The Predator Ch. 06

Mike and Tiny stood over the helpless girl bound to the pool table…Tiny didn’t say anything, he could see his Boss’ thoughts churning and know better than to interrupt. The girl on the table was also quiet, not knowing what to do, but knowing better to say anything…the tension in the room was thick.

Finally Mike looked up at Tiny, his eyes narrowed and his voice low, “what do you say about helping me break this bitch?” he asked.

To say the least, Tiny was surprised, never before had the Boss asked him to assist in training a new girl, this one was definitely special. Normally the Boss fucked, actually rapped, the new girls first and then handed them off to one of the boys to break in, nope this one was definitely special. He hesitated a moment before asking, “Ya sure, Boss?”

Mike slowly nodded his head, “I have some rules though, so listen up before you agree.”

Tiny, nodded, listening.

“First, the girl is mine…my personal slut…no one, and I meanno one, touches her without my consent.” Mike started.

Tiny nodded, listening.

“Second, you will be her protector if and when I am not around and you will protect her with your life just like you do with me.” Mike continued.

Again, Tiny nodded.

“Third, you will assist in her training, but it will be my training rules; if she becomes unmanageable, then we will resort to some your techniques.” Mike continued to add.

Tiny nodded.

“Fourth, her cunt and ass are mine and only mine.” Mike kept on.

Again, Tiny nodded.

“Fifth, marking will be kept to a bare minimum…unless of course, she becomes unruly.” Mike added.

Tiny, nodded and continued to listen.

“Last thing, she will be living with me at my home away from the compound…I’m not taking any chances with the temptation from the other guys and everything that entails.” Mike concluded.

Tiny nodded in understanding.

Mike stood up and crossed his arms over his chest, waiting for Tiny to speak.

“Well, man? What do you say?” Mike asked, his eyes boring into him, waiting.

Tiny rubbed his chin thoughtfully a minute or so, looked up and grinned, “be my pleasure to assist you Boss, I’m honored you feel I am up to the challenge.” he finally stated.

The two shook hands to seal the deal, both of their eyes dropping down to the girl secured on the table. Her eyes darted back and forth between the two, knowing that her fate had been sealed.

Mike looked down at her, his thumb and forefinger closing over her nipple, slowly rolling and pinching it lightly, watching her body come alive under his ministers. “You heard everything and know that you will be protected, correct, my sweet little slut?” he questioned.

Slowly she nodded, fighting her body not to respond and failing miserably.

“You will be my personal slut until I tired of you or you prove to be too much of a problem and then I will put you in the ranks with the other sluts.” he warned. “And that is not someplace you want to be, understand?” he added, his eyes taking on a dangerous gleam.

Slowly she nodded, dark eyes wide…gasping as she felt his hand come down on her cunt in a light smack.

“You will answer me verbally, little girl, not with a head nod unless you are gagged, got it?” he demanded.

“Yes, Sir” she responded softly.

“Yes, Master…or Daddy…not Sir…you’re now owned.” he corrected. “Tiny will be addressed as Sir” he clarified for her.

“Yes, Master” she whispered, her back arching as he continued to roll and pinch her nipples.

He continued to pinch and roll her nipples, smiling as her body started to understand and buck against the table. He nodded his head to Tiny to indicate him to play with her other nipple as his hand slid down to her juicy cunt.

Tiny nodded and began pinching and rolling the hard nipple, watching her as she understood against the table, low soft moans escaping from her lips.

“She definitely is a hot little bitch isn’t she, Boss?” Tiny mused.

“Ahhh, we are just getting started with this one, she likes a little pain mixed in, it seems too,” Mike interjected as he lightly scratched her open cunt, making her hips buck up off the table.

Tiny grinned and started to apply more pressure to her nipple…rolling and pinching it, pulling it away from her body as the Boss did that same thing. The girl was understanding helplessly on the table…her head rolling back and forth, her teeth sunk into her bottom lip as she tried to control her rebellious body.

“It seems, though, that she is fighting her body’s responses…another product of today’s society to be sure” Mike stated matter-of-factly.

Mike continued to slap her cunt lightly, slowly increasing the intensity as he closely watched her body’s response, altering between spanks to pinch her clip.

“Beg me for your orgasm, cunt. Don’t you dare cum without my permission…hear me, cunt?” Mikecommanded.

When she didn’t respond, he spanked her cunt hard, his hand cracking against the wet, juicy flesh. His voice low as he demanded, “I asked you a question, cunt.”

“Yes, Daddy….yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssss….please Daddy….ohhhhhh Daddy….please…may I cum, Daddy….please?” she begged.

“No, you may not, slut” he whispered harshly against her ear, Intensifying his manipulations against her cunt and nipples as he spoke.

Struggling against the cuffs binding her as her body compromised out of control, hips bucking and humping against his hand she screamed out her frustration.

“Please, Daddy…please…I can’t take it…I need to cum…please Daddy…please” she begged tearfully.

He bent down low to her ear, whispering in her ear, his breath hot against her flesh, “Who do you belong to, slut?”

“You….Daddy….you…please…Daddy….please…may I cum…please Daddddddddy…please let me come for You, Daddy?” she begged again.

“Whose cunt is this, slut?” he whispered as he smacked the flat of his hand down against the soaking cunt.

“Yours..Daddy…yours” she gasped, her hips bucking out of control.

“Cum for me…cum for me, my sweet slut” he commanded in hushed tones, as he continued to harshly manipulate her body.

Her body arched up away from the table as her body explored over and over against his hand, a long guttural Skill ripping from the depths of her belly as she soared. Her hips continued to hump against his hand, bucking and emrith, her juices flowing repeatedly as her body gained relief from its torque.

He and Tiny continued their manipulations, forcing orgasm after orgasm from her. Only then did they slowly decrease the intensity and pace until she lay, quivering and limp, against the table, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she slowly spiraled down from her high.

“Get her some water, Tiny” Mike softly commanded.

“Sure thing, Boss” Tiny responded, already moving quickly to the door.

She lay limp against the table, her harsh gasping breath slowly coming back to normal as Mike gently caressed her, raising goose bumps on her flesh with his called hands.

“You did well, little girl” Mike softly prayed her, his hands still gently caresing her as she slowly recovered.

“Thank you…..Daddy” she whispered, smiling softly up to him, her dark eyes glazed over.

“Will you behave if I take these cuffs off you and let you sit up?” he asked her.

Slowly she nodded her voice soft, “yes Master.”

Tiny had returned with a glass of water and had witnessed the interaction between the two, hanging back in the shadows until they finished so he wouldn’t interrupt.

Mike looked over his shoulder, “got the key for the cuffs, Tiny?” he inquired.

“Yep, Boss” Tiny responded, pulling the key from his pocket and setting the glass of water down on the pub table.

While Tiny unlocked the cuffs from the table, Mike was gentlely caresing her face, stroking her matted hair out of her face, softly talking to her in hushed tones.

Once she was completely released from the bondage, Mike lifted her off the table and set her down on shaky legs, his voice soft as he spoke “go to the restroom and clean yourself up, wash your face and relieve yourself, sweetness. Tiny will be outside the door, so no funny business, got it?” he added as a cautionary measure.

Looking up to him, her dark eyes innocent and free of any mischief, her voice soft, “yes Master.”

Tiny looked over her head to the Boss, confused as to his training techniques thus far. Mike could see his questions in his eyes and was not ready to answer any questions at this point…hell, he didn’t know himself, he was just going by instinct on this one.

Mike nodded his head to the door indicating Tiny should escort her to the restroom while he sank heavily into the bar stool and waited for their return.

He had just finished takinga long drag straight from the whiskey bottle when they returned to the room. His eyes raking over her as she walked shyly up to him, her long golden blond hair had been combined free of tangles and hung in loose waves down to the curve of her ass, all traces of make-up had been washed away leaving her peaks and cream complexion natural. She looked even younger with out the layers of make-up.

“Pull up a stool, Tiny” Mike stated, his eyes never leaving hers as he spoke.

He looked at Tiny, an unspoken look passing between the two of them before he looked back at the girl standing totally naked before them, wobbling slightly in her high heels, her hands clapped in front of her.

“I’m going to ask you one more time, little girl, if this is truly what you want. If you want out, now is the time to speak up…I will let you go freely and nothing more will happen. If you agree to be mine, then I will never let you go, do you understand?” he asked cautiously, suddenly becomeg nervous as the words flowed from his lips. He glanced quickly at Tiny and then back to the girl, waiting for her to speak.

She shifted on her feet, her long lashes shielding her eyes from him, her fingers twisting as she contemplated his words. Slowly she looked up to him, and in that moment he knew, he could see it in her eyes, a slow smile hovering on his lips as he waited for her to gather her words.

Her voice was so soft, he had to lean forward to hear her, “I was Yours from the moment I saw you in the corner watching me that first night I came in here, Master. I could feel You in my belly, if that makes any sense and that’s why I keep coming back here. I don’t know what it is I am feeling; I just know that I have never felt this before and know I won’t feel it ever again if I leave, Master…Daddy”

As she uttered her last word, Mike swooped her up into his lap, kissing her deeply as he nestled her against his broad chest.

Tiny sat dumbfounded in the bar stool; never before had he witnessed anything like this. Now he was starting to understand why this one was so special to the Boss…hell, in a way he was almost jealous.

“Tiny…get some writing paper and a pen…we have a letter to write” Mike stated.

Tiny was up and out of the chair and already on his way to the back office for the items.

Mike was still nestling the girl to him and they were kissing like lovers when Tiny returned. He cleared his throat to announce his arrival back.

“Sweetness, write a letter to your father and tell him that you have been offered the opportunity of a lifetime, you had to leave right away and ask that your personal things be packed and sent to this address as soon as possible” Mike dictated.

She hurriedly scribbled on the paper as he spoke, signing her name at the bottom of the page after she had finished.

“What about my job, Master?” she asked shyly.

“You don’t need it, sweetness…better send a letter to yourboss with your resignation” he answered.

And, her hand was a flourish of movement as she wrote out the resignation letter, signing it at the bottom and then ripping both sheets from the tablet and handing them to her Master.

“Get dressed, slut…we are going home” Mike commanded as he shoved the letters into envelopes, handling them to Tiny to take care of.

She slid off his lap and retrieved her blouse, buttoning it up and then wiggling into the mini skirt. Once she was done, she stood before him, waiting.

Mike had watched her get dressed and then stood up and placed a hand on each side of the bloom and ripped open the bloom, sending buttons flying in all directions. He then started rolling the shirt tail up, stopping just below her tits and tied the two ends together, the knot nestled in the valley between the two full globes, noting that her nipples had immediately elongated and strained against the thin fabric.

“Better, slut…much better” he remarked, tweaking a hard nipple and grinning as she blushed profusely.

“Here put on my leather jacket, it’s going to be a chilly ride home on the bike” he stated as he helped her into the jacket; chuckling as she got swallowed up inside it, the coat hanging past her knees.

“We’ll get you one that fits a little better later, slut” he remarked as he put his hand on the small of her back and guided her to the door.

“I’ll call you in a few days, Tiny, once I get her settled in and we’ll start the training” Mike throw over his shoulder as he opened the door leading out into the cool night air.

“I’ll be here waiting, Boss” Tiny hollered back, grinning and shaking his head in disbelief.

To be continued…


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