The Premium Prize Ch. 03

I told Sapphire to put on the same dress she had forgotten earlier, again without underwear, and without cleaning Mike’s semen off her body. I slipped into our bathroom and pulled off the sodden G-string I had been wearing since our earlier visit to the lingerie shop. I put on a fresh pair of the cheaper tos I had bought. Then I stole into Sapphire’s room once I knew she was waiting by the front door to put her small bag of anal toys in my handbag.

I think Mike was disappointed not to be invited, but this trip was about me being confident enough to follow this through without him. Sapphire looked uncomfortable sitting down in the passenger seat of the car with the butt plug in, but not unduly so. She showed no surprise when I drove straight to the sex shop we had visited earlier in the day. She did seem surprised, however, When I confidently walked up to the sales assistant at the counter — a woman in her 30s with green hair and numerous piercings. “I would like to look at yourrange of strap-on vibrators please.”

Sapphire followed meekly behind as the sales assistant led me to a nearby rack. “You used the word vibrator,” said the sales assistant, “but I just want to confirm you would like one that vibrates rather than just a dildo. The vibrating ones are more expensive.”

“Yes, I would prefer one that vibrates.”

“And are you looking for a model that is designed with pegging in mind, or one that is more designed for vaginal penetration?”

This flummoxed me. “Sorry, what’s pegging?”

The sales assistant obviously took her job seriously, and that included providing non-judgmental help to the naïve. “Pegging is when a woman uses a straw-on to anally penetrate a man.” Until now my focus had been on the evening ahead with Sapphire, but now I was standing there wondering whether pegging might be something to try sometimes in future. “Maybe you would like to keep your options open,” said the sales assistant gently. “We have a couple of models with interchangeable parts. May I suggest this model? The primary shaft is smooth and not too large, and then there are several sleeps that you can put over the top if you want something bigger or more textured. The added benefit of this model is the small butterfly-like part at the base of the shake that provides pleasure to the person wearing it.”

“That seems ideal.”

“Would you like it in pink or black?”

“Pink please.”

I fancied that I could see a look of pride on Sapphire’s face. Only that morning I had confessed to being too scared to go into a sex shop, yet later that same day I had just arranged to buy a significant sex toy and I was in the process of making a few smaller purchases to use up the value of my voucher. I also bought a small bullet vibrator and a sanitizing spray.

On the drive home we passed by an industrial area, and I soon spotted what I was looking for — an empty car park surrounded by blank walls on three sides. I parked so that the car was facing the busy road, but far enough away so we wouldn’t be too obvious. I told Sapphire to turn around and knee on her seat, then I pulled her dress up to her waist, exposing her bottom to the distant road.

Sapphire knew what I planned to do as soon as I produced the anal lube and the middle-sized plug. I confidently applied some lube to the plug, but then my plans unraveled when I couldn’t see how to proceed with only two hands within the confines of the front seat of the car. Sapphire came to my rescue. “Would you like me to hold that one for you? Now, I would suggest putting on one of those disposable gloves. When you pull out the plug, simply remove the glove while still holding the plug and it will end up safely inside the empty glove. I’ll clean it when we get home.” By following Sapphire’s Instructions and acting quickly, the larger plug slid home with a minimum of fuss.

“I hope Mike appreciates the trouble you’re going to for this,” said Sapphire.

I laughed. “Yes, I trust that when he’s balls deep in your ass that he’ll remember that it has come at the cost of my convenience.”

“Okay, I get your point,” smiled Sapphire. “How about I say how much I appreciate all the trouble you’re going to. I have no right to expect that a master or mistress would both with getting my body prepared. Thank you.”

I laughed again. “I’m happy to accept your thanks now since I suspect you might not be in the mood to thank me later. At least Mike is only average in size.”

Sapphire looked thoughtful. “That might be true, but he’ll certainly be the largest I’ve had back there.”


“Oh yes. A lot of the girls who do the parties laugh about it. Successful real estate agents are often men with something to prove, or should I say something to compensate for. I’ll have to warn the girls to try to avoid Mike at the next party.”

“I’m not sure if we’ll get to another party,” I said. “Mike’s only just starting out.His big sale was a total fluke.”

“That’s a goal,” Sapphire looked sad, but then she grinned. “How about you? Are you any good at your job? Maybe your work would like to implement an employee reward scheme.”

“There are mostly women at my work, so I think most of them would prefer to win some young stud. Plus, I don’t think that would be so popular with Mike.”

“Men are so sexual,” giggled Sapphire.

When we arrived home, I gave Mike a password kiss. “Can you sort dinner for us please?” I wheedled. “Sapphire and I have lots to do to get ready.” Mike looked crestfallen to be excluded again. “Don’t look so sad,” I said. “Don’t forget what you’ve been promised for tonight. Keep your eyes on the price.”

“I’d like to,” he said with an exaggerated pout, “but you keep taking her away from me.”

“Here, will this help keep you going?” I asked as I pulled Sapphire’s dress off over her head. I’m sure his eyes were on her bottom as I grabbed her hand and pulled her from the room.

I grabbed all my shopping for the day and my hair trimmer, and I went with Sapphire to her bedroom. When I tipped my bags out on the bed, Sapphire immediately grabbed the glove-wrapped butt plug I had removed in the car and took it through to the bathroom to clean it. I stripped off all my clothes and followed her. I told her to have a shower as I wanted her to look desirable to Mike, and I wasn’t sure he would want her to be still covered in his dry semen from earlier. While she was in the shower, I sat on the toilet and trimmed my public hair.

Once I had shown also, we both got dressed in our matching red lingerie sets complete with the stockings and garter belts. “Man, we look hot,” I said as we admired ourselves in the mirror. “Are you ready?”

“Not quite. Were you planning on putting the biggest plug in?”

“I was intending to wait a little bit longer. Why do you ask, slave?”

Sapphire blushed. “Because I think this is probably the besttime to empty my bowels. If you wanted, I could change the plug at the same time.”

“Go to the toilet, by all means, but put the same one back in. I want Mike to take some responsibility for this too.”

As I sat and waited for Sapphire, my mind replayed the experiences we had shared on that bed earlier in the day. The restraints were still attached to the head of the bed, and the old clothes Mike had cut From her body were lying on the floor neary. As I recalled the scene, I couldn’t help but imagine me in the position Sapphire had been, tied up, stripped, plugged, and forced to orgasm with a vibrator. The idea was making me very horny.

When Sapphire came out of the bathroom and announced she was ready, I had a surprise for her. “Sapphire, I want our outfits to match completely. I want you to put the small plug in me.”

“Yes Mistress,” she said. She was trying to keep a neutral expression on her face, but I felt like she could see right through me. If she was starting to suspect that I wasn’t too different to her, I was certainly starting to suspect that myself.

I got on all fours on the bed. Sapphire pulled the string of my underwear to one side and started to spread the special numbing lube around with her finger, including slipping it inside me a few times. She seemed to be taking an extraordinarily long time.

“I’m ready,” I said.

“It’s best to wait a few minutes for the lube to really dull the nerves.” I didn’t know that, and I hadn’t given her that benefit.

“Don’t wait,” I said. “Shove it in.”

“Yes Mistress.”

The pain was only momentary, but it was followed by a dull ache and discomfort. Feeling very self-conscious I pushed Sapphire ahead of me as we walked through to the kitchen.

Mike had some Bolognaise sauce simmering on the stove and he was just waiting on us before he started to cook the pasta. He grinned with delight when we walked in wearing just our underwear, and his hands were tremblingas he hurried to get the pasta going. I sat down at the table, and I motioned for Sapphire to do the same.

Once Mike was ready to focus his eyes on us, he wasn’t happy that we were sitting down. “Come on, stand up,” he said. “Let’s have a look at you both.”

At first, Mike sat on one of the stools while Sapphire and I stood by the table facing him. I was delighted with his “wow” when he had us turn to face away from him. He then told us to bend forward and touch our toes, and I felt a thrill from him taking charge and getting me to display myself alongside Sapphire. When Mike spotted the plug in my ass he immediately sprang up off the stool and came and inspected me closely. “Oh my God, you’ve got one in too. That is so sexy.”

“Thank you,” I said. “Don’t get any ideas Though. I’m not planning on taking anything bigger back there any time soon.”

Once we had eaten dinner Mike asked if we were ready for dessert. “Not yet,” I said. “I’ll be back in a second.” I quickly ran to Sapphire’s room and returned with the largest plug, the lube and gloves. “Mike, I think the baby needs changing. I changed her once already when we were out shopping, so I think you should have a turn.” Mike looked very uncomfortable, but I decided to show no mercy. “Sapphire, go and lie down on his lap.”

Both Mike and Sapphire looked red in the face as she followed my command. Mike looked lost as he stared down at her bottom, so I explained the process I had used in the car. Before he started, I said “Sapphire, since you’ve been so good, I wanted to make this as painful as possible. How about you tell us how long you want to have the desensitizing lube on before he puts in the plug.”

“Thank you for thinking about me Mistress, but when you are swapping plugs, the best thing is to do it quickly before everything starts tightening up.”

“You got it,” said Mike, and just like that he yanked the first plug out and jammed the next one in. Sapphire gave a huge squeal and jumped like she’d been electrocuted. She ended up in a heap on the floor. I was quite worried until I saw that she was laughing.

“Jesus Mike, she’s a woman. You’re not connecting a garden hose.”

“I think I’m alright,” said Sapphire. “I was more surprised than anything.”

“Still, I’m sorry about that. You must be careful how you word things when talking to a man. It’s hard to find good staff.” Mike added his own apologies until I sent him into the kitchen to get our dessert.

Unfortunately, a lot of the sexual tension had gone out of the room, and I started to think of ways to get us back in the mood. When Mike came back to the table, I stood up and unbuttoned his shirt. Then, as I sat down, I unfasted my bra. Sapphire didn’t require any prompting to follow suit. We had shared a bottle of wine during dinner, then after we had finished dessert, I suggested Mike bring us all some brandy. When he returned with our glasses, I removed his trousers. I was pleaseded to see he was wearing a pair of satin boxes I had given him on Valentine’s Day. His penis wasn’t fully erect, but it was still pushing out the front of his underwear.

Once our glasses were empty, I caught Sapphire’s eye and asked the question with a simple raising of my eyesbrows. She answered with a quick nod of the head. I responded with a nod of my own, and we both stood up Simultaneously and left the room. Mike, who had been unobservant of our silent conversation, scrambled to his feet and followed in our wake to the master bedroom.

Sapphire passed straight through into the bathroom and emerged a minute later, minus her panties and butt plug. She climbed onto the bed and waited on all fours as an obvious invitation for Mike to possess her. As I watched Mike push down his underwear and free his eager erection, I knew something didn’t feel right to me.

“Hold on, hold on,” I said. I sat on the edge of the bed and patted the sheet beside me. “Come and lie down here. I don’t care if you’re a sex slave or not, but there’s no way I’m going to allow my husband to rush into this without some foreplay first. I don’t want him learning any bad habits.”

Sapphire lay down beside me and Mike lay down on the far side of her. He tenatively kissed her shoulder, then her cheek, then he nibbled on her earlobe before he started letting a hand wander over her body. At One point when he was playing with the breast nearest him, I reached out and played with the other one. When he lowered his lips to her nipple, I copied that too.

Mike’s hand was between Sapphire’s legs when I remembered that the toys and other stuff including lube was still in Sapphire’s room. When I returned, Sapphire was breathing heavily. Returning to the bed, I put some lube on my hand and reached across to slather it on Mike’s erection, eliciting a loud gasp. Then I encouraged Sapphire to roll her hips towards Mike so that I could put some lube on her ass. As I slipped a finger inside, her orgasm hit.

Once Sapphire’s orgasm had subsided, Mike immediately rolled her onto his stomach, jumped between her legs and started to pull her up onto all fours. Sapphire squealed, but it was a good squeal. “I think Mike feels I’ve had enough foreplay,” she said.

“Honey, I don’t think there’s a man alive who thinks that foreplay needs to continue after you’ve had an orgasm.”

Sapphire seemed to be concentrated on breathing slowly and deeply to try and get her body to relax and overcome the natural instinct to clnch the door shut. I stayed lying by her side and I put my hand on hers in support. She was frowning with the occasional quick grimace, but otherwise she showed no negative emotions as Mike’s hips moved ever so slightly in and out. After a while, I noticed that His hips were up against her bottom. I jumped up and had a look, but there wasn’t too much to see from that angle, but when I crouched down and looked underneath, I could see her empty pussy.Mike was definitely inside her ass.

I watched as Mike slowly pulled back until his helmet was almost showing, and then I had a great view as he slowly slip back inside. I watched him repeat that a couple of times before I returned to the head of the bed. I gave Sapphire a quick kiss on the forehead. “God that looks so kinky. You’re doing amazing, babe. Is the pain getting any better?”

“The pain doesn’t ever go away completely, but you do start getting pleasure on top of it. Mike could even start going a bit faster.” Mike slowly started increasing the tempo, and Sapphire responded with a low moan.

I recalled that when Sapphire had been telling me about her earlier experiences, she had said she thought she might have been able to climax if she’d had some stimulation to her clitoris. I grabbed my shopping bag, and at the bottom of it, underneath the straw-on, was the bullet vibrator. I was momentarily frustrated to find it used smaller batteries than the ones I had boughtt for the strap-on, but it didn’t take me long to find what I needed inside the television remote.

My next challenge was to try to get the small vibrator close to Sapphire while reaching through her legs. I found it hard to hold it there as she moved back and forward with Mike’s thrusts. “Hey, you guys. Do you think you can do it with Sapphire lying on her back?”

“Interesting idea,” said Sapphire. “I’ve never tried it that way before.”

Mike pulled out of Sapphire, and she rolled over onto her back. Mike grabbed her feet and pulled her to the edge of the bed. By lifting her feet and half standing/half kneeing, he was able to insert himself again. Now I had a clear view of her breasts and pussy, and I started to use the bullet on one and then the other. Mike started slowly in the new position, but soon he was thrusting as quickly as before. After a couple of minutes, he was thrusting as quickly as he does during regular sex. I knew he wouldn’t last much longer, so I concentrated as much as I could on giving Sapphire pleasure. I was soon rewarded when she tensed up so much that her shoulders rose up off the bed and she emitted a loud cry. Mike’s body was also tensing and jerking. He fell forward, and he only just caught himself with his arms before head-butting Sapphire. Then he allowed himself to fall backwards, slipping out of her and sitting down on the floor by her feet.

I wiped some sweat off Sapphire’s forehead. “Did you really get there, pet?” I asked.

“God yeah! I was worried I was going to black out there.”

“I was worried your ass was going to cut my dick off, it clamped down so hard,” laughed Mike.

“Oh, poor baby,” I said with a grin. “I guess you won’t want to try that again.”

Mike had no ready response to my teasing. I guess he didn’t want to push his luck. Eventually he said “I don’t think any guy should expect it once, let alone twice, in one lifetime. I’m very grateful. Thank you, Sapphire.”

“Don’t forget to thank your wife too,” said Sapphire with a knowing grin in my direction as she climbed off the bed and walked into the bathroom. Knowing that she was probably wanting to check and clean her bottom, I waited until she had returned before ordering Mike to go and have a shower.

“Don’t worry,” I told him. “I’ll wait for you before I start.”

It took some time to unpack the strap-on and sort out the Straps and the batteries. It had a small remote which you could hook onto the steps. The shake was thin and straight, and there were three different sleeps that you could slide onto the shake. Sapphire was picking them up and looking at them. There was one in particular that curved up noticeably at the end, and I noticed that she put it down a lot closer to me than the other two. I pretended I hadn’t noticed this as I picked it up and put it on.

Finally, all our busyness had ended. I couldn’t look at Sapphire as we both listened to Mike turning off the shower. I recalled my “your pussy belongs to me” line from earlier. I had been feeling so sexy and confident then, but the reality of the situation now was starting to take its toll. When Mike entered the room, I glanced at Sapphire and saw that she looked just as uncertain as I felt. Then I saw her go through her ‘getting into character’ process. “How may I please you Mistress?”

Sapphire’s question gave me the confidence I was looking for to get into character myself. “Have you ever been fucked by a woman?” I asked.

“No Mistress,”

“Prepare yourself. It’s not going to be like some man who shoots after a couple of minutes and goes all soft. This thing’s got fresh batteries and can go all night. You’re going to be begging me to stop.”

Dispite all my big talk, I almost freaked out as Sapphire lay back on the bed. The act of climbing on the bed, gently pushing her knees apart with mine and bringing our hips together, was overwhelmingly intimate, although the proximity of her facewas possible the most intimate of all. She was looking down at my fake cock as her hand guided the shake inside her, but after that our eyes met, and I felt like my heart stood still. I had been holding my chest up with my arms, but I soon found it less awkward to lower myself so it was my elbows supporting me, and I lowered my face so that we were chef to cheese instead of face to face. Of course, once I did This, our breasts were pressed against each other, but without the confronting intimacy of the eye contact, this was easier to cope with and was starting to turn me on.


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