The Prairie Girl and The Highlander.
“Are you ready Little Julie?”
She bit her lip and nodded, eyes wide and breath shallow. Was she? She hoped so but feared chickening out, what would he think of her if she wasn’t really able to do all the things she had promised? Had she was writing online cheques she couldn’t cash in real life?
“You have a safe word, Little Julie,” he must have sensed her nerves and spoke in a low, steady tone, ” It’s there for a reason. If it gets too much use it and we break. I’ll give you nice cuddles and we’ll talk.”
She nodded and sank to her knees in front of him, onto the cushion he had placed on the floor.
“I want you as comfortable as you can be when struggling to breathe with my cock briising the back of your throat. If you have to tap out and stop, that’s OK, but I don’t want it to be because your knees are sore after half an hour on a hardwood floor.
“Get ready Little One. Show me what you have learned, and how well you can take instruction.”
She looked up at him and held his gaze. She tied her long dark hair into a loose high ponytail, trying to remember what he had told her over DM as she practiced throating a plastic cock in her bedroom, preparing herself for the day they finally met.
That day had finally arrived and now her mind was blank. She thought hard, trying to remember all the things he had taught her but all she could remember was make eye contact and relax your throat. Good tips she was sure, but not enough.
“Sir? Can you tell me what to do? I know I should know but it’s just a bit overwhelming. I want to do it though. I want to please you. I just need you to guide me. Just for the first time.I promise i’m a quick learner.”
The words coming out her mouth hardly felt like hers. Her voice had gone up in pitch, making her sound like an airhead, a bimbo. A fucktoy.
I guess that’s who i am now
He smiled down at her and cupped her chin in his big, rough hand, his thumb struggling her cheek.
“Of course Little One. Let’s start small.”
He withdraw his hand from her cheek, his fingernails grazing her skin until his hand was in front of her face, palm open, thumb pointing slightly upward. She knew what she had to do now. Instinct began to take over her movements.
Her lips parted and she took his thumb into her mouth. She looked up and the look of love on his face made her tummy flip.
Julie sucked on her new Daddy’s thumb with the same adoration she would soon give to his cock. Her busy, anxious mind began to quietly and she focused on the one thought that echoed around her brain, dizzying in its insight and truthfulness.
Today was the day her life changed forever.
In her long search Julie had come across so many jokers and fantasists, men who thought sadism and dominance were the same thing, and so many creeps and scammers that she felt she was looking for a unicorn. A Daddy and Gentleman, and a sexual animal who would give her what she wanted, what she craved: a much older man who would control her, teach her to please him, mould her into the perfect little FuckDoll, but protect her and care for her.
And just when she was about to give up, dismiss her desires as unachievable fansies, there he was. Standing in front of her with a bouquet of pink peonies and wildflowers in hand, 6″2 of modern masculinity with blue eyes and grey-streaked hair swept back and cropped at the temples.
They met on the internet of course, where else did people looking to quelch very specific thirsts go in the modern world? And now, after months of messaging they were meeting in the flesh.
He was twice her age and loomed above her, a head taller and brawny enough that her mind Wandered unbidden to images of being thrown over his shoulder. He resembled more a house trained Viking chief put in a casual grey suit than a finance professional uprooted from Scotland to the prairie for a year long second in a city in the State next to hers.
“I don’t date much, really. And this is my first date since I moved to the states but I reckoned flowers say “Not a Psycho?”.
He gave a smile that split his rugged face showing sharp white canines. Maybe more Wolf than Viking.
And then they were suited in a secluded booth in her city’s nice Italian restaurant, a basement of dim lights, poisoned brass, wooden booths and immaculately dressed waiting staff.
“It’s lovely to meet you Julie. I mean, I feel I know you pretty well already and I’ve seen… well…” he let the sentence drift and she blushed crisis know exactly what he means.
“Anyway, it’s good to meet you in person.” He smiled into her eyes and she swallowed and forced herself to hold his gaze. “So where shall we start! There’s so much I want to know.”
He spoke slowly in a deep voice with a Scottish brogue, with short vowels and Rs that rolled on forever, like a Russian doing a decent attempt at a Canadian accent.
“Well maybe your name? That would be a good start? You were rather cryptic online and it’s nice to know your date’s name” she said with a cheeky smile that he found charming.
“So it’s R-U-A-I-R-I-D-H, pronounced Ruarry although “Rory“ is the English version and that is absolutely fine. Means Red King but the red in my bear has long since gone grey”.
He rubbed a hand through his bear ruefully,
“So it’s not really that difficult to pronounce. But everyone in the office took one look at it written down before I joined and decided to just call me Mac. Which I’m actually fine with. Mac feels a bit like my American alter ego and I’m told Rory is more of a girls name over here, is that right?”
She nodded, sucked on her straw and felt the curse of her shyness, banished through positive thinking and excitement before the date, begin to creep back up her spine, forcing her shoulders inwards.
“So in short Rory or Mac, your choice, whichever you prefer” and she thought that hopefully it would be neither she referred to him in private but something else entirely.
He started to move his thumb in her mouth. It took her a moment of confusion to realize he was gently fucking her mouth with his thumb. Then her mouth was empty and she felt hollow as he rubbed her saliva across her lips like lip gloss.
“Please Sir, don’t tease me.”
He looked down at his crotch in response and she knew the warm up was over. Hands shaking she struggled to pull his belt off while he stroked her hair as if he was soothing a skittish mare.
And then his cock was in her hand, hard and warm even through his boxes, she could feel tiny movements under her hand that brought home to her that this was the real thing, so different from the plastic cock she had practiced so diliginally on. She stroked it mindlessly through the thin material.
“Do you want to see it Little Julie?”
She nodded and he dipped her head, giving her permission to proceed. She peeled the material down and squealed as it sprung up, hitting her face as it rose almost perpendicular
He laughed, “Careful, I don’t want to give you a black eye!”
She giggled and felt The last of her nerves drain away. Her hand was on his bare cock now, barely an inch away from her face.
“Have you seen an uncut cock before Little One? No? Pull the foreskin back, gently.”
She made an O with her mouth as she pulled his foreskin back and saw drops of clear precum bead on the exposed head.
“It does that because I am very turned on Little One. My body is reacting to you.”
“The balls are moving!” she squealed in surprise.
“Yes, they are full of cum. Cum that will all over your pretty face soon my Babygirl.”
“I’ll never have looked pretty,” she spoke without taking her eyes off the long, thick cock in front of her.
It was only the second cock she had ever held in her little hands and that was years ago, in high school and a horrible experience that made her shudder to recall.
“Tell me what to do Sir. Tell me how to please you.”
“First things first. Good girls kiss the tip don’t they? It only seems polite, don’t you think?”
He tasted salty and clean, like the ocean.
“Now wrap the fingers of one hand around the base of my cock. When you take me in your mouth you are always aiming for your lips to touch those fingers. Don’t be afraid to hold it tightly. If you can control the movement it should stop you from gagging. And when you bring your lips down you can bring your fingers up till they touch. I want you to bring your hand up a little bit less every time though.
“We will go slow but don’t be fooled, I am going to push you hard.”
Her hand was struggling his cock with her free hand as he spoke, mesMerised. It was what three, four inches? bigger than the only that had spurted over her hand in high school. A man’s cock, not a boy’s.
“There’s no way I can get that all in my mouth, Sir.” His voice was level but firm.
“You can and you will Little Julie.
“Now it needs to be wet. Giving a handjob on dry skin is excruciating for the man.”
“Use your hand to carefully rub the precum over the length of my shake. Now squeeze the shake in an upward movement… see what you have done? Good Girl”
She looked in amazement as she squeezed more and more beads of precum out of his cock with her hand.
“It’s like milking a cow!” She shrieked, giggling and the sight and an unexpected sense of power.
“Ha ha, not quite Little One, but I think that analysis might be more appropriate later.”
For the first time she noticed his voice was breathy, and had lost the imperious quality it had earlier in the evening.
Over lasagna and carbonara they talked about everything and nothing and as the conversation flowed she began to relax.
He asked her about life at college and her plans afterwards, gave her time to answer fully, listened carefully and asked thoughtful questions.
When it was his turn to share he seemed both open but also refreshingly brief when talking about himself. He worked for a consultancy group that had the contract to roll out a new HR system to a regional bank headquartered in the State.
“And, No, it’s not very interesting work and not what I thought I’d be doing at your age. But I’ve just finished a very similar project in the UK so I can say I’m a safe pair of hands. I had to pull favours to get the gig though, there are plenty of my colleagues Stateside who could do it. But when a chance came up, not just to get on your side of the Pond but a few hours drive away… well i just had to try and see where this could go.
“I’ll video the kids at least a coupleof times a week. They’re at the age where they don’t need or want me over at their place every couple of days and it’s hard enough getting them off their xboxes, I might actually see more of them on Twitch than I do normally. And I’m flying them over in a couple of months, I’ve got tickets for a Cowboys game and they’re super hypered about that.”
“What did you think you would be doing when you were my age?”
“Honestly? I thought I would have died tragically at some old age like… 35” he laughed, “obviously already a rock and roll legend by that time. Or a famous novelist. Or both!”
“But then Fiona got pregnant and I got a serious job in an office and well” he shrugged, “fifteen years later I’m divided and running IT projects in financial services. Life happens. I’ve been lucky though, all in all.”
This was… nice. Grown up. A conversation with a man where he wasn’t dominating the conversation nor telling her how easy her generation had it. Where she could shareHer dreams without worrying about mockery or being dismissed.
By the time their shared cheesecake came the conversation had moved on to more sexual matters.
“So I’m here for six months. Pretty firm stop after that so we both need to be clear we are not each other’s happy ever after. You have a future here, I have a life and responsibility on the other side of the Atlantic. This is time limited, with a hard stop.
“But. We can have a lot of fun in six months. I will work long days but that means I can be free most weeks. I know you live with rooms but maybe you could show me some of the State? And I’ve always wanted to see the Rockies. Denver is only a couple of hours away by air, maybe a week in Aspen later in the year? A cabin for a couple of days?”
“And where you have to study I can come here and we can hook up for a while then you can go and do what college students do this decade. Beer Pong? Is that a thing? I’m outta touch. I went to uni twenty years ago.”
She gave that smile that she knew charmed him. “You’re awful forward Sir. What if I am worried that your intentions towards me are not entirely honourable?”
“Oh Julie let me assure you of that. My intentions towards you are thoroughly dishonourable. I want to make you into the perfect little fucktoy for a man twenty years older for the time i’m here.
“And in return get to spoil you rotten, take you on nice trips, give you some nice instagram pics and show you how you should be treated in a relationship and how you should be used sexually. I know you are inexperienced.”
His wicked smile faded and he looked almost gentle. As gentle as a wolf can look at least.
“That’s not a kink for me, your inexperience. But neither does it put me off. I will do everything I can to make your first time special and an experience that you want to remember, not one you are desperate to forget.”
“Oh, and to be absolutely clear, I mean your first threetimes. You have three holes, don’t you Little Julie?”
“Yes Daddy.”
Shall I get the bill Little Julie?”
“Yes Daddy.”
“I want to be clear. If you come back to my hotel room I will use you hard till morning. I want to see how well you have been following my guidance in your practice sessions. I want to try out your mouth Little Julie. And your Throat.”
“Yes Daddy.”
He guided her with a reassuring hand at the small of her back to a waiting cab and she had the sensing of willingly tripping down the rabbit hole
“I think you have got as much pre cum as you’re going to get. Spit on my cock Julie.”
She felt like a whore. No. She felt like His whore.
“Good Girl. Now take my cock into your mouth and swirl your tongue around the head. Keep your hand around the base so you have a sense of control. Don’t worry about taking it too deep, just slobber on it and get it wet and sloppy.”
She wrapped herlips around his cock and tenatively took the head into her mouth. For the first time in her life a real cock was in her mouth. He had taken her first virginity.
She swirled her tongue around the head on his cock and slowly sunk her lips further down. She remembered his written instructions during her private practice sessions.
Keep your tongue moving, go slow, and work my shake with your hand and mouth together
“Good girl, you’re doing great. Remember salvia is your friend when giving head. If you want to look dignified and ladylike then stand up and leave now. If you want to do this properly you need to commit. I want you all drooly and messy. If you are going to be a good little cocksucker for me your dignity has to be left at the door. It will be there waiting for you When you leave.”
The room was filled with the wet, sucking sounds of her cock worship, she was started with how loud it sounded.
“Now I want to bob that pretty little head of yours down on Daddy’s head, bring your hand right up to the head, take a breath and go down as deep as you can, your lips following your hand on the downstroke.”
“That’s it good girl. Yesss, ” he gave a low groan and she felt her scalp tingle with pleasure and pain as he tightened his grip on her hair. Then he released his grip and massed her head and her pussy pulsed at the mix of sensings.
“Don’t move your hand fast on the downward stroke. That’s one of the biggest mistakes girls make, along with not getting it wet first. You can have a really firm grip with your hand, you wont hurt me. But if you jerk the foreskin downward you will. And it’s really not sexy.
“Different guys will have different preferences for speed but err on the slow slide and Always keep a steady rhythm. For me, I want you to go super slow, like a yoga movement. I want to feel every movement of your hand and lips.
“I’m not in a rush to cum and like to savour the feeling of having my cockworshipped. And to be clear Little Julie you’re doing amazing, I’m so proud of you. Is this really your first time?”
She bobbed her head in response, not realising the consequences of doing that with a mouth full of cock and gagged. He stroked her hair but held her head in place.
“Breathe through your nose, don’t pull back unless you need to, remember your training, breathe through Your nose and let the feeling pass. That’s it! Good girl, such a good girl Julie.”
Her heart swelled at the praise and how she had recovered after her rookie mistake. He tugged at her hair to pull her head back until her mouth was empty.
“Breath Little Julie. Big deep gulps of air. I wanted you to know you could breathe through it and you did, well done. I’m proud of you. But this feels a good time to get some air in your lungs. It’s time to step it up.”
“Kiss the tip tip. What do good girls do first?
“They kiss the tip. And I’m a Good Girl Sir.” she tilted her head, smiledsweetly and turned on her 100 watt charm consciousness her chin was shiny with her own drool
“Stoke Daddy’s cock with your little hand and… yes, that’s good baby…… lick my cock like it’s a, a… yummy ice cream… on a, a, hot summer’s day.”
His breath was ragged now and his words came out in staccato bursts. Her heart swelled with pride and she embraced the feeling of being his perfect little student.
“Am I doing OK daddy? Are you happy with your little Girl? She smiled sweetly and loved the look of lust in his eyes that burned fiercer at her words.
He beamed back at her. They were talking without words now.
“Babygirl push your free hand into your pretty purple and pink panties for me. That’s it. Are you wet Little Julie?”
She blushed and nodded.
“Show me Little one.”
She blushed criminal as she held out her free hand, shiny with her wetness and traces of thicker girl cream.
“Good Girl. Now I want you to take my cock back into your little mouth and we’re not going to stop until I cum on your pretty face.
“And I need you to understand that I don’t care if you gag or cry, it actually turns me on a little. And I want one of your hands on my daddycock working with your lips and tongue as I’ve shown you while your other hand plays with your princess parts. I will tell you when I’m close and want You to try and cum together. Can you do that for me, Little Julie?”
All that mattered was being a good girl now. Making Daddy cum and making herself cum as his seed decorated her face. She was his now, a Doll, a Toy, and was determined to be a damn good one.
She lost herself in her work, taking his cock deeper and deeper until she felt it touch the top of her throat. She chased and gagged on His length, sometimes she was able to breathe through it, sometimes had to break for a second to gulp down some air before returning to her work with enthusiasm. From his growls and gasps, and the way he gripped her hair she thought he found her trying and failing to take all of his in her mouth but immediately returning to her work more of a turn on.
She was rarely conscious that her pretty makeup was ruined, her face covered her drool and precum. And she did not care.
She kept a steady pace, always slower than she thought was right, one hand gripping his slippery shaft, very slowly pumping it up and down with a twisting motion while she made an O with her lips up and sank down his shake, all the time her tongue moving over the head of his cock.
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