure of her voice she just nods. He smiles and she immediately realizes her error and stutters “Yes, Sir.”

“Mmm, that’s my good girl, or maybe you wanted me to test some of my new toys out…”

He pulls out the pair of nipples clamps and swings them by the chain. “My dear, we will have fun tonight…”

“May I look too Sir?” she asks quietly as he picks through the box, not pulling anything else out but just moving it to the side.

His reply is simple, “No.”

She watches his face carefully and sees the smile form on his lips. Her breath catches in her throat as he swiftly hides an item from the box behind his back.

“Now, this is my present and this is the first one I want to use.”

She nods as he speaks and replies instantly “Yes, Sir,” straining to see behind his back as he steps around from the foot of the bed to stand beside her.

“Ready?” Before she can even respond he pulls out the item, despite herself she laughs and then quickly slaps a hand over her mouth. He looks at her sternly for a moment and she breathes out in relief as the corner of his lips curl up and he smiles.

He flicks the soft material of the blindfold,she picked the pretty one with smooth silky material and trimmed with lace, and she smiles at her choice. “It’s pretty isn’t it?” he smiles down at her and brushes a hand across her cheek gently. “Yes, it’s pretty and will look lovely on you.”

He slips the material over her head, resting the blindfold just above her eyes so she can still see, and smiles softly. He motions for her hand; she places hers in his before he reaches into his pocket and stretches her arm out to the top of the bed and tying it there before moving to the other side, once the other side is secured he leans over and kisses her palm.

Her mind is racing, she hadn’t even seen him get out those ties and yet they were in his pocket. She is distracted by her thoughts and jumps when she hears the sharp slap of leather against skin, focusing on him again.

She knows he has been watching her for a little, and his face gives away his anger but slight amusement. “What were you thinking?”

She stuttersslightly “You had the ties in your pocket and I don’t remember you getting them out.”

He smiles and laughs. “Oh my girl, I know you better than you do remember? I always plan for every possibility.”

She watches him reach forward and pick up her top foot lightly around the ankle, sliding his hand up her calm, kneeing her skin as he goes. She feels the goose bumps rise on her skin and closes her eyes briefly, enjoying the touch of his hands on her body.

“When did you get these shoes?” he asks.

She pauses briefly as his fingers slide over the top of her foot, his fingertips brushing down the side of the black glittered surface and down to the point of the 3 inch heel, “on Friday of last week.”

“They are stunning and suit you.”

She smiles at his compliment. “Thank you.”

He extends her leg out to the side and picks up the other, he slowly snakes his hands and fingers over her skin, giving it the same attention as the first before laying it down onthe bed. He reaches in his pocket again and pulls out the remaining two ties and secures her ankles to the bed, stepping back his eyes travel all over her body causing her to shiver as she watches him.

“Ok I think that’s enough.” She barely has time to think before he is back at her side and pulling the blindfold down over her eyes.

She bites her lip and strains her ears to listen for where he is in the room. She feels his breath on her skin near her side and tries to pull that way.

“Settle girl, we’re just getting started.”

She takes a few deep breaths to settle herself, relaxing against the pillow behind her and feeling her heart beat slow slightly.

The original anticipation slowly decreasing as the minutes count by, she has lost track of time and starts counting to keep track. She hasn’t heard him at all in the room and she grows slightly. Her heart rate picks up again as she feels her panic rising; she tugs at the restraints at her wrists and flexes her feet.

As quickly as her brow furrows with her concern, his lips are on her forehead kissing her tenderly, “Don’t frown, I’m right here.”

She smiles and relaxes again, now she can hear him moving around, he is at the foot of the bed again rummaging in his new treasure chest. She can hear him make slight sounds, a small laugh here or an interested mumble there.

“I wish I’d been There when you placed this order. I can only imagine how wet you must have been. When did you do it?” he asked.

She considers the question for a moment and a small smile plays on her lips. “Well, remember the night you said I was being a naughty little minx?”

He laughs. “Which time?”

She laughs along with him, “Well it was one of those times and I think you knew something was up because you didn’t let me cum that night.”

The silence returns and she grows again and he tus. “Why are you growing now?” he asks.

“You always tell me how easily distracted I am, and asI lay here I am trying to keep track of time I am counting and then lose track of that. I can see why it must frustrate you.”

She hears the smile in his voice as he speaks again, his fingertips brushing down the inside of her lower calm, “Let me worry about the time today, you just sit back and relax. After all you did say this gift was for me and I plan to take my time.”

She feels a shiver course through her body, goose bumps rising on her skin as she ponders this for a moment. She sights out a deep breath and settles back to wait.

She hears the sound of the chain on the clamps again; as she focuses on the sound she feels the cold metal draw over her foot and drop down on each side. The rummaging sound once again fills her ears; she can hear his feet shuffling along the floor around her feet.

“This is quite the collection; do you have any preference for where to start? Well I do so let’s got started.”

She quickly controls the smile on her lips but, as usual, she is too late. “Smirking pet?”

“Yes, Sir. I’m sorry Sir. I find you funny,” she blurs out.

“Funny? You find me funny? We’ll see if you still think that at the end of the night. Now…” She can hear him pacing back and forth at the end of the bed. His footsteps stop just to the right of centre and she feels the change of weight on the bed as he picks up an item, his footsteps move around to her side and she turns her head towards him.

Suddenly she feels his warm lips against hers and pushes up to him only to be pushed back. As she opens her mouth to say something her mouth is immediately filled with the taste of new silicane rubber.

He buckles the gag behind her head, gently moving her hair away from the catch. “Ah peace, at last.” She knows that chuckle, it’s a chuckle that tells her he knows she is glaring at him even through a blindfold and she is.

She has lost him in the room again, she felt him pick up the nipple clamps as the chain had been lifted from her foot, jumping as his fingertip suddenly touches her breast, circuit one nipple, she moans softly from behind her gag. His touches become more independent circuit tight on her now hard nipple. As she feels him secure the first nipple clamp, her breath catches in her throat causing a gasp.

His movements are deliberate as he strides back around, her right nipple already aching for his touch., his first touch causing her hips to rise off the bed, his hand firmly presses her back on to the bed as he secures the second clamp, the cold chain is drawn between her full breasts.

He leans in and whispers softly in her ear, “You are beautiful.” his tongue glides the length of her ear before nipping her earlobe causing her to squirm and tries to thank him through her gag.

He claps his hands together once, “What’s next pet? I guess I’ll decide.”

She has been listening to him pace for what seems like hours, she is sure he knows what he wants to do, he is smart and he’ll have planned every moment by now but this is torture, and he knows how to test her. Her patience is her weakest quality and he pushes it a little more with moment.

Her breath is coming out in short pants, the combination of the nipple clamps and the gag making it hard to take deep breaths. Although the room is cool she can feel a light sheen of sweat coming up on her body as her internal heat rises with the anticipation.

She hears the door open to their room; she is unable to speak but whimpers slightly. His footsteps return quickly and he is at her side, he whispers in her ear, “Okay let’s get started.”

She feels his fingertips glide down between her breasts, her body responds to his touch, moving towards his fingers. His fingers reach the steel chain drawn on her skin and lift it slowly, gently tugging the chain causing her to moan deep in her throat at the sensing of the pull on her nipples.

He uses his other hand to glide over her skin down her stomach and over her hip, her hips have always been sensitive to the touch and as he reaches her right hip he gives a sharp tug on the nipple clamps causing her to moan again, arching up off the bed as best she can, and whimpering through her gag.

“Sorry what pet? I can’t hear you.” He chuckles to himself as he lays the chain back on her skin and brushes down her leg, he is now back between her feet. She counts the seconds in her head “1..2..3….” just as she is about to squirm her hips buck involuntarily, he has brushed his finger up her slit and brushed over her clip causing her to lose count instantly.

She knows she is wet, she was wet before he re-entered the room and now she was sure there was a wet patch on their sheets. She silently thanked him for putting the gag in her mouth to keep her thoughts from being betrayed by a smile.

As quickly as his finger is there it is gone, she relaxes back knowing that he is happy with her, he would let her know if he…

Her thought is cut off by a bite to her inner thigh, she squeaks behind the gag and squirs, his hands clamp firmly on her hips as she squirs, pinning her to the bed as he nibbles, bites, and kisses her inner thigh.

Her head lolls back, unable to squirm or move she just feels, her nipples aching deliciously as his mouth marks her inner thighs, his hand on her hips causing goose bumps to rise on her flesh again.

Using his tongue he slides up her inner though barely brushing over her slides back and forth to each side, the slight touch of his tongue over her lips causing her to purr each time. Then he is gone, she feels his weight leave the end of the bed and she is alone again.

His hands return to the top of her thighs, pressing gently down on her so she is once again pinned, even though she’s not fidgeting, but before she can think too much of it a long, moan reverberates through her, it feels like her entire body is humming. He presses the small but powerful vibrator she bought against her clip; its cool material is a momentary shock until the viruses hit her senses. Now she understands his hands as her hips shake and attempt to buck.

She is mumbling “Oh.. Fuck…., oh…” behind her gag as the relentless vibrations course through her body, she can feel an orgasm building and tries to grind her hips. He pulls back slightly, the viruses still there but not enough to let her cum and she groans.

“Noooo, pleasure.” she drools around her gag, her efforts futile as she hears the wicked chuckle she knows so well. As quickly as they appeared the vibrations and his hands are gone, her hips continued to wriggle on the bed, trying to recapturing the sensing.

She can hear the sound of clinking against glass as she wriggles, she stills and listens again, she can’t place the sound and it hits her as his tongue glides up her slide again. She keens as the cold tongue and ice slides over her skin, the cube of ice draggingslowly over her slide and coming to a stop just over her clip. She can feel an icy bead of water slide down her wet pussy, the chill makes her shiver. He scoops the cube up from her skin and circles her clip relentlessly, the nub highly sensitive almost painful as he circles over and over, sucking the nub into his mouth she tries to shout out but it is muffled.

The sensitivity causing a slight pain and has her muffling protests, this is soon replaced with the building again. He still has her clips between his lips, pressing them tight around it and using the tip of his tongue to flick it. She lifts her hips to him, trying to grind into him, almost there, oh fuck she thinks; I’m going to cu…

He stops. He always stops.

“Fucks,” she curses behind her gag and instantly regrets it as his hand slapses her clip causing a shout from her.

“Fucks?” he asks.

“Fucks, Sir,” she struggles out the words so he can understand.

“Good girl,” his finger back on her clipcircling it, soothing it.

Her hips grind down, seeking more relief from his finger, he lets her so she seizes the chance and keeps going as deep moans now fill the room. She should have known it was too easy she feels a slide finger slide down her wet pussy lips, lower to her tight bud.

Unable to bite her lip she bites into the gag as his finger probes, her hips still to feel every movement of his fingers.

He continues to circle her clip with his other hand, his fingertips increasing the pressure slightly as she relaxes for him. She feels him push into her bud as deep as the first knuckle. She can hear his breathing increase, he is now almost panting as he pulls his finger out slightly. When it returns she can feel a second finger beginning to stretch her.

She concentrates on her breathing, his fingers, and how her body is reacting to him. Her body starting to heat up again, she can feel the heat in her cheek as she thinks of what he is doing. He returns the vibrator to her clip, his fingers pressing deeper into her, at least second knuckle of both fingers now. The vibrator must be between his lips she thinks as the hand from her clip pushes a finger into her pussy, stroking her inner walls carefully. He knows her body, he plays it like his own instrument and if she could, she would be singing for him. Instead the only music she makes is muffled moans

His fingers in her ass are removed slowly. She grosses at their loss but it is short lived as she feels a different pressure. She remembers the small vibrating plug she purchased and smiles, well tries to smile.

He has stretched her a little but it still takes a few minutes to ease the plug into her tight hole. Once in place she senses the shift on the mattress, he has moved back from her, taking the vibrator from her clip but still stroking inside her with a single finger.

“So beautiful, my sweet little girl,” she hears him murmur. A blush rises on her cheeks, his complimentcatching her off guard like always.

He kisses each of her rosy cheeks, “My beautiful, sweet, and thoughtful little girl, who is going to cum so hard for me.”

She nods quickly and mumbles “Yes please Sir,” he leans back and as he knees between her legs he takes his hands away, she knows he is watching, he loves to watch, she must be a sight, played open, nipples clamped, pussy dripping wet and a butt plug buried in her ass.

He slips back off the bed and she can hear him, he slowly lowers the zipper on his jeans, she whimpers slightly her mind racing with what will come next.

He steps back beside her and stands there for a moment. His hand brushes her cheek, cupping her face before lifting her head up and undoing the buckle on the gag.

“Okay, enough of this.”

She slurs “Thank you Sir,” and then flexes her jaw side to side, licking her lips and breathing deeply and repeating “Thank you Sir.”

He chuckles, “I heard you the first time pet.” His fingertips brush down her side, to her hip he lifts her to place two pillows under her

Hearing his satisfied sigh she smiles and waits, his weight pushes the bed down as he knees by her head. His hand is once again on her cheek this time he coats her to tilt her head towards him and presses his cock to her lips. She swallows just the tip at first, swirling her hot tongue around and around. The pleased sounds encouraging her as she slides up and down a small way, her tongue lapping up his pre-cum like it’s her last meal.

His hands still cupping her face he leans forward, she relaxes her lips around him as he presses into her mouth, about half way now, pulling out and pushing in with a steady rhythm. Moaning around his cock, knowing he loves those little violences and feeling him stop to savour it. He lets out a deep groan of his own as his hands snake into her hair, pulling it tight between his fist and pulling her back before sliding in long and deep.

She gags slightly but he has already slip back out, in and out now, long deep strokes of his cock into her mouth, fucking her face.

Her hips are grinding down, the plug in her ass against her pillow causing her to buck and whimper around his cock. His fingers find her clip again, circled it, still fucking her face.

As he drives her closer to the edge, she grinds her hips up and down, down into the plug, up into his slow teasing fingers. Nearly there….

“Oh, fuck,” she moans around his cock.

He stops and moves away quickly, leaving her empty. A desperate moan forms on her lips.

He chuckles

“Does my little girl want to cum?” he teases

“Please Sir, please let your little girl cum. She wants to cum so hard for you. Please.” She begs and begs and he says nothing, she finally falls silent.

Squirming on the bed and tugging at the restraints again she sights softly, her perception of time gone. She can hear her heart beat pounding in her ears and she taps herfingers softly on the bed.

He kisses her lips softly. “Good girl.”

She smiles at her favourite words he leans over her, lifting the chain of the nipple clamps again and places it softly against her lips. “Hold on to this. No matter what, don’t let go. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir.” she pulls the chain into her mouth with her tongue, the length of the chain perfect to slightly pull on her nipples. She hears the familiar buzz again and the vibrator is back on her clip, her head falls back out of instinct and she tugs on the chain hard, nearly dropping it in the process as the clamps tighten and pull on her nipples.


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