During my sleep on the Saturday night of Sapphire’s slavery, I had a series of very vivid dreams. There were four particular scenes that I could recall the next morning. In the first, I was in a prison cell, one of a row of cells with nothing but bars for walls. The cell contained nothing but a bed with no blankets, and a toilet. In the corridor outside the cells, several male guards walked up and down. For some Reason, I was dressed in just a hospital gown tied at the back, and I remember fretting about how I would maintain my modesty whenever I needed to sleep or use the toilet. Looking around me at the other cells, I saw other women dressed just like me. Some of them were sleeping on their beds, and I could see their gowns ride up letting the guards see their asses and vaginas. Then, as I watched, one woman sat on her toilet as though it was the most normal thing in the world. Surprisingly, in my dream, the guards looked completely bored by the view.
In another part of my dReams, I was chained spread-eagled between two poles in front of a crowd of people. As I looked down at my body, I saw it was completely covered by a thick layer of white foam. Then an old man stepped forward with a razor blade and he started to shake me. For some reason, he started with my shoulders and arms, and the dream changed before he got to anywhere more personal, but I remember knowing that every hair Below my neck was going to be removed and I would be left completely on display. The surprise thing about the dream was that the crowd seemed to be there to watch the old man, who was apparently famous for his shaving skills, and the fact I would be left naked and hairless was of little consequence to them.
The third fragment of my dreams that I remember is being tied to four stakes in the ground. I was blindfolded, but I could feel that I was naked. I could hear a crowd of men standing around me talking about everyday things, but I could also hear rhythmic noises along wit grunts and sights which were accompanied by splashes of liquid on my skin which indicated that they were masturbating on me. From listening to their conversations, there was no indication that there was anything unusual in the event to make it worth talking about apart from one man who said “I think this one’s new. I don’t think I’ve seen her in the urinal yet.” I remember having this horrified thought, as you can sometimes have during dreams, wondering whether the dream would include a urinal scene.
In the final segment of my dreams, I was crawling on all fours through a large crowd. I was following a woman in stockings and heels who was leading me with a collar and lean. I was wearing a tail attached to a vibrator in my ass, and I was so horny that my juices were running down my legs. People in the crowd were saying things like “Look at her, she’s definitely in heat.” I was led into an open space where there was a naked man who was on all fours like I was. He too had a tailin his ass, and he was tied to a lamppost with a collar and lean. As I watched, he cocked his rear leg like a dog and pissed on the lamppost, and I saw that he had an enormous erection, maybe ten inches long. The dog man looked at me with pure animal lust, and he immediately moved behind me to mount me. I was so horny, but at the same time I was so scared he was going to tear me in half that I tried to yell at him to go slowly, but all that came out of my mouth was a dog’s whine. I felt his erection push into my pussy, but strangely, it felt like fingers.
That’s when I woke up and found that the fingers I was feeling were my own, pumping in and out of my own very wet pussy. Mike was beside me, and although it was still dark, I could see him looking at me with concern. “What?” I asked in embarrassment.
“You were whining like you were scared,” he said. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah, it was just a dream,” I said, feeling relieved that he didn’t seem to have noticed I had been masturbating. Once he had been reassured, Mike drifted off to sleep leaving me to lie awake thinking about my dreams. I’m not a person who takes much interest in interpreting dreams, certainly in contrast to an aunt of mine who won’t shut up about the subject, but it was obvious that my dreams were a reaction to our weekend with Sapphire. I know I had become horny listening to the stories of her experiences and imagining it was me in her position. These dreams seemed to be an extension of these fansies.
While being Sapphire’s mistress had been an incredible experience, I knew that I wanted to experience being submissive. I knew Mike would probably be open to ordering me around, and I knew the safest thing would be to experiment with him sometimes after the weekend was over. However, a large part of me was feeling that this wouldn’t be Enough to satisfy my curiosity and my cravings. Something that had surprised me about my dreams was that they all involved strangers, with the addeddimension that I was somehow inconsequential to them. In my dreams, I was just a body to be displayed and used by them. While I recognize that dreams are dreams and that they didn’t show that I wanted to be in those very extreme situations, submitting to my loving husband wasn’t anywhere close enough. While Sapphire was hardly a stranger anymore, she was still new in my life and a once-in-a-lifetime resource that I only had for a few hours more. I resolved to discuss a change of roles.
I drifted off to sleep again, and I woke when I sensed Mike getting up. He told me he could hear Sapphire cooking breakfast in the kitchen. He didn’t need to add that he wanted to go and have a look. “Do you think she might have her tits out again?” I teased.
Mike looked guilty for a second before breaking into a grin. “She was naked at the end of last night and you haven’t given her permission to put anything on, so I’m guessing she’s still naked.”
“I think you should get dressed properly before you go out there,” I said. “It will make her feel more naked.” I went into the bathroom while Mike dressed, and he had departed for the kitchen before I returned. I waited a few minutes before I followed him, completely naked.
Mike was sitting on one of the stools talking quietly while Sapphire stood naked in the kitchen making pancakes. Sapphire did a double take when she saw me before greeting me with a smile. Mike swivelled around and gave me a curious look. I offered no immediate explanation for my nudity as I sat down. It was only once we were all seated around the table having breakfast that I broke the subject. “Sapphire, I wondered if we can do things differently this morning.”
Sapphire looked me straight in the eye. “I know what you want.”
“What?” I said in confusion.
“You want to swap roles, don’t you?”
I was astounded that she could read me so easily. There seemed no point in denying it. “Would that be alright?” Even though she was there as our sex slave, Mike’s prize from his work party, I felt it would be wrong to order her to swap roles. It seemed to be outside the boundaries of what we had all agreed to with Heather Cameron. The expression on Sapphire’s face told me she wasn’t happy with the idea, although she looked more disappointed than angry or upset.
“I knew this was becoming too good to be true,” she said. “I was really looking forward to these last few hours. You’ve been so innovative. I guess it’s the old story of it all being two sides of the same coin.”
“What do you mean?”
Sapphire took a deep breath. “I’ve been doing this stuff for a few months now, and I’ve had some good chats with some of the other girls, and I think I’ve figured a few things out. This whole thing of people giving and taking control is a bit of a kink. Some people get excited by the idea, and lots of people don’t. What I think is that people who get excited by the idea of being dominant have more in common withthe people who like to be submission. Two sides of the same coin. And out of those people, some naturally like being dominant, some naturally like being submissive, and some are somewhere in between.”
“Most of the guys who take a girl as a prize or bid at one of our auditions aren’t actually into the domination and submission thing. They’re just keen to have someone to have sex with. But you’re different. You’ve been really into this. Hell, I bet you’ve never even thought about being with a woman before this weekend, but you got into it because you’re into the whole domination and submission scene. You’ve been intriguing me all weekend, and I have to say that my theory about you was spot on. The reason why you’ve been a good mistress isn’t because you like being dominant yourself, but because you like the idea of someone being dominant. I think what you’ve liked most is having me live out your submission fans, and now you want to live them out yourself.”
I sat and thought about what Sapphire said. “I’m not sure that’s completely true. Being dominant was exciting in itself. I don’t know which I prefer, but I know for sure that I don’t want to miss the chance to try both.”
Sapphire smiled, although I could tell it was still tinged with disappointment. “You’ve been such a great mistress I don’t really feel I can refuse you now. What does Mike think? After all, he’s the one who won me. Maybe he would like to dominate both of us.”
I looked at Mike. “Would that interest you? Do you like the idea of being our master?”
Mike looked scared. “I don’t know. I wouldn’t know what to do.”
I giggled. “Maybe you want to be a sex slave too. Aren’t we a fine bunch?”
“I’m not saying that necessary,” said Mike. “It’s just that I haven’t really thought about it. Being dominant might be something to try one day, but I’m worried about doing or saying the wrong thing and ruining things. It’s difficult when you spend your life worried about being called sexist. I don’t think I could give you two what you want.”
I turned back to Sapphire. “Haven’t you ever wanted to try being in charge?”
“I’ve tried it once with a guy I was dating, but it didn’t go well. It actually got quite weird and awkward, although that was probably more about him than me. I figured there was no point trying it again.”
“Please, do it for me.”
“Can I think about it a bit?”
Mike made some more coffee, and we sat in silence drinking. Finally, Sapphire cleared her throat and said “Do you have any idea of the things I might make you do?”
“I don’t know, but probably similar to what I made you do.”
“No. That would be too predictable, and too easy for both of us. If you’re going to be a sex slave, you must commit to the unknown. I might order you to do things that you didn’t dare to ask me to do, or stuff you’ve never considered doing in your life. How would you feel about that?”
“Scared, but very turned on.”
“Ok, I guess that’s a good start. Now we have to talk about the role that Mike plays. So far, while I was your slave, you were the mistress and Mike was a passive player. You owned my holes, and you decided what Mike did to me. If I’m going to be your mistress, we’re going to have the same rules.”
“Of course,” I said.
“I don’t know if you quite understand. I won’t just be deciding what Mike does or doesn’t do with you. I’ll be deciding what he does with me. I’ll be blunt with you. If you want me to be your mistress, I’m going to make you watch me have sex with your husband — proper sex, his penis in my vagina. It’s not up for negotiation. If he doesn’t want to do it, then none of this is happening. Maybe you should discuss this with Mike?” I could tell from her expression that she wasn’t trying to be cruel. Her tone was simply assertive and direct.
My heartbeat was going into overtime, and my mind was a whirl of competing thoughts. Anxiety, jealousy and excitementAll competed for attention within my overwhelmed brain. Slowly I started to resolve some of the issues. Firstly, I overcame the fear that Sapphire was trying to steal my husband. She had shown no signs of being particularly attracted to him. If anything, and despite no evidence that she had any pre-existing lesbian tendencies, I felt that she was more attracted to me than Mike. I also rejected the argument that Mike and Sapphire having sex was somehow crossing a new line. After all we had done together the previous night, not even Bill Clinton could argue that both Mike and I hadn’t already had sex with Sapphire. My previous decision to not allow Mike to have Sapphire’s pussy was all about me exerting some control over the situation. It was this control that I was being asked to give up.
The only fear that I couldn’t resolve without Mike’s help was the fear that Mike would lose his love and respect for me. Was I throwing away the basis for his commitment to our marriage? Would heStill faithful to me in the future if he thought I valued it so little? “What do you think Mike?” I asked. “I don’t want to mess up what we’ve got.”
Mike’s reply surprised me. “I’m feeling quite anxious,” he said. “I’ve just discovered this side of you that I didn’t know was there before, and I’m scared that you’ll get bored with me if I can’t meet these desires you have. This is the best chance we have for finding out if this is what you want, and if it is, then we’ll work out a way of making it work after Sapphire is gone. I don’t want us to waste any more time. I’m happy for you to do whatever you like with Sapphire. I’m far happier it’s with her and not some domineering pig of a guy. All I want in return is for you to have an open mind about some of the stuff that I might want to do that I haven’t been brave enough to suggest before.”
“What stuff?” I was curious.
“Just stuff. Nothing much. Tamer than all this.” He looked awkward. “Since you asked, I thought thatWhen we’ve saved enough money to take a holiday, we might go somewhere where there’s a nude beach. And I’d like to go to a strip club at least once in my life. Maybe we could go together.”
I smiled. It was so cute how nervous Mike looked. His mother is such a good feminist. “So, you want me to take you places where you can look at naked women, and in return you will do me the favour of having sex with Sapphire?”
“Hey, that’s not fair.” Mike was smiling too. “Having sex with Sapphire isn’t such a treat you know. She only wants to do it to play mind games with you. I feel so used.” He said that last sentence with a dramatic fake sob. “I’m not even turned on by the idea,” he claimed.
I reached my foot under the table and found the front of his pants. He was speaking the truth in that he wasn’t currently erect, although I could feel his penis hardening as I caressed his groin with my foot. Naturally, I attributed his lack of erection to the anxiety caused by the conversationtion. I was confident that he would be able and willing to perform once he was confident I was on board with the idea. I looked at Sapphire. “I think we’ve got a deal, assuming you can get him hard.”
“Oh, he’ll get hard alright,” said Sapphire. “He’s going to have the best sex of his life!”
I thought that was a bit harsh, but when I was about to retort I saw the steely look in Sapphire’s eyes. I realized that my servitude had already begun. “Yes Mistress,” I replied.
Sapphire grinned. “Lie face down on the table, bitch. It’s time to teach you what it means to have someone else own your body.”
I climbed onto the tabletop on my hands and knees. “Can I get a towel or something to lie on? We eat off this table.”
Sapphire suddenly spanked my bottom hard. “Fuck!” I yelled.
“You will obey me without question,” yelled Sapphire. “Lie down!” I lay down quickly on the hard tabletop.
Sapphire slapped me again. “Shit!” I yelled.
“That was for speakingWithout permission,” said Sapphire. “I’m going to do something about your swearing problem, because if you keep swearing each time I punish you for talking, then we will be here all day.”
Sapphire had me position my head so that it was facing forward over the edge of the table. Then she had Mike stand in front of me. Sapphire stood behind Mike and reached around to start undoing his shirt buttons. She continued to undress him in this way until he was totally naked, and his semi-hard cock was inches from my face.
“Mike, I want you to rub your cock in the slut’s face. Yes, like that, wipe it all over her face.” I couldn’t believe how degrading this simple act was. As Mike was doing this, his cock grew harder, and his arousal only increased my degradation. The expression on Sapphire’s face told me that she He knew exactly how I was feeling. Her next order was for me to open my mouth and for Mike to insert his erection. “I want you to keep your mouth completely still. This isn’ta blowjob – it’s part of your punishment. I’m going to start spanking you again now. If you know what’s good for Mike, you will keep your mouth open.” Sapphire started raining slapses down upon my ass, although thankfully not as hard as before. I managed to prevent myself from biting my husband’s cock.
After about a dozen spanks Sapphire pushed my legs apart and shoved a finger in my pussy. “Mmm, my slut is really wet,” she said. She walked around the table to where I could see her, gently pushing Mike away. She showed me her finger which was wet with my juices. I was expecting her to put the finger in my open mouth, but she surprised me by wiping it on the table, leaving a visible wet streak. “That’s for asking for the table to be covered,” she said. “Listen carefully. I’m going to be picked up by my flatmate at midday, so we haven’t got long together, but your slavery isn’t going to end there. I have a feeling you are going to have to clean this room from top to bottom this afternoon. Now get off the table and knee on the floor.”
As I assumed the ordered position, Sapphire grabbed one of the dirty breakfast plates from the benchmark. It was covered in pancake crumbs and maple syrup. “I think you will need to do an extra good job washing the dishes too,” she said as she wiped the plate all over her buttocks. She turned her back to me. “The dishes can wait until later, but my ass needs cleaning now. Lick me clean!” Since I love maple syrup, this task wasn’t too unfortunate, although it certainly was embarrassing. After a few minutes, I was sure I had licked away all the syrup. Sapphire, however, had other ideas. She grabbed the syrup bottle from off the bench and she squirted some right into her ass crack. “I think you missed a bit,” she said.
Sapphire bent over one of our kitchen stools as I resumed my task of cleaning her with my tongue. This time I was forced to pull apart her buttocks with my hands and get my face right between her cheeks. As before,the taste was mostly good, but as my tongue got deeper there was the occasional taste and smell which was more unpleasant. However, at the same time, Sapphire started encouraging me. “Fuck that feels good. Oh, that feels really nice.” I felt so sexy and dirty at the same time, and if I hadn’t needed both hands, I’m sure I would have allowed one of my hands to go to my pussy.
Finally, Sapphire pushed me away, but not without another positive comment. “God, that was surprisingly good. Mike, do you want her to do it to you?”
“I don’t think I could do that,” said Mike. I was only mostly relieved by his response.
“Your loss,” said Sapphire. “Okay slave, I want you to go and get all our sex toys and the stuff that goes with them.”
I quickly went Through both bedrooms and gathered the sex toys, restraints, lube and other paraphernalia, and I brought them back. I wasn’t surprised when Sapphire had me drop them on the kitchen benchmark, confirming her prediction that I would be doing a lot of cleaning afterwards.
“Are we going to tie her up?” asked Mike.
“No. Sometimes it’s more powerful just to order someone to stay where they are.”
I watched nervously as Sapphire selected the small bullet vibrator and slipped it inside a condom. Then she grabbed one of the fried magnets and tied the open end of the condom to it. “Come here slave and bend over the bench,” she said. Once I had assumed the position, she turned the vibrator on and pushed it into my asshole, using only the luxury on the condom to ease it in. She pushed it all the way inside, leaving only the fried magnet sticking out to stop it from going too deep. The sensing it produced felt bizarre, and it felt even more so when Sapphire had me sit back down on one of the chairs at the dinner table. Some of the viruses were being transferred through to my clip.
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