I was totally spent after Sapphire had fingered me to three orgasms, and I was very tempted just to drift off to sleep. However, even though Sapphire was there as our slave, she was still a guest in our home. I got up and led her into the guest bedroom, which has its own bathroom, and I checked that she had enough towels and everything else she might need. Then, before I left her to have a shower, I gave her a quick hug.
“Thank you, Sapphire. I’m very pleased with you.”
She smiled. “Thank you, Mistress.”
“You know, I’d love to be able to thank you using your real name, but I guess that’s not appropriate.”
“Why, don’t you like the name Sapphire?” I could tell she was gently teasing me.
“It’s a lovely name. But you know what I mean, don’t you?”
“Yes Mistress.”
Mike had already shown and gone to sleep by the time I got back to our room. I showed, pulled on fresh panties and an old Guns ‘n’ Roses t-shirt my father gave me, and I crawled into bed myself.
Mike had promised to spend Saturday morning helping his sister move house, and he had to run a couple of open homes in the early afternoon, so when he wasn’t in bed when I woke up, I got straight out of bed. I was keen to see him before he left. I found him fully dressed in the kitchen making a large batch of French toast, and his big smile and loving kiss gave me all the reassurance I needed. It told me that even if we needed to follow this up with a huge talk about our relationship, I could trust that he remained committed to working things out.
I sat down on one of the stools at the breakfast bar to watch him cook. The small bag that was part of our price was lying there, so I opened it up and looked inside. I recalled Heather saying that the small price bag could enhance the experience of the premium price, and now I Understooth what she means. There was a thousand dollars’ worth of vouchers, all with a romantic or sexy theme. There were vouchers for lingerie, alcohol, beauty treatments, and one for an adult shop that I didn’t think I would ever be daring enough to enter.
My thoughts were interrupted by Mike giving a cheerful hello as he looked past me to the door. I swivelled around and saw Sapphire standing there. She was wearing another thong — a black one this time — and nothing else.
“Good morning, Mistress and Mike,” she said. “I’m sorry for sleeping in. I should be making the breakfast.”
I ignored that. “Didn’t you bring any clothes to wear?” I asked.
“Yes Mistress, but I didn’t want to put them on because I didn’t have your permission.”
I looked around at Mike and saw that he was grinning happily. “Michael!” I scolded. “You’re burning the toast.” I picked up a blouse that was sitting by my sewing kit waiting to have a seamless repaired and I handed it to Sapphire. “Here, you’d better put this on, or we won’t get anything edible.” I got Sapphire to sit on the stool beside me. The blouse wasn’t as long as my t-shirt and her ass was still on display. I just rolled my eyes whenever Mike found some lame excuse for coming around our side of the breakfast bar.
Once Mike had left (after checking out Sapphire’s ass even as he kissed me goodbye), I couldn’t help but comment. “I think he really likes your choice of underwear. I haven’t hurt a thong in years.”
“Really?” Sapphire was horrified. “But your ass would look great in a thong.”
“I just find them too uncomfortable.”
“You totally got used to wearing them. It’s like when you first start wearing bras as a teenager. You think that you will never find them comfortable, but after a while you don’t notice it at all.”
“Maybe I should buy some. I’ve got these vouchers,” I said, passing her the Gift bag. Sapphire spend a minute looking through the vouchers.
“These places are all in the same part of town,” she said. “If you wanted to go shopping today, then you would have the advantage of a slave to carry your bags.”
“That sounds like fun,” I said.
“You know, this lingerie place is really top of the range. You could get them to measure your bra size and get yourself some good quality bras.”
“What’s wrong with my bras?” I asked. Since the only bra she had seen of mine was one of my favourites, I couldn’t help but feel offended.
“The bra you wore last night was gorgeous, but I couldn’t help but notice that the underwires weren’t sitting flat against your ribcage. You might not have noticed it yourself since it had that extra strip of lace below the underwires.”
“But how did you notice? You only saw me wearing it for just a few seconds.”
“I’ve got an eye for these things. I’m doing fashion design at university.”
“Ok, but why would you assume that all my bras are the wrong size?”
“I don’t know for sure, but it does stand to reason if you bought such a nice set in the wrong size. Let me ask you a few questions. Apart from one or two special bras, most of your everyday bras are cheaper, aren’t they?”
I nodded.
“And when you first buy them, they are strangely uncomfortable for a few weeks but then they seem to fit you fine.”
Again, I nodded.
“And let me guess that you have been wearing the same size bra since the end of high school?”
“No. I went up a dress size in my first year at university, but my cup size has always been a C.”
“I disagree,” argued Sapphire. “You might have started needing larger jeans when your hips started getting curvier, but as for your chest, I think you went up a cup size, not a dress size. I think you will find that you’re a D cup now. The reason your cheap bras start fitting better after a few weeks is that they’re getting stretched.”
I stopped and thought about it. What Sapphire was saying made perfect sense. “Ok,” I said. “Let’s go shopping. I’ll just throw some clothes on and we’ll go.”
I put on a skirt and a blouse. I was too ashamed of my collection of old bras so I figured I could go without for the drive into the city. Sapphire was waiting for me by the door, still wearing just the blouse and thong she had already been wearing. I giggled while she kept a straight face. “Let me guess,” I said. “I have to order you to get dressed.”
“Yes Mistress.”
“In that case,” I said, feeling naughty, “if you’ve got a dress in your bag then I I want you to put it on. No underwear!”
“Yes Mistress.”
Sapphire joined me again a few minutes later wearing a cute summer dress with spaghetti straws. We took my old car and drive into the centre of town. As I drive, Sapphire phoned ahead to the lingerie shop and reserved a senior consultant and fitting room for me. The consultant was a woman in her 50s named June, and she was slightly motherly. She didn’t seem at all fazed when Sapphire joined us in the fitting room. She simply ascertained that I was the one wanting to be fitted with a bra, and she asked me to remove my blouse. She alsodidn’t bat an eyelid when she saw that I wasn’t wearing a bra already. I guess this only reassure her that I was more likely than most to buy something.
After taking some measurements, June soon confirmed Sapphire’s diagnosis that my breasts were a D cup. After discussing my preferences with regards to styles that I like, June went out into the store and returned with half a dozen different bras for me to try on. Once I had chosen two that I liked, we went on to choose colours, and eventually I had settled on a white lace bra and a red bra with black lace trim.
“Will you be wanting any matching accessories?” asked June as she started measuring my hips and wait.
“Yes, she’ll be wanting a pair of bikini style panties and a G-string for each bra,” said Sapphire.
“Very good. The red bra also has a garter belt that goes with it.”
“She wants that too.” I thought it was very cheeky for Sapphire to speak on my behalf like that, but I appreciated the decisions being made without me having to worry about how frivolous the purchases might be. I did have a small measure of payback when June returned with the panties and garter belt.
“My apologies, but I’ve only just remembered that the red set is on sale this weekend,” said June. “It’s two for the price of one. Would you like two sets of that type instead of the white set, or would you prefer to add the extras to what you have already selected?”
“Do they need to be the same size to qualify for the two-for-one deal?”
“In that case I’ll take an extra set in her size,” I said, pointing at Sapphire.
I saw that Sapphire was blushing when June asked her to remove her dress and discovered she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. I had already guessed that she didn’t have any public hair — she had put ‘not applicable’ on her profile for the section on whether she would permit her body hair to be altered. June remained professional as she took Sapphire’s measurements. She proclaimed Sapphire to be much the same size as me apart from being a C cup instead of a D. As she went out into the shop to get Sapphire’s lingerie, I quickly changed into the white G-string and bra and admitted myself in the mirror.
“I think that will be to Mike’s liking,” said Sapphire. “Of course you will have to do something with your pubes. There was a beauty treatment voucher in that bag. You could get a Brazilian.”
“I don’t think so,” I laughed. “My electric trimmer will do fine.”
When June returned, she frowned and reminded us that they didn’t allow customers to try on panties without another layer underneath, but I reassure her that I had already decided to buy them. However, I used this to Sapphire’s failure by making her try on just the bra, leaving her bottomless throughout. Since she had shown glimpses of being someone who normally likes to take charge, which may have been something that contributed to her exploring this sex slave role for varietyy, I was starting to have a bit of fun reminding her of her place.
Once we were happy that the bra for Sapphire was the right size, I said, “I’ll wear the white set home and we’ll take both red sets in one bag.” Turning to Sapphire, I reformed my decision by saying “The straps of that bra won’t really go with your dress.” She removed the bra while I picked up her dress, and I let her stand there naked just long enough for it to get weird before I handed the dress to her.
It turned out that with all our purchases we still hadn’t used all the voucher, even after we had added stockings to go with the garter belts. “May I suggest something?” asked Sapphire. “I noticed they sell packs of five struggles.”
“I’ll take a pack,” I said.
Once we had left the lingerie shop, I took Sapphire into the coffee shop next door, telling her I wanted a quick drink before going home.
“Aren’t you going to keep on shopping?” Sapphire asked. “The whiskey place is just down this road, the sex shop is only one block over, and the spa is just a bit further up the hill.”
“I don’t think so. I’ll probably go for some sort of pater package at the spa, so I’ll need to book that in advance, and Mike will want to go to the whiskey place. He’ll kill me if I spend that voucher without him. And as for the sex shop, I can’t see myself ever going into a place like that.”
“Why not?”
“Come on. There will be some old pervert behind the counter and a bunch of creepy guys lurking around. No thanks!”
“But it’s not like that at all. The staff are all women, and the male customers are usually so awkward that they just melt away whenever you go near them.”
“You’ve actually been there yourself?”
“I’ve been five times, including once every time I’ve done one of these Macleod weekends. It’s kind of a tradition. Usually the guys have given me some sort of gift from there to commemorate our time together.”
“I didn’t know I was meant to get you a gift.”
“And yet you’ve already bought me an expensive lingerie set. Even though you haven’t let me wear it yet I’m still pretty excited about it.”
We sat in silence for a bit while some questions floated around in my mind. “Sapphire, do you mind if I ask you how many of these weekends you have done?”
“I’ve done three. This is my fourth. Plus, I’ve done some auction stuff which is similar but different.”
“I don’t suppose you want to talk about it?”
Sapphire smiled. “Obviously I can’t name names, but if you want me to talk then I am yours to command.”
“I would like to know. Please Sapphire,” I said.
Sapphire gave me a strange look and paused to gather her thoughts. “The first time I did this I ended up with a single guy. Let’s call him Tie Up Guy because his thing was tying people up. It was a full-on fetish. He had all these ropes and chains, and he used all these intricate knots. He was copying pictures of tied up women he had found on the internet. He would spend half an hour or so tying me up, then he would fuck me for a few minutes and then untie me.”
“That sounds awful!”
“I know it sounds bad, but it wasn’t really. He was an intelligent guy, and he was fully aware that he was a tragic middle-aged man with a weird sex fetish, so he was kind of embarrassed and apologetic. He lived in a small bachelor pad filled with the Latest gadgets, and he was totally married to his work. He tied me up and had sex with me once on Friday night and again the next morning, then he left me alone all day. He never bothered to cook and had practically no food in his flat. He left me a wad of cash and a pile of brochures of places that deliver and told me to organize my own lunch, so he was really grateful when I offered to go out for groceries instead and cook dinner that evening. He had sex with me when he got home from work, again later in the evening and once more the following morning. He was kind of funny. When he wasn’t working or tying me up, we watched episodes from his MASH DVD box set. He even let me sleep in his bed while he sleep in a sleeping bag on the couch.”
“But didn’t you find it awful having him tie you up?”
“I was pretty freaked the first time and I was really regretting allowing it on my limits list. I’d been told by the other girls that it was normal to agree to it at the Macleod Parties because it’s safer since everyone works for him, and we’re all expected to have similar limits since we’re all earning the same money.”
“Once the first time was safely over and he had been so thankful, I started to get into it the other times. I guess his excitement was really infectious. Even though he asked me to strip naked while he stayed dressed, and he didn’t even grope me any more than he needed to get the ropes right, I could tell he was getting worked up, and I found it quite erotic. Once he had finished with the ropes, he would look at me from every angle, and even then it seemedlike he was admiring his handiwork more than my body. Then he pulled down his pants, applied some lubricant to both our genitals and stuck it in me.”
“I can’t really describe how sexy it feel to just be used like that, which is why I know I’m wired differently. My only purpose in that moment was to enable him to live out these fans which he would probably never dare discuss with a Girlfriend. He was too excited for my satisfaction to ever be a realistic part of the experience. He never lasted very long, and it left me desperate for an orgasm. He knew it too. Once he had untied me, he always offered to leave me alone to ‘compose’ myself, and we both knew he was leaving me to masturbate. I had these huge orgasms lying on his bed, leaking his cum, while he waited patiently in the other room for me to Join him for the next episode of MASH. I get wet just talking about it.” I suspected I was getting wet too, which I totally didn’t expect.
“Tie Up Guy took me to that adult shop on the Saturday evening. He knew just what he wanted. He bought this restraint pack which included all these Velcro cuffs and straps and clips, and a few traditional handcuffs and blindfolds. As he drove us back to his home, he said something like ‘I want you to have this stuff because I think you might like to get into this with a boyfriend or someone like that. I know that I’m a bit over the top, and nobody in their right minds would both with all the rope stuff I do, but I think you will enjoy this gift if you are brave enough to try it some more.’”
“One last thing about Tie Up Guy is that I started to get my hopes up that he wasn’t interested in anal. Doing anal goes hand in hand with being a sex slave. The girls at the club all say that’s where the money is. If you’re not prepared to do anal, then you’d better put your name down for something else that’s kinky and unusual like letting someone give you a piercing. So, anyway, Tie Up Guy waited until Sunday morning beforee he put the lubricant on my ass. I’d done it once before as a teenager and I’d chickened out part way through, but I figured I could try it again. What can I say; it was painful, but at least it didn’t last long, and it made me as horny as anything. It just confirmed what I had already discovered about myself — giving up control like that is so amazingly excited.”
“The Second time I did a Macleod party, I ended up with a guy I’ll call Checklist Guy. He was another single middle-aged man, except this guy had been married and was newly divided. According to him, his wife was totally unwilling to experiment in the bedroom, then she had an affair and blamed it all on him being too boring. The guy was quite bitter about it, I’ll tell you that. Anyway, after all those years, he was pretty keen to have some new experiences, and he basically treated the limits on my profile like a checklist to be ticked off over the course of the weekend.”
I had my copy of Sapphire’s profile inmy handbag, so I got it out. “Were your limits the same then as they are now?”
“Yes. All of us girls have basically the same limits. Some of them aren’t willing to do any water sports stuff, but a lot of them are more willing to do heavier spanking stuff. In my course, we’re always trying on different clothes in class, so I don’t want to have crueles or cuts. I guess Checklist Guy liked the look of my list.”
I needed to clarify something. “Water sports is wee, and scat is poo, isn’t it?”
“That’s right,” said Sapphire. “None of the girls do scat stuff. I think it’s only on the list to reform that we haven’t agreed to do it. Some of the girls talk about maybe doing it one day if they got a huge bid at our auction, but I think it’s mostly just talk. Scat is dangerous — it can make you really sick — while urine is basically sterile.”
“So, you let this guy wee on you?” I asked.
“Yes, and I had to wee on him too. I’m not sure which I found the most awkward. The one good thing about it was that this guy sat down on the first night and basically drew up a schedule for the weekend, so in the hours leading up to the water sports bit, I suggested that we both drink lots of water to prepare ourselves. Remember this the first time you try water sports, large volumes aren’t as bad as high concentration.”
“What makes you think that I’ll ever try water sports?” I asked.
“Isn’t that what these coffees are for?” teased Sapphire.
“Cheeky! Maybe I’ll order asparagus for lunch. That will make you think. Now carry on with your story.” For some reason my heart was thumbing.
“Sorry. Anyway, Checklist Guy took me to the sex shop early on the Saturday morning. As I say, he was the organized type and he had done some research. The thing he was most keen to try was (surprise surprise) the anal sex, but he was also anxious about it, so he used the voucher to buy an anal training kit, an enema kit, and some special anal lube that helps to desensitise you.”
“What’s an anal training kit?”
“It’s a pack of three different sized butt plugs that help to get you stretched out beforehand. You start by putting in the smallest, and then you work your way up to the largest. He got me prepared over the course of an hour or so, and I have to say that it made it quite tolerable. I might even have orgasmed if I’d rubbed my clip or something, but since him giving me oral sex was next on his list, it didn’t take much for him to get me off afterwards.”
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