The Prankster

After women got their Goddess like powers from the strange alien virus that swept the world, some men had it easier than others. Some women did not take advantage of their powers at all, and things went right on like nothing happened. Other women turned into total sadists, and all of the men who ever had wronged them in the past really suffered. Bill was somewhere in between.

His girlfriend Jodie was not a sadist, but, she really enjoyed putting him through his paces and she took full advantage of her new powers. Bill also had the great misfortune that Jodie was a major prankster before getting her powers and when she suddenly had the ability to manipulate anything on earth to her will he wondered what she would do with those new abilities. It did not take long for him to find out.

What Jodie really liked most about her new abilities was tricking Bill into being punished. After her powers came to fruition, she laid down the law. Bill was to do all housework, shopping andMake all of the money. She was to be completely patered and spoiled, and she enjoyed her new status immediately.

As an incentive, Jodie loved sealing Bill’s orgasms off and then sending her phantom feathers to work on his tortured cock at the most inopportune moments. Once when giving a speech at the rotary club, she had decided to give him the experience of a triple blow job, which made for quite the conversation at the meeting. The slightest infection would earn Bill hours, sometimes days of torque and despite loving her, he now also feared her.

If she didn’t punish Bill with orgasm denial, she also loved exposing him in public. Bill had a nice body, and she loved showing him off, especially to her friends who had such fat slobs as mates. It pleased her greatly also that he was an intensely private and shy person by nature and HATED being naked in public. This only seemed to egg her on, and she took great advantage of this and always gave Bill a choice of punishments, orgasm denial or public nudity.

Bill hated both, but, he hated being constantly teased without release more. He learned how to take his enforced nude punishments with some grace and had gotten quite creative with ways to hide his nakedness when he fell under her bad side. Jodie noticed this trend, and so decided to lay a trap for her boyfriend which made her wet just thinking about.

When she got back from shopping with her girlfriends, she had told Bill that he was to clean the pool before she got back. Bill knew better than to fight her directly, and grumbled his assent but once he heard the car leave the driveway, he popped open a cold one and decided to relax a bit before he started.

Jodie would be gone for hours so there was plenty of time to clean the pool, and frankly, it was good to have the house to himself for a change. I guess the beer got the better of him, and he quickly drifted off on the blind chair by the pool and slept the whole morning and some of theAfternoon away.

The sound of the slamming car door quickly wok him from his semi-drunk state and as he realized what had happened, he panicked. Looking up at the opening doors to the patio, his feelings of panic now only rose as there stood Jodie, glaring at him with all of her hot friends.

“Bill, Bill, Bill whatever am I going to do with you. Obviously rather than clean the pool, you decided to Just take the afternoon off. Well, you know what that means don’t you Bill. “

He just hung his head in shame as he knew better than to argue with her. With Jodie able to do anything she wanted to him, it was best to just grin and take whatever punishment she decided to hand out.

Jodie’s friends all giggled uncomfortablely as Bill stood up from the blind chair.

“Should we Leave?” Alice, one of Jodie’s extremely well endowed friends asked.

Bill felt his cock stir as he couldn’t help but stare at her luscious cleavage.

“No, don’t go girls. I want you to wItness this. I have found that the more humiliating the punishment for Bill, the more he will learn to behave better.”

The girls giggled louder and began to sit down around the pool, curious as to what would come next.

“You see girls, I like to give Bill a choice of punishments. For this infection he has the option of a month of blue balled teasing or a month of nudity.”

The girls howled in laughter, amazing both at the cruelty of Jodie, but also all of them hoped Bill would choose the nudity option as he was not hard on the eyes.

Bill was desperate and already blushing as he tried to think of a way out. Jodie had already teased him all night the night before and, he had planned on rubbing one out before she got home, before he fucked up and slept the day away.

The idea of ​​her slow phantom feathers torturing his aching cock for a solid month, when already he so backed up with cum was just too much and he blushed as he knew what the answer was.

He figured the nude punishment was the better option, and despite the humiliation, he could deal with it better. After all, he would only be flashed for a second in front of her friends and then could cover himself up. Might be momentarily embarrassing, but, he could make the best of it.

“OK Jodie, you win. I choose a month of nudity.” Bill replied, hanging his head in shame.

“Good Choice Bill”, and with that she blinked and Bill was instantly striped completely naked. As Bill opened his eyes, he noticed he couldn’t move his hands or feet.

“What the hell is this Jodie?” Bill screamed as he realized he was locked in a spread-eagle position, with everything completely and obscenely exposed as he was chained to spreader bars behind his back.

Struggle though he might, he could not do anything to hide his nudity and in his effort to get loose, he was flopping all over the place to the delight of his audience. The girls all laughed hysterically at his predicament, and lustily ran their eyes over his exposed body.

“Quite the mouth on you Bill, I think you might need an extra punishment. I added the spreader-bar punishment since I noticed you were “cheating” on your naked punishments over the last few months. Keeping your hands over your cock, or finding a way to draw a towel around yourself without touching your skin really doesn’t make it much of a Punishment now does it. Well, now you REALLY will be TRULY exposed for a month.”

Laughing as she saw the growing horror in Bill’s Eyes she continued. “Don’t worry about feeding yourself, as I will see that you get fed and watered. Walking might be a bit difficult in that contraction, and you are going to do a LOT OF WALKING with me, but you will get used to it. I bet After this month you might reconsider the orgasm denial punishment as a better alternative.”

“You BITCH! Come on Jodie, this is not.” Bill screamed angrily, not thinking of the consequences.

“AH AH AH!” Jodie yelled back,and with that, Bill found his mouth sealed shut right in mid-sentence.

“Well, I was going to be merciful and maybe milk you every other day since it isn’t fair that you be forced to be naked AND denied, but, your mouth once again has gotten you into trouble. And for good measure, I think that latest outburst deserves some sort of ADDITIONAL punishment don’t you girls?”

The girls all agreed, and held their hands over their mouths as they could barely restrain their glee.

Bill’s eyes rolled back in his head and he began to shiver as he felt the tell-tale tickling of the phantom feathers struggling the head of his cock and lightly brushing his balls. His mouth sealed, he silently gasped as he realized this was going to be a very long and humiliating month.


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